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Sonata in C Minor [Image Heavy]


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Yeah... More art. I really think I should just make one thread. Don't hurt me Syk3 *cringe*

Anyway, here's some musical art, if you care to gander at it.


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The piece feels too busy. I think it would look better, cleaner, and clearer if there was just a singular bar going straight across, horizontally. I mean, Sonatas aren't exactly rock anthems. Some of them are "louder" than others, but I'm not getting the soft melodies from this piece.
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[color=darkslateblue] But on the contrary, if it was just one line, it'd be very boring to look at after a while, even if the simplicity of it is tasteful. Overall, the big one looks pretty good. Most people wouldn't be able to tell if it was a Sonata or not (most people wouldn't even know what it was, so you don't really have to worry) The diminuendo is sort of bugging me, although that's something that I would have to play around with and actually see how it would look without it and etc. You could clean it up a little, but I think it'll be ok as it is. But then again, I have to wonder if you really are trying to get across a sonata-y feel.

The banner...eh. The banner looks too messy, because it's not as big and you can't see the big open spaces and how it all ends up, and the red font just makes it look hokey.

Great job, though. :) Cool stuff.[/color]
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Yeah, it's very true that the banner isn't as good as the bigger one. It was just an experiment that managed to make it off the hard drive and onto the internet. What a lucky image.

Anyway, thanks to you both for the feedback. I was thinking that no one would actually post on this one. [B]Thanks.[/B] ^_^
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I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm suggesting that the image doesn't really need the slanted bar. Just keep the horizontal one. When the horizontal and the diagonal one, all of those quarter, eigth and sixteenth notes are getting jumbled together.
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Yeah, now I see what you mean. But I think it would go from too active to too boring. Maybe if the area of intersection were smaller, it would be better? I'm thinking along the lines of moving the slanted staff (isn't that what it's called?) to the left more, ... does that make sense?

Theoretically, I think it would look better that way.
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[color=darkslateblue]Oooh...I get Siren's point now. I sort of agree with it, now that I think of it. But again, it's something I'd have to see visually and play around with. The dimuendo would make sense then since there's only one bar.

But if you take away the slanted bar, you'd have to shorten the curved bar that you have going through the two main intersections, so you'd have to also tune up a bunch of stuff if you cut it down.[/color]
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[color=navy]I love this piece Altron!!
But I do agree that I think it would look better without the diagonal bar.

But I don't care either way because I love it!! Well done, I love all the art you do but this is my favourite so far.

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Mal, if there would need to be any shortening, it's not as if it would be drastic resizing. I adore the background image; I think keeping it close to, if not that size, is a very good idea. Since it's gray-er than the foreground bar, it doesn't intrude terribly, and like I said, if there needs to be any resizing, it would be minimal.

If Altron would like to take out the diagonal music bar there, I'd love to see how the piece looks with just that. I think it'd look clean and bouncy. ^_^
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[color=crimson]If worst comes to worse, you could always use another bar for the diagonal. There are many part to Sonata in C. I don't know if perhaps you used these certain bars, but perhaps a combination of quarter and eigth notes or quarter and sixteenth notes would look less jumbled. Just a suggestion.

All together I find the piece very interesting. Putting "Amadeus Mozart" in was very nicely done. BTW, I like the song Sonata in C very much, good choice in music.

~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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[color=#9933ff]I don't mind having the diagonal bar. Yeah, it is a little busy, but if you only had the one going across, it would be boring. If you moved the diagonal one down a little bit more so that it didn't overlap too much with the horizontal one, it might look alright.

For the little one - I don't like it at all. Pick another spot to crop the pic. Personally, I would make the "Amadeus mozart" the center of the banner with a few of the bars on the bottom. But then again, I don't know if it would fit the 500x100 standards.

If you want to keep the cross section for the banner, for goodness sakes, fix the red writing - it's driving me nuts because I can't figure out what the other words on top of it are.

I know I sound like all I give is criticism - sorry if I come across that way. I really really love the concept of this art work a [b]lot[/b]. Music is an art in itsself, and if you can successfully bring music to a visual art (which you have, for the majority, done), it's doubly powerful, and makes you an awesome artist.

P.S.: Lumi, how is it that you've heard this song and I haven't? >_>;;; Well, then again, I haven't been listening to too much but the USAD cd. I think I understand the Magic Flute now. Queen of the Night is just evil.[/color]
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[color=darkslateblue] Siren: It's just my opinion, but the curly gray bar that is going vertically throughout the picture would just be too long if Altron left it as it is after he took out the slanted main bar. Altron would probably have to cut it after the 16th note or something. There would be nothing else to balance out the lengthy-ness of it. [/color]
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