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The Bokizzle Banner Thread

Dragon Warrior

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[b]Bokizzle[/b] is just a name I gave to this series of banners I'm making with odd designs and the word "Bokizzle" in them. You'll also notice a little dude in there in all the banners. Here are my first two in this style. Note, the second banner I dedicated to the funky mascot XD

[b]Bokizzle Banner #1[/b]

[b]Bokizzle Banner #2[/b][/center]

Bytheway, in the second banner, I was trying to make the bottom text not easy to read. Why? Dunno. As I said before, Bokizzle banners is more than crazy, they're the shizzle!

Wait... I never said that... oh well...
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[color=blue][size=1]BOKIZZLE!! Awesome!! Another great creation from teh mind that be: Dragon Warrior. Lol.

Okay, onto the "reviewing".

Bokizzle Banner #1: Nice job!! I like the dagger in the middle (what's that yellow stuff around it; a ribbon?). Great fonts. And the background's neat, too. ^__^
Rating: 10/10

Bokizzle Banner #2: This one's funny. I like the stickguy who's upset (is he constipated... o.O;; ?). I'm impressed at how you managed to get his head in three different places and make them look different from eachother. Awesome. And what do you mean you were trying to make the bottom text not easy to read? I can read it just fine... O.O ... Nice colors.
Rating: 10/10

Love 'em Gav. ^__________^[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=Kitty][color=blue][size=1]BOKIZZLE!! Awesome!! Another great creation from teh mind that be: Dragon Warrior. Lol.

Okay, onto the "reviewing".

Bokizzle Banner #1: Nice job!! I like the dagger in the middle (what's that yellow stuff around it; a ribbon?). Great fonts. And the background's neat, too. ^__^
Rating: 10/10

Bokizzle Banner #2: This one's funny. I like the stickguy who's upset (is he constipated... o.O;; ?). I'm impressed at how you managed to get his head in three different places and make them look different from eachother. Awesome. And what do you mean you were trying to make the bottom text not easy to read? I can read it just fine... O.O ... Nice colors.
Rating: 10/10

Love 'em Gav. ^__________^[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

Trust me, there will be someone out of the crowd that'll say the text is hard to read XD

Anyways, he's not constipated. He's the mascot of Bokizzle and he's just odd-looking with his few hairs and weird eyes.


No, his name isn't Bokizzle for those of you who may ask.

Also, that's not a ribbon. Just yellow smoke.
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[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Trust me, there will be someone out of the crowd that'll say the text is hard to read XD
What text? LOL j/k. If they cant read it they need glasses. Major.

0.0 AWSOME!!! THe banners are so funky, Gavvyn! ^^ I ike the dagger, and the smoke is what caught my eye. THe scond was the one that I like the best. THat dude is cool! ::steals:: Nah, but I do like him. WHy can't his name be Bokizzle? Its neat! Good going, gav, you sexay beast you!
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]DW... I want one. And I will kill you if it comes down to it. Wait, that'd be counterproductive cause your the creators.... *thinks of another way to strong arm DW into giving him one* I'll... err... nevbermind.

These are awesome. And that little dude rocks. You should name him Bo. ;)

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Here ya go, CrH. A special Bokizzle Banner for ya like ya requested :)

[b]Bokizzle Banner #3[/b][/center]

If anyone else wants one, do say, but Bokizzle Banners do not present screen names on them (like, for example, CrH requested one in an AIM chat that either said his screen name or The Unknown Soldier and I chose The Unknown Soldier since I don't do screen names). Sorry. It's just the Bokizzle way XD
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Hmm... yes, yes I suppose he is. But he's there to kick major patoosh!

Anywhoozles, I made another one. This one is very odd, I know, but oh so Bokizzly. I think that thingy on the left side of the banner is a sun. Obviously that's the mascot to the right. Just some odd designs. It's the Bokizzle way!

[b]Bokizzle Banner #4[/b][/center]

Remember everyone:

[SIZE=3][i]"If it ain't a Bokizzle, it ain't the shizzle!"[/i][/SIZE]
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