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Online play


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How big a factor is online play when you are considering whether or not to buy a game?
For me it is a nice part of a game, but not essential. I have an online adapter for my PS2 and Broadband, but I don't play online very often, so online play is a somewhat small consideration. Playing Ratchet and Clank:UYA against 2 other people with my cousin and me screaming at each other as we battle it out was a lot of fun. Maybe I'll consider online more if I can find an alternative to Sony's US$35 Headset.
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I do not consider online playing an option because, I mean, Other than playing against other people it doesn't seem to grab me. If i get an adaptor then maybe i'll play online. But I can always play at a tourney.
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[quote name='Daermon_Nashabe']I do not consider online playing an option because, I mean, Other than playing against other people it doesn't seem to grab me. If i get an adaptor then maybe i'll play online. But I can always play at a tourney.[/quote]
The only thing I play online are games that you actually take out, in some way, shape, or form, a person. Even with not owning a headset, it is pleasing that you just killed a human, that someone somewhere in the world just spilled their drink on themselves when you got that headshot. It feels nice.
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Online play is a big determinant for me when selecting which version of a game I'm going to buy. Although I don't play online very often, I'm obviously going to take advantage of possessing all three major consoles; it's natural to select the version with the most robust features, barring any major differences in playability. Online multiplayer components especially sway me when they outclass the single player campaign. I simply wouldn't be interested in games like Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and Rainbow Six 3 without the online feature.

The same could be said of Halo 2; I would have either sold it or never bought it to begin with had there not been an enticing multiplayer component attached to it. Socom II sits in the same boat. I'm not interested in the heavy emphasis placed on commanding allies--it's commendable but not suited to my interests. The online function, on the other hand, is brilliant. Especially for a console shooter. I'd say it's the most developed one I've played.

I would like to play online sports games on my Playstation 2 but opponents ruin the experience with cheat devices, so I'm glad that EA has decided to support Xbox Live. When one considers the realism sports games have achieved in gameplay and franchise modes, one recognizes that multiplayer is where developers need to start building. There's not much left to achieve on this generation of consoles otherwise.

So that's my answer. I'm not an avid online gamer but the availability of online play does sway my decision when purchasing cross-platform titles. It adds variation every now and then. It's just too bad that many online gamers are dorks who are able to play games [i]constantly[/i], leaving more casual gamers like myself completely in the dust. That drains some fun out of the experience. Current matchmaking engines don't seem to match competitors of similar skill levels effectively yet. Again, Socom II holds an advantage in that department. I should start playing it again.
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[QUOTE=RabidInuFanboy]Morpheus knows why I don't play online games at my house...

As if that's an acceptable reply. Who cares if one person knows why you don't play online at your home? An "inside" answer like that is spam. You may as well have just posted a picture of Matt Damon or something else equally useless. Fix your post or it'll be deleted. :)

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