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[url=http://www.bs-i.co.jp/anime/AIR/][u]Official site [television series][/u][/url]
[url=http://air2004.com/][u]Official site [movie][/u][/url]

This show is going to be something special.

I enjoyed the first episode immensely, and I'm already going ballistic over the movie's beautiful trailer. I think the series and film tell the same story, but don't quote me on that. They have somewhat different character designs, and obviously the TV anime is going to be much longer.

AIR is based on a famous bishoujo game by the same name (which dates back to 2000 or 2001, I think). The TV show is being done by Kyoto Animation, an obscure studio that is probably best known for Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu. AIR's artwork and animation should put all other recent series to shame. Even for a newer anime, it looks breathtakingly beautiful. It demonstrates enough fluidity to put it on the level of something like Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, but AIR contains even more movement and detail than that series (although, to be fair, it doesn't have a surfeit of expensive CG or action scenes).

This is what I gathered of the plot: the main character, Yukito, is a traveller searching for a girl with wings. Due to various complications, he ends up getting stuck in a small port town with nothing more than the shirt on his back and a little pocket-sized doll. The summer heat is overwhelming, and eventually he falls asleep (only to be awoken by a seagull stomping on his head). He then meets the friendly and helpful Misuzu, and is later introduced to her quirky mother Haruka. It appears that the anime will mostly be about Yukito and the girls he meets in this idyllic town, but there are hints of magic and mystery as well.

Yukito [from the opening]


Misuzu [from the opening]


Misuzu again [this time from the actual episode]


Yukito preparing to deliver a serious loli smackdown [this scene made me love him]


Kano [the second girl Yukito meets; she's holding his doll]


AIR is an extraordinarily graceful, high-quality production with catchy music, nicely timed humor, a great vocal cast and a real sense of beauty to it. Judging by the next episode promo, it looks like the stunning animation will remain consistent. I can't wait to see more of this, and I hope it gets licensed as soon as possible. ^_^

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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Well, since everyone has been raving about the series before and after it came out, I checked it out. It was very nice, and I was impressed. It was also a little weird hearing that music with pictures finally, but I liked that part too.

The characters, however, behaved very artificially. I know every character has their quirks, but that's not it. There's nothing normal about any of the characters. Eccentric is one thing, and unreal is another.

Not that either one is a bad thing, mind you. Just that I really took note of that. In fact, the main character was a welcome change from the generic and uninteresting pushover. [SPOILER]He actually hit that girl, TWICE! But doesn't that make him a sissy?[/SPOILER] And the blonde haired girl's [SPOILER]Gao thing[/SPOILER] was very cute.

So yeah, it was nice, it was cute, it had poetic romance, and it looked like there was some kind of philosophy near the end, but this show isn't for me.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I thought it was interesting; the character depth is well done. I agree with Dagger that the animation is superb. I am interested to see where they plan on going with the plot perhaps using magic or something.
[spoiler]In the first episode, a girl mentions something about magic to Yukito but perhaps it was another joke on her part? In addition, is his doll string controlled or something else? The mother mentioned something about it but Yukito never clarified as to if that was true.[/spoiler]
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@Azure: I agree with you about the artificiality of the characters. Normally that kind of cuteness doesn't do anything for me, but in this case I find it peculiarly appealing.

[quote name='Altra][spoiler']In the first episode, a girl mentions something about magic to Yukito but perhaps it was another joke on her part? In addition, is his doll string controlled or something else? The mother mentioned something about it but Yukito never clarified as to if that was true.[/spoiler][/quote]
Judging by the end of episode 2, [spoiler]Kano wasn't joking.[/spoiler] Of course, the ending was an incredible cliffhanger, so I don't know exactly how we're supposed to interpret that scene. But Kano does tell him more [spoiler]about using magic.[/spoiler] It's hard to discern when she's being serious (if she's ever totally serious) and when she's joking in an earnest, serious sort of way.

As for your second question, I have no idea. Because he can [spoiler]do the same thing (sort of) with the stuffed sloth, too, I think he's probably not controlling his mother's doll by strings.[/spoiler]

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  • 4 months later...
[Color=DarkBlue][spoiler]In all honesty, the sloth doll was probably the creepist part of the episode. It looked like it was getting some serious electric voltage. I felt bad for the poor thing.[/spoiler]

Yes, apart from the creepy doll, this is an interesting anime. The town is mysterious. I mean, [spoiler]where are all the people? You see some of the kids walking around, but for a town, it sure seems empty.[/spoiler]

My favorite part, was when [spoiler]Yukito whapped Misuzu after she said Gaou in episode 1.[/spoiler] The look on her face was so cute.

I end my post with only this to say. Potato is the cutest [spoiler]dog/alien life form[/spoiler] I've ever seen in an anime. I have a banner and an avi to prove it![/color]
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I look at Air and It just, I don't know, IT just one of those kinds of anime that you just watch and feel good. Not that normal good feeling when you watch anime, it's like this awe-inspired feeling. It's theme is jsut so beautiful. That and Potato is one of the best dogs in the anime universe, giving a Matrix-style jumping flip in episode 2 :)

My point is that Air is basically comfort anime, which you watch and you just feel that happy feeling overtake you. That and the fact that the opening song is just so addictive that you will hum, sing, and just wish you had wings.

Makes me want to watch it again......
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  • 4 weeks later...
According to ANN, the seiyuu for Potato and Pikachu are different people.

I was in Akihabara a few nights ago, so I picked up a Japanese DVD player and AIR volume 1 (the limited edition version, yay!). It was expensive, but AIR is totally worth ~$20 per episode. So I'm very happy. :animesmil

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  • 2 months later...
[Font=Arial]Well, since the last time, I've gotten to Episode 6. I can definately say this is one of the most emmotion driven animes I've ever seen. From, [spoiler]the scene with the mother killing herself instead of letting her baby die[/spoiler] in Episode 4 was heart breaking.

It didn't surprise me that the [spoiler]feather[/spoiler] had something to do with the [spoiler]girl in the sky that Misuzu dreams about.[/spoiler] I just never expected [spoiler]Michiru to actually be a feather from that girl.[/spoiler] The Bye-Bye scene got me crying. Heh.

But, I love how they repaired things with Minagi and her mother. Minagi really deserved more, and at the end of 6 she's seemed to get it. I am a bit currious about Misuzu. Michiru kept mentioning the [spoiler]girl who dreamed sad dreams[/spoiler] Is she making any mention at all to Misuzu?

Potato still rules, hand down. :p[/font]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well first of all I'm so surprised that so many people like AIR besides me. *tear* I am currently on episode 8 which at the end of it when[spoiler] after Ryuuyu escorts the girls with wings (can?t remember her name this second its kanabi I think) to her mother and she just tells him to take her away.[/spoiler] You can plainly see by the opening that the graphic in this anime is awesome.

I can still remember the day that I was looking for a new anime and even though AIR didn?t have any cool action explosion, fighting robots and such. There was something about that anime that I was very interested by. It is very emotional at times and tends to drift off the suspense filled plot at times[spoiler] like when Ryuuyu had gotten into that sword fight with those bandit guys. I also never expected them to show that much blood in that anime either[/spoiler]

The voices are awesome and if anyone happens to have the opening theme song I would like to have it, it due to the fact that for some reason it has captivated me so that I must hear it more often. The characters are very well done, from there voices all the way down to the way they look, move, and act. This is a good Anime to check out if you like fruit baskets I think..(well I haven?t seen nor read it yet but I guess so).

Always remember...

Potato rules!! pico pico![/COLOR]
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[quote name='^.^][Font=Arial']Well, since the last time, I've gotten to Episode 6. I can definately say this is one of the most emmotion driven animes I've ever seen.[/font][/quote]
You ain't seen nothing yet. The Summer arc (episodes 8 & 9) is so good it just defies description. Same goes for you, [b]sand dragon 19[/b]. I look forward to finding out what you think of the ending of episode 9. :catgirl:

By the way, I finally had the chance to see the movie. Fans seem to have to greeted it with a chillier reception than that which the TV series received, but I think this is mainly an issue of perspective. The movie is extremely different from the TV show in terms of everything from character designs to directing style. One thing to keep in mind while watching it is that the project was helmed by a very famous director (whose other work includes the classic shoujo series Rose of Versailles). He brings some interesting elements to the table.

In many ways, the AIR movie combines what some might see as dated visual techniques (such as using still frames to enhance certain moments) with all sorts of cool, highly digital stuff. The CG is fairly unobtrusive, and the interplay of light and shadow is quite unlike anything I've seen in other anime--it's really beautiful. The animation is not always as smooth as that of the TV series, but there's more animation (and it's often more complicated as well) in general, so I don't think complaints about the film's visuals are necessarily justified.

Some characters' personalities are quite different; others are more or less the same. I absolutely loved how the Aozora scene was done in the movie, although I didn't take as well to some of the other changes. Overall, watching it was an interesting experience, and I'm glad it diverged so sharply from the show--it would have been much less exciting to see the exact same thing done the exact same way, only with less time to work with.

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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]....Episodes 8 & 9...they defined logic. At first, what was happening in AIR was like a whole bunch of puzzle pieces to me. Those two episodes put everything together for me. I mean...I can remember[spoiler] when kanna was being shot with arrows along with the monks using the curse enchantment on her I remembered hearing myself saying" Come on Kanna you can do it use you wings and fly up into the sky...which didn?t happen which made me sad.[/spoiler] Those pieces of the series are almost the most crucial things that you must watch in the series.

These two episodes really do defy description. I could go on for about 5 pages and describe what those two episodes contained...and it still wouldn?t come close to what these episodes were really like. They just simply blew my mind up into little small pieces. [Spoiler] Like for example, Misuzu is really Kanna's soul inside of her body. Yukito is Ryuuya and Uraha's son if not somehow related to them. When Kanna disappeared into the sky she would eventually be reincarnated into another soul after the curse put on her was lifted. Ryuuya and Uraha want to have someone who would go out and look for that person. That person would be Yukito.Which also explains why in episode 8, Yukito got slashed by the swordsman who was Ryuuya for trying to get away from kanna/misuzu when that was the one thing he was suppose to be looking for.Misuzu cant make friends without breaking down because of the effets of the curse given to kanna by monks and the one inherrited from her mother. The curse weakens people who get close to the person with the curse eventually leading to their deaths. Also, when Kanna's Mother does that explosion thing, which was quite graphic how they showed people dying in it.[/spoiler]

That whole episode I was practically on the edge of my seat trying to see what would happen next. The drama alone in it was almost so intense that I couldn?t even take it. I was almost an emotional wreak when[spoiler] Kanna disappeared into the sky.[/spoiler] That part was one of the most crucial things that the series producers could have ever seen. Also when they showed what [spoiler] kanna was dreaming in the sky[/spoiler] all because of that stupid [spoiler]curse[/spoiler] which, I though wasn?t really fair to her even though I did eventually go away. I still think that this is a very great anime all and all it should not be overlooked by some of you who like this type of anime.[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Now that you've seen those two episodes (and I'm glad you enjoyed them! Your analysis is pretty much spot on), you're free to watch the new "AIR in Summer" two-part special. It basically fills in the events of Kanna, Ryuuya & Uraha's journey. I've only seen the first part, but the preview makes it seem as though the second half will tell us a bit about Ryuuya's past, which I find really exciting for some reason.

The purpose of the summer special was to add in all of the comedic moments that had to be cut out of the regular show due to time constraints, but it's not completely humorous. There are serious parts as well, and it's just as beautifully visually as the rest of the show. Definitely recommended.

I think that once I get the summer special DVD, I'll try watching episode 8, then the both parts of the special, then episode 9. It won't flow perfectly, but that's the best fit I can think of in terms of getting the events to go more or less sequentially.

Also, the summer special has a changed OP and a (slightly) changed ED.

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  • 1 month later...
[Font=Arial]Almost a month later, I'm still not totally done with the anime. XD

Episode 7, I couldn't take. I could not just sit there and watch the end part with Yukito and Misuzu. It hurt, in a good way, but it just hurt. Watching Yukito sit there, and [spoiler]beg Misuzu to watch made me sad. He tried his hardest, and his greatest wish has been fulfilled. He'll always be by her side. Although the crow thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe it's just me reading into to it too much, but is there any real reason behind becoming a crow?[/spoiler]

Episodes 8-9 are talked about enough, so I'll just say, [spoiler]Kana didn't deserve the crime did unto her, and it was wrong. Poor Kana.[/spoiler]

Episode 10 and 11 so far have just blown the top off everything. Even [spoiler]Kana's last defense[/spoiler] didn't top the feelings you saw between Hakuro and Misuzu. Finding out that Hakuro [spoiler]went to beg for guardianship over Misuzu made it all the more sad after Yukito did that thing and became Sora again.[/spoiler] After that, it became bonding, and I enjoyed that, up until [spoiler]Misuzu's Dad showed up.[/spoiler] I'm not sure why, but I guess he found out that [spoiler] Misuzu was doing worse.[/spoiler]

The scene at the beach at the end of 11 had me crying. Just, oh man, I was bawling. [spoiler]I'm not sure if just having those three days were enough, but I think something inside of Misuzu remembered everything. Mama, Misuzu.[/spoiler]

I'm interested to see where all of this going to end. [spoiler]Am I right in asuming that Kano and Minagi finally found their happy place?[/spoiler] We haven't seen any of them since Episode 6, and I'm curious.

If this one doesn't make it over to America, I won't be disappointed, but if it does, I'll be the first in line for a copy. ;)[/font]
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About Kano and Minagi (spoilers up to the end): [spoiler]Yes, you're right in that both of them found happiness. They have cameos in the final episode, but not much more--just enough to show that they're doing well.[/spoiler]

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  • 1 year later...
All I can say is, WOW. What an incredible story.

After watching the TV series of this anime, I couldn't wait to see the movie. I watched it yesterday, and I loved it. I was very impressed. It was interesting to see the differences between the movie and the tv series.

Anywho, first of all, the tv series: I watched this anime before I watched the movie, and I fell in love with it. I wanted to spread the episodes out so they wouldn't be done as fast, but every time I watched an episode I just couldn't wait to see the next one! I was immediatly captivated by the stunning animation and the beautiful music. I fell in love with each of the characters the moment they made their appearance on the screen, each of them having a unique and lovable personality. I'm especially fond of Yukito. (Tee hee, "RAMEN-SET!") :D The story was incredibly touching, and it also had just the right amount of comedy in it, which is something I love in an anime.

Although slow to get started at first, the first few episides were still very entertaining yet moving, as Yukito and Misuzu got to know eachother, and the stories of Kano and Minagi were told. I also enjoyed Haruko and Yukito's [spoiler]"drinking-evenings"[/spoiler]. :D Haruko is hilarius.

It was only in episode 7 that the series started to focus on the real root of the plot, which was [spoiler]Misuzu and Yukito's relationship and the curse affecting them.[/spoiler] Episode 7 was very touching, and very sad. It revealed that [spoiler]Misuzu was not in very good health. It continued to decline throughout the episode, and the rest of the series. It was heartwrenching to see her that way.[/spoiler]

The next 2 episodes focused on the story of Kanna and Ryuuya. These episodes explained [spoiler]the curse that Misuzu was under[/spoiler]. What happened to Kanna is [spoiler]so sad... and unjust[/spoiler].

And episode 10 was a look-back episode... [spoiler]through the eyes of a crow that Yukito apparently turned into. I find this part of the story slightly strange... I don't really understand WHY Yukito became a crow. And he just kinda stays that way for the rest of the series.[/spoiler]

The last episode was SO SAD. I cried like a baby when [spoiler]Misuzu died[/spoiler]. I wish Yukito [spoiler]hadn't remained a crow... If he had turned back, it would have seemed like at least one of them would be able to continue to live on[/spoiler].

Anyway, the movie was actually quite different, and I liked it more than the tv series. It tells the same story as the tv series, but with some key differences. For one thing, [spoiler]Yukito and Misuzu's relationship is VERY different in the movie. They have more of a romantic relationship, whereas, in the tv show, Yukito seemed like he was a great deal older than Misuzu, and it was just kinda a very close friendship. I like their relationship in the movie better though.[/spoiler] :D Also, Yukito [spoiler]never becomes a crow[/spoiler]. In the tv show, [spoiler]Misuzu dies only with Haruko by her side because Yukito is a crow, but in the movie she dies with both Yukito and Haruko with her. After that, Yukito just continues his journey. I liked the ending of the movie WAY more than the ending of the tv series[/spoiler]. There are also a lot of other differences, but it would take way too long to go into detail about all of them. :animeswea The animation in the movie is also slightly different, but both are excellent. I LOVED the movie. I felt that the differences in the movie compared to the tv show made the movie better than the show.

Anyway, the whole AIR story is INCREDIBLE. It's very powerful.
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  • 1 month later...
AIR was recently released on Blu-ray in Japan. The BD box set came with a special extended opening sequence, which you can see [url=http://stage6.divx.com/members/241472/videos/1063078][u]here[/u][/url] (or at YouTube, if you must, although the video quality there really won't do the visuals justice).

Anyway, it's lovely, and the animation is almost all new. It also hints at a lot of scenes, comedic and otherwise, that didn't make the transition from game to anime.

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  • 2 months later...
[COLOR=DarkOrange]No anime has ever brought ,e so close to tears as Air. Over the past 2 days I power watched it and I was not disappointed. This show is so sad it's rediculous, and the characters are truly cared about. Never ever has a show made me nearly cry over someone after only 3 episodes! tat's crazy! There were so many touching moments it was like a roller coaster.

I found this series to be immensely strange and intriguing. I didn't really like how each character had their own arc and then basically never appeared again (not a spoiler, necessarily knowlege) but it gave them time to flesh out each character individually (curse of a game with multiple endings >_<)

the Air arc is what truly got me though. though I REALLY would like to know WTH was up with [spoiler]Yukito turning into a crow?!?![/spoiler.] I
m guessig it has to do with his closing line it episode 7, but god damn if that wasn't really freaking weird. I'll tell you, the second half of the series was nothing I could have expected, as can be said about most of this anime.

I like that the characters were very human. [spoiler]just like in real life, you don't always get the climactic ending where she gets to play on te beach -- and thus she dies early. [/spoiler] Instead of the ending everyone expects [spoiler](Yukito reeturns, whisks her off, happily ever after.[/spoiler] Instead we get [spoiler]Yukito is a crow, she dies.[/spoiler] As far as dramatic effect goes, it's harsh, but that's what makes it so touching and unique.

Overall, I loved this show, though episode 13 was a big disappointment. We don't need a recap. >_>[/COLOR]
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  • 2 months later...
the Air arc is what truly got me though. though I REALLY would like to know WTH was up with [spoiler]Yukito turning into a crow?!?![/spoiler] I'm guessig it has to do with his closing line it episode 7, but god damn if that wasn't really freaking weird. I'll tell you, the second half of the series was nothing I could have expected, as can be said about most of this anime.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
That's basically it. [spoiler]All of Ryuuya and Uraha's descendants, right down to Yukito and his mother, carried on a portion of Uraha's powers. They encountered Kanna's reincarnations over and over but were never able to save them. Instead, they poured their powers into Uraha's puppet while on the verge of dying (I don't remember the scene exactly, but I think Yukito's mother might have cut her own life short in order to make this transfer). So by the time the puppet came into Yukito's hands, there was a huge reserve of magic in there waiting to be used.

Yukito chose to turn into a crow (and go back through time to the beginning of that summer) because he realized he could not be by Misuzu's side as a human being. Because of the curses placed on Kanna, it would just worsen her sickness and debilitate him as well. As Sora, he found a loophole and could be with Misuzu--be her "friend"--way past the events of episode 7. What's neat is all of the foreshadowing that's sprinkled through the first seven episodes (for instance, the last thing we see before the OP plays in episode one is a crow flying skyward). With him as her companion Sora and Haruko as her mother, Misuzu is the first of Kanna's reincarnations to find the happiness that Kanna was unable to have with Uraha, Ryuuya and her own mother.[/spoiler]

In the AIR movie, [spoiler]Yukito never becomes a crow and is with Misuzu as a human being, along with Haruko, to the end.[/spoiler]

So, yeah. The last time I rewatched AIR, I tried sticking the Summer Special in there in chronological order, but I think it works better when watched a little bit after the main series. It makes for a softer landing, at any rate. :animeswea [/SIZE]


ADV has announced AIR's English voice cast (for the early episodes, at any rate--no mention of Summer yet). Did I mention that it's [i]licensed[/i]!?

*dies of joy*

Yukito - Vic Mignogna [Edward in FMA, Kurz in FMP]
Misuzu - Monica Rial [Kirika in Noir, Hazuki/Luna in Moon Phase]
Kano - Stephanie Whittles [she's basically new to voice acting]
Minagi - Kira Vincent-Davis [Lucy/Nyu in Elfen Lied]
Haruko - Luci Christian [Wrath in FMA, Kaname in FMP]
Hijiri - Christine Auten [Izumi in FMA, Sakaki in Azumanga Daioh]
Michiru - Serena Varghese [Rosetta in Kaleido Star]
Potato - Tiffany Grant [Asuka in Evangelion]
Minagi's Mother - Kelly Manison [Vanessa in Madlax]
Keisuke - John Gremillion [Yoshida in Peacemaker]
Nayuki - Jessica Boone [Chiyo in Azumanga Daioh, Rue in Princess Tutu]
Ayu - Brittney Karbowski [Himeko in Pani Poni Dash]
Makoto - Tiffany Terrell [various minor roles since '03]

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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes, I'm excited for this liscencing! I don't remember most of the characters well enough to offer studious opinion, but I'll say that the choice for Yukito seems strange. i hope to god he's capable of having an older-sounding voice... also, as for Misuzu I don't know who that is, but I do know that 'Gao' better still be the most adorable sound ever XD

I find it funny that you included the brief Kanon appearances, :animesmil .[/COLOR]
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Vic is definitely capable of playing older; Carrossea Doon in Madlax is a good example of this. I'm delighted he got cast--I was convinced that Yukito would be Chris Patton (now I'd bet money that, since he's not Yukito, he'll end up being Ryuuya). Patton would've nailed it, like he nails everything, but Vic Mignogna could do some great stuff with Yukito's snarky side.

[url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=2074][u]Monica Rial[/u][/url] is a veteran with a really wide range--she can play grown-up, little girl and everything in between. (Seriously: she's been Jo in Burst Angel, Angelica in Gunslinger Girl, Sakura in Tsubasa, Nyamo in Azumanga, Hyatt in Excel Saga...) Haruka in RahXephon is my favorite role of hers.

I think it's significant that the dub director gave one Kanon role to Jessica Boone and another to a rising talent.

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  • 1 year later...
I watched [b]AIR[/b] over the past few days and loved it. Before I get into the story and characters, I want to heap lavish praise upon the visuals. This series is gorgeous (not totally unexpected from KyoAni, haha). Probably the most beautiful aspect of the series, for me, is the use of color. It's just so vibrant and [i]alive[/i]. Watching a sunset in AIR makes me wish I could see that 24/7.

Getting into the story, well, I liked it a lot -- the pacing and the circular structure were especially cool to me. It is cool how the series eases viewers into life in the town before bombarding them with drama. I enjoyed the bits with Kano and Minagi before the main story with Misuzu. Minagi's story is especially wonderful. Ep6 is sooooooo bittersweet with [spoiler]the family dinner with Minagi, her mother, Michuru and Yukito.[/spoiler] It's so simple and touching.

Misuzu actually rubbed me the wrong way at first because she is so childish, but she grew on me a LOT throughout the series, and the new perspective of her shown during the [spoiler]Sora arc[/spoiler] adds so much heartbreak to her story. What got to me most was the buildup and ending of the storyline between Misuzu and Haruko. Parent/child stories [i]always[/i] get to me. I am such a sap for that type of thing.

As for the way it was set up, I thought it was really clever to [spoiler]reincarnate Yukito in a way that would allow him to be friends with Misuzu while getting around the whole human friends make her die thing. Sora was also used incredibly well to get another view of the story, so that it is fresh instead of a retread.[/spoiler] Well played, writers. Well played.

I still need to watch the movie. And the AIR in summer episodes.
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