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Well, I've started quite a few threads on this in the past, but I feel it's time for some new faces.
Does anyone else here skateboard besides me? If so, how good are you? What's your best trick? Did you have any tricks that took you way long to learn?

I'm kinda good, but not great. My best trick would probably be... Fakie 180s. I can do fakie ollies, Pop-Shuv-its, 50-50, 5-0, I've done a few Salads, And so far Kickflips and Fakie Flips are coming along for me. I always seem to learn things in pairs: 180s with Fakie 180s, Kickflips with Fakie Flips, etc.

So, let's here from you guys.

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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I've been skating for a while now, but lately it's been prohibited by snow.

I can pretty much do all basic tricks (kickflips, heelflips, 50-50, boardslide, etc.), but I struggle with varial kickflips.

My favorite skater: Mark Appleyard. So technical, but still smooth.
Favorite team: Flip. Bastien, Appleyard, and Rowley. Yep, they are good.

Current deck: Element Bam (blah, no pop :( ), Grind Kings, Spitfire Wheels, Black Panther ABEC 7 bearings, uhh... thats about it.

-the one and only
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Oh yea! Mullen favorite skater is Rodney Mullen. Can't go wrong with Mullen. My favorite team is either the Al Most or the Zero team. Almost have some sick people, including Rodney and Daewon, but Zero's whole team is sick.
My favorite shoes are [url=www.fallenfootwear.com]Fallens[/url]. They are the only skate shoes I have ever wore and I love them.

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[size=2]I cant skate worth crap, but i still try. Well cant do any moves, dont really got a board right now, and favorite skater... cant say one so Ill list them: Hawk, Margera, Mullen, and Muska.[/size]

[size=2]Im strange I know. [/size]
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[size=1][color=orange]Ive been skating for a while now. I can do all the basics as Billy Shears put them and I have some other decent tricks I can do(hardflips, 360 flips, varials, etc.)

The best trick I have ever landed would probably have been my first handplant. That was the longest trick to learn because of my skinny self not being able to hold myself for very long but I got it after about 2 and a half months or so.

But my favorite skater overall is Eric Koston. The average street skater with alot of style...[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Varial kickflips make me so mad. The problem I have is that no matter how close and over the board, I always land with 2 feet on the tail. :flaming:

I think the biggest thing I've done is a half-Cab over a 2-flat-4 (very hard). I also broke my hand after landing it the fourth time. Then there is the heelflip across a 3-ft grass gap. I needed so much speed. That was hard as well, because heelflips aren't my strongest flip trick.

-the one and only
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I got a skateboard on my 7th birthday, *what a 7 year old does with a skateboard....don't know...*. I tried to ride it, but a black kid riding a skateboard in my neighborhood raised eyebrows, so in the meantime, I'll just stick to T.H.U.G.[/color][/font] :p
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Yeah! Finally, I can relate to a topic...
I'm an "older-generation" skater- I took it up as a wee lass back when Hosoi was still really popular (a REALLY wee lass, mind you). I ate, breathed, slept, and dreamed skateboarding for a long time, though now I can only skate when the snow melts- and that's for about 3 months out of the year where I'm currently living.
I'll always love Hensley, but Muska and Penny are pretty solid, as well.
It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could.
If I didn't have my brother to skate with, I would pretty much have no one to skate with. I think it's because guys are uncomfortable with the idea of a girl out-skating them or with seeing a girl rip the skin off her knees and elbows and what-not when she falls.Hmmm...I really don't know.

When this world fills me up with rage and hate
I throw on my shoes and I go out and skate...
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[QUOTE=elfpirate]Yeah! Finally, I can relate to a topic...
I'm an "older-generation" skater- I took it up as a wee lass back when Hosoi was still really popular (a REALLY wee lass, mind you).[/quote]Hosoi was sweet. But the Gonz was(is?) sweeter.
[quote name='elfpirate']It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could.[/quote]You gotta be joking. I bet that hurt...i was lookin for fight stuff on the internet nd I saw this one fight where these jocks were messin with these dudes, and one of them picked up his board and decked him like 5 times, truck first.
[quote name='elfpirate'] I think it's because guys are uncomfortable with the idea of a girl out-skating them.[/quote]I knew this girl in my old 'hood who could kickflip boardslide a 5 set, but people hated on her cause she was a girl. That is so messed up. But that's the jock metality that ears up this newest generation of skaters..
[quote name='Mike V.']I guess it's human nature...human nature's a drag[/quote]
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I've got a Blind Hangman deck, and a Blind Reaper Mini which I got about 2 weeks ago. That fact that it's a Mini is distracting my skating style, but I'm starting to get a hold of it. I'm too attached to my Hangman.

Kickflips, heelflips, boardslides, 50-50s, the basic lot. . The hardest stunt I've ever landed... handplant... because it took me 3 months to get it. I'm better at street-skateboarding and on the halfpipe than I am anywhere else. I can carve up stalls, rock and rolls, 50-50 stalls, tail stalls (and kickflip out of it), and blunt stalls...

Grinds... feeble grinds, nose/board/lip/bluntslides.. the most hardest slide I've pulled off wouldv'e been the F/S 180 nose blunt I managed at the skatepark in town. Once, and once only. I haven't tried it since, mainly because I can see myself getting seriously ashed.
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[QUOTE=elfpirate]It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could.
I wouldnt care if you could (and most defintly can) skate better than me. If anything I would ask you to possibly teach me. Anyways... I just need a new board and I will try at it again. I am kinda getting better.:D
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I know, right?

well..since the general idea is that girls are accepted-at least on this forum, that's the g.i- Let's get some discussion goin.

What was the best trick someone has ever done, wether meaning to, or not?

Once, I was playing around with Shuv-its, doin them into Disaster stalls on the curb, and I did one into Blunt Stall! It was sweet.

Also, once I flatlanded into a Primo, then jumped and 180 spun over the board, landed with my heels on the wheels, then leaned back so the board hit then bounced up. When it did so, I caught it Casper, then flipped it back with a 180 over it. Luck? Damn straight.

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  • 1 month later...
hi im a grommet (begginer) at skating but i really love it (im 13 by the way). :p So far after the half year i have been doing it i can do an ollie. :animedepr

The best rick i have ever done was a kickflip and it was a fluke, i dont know how i did it.

My favourite skater is jamie thomas he is a real insparation.

I live in Melbourne VIC Australia and went to the globe world cup recently it was ausome.
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I started skating last week. I'm terrible at it right now, but that's to be expected. Regardless, I've made nice progress on the basics. I'm going to continue building my comfort level and ability to maneuver the board naturally before I even bother with the most simplistic of tricks. I'm not skating with the goal of becoming fantastic in mind; it's just a nice bit of exercise that I find enjoyable. Today I'm going to purchase a board suitable to my size (since the rental boards are decidedly terrible). That should help ease my comfort level and help me make further progress.
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[quote name='Charles']I started skating last week. I'm terrible at it right now, but that's to be expected. Regardless, I've made nice progress on the basics. I'm going to continue building my comfort level and ability to maneuver the board naturally before I even bother with the most simplistic of tricks. I'm not skating with the goal of becoming fantastic in mind; it's just a nice bit of exercise that I find enjoyable. Today I'm going to purchase a board suitable to my size (since the rental boards are decidedly terrible). That should help ease my comfort level and help me make further progress.[/quote]
Buy an 8 inch deck for starts... They help you balance better. I myself still use 8s, and I just learned how to kickflip. on them, and Fakie Shuvs. Until you know your gonna keep goin, just go to the local board shop, buy their brand board, some black wheels, Independant trucks, and maybe Shorty's Bearings. I would say swisses, but they are expensive.

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  • 2 weeks later...
ooo man i don't skate much at all anymore but its great stuff. I'm not great more of a flatland person at that but i could do 50-50s, backside boardslides, noseslides, half cab (fakie 180), kickflip, frontside and backside 180s, fakie backside flips (fakie 180 kickflips if u dont know the terminology), fakie heelflips, heelflips, double kickflips, fakie kickflips, fakie shove-its, pop shove-its, fakie 360 shove-its, and i think that might be just about it as you can see the flatland GREATLY outnumbers the grinds/slides haha i just never got as comfortable with them even though they're fun. I'd have to say though THE funnest thing is gaps gaps gaps get good at ollies and do gaps they're so fun eventually you can trick over them whether they be stair gaps or whatever GAPS ARE FUN

catch the earlier post but yea id say go and get swiss bones too even though their kinda expensive your full board can cost 160.00 thats how much mine cost but on the truck matter i'd say get tensors my independents were kinda crappy independent trucks are heavy and the pin in my back independent truck broke in half one day. Even considering I got a good year out of it I still wouldnt recommend it I currently sport the grind kings for the sake of trying something new but I have to say taht tensors were the best as far as my experiences go and deckwise my experience has told me that alien workshop is the best but pick one you're comfortable with first rule of thumb when u get a deck though DO NOT LET IT GET WET EVERRRR haha good luck and have fun

[COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your double post. Please use the edit button if you need to add something to a post versus starting a new post directly after one you just made. If you don't want to do that then wait until someone else responds to the thread and post after they do. If you have questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. -Panda[/COLOR]
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Guest Death Rose
[QUOTE]50-50s, backside boardslides, noseslides, half cab (fakie 180), kickflip, frontside and backside 180s, fakie backside flips (fakie 180 kickflips if u dont know the terminology), fakie heelflips, heelflips, double kickflips, fakie kickflips, fakie shove-its, pop shove-its, fakie 360 shove-its,[/QUOTE]

Hey Everyone! That what i can do mostly i know some other tricks.
Bye Love Adriana
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I landed my first fakie flip today. And, I almost landed a 360 shuv yestruday. Kickflips are my best friend. about a month ago i sucked at them, then I got my new dominion and I just started landin them almost every time.

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im sponsered by my local skatepark. i can do the basic tricks and all. and i can nollie, nollie flip, switch ollie, tre' flip and i can 360 down a 7step. i can kickflip to 5-0, nollie to 5-0, switch 180 to 5-0, varial kickflip to bluntslide. etc.

destructo trucks with abec7 bearings pig risers and a popwar deck is what i hav. i broke my element, they brak too eaisaly. and ive gone through a foundation and two mini-logo boards. all snapped while skatin.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your double posts into one post. If you need to post directly after a post you just made please use the edit button on your current post versus creating a new one or wait until someone else posts a response.Please work on your post quality as well. Spelling and grammar are very important here on the OB. PM myself or any of the other mods if you have questions. -Panda
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[b]I forgot to answer the tricks part o' the question last time I posted, huh?[/b]

[b]Well, right now I'm workin' on hardflips and fakie flips, but I'm tryin' 'em standstill, since I have to practice in the cellar 'till the snow melts-ha ha...[/b]

[b]Hardest trick I've landed? Hmmm... I think it was a 7-stair dark-slide, 180-out... into a moving car--ha ha - no s**t - I [i]landed [/i]it--about half a second before impacting with the car... and ended up with a broken foot. (yes, yes it [i]is[/i] a funny mental image...)[/b]

[b]I was happy to have landed it, though... I'd been trying it all day and was getting mad about not having any skin left on my shins and elbows... so I was pretty stoked that I finally landed it.[/b]

[b]As far as a set-up, I'm sportin' a Zoo York w/ Black Panthers--suits me just fine...[/b]
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I have tried to skateboard, many a time.
But it always ends to same.
But it starts me boarding in a straight line, slowly, singing "I am a skater girl..something something somethign" and then being hurled off the board by the disembodied Spirit of Avril lavinge..She doesn't like to be mocked.
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[QUOTE=Cazzilla]I have tried to skateboard, many a time.
But it always ends to same.
But it starts me boarding in a straight line, slowly, singing "I am a skater girl..something something somethign" and then being hurled off the board by the disembodied Spirit of Avril lavinge..She doesn't like to be mocked.[/QUOTE]

lol well keep trying, some nvr learn to skateboard. its pretty hard

[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]I forgot to answer the tricks part o' the question last time I posted, huh?[/b]

[b]Well, right now I'm workin' on hardflips and fakie flips, but I'm tryin' 'em standstill, since I have to practice in the cellar 'till the snow melts-ha ha...[/b]

[b]Hardest trick I've landed? Hmmm... I think it was a 7-stair dark-slide, 180-out... into a moving car--ha ha - no s**t - I [i]landed [/i]it--about half a second before impacting with the car... and ended up with a broken foot. (yes, yes it [i]is[/i] a funny mental image...)[/b]

[b]I was happy to have landed it, though... I'd been trying it all day and was getting mad about not having any skin left on my shins and elbows... so I was pretty stoked that I finally landed it.[/b]

[b]As far as a set-up, I'm sportin' a Zoo York w/ Black Panthers--suits me just fine...[/b][/QUOTE]

hey man how'd ya learn to darkslide? i wanna learn. and how do ya het the hardflips? i cant get it evn thogh i can popshvit both ways.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your responses since double posts are not allowed on the OB. Please work on your post quality as well. I highly recommend that you reread the rules of the site before posting anymore. If you have questions about the posting rules please PM myself or any of the moderators of the site. -Panda [/COLOR]
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hey man how'd ya learn to darkslide? i wanna learn. and how do ya het the hardflips? i cant get it evn thogh i can popshvit both ways.[/QUOTE][b]*tee hee*[/b]

[b]1) I'm not a man (not sure if that was a figure o' speech or not, but thought I'd tell you anyhow...).[/b]

[b]2) Lots of trial and error and really hurting myself...:animeswea [/b]

[b]I basically watched video after video, and slowed down every darkslide I saw and then tried to imitate as best I could. Eventually, I landed it. I still have a hard time landing them, though, and will be workin' on 'em this summer.[/b]

[b]3) When I can land the hardflips, I'll let you know...:animesigh [/b]
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