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Final Fantasy Banner

Box Hoy

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[size=1][color=darkred]That's pretty nice.You should put a boarder on it though. You might want to make a background to, just to give it some more eye candy. But I'd suggest a boarder. The font if you can, try to make it a little brighter. I don't really like the FF sprites in there.. But it's your banner, do what you want.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Courier New]There alot of things I dislike about this banner. For one I agree that the sprites are not well put in. The font appears to dark and to big for my taste. And it lacks a background.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[size=1]I'm guessing you used MS Paint, or around that sorts. Unless I'm just off or somethin'..

Anyways, I highly suggest you add a border. It just makes all the diferrence, really. I also recommend adding a background, as well as better images of the FF VII and FF VIII crew. The sprites just don't blend well with the more.. better looking images, in lamence terms. I also noticed something as I looked at it the 2nd time around. The pic of the guy from FF XI seems to cut off a tad bit off the arm from Vincent, I think that's his name..

Nonetheless, it's well done in some areas. Keep working at it! :)

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Hye thanks but I'm not exactly sure what you guys mean by Border. Could someo0ne please tell me. It would help me also if I could have a few resources to use to get pics of Final Fantasy people.
And I didn't use Ms Paint. I used Adobe Imagready.
Thanks for the advice.
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