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Art for the cover of my comic


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I've been working on a webcomic for a while, and things are starting to progress fast. I've been playing with ideas for the cover, until I finally got a image I liked. The problem now is that I can't seem to choose between the 3 backgrounds. Thus, I find myself in need of you good people.

I haven't added the title/logo/ect, to make it easier to see everything.
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[color=gray]I think you should use the second background. Its way better to look at than the others and it fits the two stick figures who are on it.
The first is pretty much not letting any color through except the bright stuff (so its like really dark with bright stuff on it lol).
The third looks really plain with the gray Background and it doesnt really fit the figures.
So yes, the second is best.[/color]
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[I][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green]I also think the second is the best one, even though ALL of them are really good,but, the second one is the most colorfull, the first has is just a littleto much dark colors in the background, the third one, it's a bit colorless, and, personally, I think second is best; it has a lot color, and, a lot of life! :D :D :D
I still think all of them are eally nice :cool:
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[size=1]The third is easily the best, in my opinion. It is much less distracting and easy on the eyes. Not to mention it brings strong focus to the characters.

The second is all right, but the background is extremely busy mostly due to the color.

The third's background is just too dark and the blue color does not mix well.[/size]
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