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Scourge of the Spanish Main [M VL possible S]

Drix D'Zanth

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Scourge of the Spanish Main
Catching the Wind of Fortune

The salty air was dry as the call of the gulls flying over Tortuga, the port filled with the noises of dockworkers and privateers going about their business. A one-legged man hobbled down the gravel near the docks, approaching a ship of modest draft and hardy sail. He eyed the vessel for a moment, chewing on the wheat stalk with the few rotting teeth. Beneath the shadow of his worn cap, he stared each detail down; the worn rigging, the rusted cannons. ?L?Ollais, I don?t know how ye done it this time, but a fine ship have ye birthed to this port. She be one to define a career on,? He looked up wearily at his tanned companion, ?One ye could [i]retire[/i] on.?
The younger man stroked his beard, ?I intend to, Biney,? he replied, ?however more pressing issues be remainin?.? With this, the two strode up the walkboard on to the sun dried deck where a mass of dirtied, anxious men milled about. He took a minute to survey the boards upon which the dirtied bags and sacks of non perishables lay. The low rumble of society?s castaways attempting to be polite to one another, as the long bonds formed over years at sea slowly started to weave between crewmembers. Jean couldn?t help feeling the cool rush in his hands tingle down his chest upon the mere implication in setting to the wind and flying the colors a for perhaps a final time.
With a nod from the captain, the crippled old deckmate, Biney, heaved on the deck-bell ringing it loudly to silence the crowd. L?Ollais pulled up a crate, propping one leg up that brandished a cruel dirk strapped to his boot. ?I gathered the worst I could find me, the most wreched men I lay me weary eye upon! I dipped my finger to the bottom of the rum keg. Do any of you know why?? His teeth glittered contrasting his bronze skin, lips caked from the salty air. ?I looked for the meanest, crulest men, ?ecause I know why ye came to Tortuga. I know the hand ?at the Mistress of the sea dealt ye was black as the spot of night! I know the luck be runnin drier than the back ?o the turtle from which this island be named. I know the one thing that?ll quench the draught that not a thousand nights ?o tavern could spare! These seas, the main, be pourin? wet with the drink o? life. [b]Gold[/b].? An excited murmur drew up from the crowd like a soft roar, as each man stared intently at the captain, the word straining their necks to hear the promises. Jean let his voice die down, ??An I know the life before ye be the roughest any man could be asked, much less asked to serve on the graces of another, like I?m asking ye. I only ask you to serve with me as me crew, ?an forever will be your thirst quenched.? With the final word he drew up his cutlass and pierced the deck beneath him with a great clap, and the blade vibrated, resounding the continued celebrations of the crew.
Biney spoke over them in a shaky pitch, unfurling a long piece of paper, ?The Captain will be listenin? to your credentials now, an you can esplain wut you plan on takin? up in this here ship. If ye be takin the riggin, gunnin, cook, we need ?em all, so tell me your talents and give your mark to the cap?n. Quartermaster will be elected before sail is set.? A snaked line of people drew toward the quarterdeck where Biney sat, staring over his list of crew.
[img] http://www.vieux.montreal.qc.ca/tour/etape10/images/10_p02a.jpg[/img]
[b]April 17, 1662[/b]
As luck would have it, the crew took to my speech better than I expected. I have faith in these men; they look tougher than the iron that fill a broadside. Biney let the crew sign up to their respective posts. I plan to use each man?s talents to our advantage. We can?t spare the chance that the Swift Mary lose her surprise or her bite. We?ll be catching prey bigger than ourselves, so the best we keep to our efficiencies, the closer we get to the catch that will land us a name to be feared. Once I can achieve that, perhaps my aspirations will be fulfilled. Perhaps the promise I made to myself in that forgotten year will be made true.
The men all signed up after a short period of time, retiring themselves below deck to find a hammock and declare a chest for possessions. It was around this time a most surprising event occurred. The most unlikely of our crew approached me asking for a hand at gaining the position of quartermaster. He gave me an offer that I dare not write of yet, for it seemed so convincing that were I to betray it in writing, I might betray my own doubt of it and fail to believe him. The day was uneventful except for a brief melee that broke out upon the main shortly before I arrived. I could have sword I smelled the iron stench of blood about. I only hope the two responsible will be brought to me before their feud spreads to the rest of the crew. I suppose I?ll be dealing with that when the new sun rises and a strong April wind picks up. I been too long away from the sea, and her waves call to me.[/i]

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The tough, salty air weighed down on all of the men. The chill of the April morning anchored the crowd to huddling and staying close as possible to one another. The stench was nearly unbearable; a putrid mix of liquor-infested breath and hair that had not been properly washed in months [if at all]. The line moved slowly, men hobbled forward a few paces; hoping their movements would push the line ahead.

A swift, cooled breeze swept over the docks. Papers and litter danced over her feet. She checked over her garments, hugging her jacket closer. Her bindings squeezed and clamped her breasts, making a single breath a chore. It had been a while since she wore this horrid contraption dubiously named the "corset". She checked to make sure her skirt was tucked into her knee socks, surprisingly looking like pants. Her boots felt of lead from the caked mud. Her feet were small, too small to pass as a man's.

[b]"Next! Bring yer arses lightly! I 'aven't got all day, ye know!"[/b] the haggard man with stringy, grey hair waved his quill in the air furiously.

[b]"Get movin', ye bloody brood,"[/b] a filthy hand gripped her arm, shoving her forward down the line.

[b]"Get yer hands off o' me!"[/b] she growled, forcing her vocal chords to contract.

The man pulled out a dirty blade, no more than three inches in length. His lip snarled, revealing yellowed and broken teeth. Many others circled around the two, chanting and cheering.

[b]"C'mon,"[/b] the man tossed his blade back and forth between his hands.

[b]"Wha's goin' on here?"[/b] the string-haired man pushed his way through the crowd, [b]"You two! Either straighten yourselves, or be off with ya!"[/b]

The crowd groaned and protested, reluctantly falling back into line. Men growled and pushed at her. Hours passed before it was her turn to sign her position.

[b]"Ye be causing trouble on this ship, an' I'll cast you overboard meself. You 'ear me, boy?"[/b] the man handed her the quill.

[b]"Aye,"[/b] her throat strained and she took hold of the pen.

Luckily for her, her handwriting was not as lady-like as her family had wanted. She could easily pass her handwriting for a non-intelligent human.

[i]Michael McCaffery. Skills in sword fighting and cannons. Little rigging experience.[/i]

She set the quill on the weathered parchment and grabbed her leather bag. She stared up at the ship in awe; it was beautiful. The ship sat atop of the water in magnificence. It swayed lightly as she started up the connecting board. The heel of her boots produced a hollow thud and moan as she slowly made her way up the plank. The dock of the ship was clean and bustling with men. She jumped down a foot or so onto the hardwood.

[b]"Welcome aboard, matey,"[/b] a man passed, slapping her shoulder.

[i]April 17, 1662

I boarded ship today, and I'm terrified. No one yet suspects my gender. I know it's only a matter of time before they find out. God help me for what they will do to me. But I'd rather die a pirate, deceiver or not, than to be married against my will. I am my own person, I will not be controlled in such a weak manner. If I am to be controlled, it will be under circumstances in which I enjoy.

I've yet to see the captain, and I can't wait to set sail. I want to see the world before I die, and I know it will be soon. Being a female on a ship will be no simple matter of binding my breasts. Plus, I hear it curses the ship. I pray that it doesn't for us; they will eventually narrow it down to one person. I will be that person.

But, no time for this talk. I have to go claim my cot and chest.

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[size=1]I woke early this morning, before heading down towards the docks. After breaking my fast at the Lucky Salt, I visited the hide that I'd left on my last visit to Tortuga. Most people with a knowledge of the world would know what a hide is, but I'll explain it to you, and consider you a student in the world of men. Most people of dubious...means, shall we say, are always prepared for any eventuality, and as such, a small store of goods, be it gold or other important items, can be hidden in central locations. My Tortuga hide was located in a disused warehouse, where lay the rotting remnants of some farmer's harvest, along with a small ballista frame and some small terracotta pots with hidden payload. All of this was wrapped in bukly canvas to protect it. I hired the services of a feth-boy and his cart to help me take it down to the docks. Biney gave me some argument about the ballista [I neglected to tell him it's contents]. The Cap'n waived Biney's objections, though I think I've not made friend of the wiley old cripple. I'm hoping that I can use my old friend to the best possible degree, and therebye gain some favour with the Cap'n and the rest of the crew.


April 17, Year Being 1662 of Our Lord,

[I]Tommorrow morning upon the waning tide we set sail, off fer a life o' pillaging an other such high-minded affairs. The salt in the air sings to me o' blood and gold, and the wind in the rigging is sweet like the call of a barwench. Oh aye, tis a sweet life to be a gennleman of leisure.

Today the new Cap'n let rip with a 'strordinary lil' speech, which had me ears singing I can tell yeh now. When the time came to board, I was afeared of not being able to take me little friend with me...ya see, I wouldn't be leaving without it, no sirree. The hide was still good when I went to pick it up too, which is a mighty great blessing I tell's yeh.

The cripple seemed reluctant to take it on board, me being so secretive an' all but a quick word in the Cap'ns ear set it straight. Me precious greek fire an I will be shipmates after all. Bit awkard getting the frame through ther hatch, but she's done well.

Until the morrow,



As he set down the quill, and stored the ink-pot back in his pack, he fondly patted the bulky frame nestled amongst other packages underneath his hammock.


OOC: Hope this is all good. PM me if you ever have a problem with my posts.

[b]Edit[/b]: Live action/pseudo-journal included. I don't know how well this works, and I imagine I'll refine the style as this story furthers, but at least it's more information now Drix ^_^;[/size]
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The smell of sweat hung over the dock, thick like soup. Flies buzzed angrily around sailors? unwashed hair, avoiding absentminded and half-hearted slaps.

Jared took in the scene with a practiced eye. His scan missed nothing ? concealed weapons, a crate marked tobacco that a man was struggling with a little too much? perhaps containing rum or some other bottled substance. His eyes found their target, the majestic skeleton of masts and rigging that was the Swift Mary, his new home.

Walking toward her, he practiced overhearing multiple conversations at once. It was a trick he had learned at a young age ? the ability to understand more than one line of dialogue at once without losing any comprehension of either.

?The Captain informs me that this stinking hellhole cou?nna fix our damned guns! We?re like sitting ducks on the open sea. There?s no way we could fend off a pirate with only three guns. And our starboard has no guns at all!?

?Aye, our booty was so large we had to leave it behind on the island ? our ship could barely move with the amount of gold.?

?This is our richest cargo yet, and we don?t have any way to defend it? How about speed ? did everything get repaired so we can get up to top speed? The Poignant Swan can run away if she can?t fight ? we?re faster than most.?

?So if I join the crew now, do I get a share of that plunder??

?Aye, that we are. I?m no sailor, I?m just a cook, but the Captain was saying over his dinner that he was still worried.?

?Oh, aye. The Captain is a strong believer in share and share alike. Once you?re on-board, you?re part of the crew.?

?And we?re still scheduled to sail on th? morrow??

?So we?re sailing straight to the island? Where is it??

?Aye, but if I?m not on her, don?t be surprised??

?It?s only a few days sail to the South. But keep that knowledge to yourself matey ? our treasure is buried deep and hidden well, but we don?t want others hanging around while we?re digging it up, if you catch my drift??

?I know what you mean. I might not either.?

Jared noted the key information ? Poignant Swan, good cargo, weak starboard; large ship sailing straight South, large buried treasure. He was sure that his new captain would be interested to hear these tidbits.

[b]---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~--

The Seventeenth Day of April,
in the Year of our Lord,
Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Two

---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~--

Today I write from my new berth on the strong ship Swift Mary. After boarding (I arrived early), I took it upon myself to learn the lay of the ship. I introduced myself to Biney, who knew the Cap'n from previous days at sea. His stories only serve to confirm what I can already tell - the Cap'n is a skilled man who will take us far.

When the rest of the men had arrived by mid-day, we stood on the deck awaiting the Cap'n. He was soon arriving with Biney in tow. He gave a pretty speech as Cap'ns are prone to do - no one was really listening, except when he mentioned the word gold. I spent most of the time watching my new brothers - and come to think of it, sisters, in arms. Yeah, one of our new sailors is a woman masquerading as a man. She's got balls, that one. I doubt anyone else has noticed - but I can tell a man's origin by the way they walk, and that girl doesn't walk like she has a dick and two balls between her legs. I'll keep her secret for now - if she has the guts to sign on to a crew of dogs like us, she can handle herself.

After we signed our name to the register (I just put 'Skilled Lookout' for my experience - I'm no sailor), we were to go find ourselves a nook to sleep in. Already knowing the ship, I took the moment to seek out the Cap'n. I told him about the conversations I overheard walking to the ship. I heard two of interest, I told him. A ship on its last legs, would hardly be able to fight. She sails tomorrow. And I told him about the buried treasure that another ship was going to dig up. Mayhaps we could take some of the treasure for ourselves, I told the Cap'n. He seemed pleased with what I found out - maybe I can use that to my advantage.

Well, I need to go find out what other work needs doing. If you don't work on this ship, you don't get fed - except to the fishies by getting thrown overboard. Nobody likes a lazy bum. I might write again when I go to bed, I'll have to see.

---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~-- ---~~{::::::::}~~-- [/b]
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[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Laslow had woken up this morning in the back of the tavern he had entered last night, hoping to nurse a few ales and possibly hooking up with a local whore. He had faint memory of signing up to be on a ship of some sort. A pirate ship he believed it was. Laslow rubbed his head, and noticed his pockets once again turned out. But this time he'd gotten the best of the theiving bastards... He had nothing to steal!

[b]Laslow-[/b] "...ha." A lame at best attempt at laughter, but probably the best he could muster with a vomit lined throat and a spinning landscape around him. He stood carefuly, leaning heavily on the side of the building, and made his way onto one of the main streets of Tortuga.

The sun was out, and turned on bake. He shielded his eyes and made it over to a water trough. A horse was drinking sloppily. Laslow knelt down and drank with his newfound fourlegged friend. The horse whinnied and bent it's head back down to drink. After nearly a dozen good slurps of water, Laslow stood back up, gave the horse a pat, thanked it for letting him share the trough, and began the long, long, long, long walk down to the docks... It was only a few hundred meters, but hangovers have a sence of warping distances. And time... And voice volume... And noise of any kind... And... Oh God, why did walking have to be so tiring...

The docks loomed into sight, with their massive array of masts and riggings. Sails and schooners. And always the myriad of people. Always hustling and bustling and waveering about. The ship... What was it's name... Something Mary. Laslows legs felt close to collapse, so he collapsed. He crawled through the dirt and propped himself up on some barrels, taking out his journal, quill, and ink. He;d find the ship after a few minutes rest.
[i][b]April 17th, 1662[/b]
Woke up hungover again. It's all that's too my life anymore.
I guess I signed up for a ship of pirates last night. It's gotta be better than the Navy. I can't handle them anymore.
We'll see where today takes us. Dispite feelin' so crappy, it is a nice day out. The gulls seem restless. Maybe there's a fine wind blowin' up somewhere.
[list]Laslow McGrath[/list][/i][/color][/size]
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[left][b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Rowan was up just before dawn's first light, her gear already in order. It hadn't taken her long to prepare, as her few remaining possessions all fit neatly into the old leather side satchel she wore close to her hip. Carefully tied to the bottom of the satchel was a sturdy bastard sword. Though it was a guarded treasure, she had never used it- and instead, preferred the custom twin blades that she wore across her back. These, she had forged for herself with the greatest of care and they suited her well. [/color][/size][/font][/b][/left]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]A quick glance skyward told her that she must hurry if she was going to use the cover of darkness to veil her steps, as dawn was encroaching upon the horizon. Slowly and silently- lest her movement catch anyone's eye, she raised herself to her feet and strapped her satchel to her side. As a precaution, she reached over her shoulder and loosed the hilt of one of her blades from its scabbord, hoping that she would not have need of it this day. [/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Like a shadow, she crept from her hiding place- a small niche in the wall of one of the filthy alleyways that cut through the heart of Tortuga like festering wounds that would not heal. She stole through the streets and alleys, as swift and as silent as a wraith in the darkness, and made her way across the wharf.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[left][font=Book Antiqua][b][size=1][color=navy]The fishmongers were already scattered here and there along the wharf, preparing their nets for the morning catch. Distracted by their work, they did not notice her passing in the shadows behind them. Rowan was glad of it, for the meager pocketbook of a fishmonger would be nicely padded if he were to catch her and turn her over to the crown.[/color][/size][/b][/font][/left]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Nearing the docks, Rowan's blood began to freeze, for the form of the gallows was clear even in the darkness. She had known that her path to the docks would take her past them, but she cursed herself now for not giving them a wider berth. Her chest began to tighten with terror and the blackest rage she had ever known coursed through her veins. Hatred, heartache and guilt consumed her...mingling with her memories. As she drew ever closer, her heart flooded with agony. She swallowed hard, past the lump in her throat, clutched the hilt of her bastard sword and sprinted past the gallows- with a fierce resolve to shut out the memories that they had conjured up within her.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]At last, she reached the docks and made her way quickly to where the Swift Mary was moored.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[left][b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]It's graceful sillouette loomed over her, magnificent in the waxing glow of the dawn. Lazily, it swayed upon the whispering waves, moaning and creaking softly under its glorious bulk. An early morning mist rose from the water to skirt the vessel in a dewy fog.[/color][/size][/font][/b][/left]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Little more than a patch of darkness in the sillouette of the ship, Rowan had not seen the solitary figure that stood watch on the 'Mary's deck above her until a flicker of movement caught her eye. The figure was scanning the dock, searching for something- or [i]someone[/i]. He had not seen her.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Rowan froze there, crouching in the shadow of the boat, her breath caught in her lungs. She watched the figure intently, preparing to bolt away into the shadows of the adjoining docks. Just as she was about to turn and flee, the figure caught sight of her. To her surprise, it was he who was startled and jumped back at the sight of her. [/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]"Ahoy! Who goes there?" he demanded, in a voice that betrayed his anxieties.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Rowan nearly collapsed in relief, recognizing the voice to be that of old Biney. She stood up straight and called to him. "Tis I, matey, an' I've no' been followed... nor spied along me way, ye kin be sure o' thit..."[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][b][size=1][color=navy]Biney let out a relieved sigh, followed by a quiet chuckle, but Rowan could tell that he was still tense, as he quickly bade her up the gangplank. [/color][/size][/b][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[left][font=Book Antiqua][b][size=1][color=navy]She knew that he was sticking his neck out for her- taking a considerable risk, smuggling her aboard like this, when the soldiers of the crown were so vigilently hunting for her. Biney would be hanged by her side at the gallows if he were caught aiding in her escape. A quick glance at the old man's face told her that Biney was well aware of the possibility, as well. She boarded swiftly and silently, neither of them daring to say another word until they were safely below decks.[/color][/size][/b][/font][/left]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][b][size=1][color=navy]"Tis a strange fate indeed that I be smugglin' one o' Cap'n MacPherson's crew aboard" he said in a hoarse whisper. " MacPherson wis a fine fellow, a damned good pirate, an' a good friend, rest 'is soul." Biney's eyes fell upon the sword at Rowan's side and rested there for a moment before he continued. "Ye must be tip-top if 'e kept ye at 'is side fir so many a voyage, lassie. Indeed, fir a lass to win 'is favor an' 'is friendship is a feat in itsel'. As one o' 'is, I'll be expectin' th' best o' ye- don't be disgracin' 'is name, by God, or I'll keelhaul ye mesel'- whether ye be 'is matey or no' !" [/color][/size][/b][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Biney's eyes fell again to the sword as he said this, and Rowan nodded in understanding. As MacPherson's only surviving crewmember, she now represented the entirety of his legacy, and her loyalty to her beloved captain would have been enough to prevent her from sullying his name- regardless of Biney's threat.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=navy][b][size=1]Biney shook his head solemnly, muttering "God rest 'is soul" and cursing, through his tightly clenched teeth, the "filthy blaggards" that "strung up th' bones" of "poor old MacPherson". [/size][/b][b][size=1]He told Rowan to stay below decks until the rest of the crew had signed the registrar and were aboard. W[/size][/b][b][size=1]hen the captain had a moment, Biney would send for her to make his acquaintance.[/size][/b][/color][/font]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i]L'Ollais hadn't liked the idea of her coming aboard without his seeing her first-hand. It was only on Biney's request and because of Rowan's particular predicament that he had reluctantly made the exception. He worried how a female would protect herself from the men aboard the Swift Mary.[/i][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b][i]"How can you call it 'sparing her' to bring a woman aboard a shipful of pirates?" he had asked Biney the night before. "Her virtues would not be spared after but one lonely month at sea with the men."[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b][i]"No disrespect to ye, Cap'n, bit she's fresh off th' decks o' MacPherson's galleon, an' thit ship wis crawlin' with th' lowest o' depraved curs. No' only did she fare well with MacPherson's men, bit she 'as also managed to outlive them all- escapin' th' clutches o' th' Armada whin no' even MacPherson could spare himsel' a trip to th' gallows.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b][i]MacPherson wis a dear friend- if ye'll spare 'is last mate from 'er death in this port, I'd be much obliged an' consider it a personal favor."[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[i][font=Book Antiqua][color=navy][size=1][b]"Aye, Biney, I've heard that MacPherson's crew was a dangerous lot- full of cut-throats. I am curious to know how only one out o' an entire galleon o' bloodthirsty pirates was able to escape capture... an' even more so that it was the only female o' the lot. How could she escape when MacPherson could not? And I've heard it told that they actually had her in captivity, and that she somehow managed to escape their very clutches... and that is why they so fervently seek her. Tell me, Biney, how is it that she is not hanged with the rest of the men aboard MacPherson's ship? How did she escape?"[/b][/size] [/color][/font][/i]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b][i]"Thit is a detail we did no' go o'er, L'Ollais, bit if ye lit me take 'er aboard, ye kin ask 'er yirsel'..." Biney replied.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b][i]L'Ollais had sighed, smiling at his friend. "Alright, Biney, for you, I'll make the exception- though it puts us in a fair amount of danger to bring someone aboard who's got a gallows rope waiting for her at the other side o' the docks. Bring her to me as soon as we've got the rest o' the men aboard and as soon as we're sure that she's not been seen boarding the 'Mary. Don't put her name in the manifest, in case a nosy soldier takes it upon himself to have a look at it afore we raise sail." he had cautioned.[/i][/b][/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]Biney's eyes fixed upon Rowan's in an intense stare, causing her to shift uncomfortably. "Remember, girl, thit yir new cap'n -an' mesel', mind ye- 'ave done ye a grand favor this morn', smugglin' ye aboard like this- bit don't be expectin' any more favors from here on out- we've been through enough trouble on yir account already..."[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]With that, Biney hobbled away, leaving her alone, as he needed to tend to the gathering crowd upon the docks. [/b][/color][/size][/font]
[color=navy] [/color]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Rowan breathed deeply the fragrance of the salt-parched wood of the cabin, sighing to herself as she took out her small, tattered journal and began scrawling her tiny letters across the pages.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[i][u][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]The Seventeenth Day of April[/b][/color][/size][/font][/u][/i]
[left][i][u][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]in the year Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Two[/b][/color][/size][/font][/u][/i][/left]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]Th' fates 'ave decided to smile upon me, an' I'm finally aboard th' Swift Mary. Me cap'n es still by me side, me thenks, as et wis 'is name alone thit got me aboard afore th' rest o' th' crew wis to sign up. Et turns out thit th' old man- thit cripple, Biney- knew me beloved cap'n- they were mates even afore I 'ad me sea legs.[/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]I met 'im last night- 'e wis standin' outside a pub, an' 'e wis 'avin' a word weth one o' th' sailors en port. I o'erheard 'is mention o' th' Swift Mary, an' thit she wis to be manned weth 'er crew by mid-morn. [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]I 'ad heard o' th' 'Mary- there wis talk o' her an' 'er cap'n, L'Ollais, all o'er Tortuga en th' last several days, so I took et upon mesel' to approach th' old cripple an' request 'is audience to hear me plight. [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]'E wis no' enterested en th' speech o' a young girl, to be sure, 'till I mentioned th' name o' me lost cap'n. A flash I saw en 'is eyes at th' name... an' 'e told me how he an' L'Ollais 'ad seen th' hangin' o' me dear cap'n... an' many o' me mates, as well. [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[b][color=navy][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1]'E also said thit 'e 'ad recognized th' sword at me side as th' one thit MacPherson 'ad carried fir as long as 'e'd known 'im. 'E'd been thinkin' o' tekin' me 'ed fir 'avin' et...afore 'e realised thit et wi[/size][/font][/i][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1]s no' ill-gotten, an' thit I wis one o' MacPherson's mates. [/size][/font][/i][/color][/b]
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[b][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Eftir thit, 'e seemed to look at me weth new eyes, an' 'e swore thit 'e'd try to git L'Ollais to allow me aboard th' 'Mary...afore I met th' fate o' me cap'n an' crew.[/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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[b][color=navy][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][i]Still, I 'ad to pay th' old man to lit me aboard- an' no small sum, mind ye. Bit 'e did 'is part, an' I'm safely below decks where no one'll be lookin' fir me, as [/i][/size][/font][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][i]th' filthy shiteing Armada's been thirstin' to hang me carcass alongside me cap'n's an' those o' me sea-mates'[/i][/size][size=1][i] . They'll be watchin' th' docks thes morn, to be sure, as whispers o' a new pirate company settin' sail are floatin' 'round Tortuga... an' th' mention o' pirates will 'ave brought me face to th' fore o' their minds, sure as kin be. [/i][/size][/font][/color][/b]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i]As long as they don't mek enspection o' th' Swift Mary afore 'er sails are raised, I should be safely out o' port afore nightfall... an' out o' their reach. [/i][/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[left][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i][b]L'Ollais 'as spared me a rope under me chin, an' I shall be forever endebted to 'im fir 'is kindness. [/b][/i][/color][/size][/font][/left]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i][b]Alas, how I should 've liked to walk th' ship an' see fir mesel' whit me new home es made of. I ded, however, tek note o' whit lettle I could, en th' dim light, as I came aboard. [/b][/i][/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i][b]Th' 'Mary seems a fit vessel- she's built fir speed, to be sure. Though she's less than half th' size o' MacPherson's Spanish galleon, she 'as enough guns to tek a ship o' thit size -an' would 'ave no trouble coming up alongside 'er, either. Sturdy built and sweft, even weth only th' one mast, I think I'll soon take a shine to me new home. [/b][/i][/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i][b]Me quarters are a mite smaller than whit I be accustomed to, bit they be pleasant an' built o' a fragrant cedar (I hope thit me bunk-mates are no' green. Th' scent o' th' cedar will no' tek care o' th' scent o' a green sailor's vomitin' up 'is grog whilst 'e finds 'is sea legs...).[/b][/i][/color][/size][/font]
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[b][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Th' guns looked a bit rusty, bit en workin' order, nonetheless. I'll tell old Biney- or L'Ollais, whin I meet 'im- thit I kin 'ave 'em shinin' proudly wethen th' week... as I'm well-learned en th' working o' metals. I've come aboard as a gen'ral pirate, bit me specialty outside o' piracy es as a smithey, so I'll be responsible fir th' weapons aboard -to mek sure they be en th' tidiest condition... all o' 'er guns an' th' crew's personal arms, as well. [/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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[left][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]Th' 'Mary's guns will be th' finest on th' sea, an' 'er crew's weapons'll be th' deadliest- I'll see to thit.[/b][/color][/size][/font][/i][/left]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][i][b]Oh, aye- me new crew- I'll be meetin' 'em shortly- an' me new cap'n, as well. [/b][/i][/color][/size][/font]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][i][size=1][color=navy]I don't expect thit th' crew will be happy to 'ave me aboard, at first- as females are considered to be bad luck upon th' water, bit me merit as an experienced pirate should wen o'er their superstitions soon enough. [/color][/size][/i][/font][/b]
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[b][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]I expect thit I'll 'ave to mek an example o' th' first man who 'as a mind to spoil me feminine virtues. MacPherson's man es feedin' th' fishes fir et...th' scurvy knave! No' one o' me mates ever dared to lay an offendin' hand upon me person again- no' eftir thit... [/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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[left][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]Me new mates'll 'ave no respect fir me till I prove thit I'm no' a woman to be trifled with, an' none o' me mates from th' galleon are left to warn 'em...so they'll be learnin' th' hard way, methenks. [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i][/left]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]I hope to git thit out o' th' way as soon as possible... better yir mates know whit stuff yir made of an' think ye ruthless than to 'ave to fight fir yir decency day en an' day out... I say... an' we'll be friends soon enough, I'm sure.[/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[b][i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Fir now, I am most relieved to be aboard a ship once more, bit me loss weighs upon me soul, an' methenks I shall always be wishin' thit I were aboard th' galleon with MacPherson, no matter how good a cap'n L'Ollais es. [/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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[i][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy][b]God forgive me fir no' bein' able to spare th' life o' me beloved cap'n... nor th' lives o' me maties, rest their souls... bit spare me from their fate![/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[left][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=navy]Please PM me if you have a problem with any of my posts... :animeswea [/color][/size][/font][/left]
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