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Game Makers Banner

Dragon Warrior

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Here's a quick banner I made for the Game Making thread here on OB. We're trying to get many people to post in that thread with some interest in game making so James will make a game making section here on OB. But we need lots more members than we have posting currently so if you're interested, go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=568295]here.[/URL]

Anyways, teh banner :<
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It's a pretty good banner, but there are some changes that could be made. First being the top text. It's barely readable. The white text is the best font and effect of the whole piece. I don't know if you used the wind filter or what, but it looks great. Probably because the background has alot of horizontal motion in it. The blue text is alright, but doesn't really match the background color and the glow throws everything out. Plus, there's not enough negative space. Yes, negative space is usually a bad thing, but it's too cluttered here.

Suggestions: Take out the blue text. Center the white text (or leave it off-center, it might work out, but it might throw your balance off), change the font at the top. I love the background though :)
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