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Local Urban Legends


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How many of you have heard of urban legends in your neck of the woods? Are there scary tales that are told about some house down the road or a certain area of town? I would be interested in hearing about the legends from your area.

I have a couple to share with everyone. In my hometown about 10 years ago there were a bunch of German Shepherd dogs that were disappearing from their homes. A rumor started that there was a Satanic group that had moved here from California (apparently California is where Satanist come from :rolleyes: ) and they were using the dogs as sacrifices to the devil! To add fuel to the fire 5 dogs were found out at the old abandoned Air Force Base apartments.

Rumor has it they were all decapatated and Satanic symbols were smeared on the walls in the dogs' blood. The apartments burned down about a week after the dogs were found and some people say the devil set it on fire or that a religious group did it to rid the town of Satan. That area of town was mega creepy already and adding that story really didn't help.

Supposedly if you go by the place the apartments use to be at night you can hear the dogs whining. I have never gone out there at night but it is one of the places that is popular on Halloween night.

The other story has to do with the old military base here. Durning the Cold War we had missle silos that use to have Titan missles. The silos have long been abandoned (except for one security guard who will shoot at you) and there are a bunch of stories surrounding that place. I will tell everyone the best one. The
main silo has part of the shaft open and you can crawl down a rusty ladder inside. At the very bottom is where lots of rain water has collected. You can imagine how deep this is if you think about how big a Titan missle is.

Legend has it that a runaway was tied to bunch of cinder blocks and tossed into the silo. Since no one was missing her no one bothered to look for her or cared. Apparently you can go into the silo and see her there still. Some people say it is a educational skeleton or overactive imaginations.

Just like the dog story, if you go there at night (which is the only time you have a chance to sneak by the guard!) you can hear a crying from the silo. :cue creepy music:

So what are the urban legends in your hometown or surrounding area? Let's see who has the scariest story. :eek:
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There's a rumor around here that may interest you...

There's a pretty old house...a good...GOOD way away from where I live...It's in Clarksville, and this family lived there for AGES. (This is like, a hundred years ago.)

Anyhow...there was this girl, Emma...she was the daughter of a plantation owner, a supposedly God-fearing Pentacoastal man. She fell in love with one of the stable boys, Daniel. Emma's father didn't treat her very well, and it drove Daniel mad. One night, they were planning to run away, while her father--Jeremiah was his name, I think--was in another one of his drunken stupors.

But Jeremiah caught on. He went out to the barn and found them as they were escaping, readying the horses.Maddened, and in a blaze of fury, Jeremiah picked up the nearest thing to him--a pitchfork--and hurled it at Daniel, piercing his chest. Emma's horse started and kicked over the lantern, catching the hay in the barn on fire.

Jeremiah locked Emma and Daniel in the barn, and--presumably--they died inside. None of the barn is left today, but the house--while derelict and dangerous...I've been inside--is still standing. Sometimes...at night...you can go to Emma's room and hear her crying, asking her father why he had to treat her that way.

And if you walk the yard..you can hear Daniel promising Emma he'd help her...I guess that's the spot the barn was. It's not so much scary as it is heart-wrenching...I cry when I go to that house, I really do.
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green][I]Well, my story isn't really scary, but it's an urban legend, passed down, from geneation to generation( or at least formg rade to grade at my school).

Well, here once a long time ago, people claimed that, they could hear a woman crying, adn, exactly 12 hours later, after they heard the woman crying, the people who claimed they heard her, were fournd dead, suffocated, or covered in blood; people started investigating this strange phenomenom, and whenever one of the heard the woman crying, and followed her voice, didn't find anything, they saw no one crying; and still, they'd be dead 12 hours later. Once, there was a witness to one of the deaths (well, not an eye witness, someone who heard the screams of the person before that person died) He claimed, that, he heard the voice of the woman in the room where the person died, he claimed that, the woman was asking for her lost children, and her husband, and then, after the victim told him he knew nothing, he heard the stabbing sound of a knife, when he entered the room, he only found the dead body of his friend.

Now, they say that this woman was a person living in a small house here many years ago, but, one day, she lost her husband, and never found him, her children helped look for him, but, they got lost as well; legend has ti that she killed herself, and was always moaning the disappearance of her family, unable to calm herself, she's looking for them, until she finds them, dead or alive. They call it the legend of "La Llorona" (The Sobbeerr)

Another legend is the one of "The Carrige to Hell". They say once, a long time ago, during the war of indipendance here, a man was taking a ride in his carriega to a battle field, to look for his brother, who was fighting there, unable to find his body there, he looked for another battle site, didn't find him there, but continued looking for him, he asked his brother's general for him, but he said he knew nopthing. The man searched for his brother until death,(or so they say... :smirk: ) and killed everyone who claimed they saw his body in the first battle site in which he looked for him.

Now, every time people hear a horse carriege, with someone screaming for his lost brother, near a battle site during the war of indipendence, people run in fear, hopping the carriege wont stop, and aske them for a man, who died 200 years ago, in a horrible war....

There are many more, I'll try to write them here soon, right now, I don't have the time!!
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[SIZE=1][B]Most schools around my area have the Legend of the White Lady, most school. My old school had a Legend like the White Lady, but on the top floor of the school no one was up there. People used to teach there, and the Legend goes that a women was murderer and buried then the school was built on it, and the women haunted the top part of the school. The teachers didn't go up there, no one would, and sometimes me and my friends would stare into the windows of the top floor, sometimes we even saw things, like shadows and stuff. One girl claimed to have seen a paint brush painting by itself, no one knows the full Legend, but it wasn't the White Lady Legend.

There aren't many Legend around Salford, or Manchester, though, but there are small ones in schools.[/SIZE][/B]
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Guest NekoOtaku
Well I guess I better tell you about my school first.It was across from(near) a Caddo Indian grave (mound) site.Anyways its a very old school (there is a musiem on the campus).

There is a legend that someone named Chester jumped of the balcany of the auditorium and killed himself.We aren't allowed up there,but when do kids ever care what teachers say!:D N+E+ways if you go up there by yourself at night you can see him.
Well I went in there 2 nights ago (okay so I wasn't by myself the whole 7th grade band was with me) and I didn't see anything.But I scared the **** out of my friends :laugh: !

This is were the indain stuff comes in.
If you go into the girl restroom(any time in the day)alone you can hear/see a indain
girl crying.I don't know why she is crying.But I think Its b/c she is seperated from her family.
Okay.These legends did spring up around Halloween.So who knows if its true.
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[size=1][color=darkblue][b]This is an Urban Legend that is told out in the country area around where I live. My friend told me about this one. "The Goat Man".

The Urban Legend says that there was a drunk who lived out in the country area. He would do alot of things like rob people, steal livestock, wreck property, and other destructive stuff. So, eventually the nabors (farmers) in the surrounding area finally had enough with him, so they through him into a steep ditch. They planed on leaving him in there for a week if he couldn't climb out, so they sent a goat down there as well for him to eat. Oddly enough, he ate the goat but was some how became crossed with it. He stands like a human, but has goat legs and horns. They say that no one was able to get him out of the ditch because anyone who went down to the ditch would either be killed or stuck themselves. To live, the goat man would eat any thing that fell into the ditch, they say he even ate a young girls who once fell down there. So, now everytime someone walks by and looks into the ditch you see large grooves on the side of the ditch where the goat man continuously tried to climb out of the ditch, you also see tons of bones and when it is a cold fall night you can here the shriek of a young girl.

Teh End.
I'm not sure if that's exactly how it went... but I think it's close enough [/size][/color][/b]
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[color=darkviolet]This is actually the title of a book containing ghost stories from Western New York the White Lady of Irondiquoit.

It seems that years ago there was a woman who lived alone with her daughter near where Durand Eastman Park and Durand beach are now. One night her daughter was kidnapped, raped and murdered. I guess they threw her body in Durand Pond.

Anyway, when her mother found out she went crazy trying to find the men who did that to her daughter. Eventually she went mad with greif and drowned herself in Irondiquoit Bay.

To this day there are rumors of a lady in white wandering the beach and the woods across from it with two red eyed dogs still searching for the men who raped and murdered her daughter. She doesn't harm women or for that matter men if they're with women, but if a man is caught by her after dark she'll do him harm.

To add to the story across from the beach up on a hill is a cobblestone wall which is called White Lady's Castle. A few years ago some friends and I were hanging around there after dark-we had played in the park and stuff like some normal teenagers and 20 somethings. It was about 11 o'clock at night and a few of them wanted to try and go up the steps to the 'castle' to see if they could see the WHite Lady. I was going to follow them but I felt like someone was pushing me down the steps.

My mother-in-law once said something about a Red Lady, but I don't know how that goes and haven't heard about it from anywhere else. Besides, my mother-in-law also has immaginary boyfriends.

There are a few other ghost stories from Western New York State in this book, but like everything else, it's in Texas. Maybe next year we can revive this topic and I'll tell another one[/color]
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There's a small town not far from here called Mumbil. The only legend worth believing that's been around for a while is that of Sparrow.

Mumbil has a population of about 100/150 people. The town is fairly old, though is surrounded by a few other towns of the same size, such as Stuart Town and Eureeka. This whole area is around the Lake Burrendong area, a large lake that's known country wide.

In Mumbil, just comming out of the west end, approaching Eureeka, there's a large white two-story house that stands on a crest, comming up from a shallow ditch. It's been there for ages, even since there was a population of 12 people there, that house was there. Anyway, the owner is an old man, he has owned it forever and a day.

It's not in the day that you have to worry about walking past this house, or the night. It's at sunset. The old man sits out on the veranda, in his rocking chair, all day, late into the night. You can look at him, even say hello to him, and he'll answer back. But not at sunset. Looking carefully enough, a large shotgun stands by his side during sunset. During the day and night, the gun is gone.

My dad, his brother and father, lived in Stuart Town. Every afternoon my grandfather would walk from his own town, through Eureeka, through Mumbil, to Narrembar, the other side of Mumbil. He had to pass the old white house on his way, to drop off the mail. He noticed every day the mail wasn't collected, just piled up in the old wooden mailbox. He never said hello to him, or even bared to look at the old man. He was scared.

His nerves eventually got the best of him, and one late afternoon when he was passing by, he looked up and dared say hello. The gun was there.

The name "Sparrow" was given to him for the sound he makes. The old man started making a sound, like a deep hollow sound. And kept hollowing it out late into the night. As my uncle was walking up the road away from the house, he heard two loud shots from the gun. One was louder than the other.

The next afternoon my uncle was passing by, and the man wasin't there. The gun stand lone, leaning against the empty rocking chair. Two shotgun shells were laying on the veranda.

Now naturally, you'd think this would mean the old man killed himself. The shotgun was shortened, so it wouldn't be hard to shoot yourself with it. Being the man my uncle was, he didn't report it. Don't ask me why.

He hasn't ever changed the story. One other person, friend known as Dan, living in Eureeka reckons he had heard the old man shoot at nothing a number of times. Sparrow owned a large block of land, and it conjoined onto Dans backyard. He would continuously hear the old man laughing. My grandfather still does the mail run in that area, and says he can hear the old man hollowing that deep sound. Except there's an eerie sound to it. Instead of hollowing the sound late into the night, you can hear him break into a laugh. And laughs.

You can only hear it when you pass by the house at sunset, and late at night. Ask anyone, nobody will tell you that the story [i]isn't[/i] true. Might say they don't believe it, but they never say it's not true. Others say they have heard him hollow into a laugh down at the lake, Lake Burrendong, in the afternoon.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][QUOTE=HetepKa][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Green][I]Well, my story isn't really scary, but it's an urban legend, passed down, from geneation to generation( or at least formg rade to grade at my school).

Well, here once a long time ago, people claimed that, they could hear a woman crying, adn, exactly 12 hours later, after they heard the woman crying, the people who claimed they heard her, were fournd dead, suffocated, or covered in blood; people started investigating this strange phenomenom, and whenever one of the heard the woman crying, and followed her voice, didn't find anything, they saw no one crying; and still, they'd be dead 12 hours later. Once, there was a witness to one of the deaths (well, not an eye witness, someone who heard the screams of the person before that person died) He claimed, that, he heard the voice of the woman in the room where the person died, he claimed that, the woman was asking for her lost children, and her husband, and then, after the victim told him he knew nothing, he heard the stabbing sound of a knife, when he entered the room, he only found the dead body of his friend.

Now, they say that this woman was a person living in a small house here many years ago, but, one day, she lost her husband, and never found him, her children helped look for him, but, they got lost as well; legend has ti that she killed herself, and was always moaning the disappearance of her family, unable to calm herself, she's looking for them, until she finds them, dead or alive. They call it the legend of "La Llorona" (The Sobbeerr)


[i]La Llorona[/i] is an old Mexican folk-tale, much like the story of Bloody Mary or the Candyman. But i don't want to know if it's true or not.

here, we have the story of Third Bridge. it's weird... no one knows how this one really got started. apparently, a pair of kids committed suicide on Third Bridge, and their spirits call out to people who go there. just standing by the bridge is enough to bring nightmares, and a few people have committed suicide the same way the kids did... diving off the bridge.

there's also the story of the murdered nurse at the Children's Hospital...
In the 1920s, there was this nurse at the hospital who was really in love with this guy. but he wasn't happy with her choice of career. so one day the nurse disappeared, and people were searching for her. they often said that they could see her, walking up and down the hall of one of the wards, flicking lights on and off. years later, they were renovating the hospital, and found the nurse's bones in a suitcase in an elevator shaft.

i actually can claim to have seen SOMETHING weird when i was in the hospital... the lights kept casting person-shaped shadows, even when no one was in the hallway. creepy.[/FONT]
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Thank you all for sharing. I love hearing about all these urban legends!

[quote name='Balinese']i actually can claim to have seen SOMETHING weird when i was in the hospital... the lights kept casting person-shaped shadows, even when no one was in the hallway. creepy.[/quote]

When I read that it gave me the chills! I am really glad I didn't read this when I was alone at work. I have a possessed photocopier that likes to turn itself on and make copies. It did it again today. I try not to think about things like ghosts when the copier does that and I think if I had read that, it would have made me run out of the office screaming! :eek:

Now, back on topic! To add another story to the thread is one that I heard about when I was in grade school. There is a ghost child that haunts an area of the lake, but only in the winter. Apparently is the ghost of a little girl who fell through the ice and drowned. After a snowfall you can go out to this area of the lake and see her footprints in the snow. Those who have seen them say there are no other footprints up to the lake and the ice is usually too thin for any person to walk on.

One of the theories of how the footprints got there is that it is actually geese or ducks that caused the prints. It just looks like a small child might have walked through the snow. The prints could have been altered by the sun melting the snow around the bird footprints or wind could have blown the prints to another shape.

Hard to say. I personally haven't seen them, but it does seem a bit strange that this is the only area of the lake that people notice the "bird" prints.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Steel_Girl
When I was younger (roughly 9-ish) I had an uncle called Edward. He died when he in his early twenties I think...I can't really remember much about him, but I remember him laying in his bed, smiling at me.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was at my grandmothers. I was sitting in my great grandmothers old bedroom upstairs, and next door to that is my uncle Edwards old bedroom. At the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a young man in a blue shirt walking into that room.

I poked my head around the door...and no one was there.

Later on, I told my grandmother that I saw a man with a blue shirt on, walking into my uncles room.

My grandmother looked at me, then said: "Edward had a shirt just like the one you described..."

Safe to say I was 'slightly' freaked out by that...

*nervous laugh* I'm keeping my eye out for things like that now...
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[COLOR=Pink][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]*Gulps* Wow al these stories are scary.

I have one and it involved my friends house. I hate sleep over house.
She lives in the oldest house in the town and inside her basement was a place to slaughter cows. Well it was said that the father that built that house went insane. He took his family and slaughtered them inside the basement like he did the cows. During the nights you can hear screams coming from there. Actually there is still blood from the basement and old newspaper abou the story inside the slaughter area. My friends and i actually spent the night down there once and we swore we sall a figure. We ran up the steps and lock the basement door. Needless to say we didn't sleep the rest of the night and i didn't sleep for two days after that either.

There is actually another story about her house. In the back of her woods there is an old burn down farmhouse. It was said that one night the son of the familiy got angry and took an ax and chopped up his family. When he reliezed what he had done he burned down the place with him and his family in it. Now when you are near that area at night you hear screams of people and than crying.

Thats the only ones i know. *Is scared and doesn't thnk she is going to sleep tonght*

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It's said that the spirit of a little boy haunts a local cemetary... the kid loved candy.

If you go there, and put a candy bar on the bridge, when you return he will have eaten the candy and left the wrapper.

There's a story that the KKK used to have a cell here in Iowa, too. But I think that is just a legend.

That's about it for urban legends around here.
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In our little town of Cleveland, we...I think three. One about some person named tall betsy...and two about some monolith in our town. I dont know about tall betsy, but one monolith story is about a little girl who was killed there, and the monolith bleed on holloween night. The other one is that anyone who enters that is not family will be cursed for life.
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I haven't heard any recently but a long time ago, there was this elementary school I was going to go into and my cousin, a sixth grader in that school, told me about this ghost in an abandoned hall that is closed off to students.

He said that long ago, a girl had died in a room at the end of that hall. Her body was taken and buried but her spirit lived on in that room, seeking revenge on anyone that may be fool enough to enter.

One day, a girl in grade three went up there for a dare. There was a bet that she would never agree to go up and to save her pride the girl, Emma, agreed to go up. If she made it back, she would be ten dollars richer.

Emma climbed up the steps leading to the hall. When she reached the top of the flight of stair, she heard these agonized cries for help. The cries were coming from the end of the hall. By then, Emma was shaking but decided to go and help whoever was locked in the room. Her hesitant feet reached the end of the hall and her quavering hand twisted the doorknob. The door opened easily, with no excess pressure on Emma's behalf. As the door creaked open, Emma peered inside the room looking for the source of the cries she heard. By the time the door had been completely pushed opened, it was clear that no one was in the room. Emma gathered her courage and walked into the room. Suddenly, the door slammed closed behind her. Next, came a piercing scream that was heard throughout the school campus.

By the time teachers made their way up, it was too late. Emma was found covered in blood and a butcher's knife in her hand. Nobody knows what happened to her but since then, no one has dared to go up those stairs again.

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[left]I never found out if that school actually started that story or if my cousin was telling me to scare me, which he did, because I moved far away from that city.[/left]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well I have one and it was at my friends old house. Well ten years before he moved there a happy man about in his 40's had a good family and it seemed that nothing could go wrong, I mean the guy had a wonderful life. Well anyway one day he and his wife came home drunk from a bar but the woman passed out as she stepped through the doorway. The man went crazy grabed his son, daughter, and wife and cut there arms, legs, and heads off then burried them in a floor board in the basement. Once the man came to his senses he found out what he did and shot him self in the chest twice then once in the head.

Me and my friend used to play hide and go seek in the basement when we were little, but one day we say a man rocking in a rocking chair crying then he looked up at my friend then yelled at him, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FAMILY!" Then the man charged at him then dissapered.

My friend and I were scared to death. Then it wasn't later that year that my friend's dad found out what happened there ten years before they moved in. Now my friend moved out, but the scary thing was you could never go any time in the day to see him, he just appered whenever he felt.

I have more but I will post them later because I need to go eat dinner. ^^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

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