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Yeah so I just resigned from my job today. I didn't give them any notice either.

My position was as a cashier(clerk) in Safeway/Morrison, and I hated every single minute of it. All I experienced in that store was exploitation. Whether it be them changing my shifts days before when it clearly states in the contract they have to inform me of shift changes [b]2 weeks[/b] before. Or when they try to manipulate me into working extra hours, it just got ridiculous.

I found working in a supermarket quite degrading because I was surrounded by people who had just dropped out of further education or who didn't even bother to attend, only to resign to these kind of menial jobs.

The store itself is quite grim. Many people have said so, like my father and other outsider opinions, and every time I walked through their doors, I had a feeling of minor depression. I just hated my part-time job there.

But due to me being so fed up and not even giving them one week's notice, I really feel quite guilty.

Anyway, this just brought me into a state of curiosity where I wondered how people felt/what their situation was like when they first quit their job.
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When I quit my first job I was moving to a new job with better hours and pay. I gave my notice and did my last two weeks then I was out of there! My first job was working as a cashier at a movie theater. I went home every night smelling like popcorn. The hours I had been working usually got me home after midnight which made going to school and homework a bit more difficult to keep up.

I felt kind of sad leaving my first job since it was a fun job. I got to watch all the movies for free and also got free passes to give to my friends and family. Unfortunately the long late night hours and low pay didn't help me save up money for college. I had to move on.

In the end, I had to do what would be best for me. Even though I enjoyed my job things had to change. For me the best was moving on to a new job with better hours and more pay.
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[color=indigo]The most important advice I could give a young person when it comes to working is learn to say ?I can?t?. Excuses are pretty pointless and it is much more admirable when you just tell your boss you can?t work an extra shift or you can?t change your hours around. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred a boss will just find another sucker to work, and if that random 1% occurs just remember the good thing about low paying ?introductory? jobs is that they are everywhere.

When I was younger I had a few jobs that I just stopped showing up for because I was sick of them. I know that isn?t very considerate, but it also isn?t considerate of the employer switching your schedule for no reason and making you consistently work for longer periods than you were scheduled. Sure, sometimes you have to suck it up and deal, but if it occurs consistently it is better to just look elsewhere.[/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I am still working at my first job and it's pretty nice because it's at a dining hall on campus and so all of my coworkers are also college students whose parents don't give them everything they want and need a few extra bucks. I enjoy it alot. And I get to pick my own schedule. And such. Yes. I love it. I'm sorry about your job. I always refused to work at a grocery store for some reason. I always felt that it was very degrading...>.>[/color][/size]
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My position was as a cashier(clerk) in Safeway/Morrison, and I hated every single minute of it. All I experienced in that store was exploitation. Whether it be them changing my shifts days before when it clearly states in the contract they have to inform me of shift changes 2 weeks before. Or [b]when they try to manipulate me into working extra hours[/b], it just got ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

[i][b][u]WHAT THE ****?!?!?![/u][/b][/i]

I'm sorry, this is ridiculous. Manipulate you into working more hours? What the hell is this? You realize they're PAYING you for this? And if your state is anything like mine, probably too damn much for the work you're doing.

That just seems like a ridiculous reason to leave a job. If you're going to work at a grocery store you need to have flexible hours. It's just a given. You really shouldn't have acted so rashly. yes, you should've quit, because clearly this isn't the type of work for you, but it didn't need to be a big scene.
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[QUOTE=wrist cutter][i][b][u]WHAT THE ****?!?!?![/u][/b][/i]

I'm sorry, this is ridiculous. Manipulate you into working more hours? What the hell is this? You realize they're PAYING you for this? And if your state is anything like mine, probably too damn much for the work you're doing.

That just seems like a ridiculous reason to leave a job. If you're going to work at a grocery store you need to have flexible hours. It's just a given. You really shouldn't have acted so rashly. yes, you should've quit, because clearly this isn't the type of work for you, but it didn't need to be a big scene.[/QUOTE]

Well it wasn't exactly a big scene.

When asked if you had flexible hours on a contract, and ticking "No." you don't expect to be expected to constantly work changing shifts, especially when you made it quite clear at the interview that you couldn't due to out of school, family and school commitments. Yet they still hire you, so you assume they understand this.

And I [b]don't[/b] deal well with blackmail. Especially when they say, "You're letting everyone down because 'So and so' will not be in tomorrow," when this 'so and so' actually turns up at work with no idea that they were supposed to be covered.

Perhaps you don't understand the situation with exploitation over here, my college and two others have been forced to have the DTI involved. Admittedly, not because of me.

From an outsider's perspective, it's easy to say, "Just say no to your manager, or tell them ," but it really isn't.

I had a [b]part-time[/b] job, and just because they're paying me, doesn't mean I'm going to bow down before a system that's blatantly messing myself and others in the same age range about.

You're going to meet the odd **** everywhere, I understand this, and this really wasn't a big scene that you seem to think it was. I had had just enough, expecially when they try to force me to work until I had half an hour until I left for a holiday.

They go against [b]their[/b] contract, and therefore are breaching [b]their own[/b] rules.
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[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I am still working at my first job and it's pretty nice because it's at a dining hall on campus and so all of my coworkers are also college students whose parents don't give them everything they want and need a few extra bucks. I enjoy it alot. And I get to pick my own schedule. And such. Yes. I love it. [/color'][/size][/quote][color=#ff6600]I'm totally with you there, babe.

Like Tori, I work at a campus dining hall. I'm actually barely working at all this semester (every other weekend, basically), because school does come first--and holy [i]cow[/i], do my classes keep me busy during the week.

Working at UDS (University Dining Services) isn't exactly glamorous, but it's an okay job. There are full-time workers and student workers, everyone's pretty friendly (except those NUTTy students who simply [i]must[/i] have their ranch dressing *rolls eyes*), and the pay is lovely. My boss is a great guy, and I get along with all my coworkers. The shifts are only four hours at a stretch, and while they're at set times, you completely set your own schedule, choosing which days you can work.

It's probably the best "first job" experience I could possibly have. Plus, I eat free whenever I work. (Granted, after spending four hours working in the cafeteria, the food isn't really all that appealing, but still.) My dorm actually has pretty good food, though (others have worse), so it's a pretty good deal.

off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of UDS,
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]When I quit my first job, there were these trumpets playing the hallelujah chorus. I'm basically a very easy going person. I'm friendly, I'm easy to get along with, and I try my hardest to do what I'm supposed to. My boss was a psycho...she seemed to delight in making people panic about their contnued employment; the assistant manager was scared stiff of her, and certain customers would leave if they saw she was on duty.

When I was supposed to start college, I realized that working full time was not an option, so I actually turned in a two weeks notice...in letter form, basically saying how nice it was to work with them, how I appreciated the opportunity, blah blah blah...and suddenly I was the best worker there. I worked my best all that time, and she only said anything even the [i]slightest[/i] bit nice to me when I was done.

I now hate McDonald's even more. [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Lore]I'm totally with you there, babe.

Like Tori, I work at a campus dining hall. I'm actually barely working at all this semester (every other weekend, basically), because school does come first--and holy [i]cow[/i], do my classes keep me busy during the week.[/quote]

[color=hotpink][size=1]Yeah, I only work three days a week and those are pretty slow days so I can really focus on my classes and such.[/color][/size]

[quote]Working at UDS (University Dining Services) isn't exactly glamorous, but it's an okay job. There are full-time workers and student workers, everyone's pretty friendly (except those NUTTy students who simply [i]must[/i] have their ranch dressing *rolls eyes*), and the pay is lovely. My boss is a great guy, and I get along with all my coworkers. The shifts are only four hours at a stretch, and while they're at set times, you completely set your own schedule, choosing which days you can work. [/quote]

[color=hotpink][size=1]YES, I love our full-time workers and such. And I am TOTALLY feeling you about the ranch dressing thing! I really hate working the salad bar, especially when our toss of the day is the chicken caesar salad. People are like, "Can I get one without chicken?" And I'm all like "If you want it without chicken, the ingredients are already around the salad bar...make it yourself. I aint your mama!" Okay, so I don't say ALL of that, but yeah. And my managers are the coolest people freaking EVER. And dude, how much do you get paid? My pay sucks...only $5.75 an hour...sadness.[/color][/size]

[quote]It's probably the best "first job" experience I could possibly have. Plus, I eat free whenever I work. (Granted, after spending four hours working in the cafeteria, the food isn't really all that appealing, but still.) My dorm actually has pretty good food, though (others have worse), so it's a pretty good deal.

off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of UDS,

[color=hotpink][size=1]FREE FOOD is the main incentive for me to work there. And our dining halls have AWESOME food (The Award-Winning UGA Food Services. Winner of the Silver Plate and Ivy Plate awards and over 55 more awards. Yeah.) and so I feel like a cow eating there. Do you guys have to wear smocks? Heh, so off-topic, but then so not.[/color][/size]
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[font=Verdana][size=1]Funny this topic's come up, really. I've been working at this place for a decent amount of time [6 months] and I just resigned last week. My tenure runs out on Tuesday at midnight. I only have 3 shifts left [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday] and I'm really looking forward to not working.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]I resigned for several reasons. A lot of it had to do with school. The fact is that work just wasn't flexible enough for me to handle working this first term. I'm the Musical Production Co-ordinator [I know, aren't I brilliant? I have to wonder how I managed that!] as well as doing the whole 'Senior Student' thing. Musical can be very tricky, and already it's started getting to the point where I feel like I'm juggling musical and work; I have to throw one up in the air and ignore it for a while in order to pay attention to the other. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]As well as that, I work in the Fast Food industry. I don't mind the job. A lot of people sort of scoff and some people are too high and mighty to go for a job at a Fast Food place, but it isn't bad. The hours are quite short, usually, so you get time to do other things, and it's not too demanding, either. The people that come in are pretty nice, and so on. The problem is that you always know exactly when you're going to be busy. If you're tired, you can't count on it not being busy; if you're working, it probably will be. And that can be hard. I know that by 5:25pm, it'll be busy at work, that's how dead on the rushes seem to be.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Everyone at work is really nice, except the Manager, who likes to play games to make herself feel more powerful. She says things like, "If you don't have a day marked down to say you can't work, we should be able to call you into work on that day." which isn't true. We have to have some prior warning, and we can't get fired because we can't work when we didn't have prior warning.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]The other thing is my manager's weird flipside personality. She's really hard to [i]work[/i] with sometimes, because she's an absolute perfectionist, and she yells. I got in trouble once because I saw her through the window while I was packing an order. I thought she wanted to say something, so I stopped to listen to her...and then I got in trouble for not packing the order quickly enough, lol. The thing is, however, that she's [i]great [/i]fun to talk to. Just really nice. So that kind of throws you off balance.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]So, yes. While I enjoy working, and I love customer service and stuff, I just figured it was time to move on.[/size][/font]
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At my job, they constantly ask you to work extra hours, change your shifts, and roster you on for some really stupid shifts. But I've been working there for a good two years.

The word "no" can go a long way when you use it right tone of voice. :smoke:
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[size=1]I've had two jobs. Number one was at Cold Stone Creamery. For those unfamiliar with the franchise, it's an ice cream place and you're required to sing. I quit in less than a week, the day before the opening of the store. They were slave drivers and the whole singing thing really threw me out of whack. Had I been assigned to work in the back making cakes or washing dishes that would have been fine, but kissing people's *** isn't my strong suit and that's basically what they told us we had to do. Not to mention the manager kept calling me Susan or something and my name is Sarah AND WE HAD NAME TAGS. It was too much. I quit through e-mail and got my miserable pay check in the mail.

A couple of months after that I got a job at Homestead Studio Suites Hotel. I was a front desk clerk and at first the job was pretty good, until the office drama started. The general manager disliked me and was barely putting me on the schedule. The reason why he didn't like me was because the "big" manager hired me despite his wanting to hire another person. He was constantly ordering me to flirt more with customers and to use my feminine attributes to sell more rooms. Add that to the way people treat you in a hotel, they think you're specifically put on this earth to kiss their ***. One day some guy yelled at me because someone charged his credit card and they weren't supposed to. Let's not take into consideration that I didn't check him in. It was insane and I just cannot stand being talked down to. I just didn't come back after that, outside of picking up my last paycheck.

So now I'm looking for a job that doesn't deal with people :rolleyes: [/size]
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