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Official Graphics Program Help Thread


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[COLOR="#004a6f"]I've decided to post an official thread where people can ask [I]specific[/I] questions about graphics programs and how to do the wierd and interesting effects and stuff with them. I checked with James to make sure such a post is allowed and he said 'go for it'. That way everyone can ask and answer questions in one thread. Remember, only ask [I]specific[/I] questions, so no: "how do I make a wallpaper?" or "how do I make a banner?" or "how do I use this program?" you got that? Syk3, I suggest that if people post such questions, simply delete those posts instead of replying to them and scolding the member. I really don't want this thread to be closed.

So anyway people, ask away! Maybe someone has the answer you're looking for! I have quite a few questions myself.[/COLOR]
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Slightly odd question but here goes.
I recently downloaded the beta version of openCanvas and the first time I opened it, everything was in English. Everytime since, including after downloading it again, everything has been indistinct characters that don't make up any language I've ever seen. Is this just a bug or did I accidently change something?
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I've looked around, but I couldn't find anything...so, is there any way to duplicate the "blinds" effect in Adobe Photoshop 6? Can I download some plugin or something to do that particular effect?[/size'][/color][/quote]

I am pretty sure what I am about to say is the right "blinds effect." Don't hurt me if it isn't. ^__^"

Depending on what program you use, I believe that there is. PSP 8 definitely has it. On the menu bar you go to "effects." Then down to "Texture effects." For me, "Blinds" is the very first one mentioned.

Baron, I know I have asked you a-bajillion times what program you use, but of course.....I have forgotten.

If I am not mistaken, PSP 7 is extremely similar to version 8. If that isn't what you have, then I don't think I can be of much help. ^^
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[size=1][color=darkred]*points to his post*

I said I had Adobe Photoshop 6. You even quoted me on it. lol. The other program I have is Serif Photoplus 7.

But regardless, I can't find the blinds effect on either of those programs. Is there an update or something for PS6.0 that I could download for it?[/size][/color]
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LOL.sorry about that. I read it as the effect was already in Adobe Photoshop. ^^"

So now I have a question. I have looked around for it, but have come up with nothing. Does anyone know of a place that I can find a tutorial to creat 3D Crystals and those little Swirls for Paint Shop Pro 8? As I said, I have looked and found squat.

I appreciate any/all replies. ^^
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  • 5 weeks later...
[quote name='Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I've looked around, but I couldn't find anything...so, is there any way to duplicate the "blinds" effect in Adobe Photoshop 6? Can I download some plugin or something to do that particular effect?[/size'][/color][/quote][COLOR="#004a6f"] I checked the adobe site for you and I found some updates you can download. Go to this page : [url]http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=39&platform=Windows[/url]. If you scroll down you'll find updates for version 6. They even have a plugins update. However, I'm not sure if you will find the specific plugin you're looking for. You might have to update your photoshop to version 7. *Cough*Kazaa.

Anyway, I have a question of my own. How do you add a border to an image using photoshop? I've been doing it the long way by pasting the picture inside another larger pure black picture (or some other color).[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Chabichou']Anyway, I have a question of my own. How do you add a border to an image using photoshop? I've been doing it the long way by pasting the picture inside another larger pure black picture (or some other color).[/quote]

The way I always do it is to 1. select the whole picture (using CTRL-A or whatever), 2. creating a new layer, 3. going to edit --> stroke. Stroke basically outlines whatever you have selected, and you can pick the color and width you'd like.

No idea on any of the other questions :D.
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[COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks, that really helped. I had looked up "border" in Photshop help contents and found nothing. How was I supposed to know you use "stroke"? Okay, I have another question: How do add all those cool swirly effects (you know for banners and such) using photoshop? An example of what I mean is shown in [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39637]Umuzaki Narutos's new banners[/URL].[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='Chabichou][color=#004a6f]Thanks, that really helped. I had looked up "border" in Photshop help contents and found nothing. How was I supposed to know you use "stroke"? Okay, I have another question: How do add all those cool swirly effects (you know for banners and such) using photoshop? An example of what I mean is shown in [url="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39637"]Umuzaki Narutos's new banners[/url'].[/color][/quote]

Well, I'm not really sure how he made most of his, but if you want to go for the effect he used on interwine, I suggest using the "wave filter"

I think it would be kind of rude to give out how he did the whole thing, considering its his own design. And just giving it away would kind of suck. So, if you need help with making wave filters, and such, i suggest going here: [url="http://good-tutorials.com/"]http://good-tutorials.com[/url] And maybe search wave or something, and then ;earn b;eding techniques.

When I was a begginer I learned from that site. It has lots of neat tricks for you to learn in photoshop. I also showed it to Uzukami, and he realy liked it too.

Hope that helped :)
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[COLOR="#004a6f"]Thanks shippo, I 'm learning new techniques now. Look what I made! It has no signifiant meaning, but it looks cool!

Anyway, he is a more specific question:
For the image below, how can I select the edges of the music notes so I can make beveled edges and such? Kind of like the way the edges of shapes are selected when you add them.
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First of all make sure that the music notes are on their own layer in photoshop. A quick way to to this is to open the image in photoshop then select the "magic wand" tool. Click and select all the black music notes (ctrl + click on each music note) then cut and paste them onto a new layer. For beveling them you could use the bevel & emboss filter but also (if your running Photoshop 7.0 or higher) you could right click on the music notes layer in the layers window, go to the blending options and use the bevel features in there.

(Instead of cutting and pasting the music notes you could also make a new layer beneath the notes then use the magic wand tool to select the white space around the notes and simply press delete).
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  • 6 months later...
[COLOR="#004a6f"]Heh, I know this thread is old, but I have a question about photoshop:

Why is it that with so many of the fonts, bold is disabled, even though these fonts normally have bold available in other applications? The faux bold option is available, but whenever, I want to implememnt the wacky text features, I am forced to remove it.[/COLOR]
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