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Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin [M-LSV]


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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Black]08/20/05 at exactly 7:00pm in every time zone sent too...[/COLOR]

An email is sent to thirteen individuals all over the world...

I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours.

If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive.

Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home.
1) You must obey your cards...
2) You must stay in the light...
3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing...

That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion.

You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate.

So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while.

Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you.

That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion.

I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. [/I]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later...
The Master of Games...[/COLOR][/FONT]


''It is done my master...'' replied a dark hooded figure, sitting at a computer desk in one of the rooms of the mansion. His voice was almost demonic...a sense of evil residing it its tone.

The man standing behind the figure did not speak; only placing his hands on the figures shoulders, acknowledging his satisfaction.

[I]Soon.......my lair will be filled. The halls will once again be filled with joy, laughter, and pleasure.......once again, they will be filled with fear. The staircases will run red, the food will become bitter in their mouths...turning into ash; they will beg for death...but all in good time. I will give them what most men never feel in a lifetime..........to feel alive. [/I]

''Shall I begin to organize a transportation party for all the known applicant for the game master; even though they haven't responded yet.''

The masters grip intensified on the figure before him...

''As you wish...I will make the necessary preperations immidiately.''

The hooded figure sat up from his chair obediantly, and left the room...leaving the master alone. One the computer screen showed the complete profile and history of all that he had chosen for his little game. Underneathe his breathe, there was a faint demonic laughter in his voice.


Alright everyone...you all have been accepted into the game for those who have posted. Some of you have already come to me for requestes...pertaining to life situations etc. etc; and I will act accordingly. If anyone wishes to drop out of the rpg...you may simply ask...and I will kill off your character. If you feel uncomfortable writting a particular task which I may give you in the future. Please contact me and we shall work it out together.

I want you all to enjoy this rpg as much as possible. PLease remember to read the underground which contains a basic list of rules which I'm sure you all will appreciate...kind of...a set of guidelines for all rpgr's:)

For your first posts; please...contain within them your reactions towards receieving the email; and all that you will prepare yourself for on your journey to the mansion. You all will be meeting each other at the mansions gates at the same time...where you will be met by the Master of Games. I will give sufficient time for everyone to do their first post, so that we may move along in the story together...so that no one is left behind.

Unfortunately...one rpg'r (amgoddess) has requested for me to hold her a spot in the story, but will not be able to post until later. So she will be the only one who is ''late'' compared to the rest of you to the mansion.


[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]Obey...and you will rise[/I] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Disobey...and you will fall[/I] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[size=1]Amelia sat in her large bedroom, right in the middle of her king-sized mattress. She was staring at the screen of her laptop, as she had been doing since she opened the email an hour ago. Thoughts kept running through her head, over and over, the same ones, and so many questions. Finally she closed the laptop, and put her fingers to her aching temples. [I]Too much to take in?[/I]

The girl stood up, and left the room, heading for her kitchen. She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and a couple of cookies, and went back to her room. She sat down on her bed, and opened the water bottle, staring at the widescreen TV thoughtfully. Ten minutes later she was typing quickly the reply to the email.

[I]Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for this. I?ve been needing a break off, and this is exactly the type of thing that will help. I am looking forward to this, very much. I won?t be traveling very far from where I currently live, but this will be a very appreciated thing. Again: I have no way I know to tell you how grateful I am to receive your invitation. Only in my native tongue (Italian) would I be able to even come close to how happy I am, and even then, I am not sure I could do it. I am looking forward to this. Grazie, il mio amico.

Amelia Donnelly[/I]

Amelia clicked send, and shut the laptop again. This time she placed the object on the night table, and lay back, relaxing. She switched on the television to watch some cartoons, and fell asleep with it on.

Two days later, Amelia was finishing up packing when there was a gentle tap at the door. She smiled, and stuffed the remains of her things in the suitcase before calling, ?Come in!? She zipped the large black rolling suitcase, and took it off the bed as the door opened. ?Ma?am, let me take those.? Amelia laughed. ?I?ve got it. Really, it?s all right.? She followed the escort out of the house, and to the car waiting below, locking the house behind her.

?We will be driving for five hours; I hope you will be comfortable.?

Amelia smiled warmly at the driver as her things were put in the trunk, and got in. She buckled up as the car pulled away smoothly, and she opened her current object of fascination: a book called ?Exiles Honor?, by Mercedes Lackey. She was soon absorbed in the tale of Alberich, exile of Karse and newly Chosen Herald of Valdemar. Soon she found her thoughts wandering, to a young man with a soft smile.

[I]He was so kind and gentle to me. I can only imagine what he is like now. Only a little younger than I, and already without both parents?[/I] Her eyes began to tear up, and she blinked the tears back forcefully. [I]Oh, Meaghan, my beloved sister, how I miss you so.[/I] She put her arms on the window sill, and put her face into them, crying silently, wishing again for that warm bond of love and inseparableness. [I]You do not know how much I miss you?[/I][/size]
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[color=red][size=1] Tre flicked a piece of his hair back over the red band on his forehead. He looked at his computer, and pulged in his Wireless Router, and began clicking away. Opening up his E-Mail, he groaned. [i] 467 messages...damn spam blocker must be down.[/i] He began pressing the delete button on his Notebook, until he came to a peculiar message....

I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours.

If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive.

Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home.
1) You must obey your cards...
2) You must stay in the light...
3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing...

That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion.

You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate.

So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while.

Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you.

That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion.

I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.

Catch ya later...
The Master of Games...
Tre looked at it with interest. He typed up a short response.

[i] Mister Master of Games:
Thank you for this invatation. I will accept this, and await the escort. I expect it to be puctual.


Tre closed his Notebook, and put it on the charger. He went and started to pack up his things, then went to train.
The escort was there, waiting for him as soon as he woke up. He opened the car door, and fell asleep, brown hair falling over his eyes gently.

"It'll be two hours to the airport, then another 5 on the plane."

"Very good." Tre's headphones were wrapped around his ears, and the sound at 10, which was full.[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: I'm going to just post my journey of getting the mail until I get to the gates. I thought it would be a waste if I did that in two.

Sergio sat down at the computer, and opened up his e-mail. Several messages were there, all of which he over looked when he saw another, more interesting subject like. [i]You've won the trip to my mansion![/i] it said, and he knew it was a spam mail. But something kept him from deleting the letter, and he opened it. He read it quickly the first time, skeptical but still hopeful that it was real.

[i]I've taken the liberty of sending you $10,000 to your personal bank accounts.[/i]

"Holy shit. This had better be real." he whispered to himself, biting his lips as he opened up another browser, checking his balance.

[b]Your current balance is: $410,432.00, Sergio.[/b]

"YES!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. It was definetly ten thousand dollars more than the last time he had deposited money. The trip was real. He felt happiness, then urgency.

"Gotta pack... gotta pack now." he said frantically as he realized that the mail said he would be getting picked up when he recieved the message. He glanced outside, seeing there was no escort yet. He ran upstairs, and threw in his favorite clothes, entertainment, and laptop in a backpack and briefcase, and clambored downstairs. He checked his kitchen clock, as if it would tell him if the escort were there yet. Smiling with excitement, he walked out the door, locking it behind him

He jogged back to the door, and stepped outside. To his surprise, the escort was there, inside the limo waiting for him. Sergio got in back, dropping his backs in the back as he gave a low whistle.

"Dios mio, senor, este coche es hermoso! Hm?"

"Si, claro, and just so you know, nostros llegaramos al aeropuerto en una hora. Claro?"

"Si, si... just drive." He chaueffer stepped on the gas, as he opened up the book for the ride, [b][i]Miguel de Cervantes[/i][/b]. When he looked up from the book, the driver had opened up the door for him, telling him to get out and hurry to catch his plane.

Sergio thanked the man, and left for the airport. He caught the plane, easily, and stopped flight attendant.

"When will we get to ... Scotland?"

"Only an hour and a half. It's a short flight." She walked off, going to give someone a Pepsi for the trip. He dozed off, in an anxious sleep, waiting for when he would arrive at the mansion. He wanted to meet the other candidates, and get settled into such a rich house. He loved luxury, and this would be his chance to soak it up.

The plane touched down, and when he got off, another escort was waiting for him. They wasted to time at all, only driving to the secluded spot in the shortest amount of time possible. Obviously they were told to be swift, and had forgotten their manners. Sergio sighed, contenting himself on the fact that he would soon be within sight of the magnificent manor.

Looking outside the window, he saw the Atlantic sea, wondering what it looked like on the other side. America was such a talked about place in Spain, but he had only seen photos of the Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, or the White House. It was supposed to be a well of nation, but he wondered how they behaved, and spoke. He felt like a dry sponge, waiting to be drenched in a river of new ideas, culture, and people.

But he was shaken from his thoughts when the car came to a halt. The door opened once again, and he stared at the cold drivers. He stepped out, and got to the gates. Dropped his bags to his side, and grinned fully at such a large and luxurious manor. He desperately wanted to get inside, to take a bath in a hot tub the size of his room, to read in a library with more books than he had ever seen at once, and to eat in a perfectly furinshed dining hall. He frowned with discontent when he realized that he was still on the other side of the gate.

"Ahh well. I'll be on the other side soon." He dragged his bags to the vacant bench, sitting down on it. "But it seems as if I'm the first person here."

He shrugged, and reopened his book. It was interesting enough to occupy him until either he gates opened or more people arrived.[/SIZE]
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[color=navy]Kai had been awake for hours and was lounging on her bed. She yawned and sat up, opening the top drawer of her bedside table. She reached in and pulled out a thin and wide metal object. That was her mini computer that she'd gotten years ago. She flipped it open and started it up. When it finished loading Kai accessed her email and checked her inbox, there were several emails, but one in particular caught her eye because she didn't know the address it came from. Opening it, she read;
[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][i][quote]Hello, [/i]
[i]I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. [/i]

[i]If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. [/i]

[i]Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. [/i]
[i]1) You must obey your cards...[/i]
[i]2) You must stay in the light...[/i]
[i]3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing...[/i]

[i]That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. [/i]

[i]You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. [/i]

[i]So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. [/i]

[i]Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. [/i]

[i]That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. [/i]

[i]I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. [/i]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkred][i]Catch ya later...[/i]
[i]Sincerely, [/i]
[i]The Master of Games..[/quote][/i]
[size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy]Kai read over the email several times, not believing it. She blinked and hit the reply button.

[quote][i]Master of Games-sama,[/i]
[i]Arigatou for the invitation. I have thought it over carefully and have decided to accept it gratefully. I shall await the escort. I wish that it won't be late in any means.[/i]

[i]~Hiwatari Kai-san[/i][/quote] Kai hit the send button, hoping he'd understand the Japanese that she'd put into the email. Kai remembered that the email had said that he'd sent $10,000 to their accounts and checked her account balance, indeed she had $10,000 extra than she'd had before, and she doubted that her mother had deposited that much through the morning, because she checked her balance before she went to bed, and in the afternoon. Kai got out a large bag and started to pack her things so she'd be prepared for when the escort arrived. When she had finished, she slipped her goggles onto her head, her ring and necklace with pendant on and left her large house that she owned, although it looked extremely shabby on the outside compared to many of the other houses in Tokyo, it was grand on the inside, not wanting to flaunt her money like others by making her house beautiful outside.

Kai whistled happily and tucked her mini computer into her pocket, starting tomorrow, her life would change drastically, and she hoped in a good way, then she walked off toward a friend's house.

When she arrived home several hours later, she decided to go to sleep and wait for the next day to arrive.

The next morning when she woke, she got up and peered out the window, a black limousine with tinted windows was waiting. She grinned and slipped on her daily gear and clothes that she always wore and put her mini computer into her pocket. She tied her shoes and grabbed her luggage from near the front door. Kai glanced at her house once more, she wouldn't be seeing her electronic equipment for quite some time. Opening her front door, she saw the driver who tipped his hat at her and took the heavy luggage from her hands. Kai thanked him and turned on the alarm for her house, even though she doubted that she'd need it. They both went to the limousine where he'd already stashed the luggage and held the door open. She got in and he closed the door, before getting into the driver's side. They started to drive when he pushed a button on the CD player, and the voice of Japanese singer Utada Hikaru came out, it was her favourite artist, but how...

[b]"The Master knows she is your favourite singer and prepared this for you." [/b]he said, answering her unvoiced question.

[b]"Sou desu..."[/b] she mumbled, then became silent as 'Hikari' started playing, which was her favourite song. Kai sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes as she listened to the music.

[quote]Donna toki datte
Tada hitori de
Unmei wasurete
Ikite kita no ni
Totsuzen no hikari no naka me ga sameru
Mayonaka ni

Shizuka ni deguchi ni tatte
Kurayami ni hikari o ute
[font=Tahoma]Imadoki yakusoku nante fuan ni saseru dake kana
Negai o kuchi ni shitai dake sa
Kazoku ni mo shoukai suru yo
Kitto umaku iku yo[/font]

[font=Tahoma]Donna toki datte
Zutto futari de
Donna toki datte
Soba ni iru kara
Kimi to iu hikari ga watashi o mitsukeru
Mayonaka ni...[/quote][/font]
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Sarah stared at the note in front of her... she was a little surprised to recieve such a letter. She turned away, without thinking and went back to her business.

"What have you got to lose?" she told herself. She looked back at the note and read it over... again... and again... she was searching for happiness... how could he possibly promise to give her what she wanted? How could he give her what she wanted? She wanted a reality where she felt needed... wanted... loved. She had just gotten out of something that had felt real to her... she had loved him with all her heart... and he gave a damn about her.... she wanted to hate him... she wanted to hate him with everything she had now.... the emptyness... he made her live in... how he made her feel worthless... everything she had done... felt worthless now... but why couldn't she hate him?

She sat there and began her reply... she had nothing more to lose... she already was dead... what else could go wrong?

[i]Dear Game Master,
After reading your letter, I wasn't exactly sure what to make of it. I... threw it away at first... how could you possibly promise to give me what I desire? I desire a life with Love... where I won't be let down... where I won't give my heart and for it to be taken and thrown back at me... I want a life where I can live and be safe from all pain.... does such a life exist? I'm putting you to the test... I'm taking you up on this offer, and by God... if I am let down... heaven help you now. I've been broken too many times...

Sarah Ghent[/i]

Sarah sent it off... she wasn't sure that she was doing the right thing... she was still in love with him... he hurt her... but she couldn't bring herself to want to be with anyone else... it had been 2 years... and she still hoped to hear from him... a sorry... a request to try again... but nothing came...

She walked away from her computer and began packing her things... the letter said they would come to pick her up in two days... She took her small suitcase from the closet and packed a few shirts, some pants... she wasn't a big packer. She was the worlds biggest Tomboy... she frowned... maybe that was what made it hard for her to find true love... maybe something [i]was[/i] wrong with her.

She packed all her toiletry items and sat on her bed. She decided not to call her family... they would be worried... but the letter said for her not to tell anyone... she laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling... her thoughts were always with him... and she fought the tears.... she missed him.... but at some point... she knew she had to get on with her life... he had hurt her.... and he wasn't coming back to her... ever.
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Joshua sat on his bed, wondering what other places he could hack to try to find his parents. His sister had helped look for them for the past three years after she caught him serching for them and made him tell her why, but she'd been in a coma for two weeks now, after she had tried to kill herself, for what reason he didn't know. As he started to doze off his laptop started beeping, telling him that he had an incoming message. He sat bolt upright, because the last time somebody had sent him an email he'd been forced to buy a new laptop becasue he'd thrown that one out the window so that it wouldn't be hacked. He was already in his chair, waiting, as the email came in. To his surprise he found that it was a regular email, seeing how it was 2am. He opened it, read it, and for the first time since his sister tried to kill herself, he didn't know what to think.
[I]This could be total bullshit, but on the other hand, if it isn't, and he can really do what he says he can i might be able to find and kill my parents, not mention be able to pay my sister's docter bills. [/I]
After thinking to himself for about an hour, he sent this message as his reply.

Master of Games,
I have decided to accept your invitation, however, if you prove to be a fake, or for some reason are unable to do what you say you can do, well, i'm sure you have a good imagination...
Joshua Toshima

[I]That's right i forgot to see if he really deposited that 10k in my bank.[/I] With this thought he acessed his bank account from his computer and stared at the scren, astonished at what he saw.
He went to bed confused that night, and the next mourning he was forced to pack in a rush due to the fact that he had completely forgoten to pack the night before because he had been so disoriented. So naturally, he packed the bare essentials, his laptop, some cloths and toiletry. Then he was off, the driver slightly annoyed that he had not been ready.
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[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]Alex chuckled at the email that was displayed on her laptop. [/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]Sure, I'll play along.[/I] [/FONT] [/COLOR]

[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alex sat down and started to type her reply.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Game Master,[/FONT] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]What a queer ass name...[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Times New Roman]I except your invitation.

Alex Miltray.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]She dragged the mouse up and clicked the send botton. Smiling to herself she closed the laptop and began to pack. She ended up with three things of luggage, and she was rather inpressed with herself. Never had she packed so little on a trip, but didn't want to have to make the poor luggage boy carry it all the way down the stairs and break his neck again. She chuckled at the thought of him falling again.

[I]Stupid kid.[/I]

"Ms. Miltray, you're limo awaits you out front." George, the butler, called from the bottom of the main stair case.

Checking herself over in the mirror before leaving, Alex made her way down the stairs briskly, her cleavage bouncing in her tiny little top as she made her way down the stairs.

"Have a lovely time, Ms. Miltray." George bent forward to lay a courtly kiss upon her cheek. Alex returned the gesture as she bounced her way out the door and into the limo, her things following closely behind, a small, but bright boy, carrying it all.

Upon entering the limo and making herself comfortable, a small but firm voice filtered into the back. "Hello, my name is Rich, I will be your driver. The Game Master has arranged a private Jet for you with plenty of company to attend to your needs, Ms. Miltray."

"Good," she replied, sitting back in her seat. She sipped at some perfectly aged wine as she waited to arrive at the airport.

The jet was lovely and the people and things inside were just to her liking. All rich and fantasy with people well suited for that lifestyle. Alex partied her heart out and was well wasted when she arrived at the mansion. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]"I need that sorta money, plus it could kinda be fun I suppose, meeting new people, and it's only a short journey from here if it's in Scotland methinks" Sean said to himself, sitting at his computer desk in his room. Sean looke around the room, full of different pictures of his favourite bands, he laughed thinking to himself. [i]I really don't act my age...[/i]

He sat up and signed onto AIM.

[b][Oblivion Project; signed in][/b]

He saw one of his friends that lived just along the road sign on just after him.

[b]Oblivion Project: Hey, I'm going on vacation for a while, can you check my house from time to time.

black_midnight: yeah sure, no problem =D

Oblivion Project: I should be gone for quite a bit, thanks very much.

black_midnight: no problems :D[/b]

[i]Sean cringed at the smiley, he hated them worse than war, which was kind of strange.[/i]

[b]Oblivion Project: Well, see ya later Jess, you've still got one of my house keys.

black_midnight: yup, laterz

[Oblivion Project; signed out][/b]

Sean sat up from the computer desk, putting on some Rammstein on his CD Player he went to pach his belongings.

The next morning he looked outside and saw a large black limo sitting there waiting for him, Sean smiled a great smile and pulled his suitcase to the elevator at the end of the hall.

"Thanks very much" Sean nodded to the driver, Sean sat in the back and put on his MP3 Player only to see a full CD Player with surround sound sitting infront of him. He sat forward and put his 'Live Aus Berling' CD into the player and waited for it to load. Putting it to his favourite song. Engel.

[quote=Rammstein, Engel]Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
den Blick 'gen Himmel fragst du dann
warum man sie nicht sehen kann
erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Sie leben hinterm Horizont
getrennt von uns unendlich weit
sie mssen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)
damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen
erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein[/quote][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]Imogen sat in front of her computer, sleep still eminent in her grey eyes. She yawned and brought the back of her hand to her mouth as her computer switched on. The log in screen opened and she typed in her username and password, shaking her head in a futile attempt to banish sleep from her mind. She hit the enter button and her desktop showed, the e-mail automatically starting itself up.

One e-mail caught her attention, but she didn?t recognise the e-mail address. Her curiosity piqued, she clicked on it and quickly read through the contents.

I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours.

If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive.

Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home.
1) You must obey your cards...
2) You must stay in the light...
3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing...

That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion.

You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate.

So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while.

Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you.

That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion.

I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.

Catch ya later...
The Master of Games...[/I][/CENTER]

She chuckled, [I]'Master of Games? Sounds interesting.'[/I]

Against the better judgment that would have usually taken over, Imogen decided not to delete the e-mail and instead clicked Reply, by the time she had finished typing and sent it did she realise how silly it was.

[I]Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail; I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I guess if this is for real and not some silly prank, a little reply and a vacation can't hurt.

Miss I Nesbitt[/I]

Imogen rubbed her eyes and went about checking up on various other websites, the e-mail forgotten and pushed to he back of her mind.
A black hold all was propped up next to the front door, Imogen had remembered late last night what she had agreed to do that morning and thought it best to be prepared. As she woke up and got into the shower, she wondered about what could happen to her if this was indeed something official.

She stepped out and towelled her hair dry, slipping on some jeans and a sweatshirt. She didn't have to go far to get to Scotland, she wasn't even sure if she'd been to get a plane. No matter, she though, probably was just a silly joke mail.

It was only when the doorbell rang that she realised how wrong she was. Imogen opened the door to see a finely dressed man, behind him on the narrow London street was a black Aston Martin. She stared and wondered why on Earth she'd need to be taken in such a fast car. The driver obviously noticed her stunned expression and smiled politely, [B]"Sir has asked that you get to his estate as soon as possible, he knows how you favour this car and thought it best that you were driven there in style."[/B]

Imogen nearly choked as the man stepped inside and took her bag, [B]"My name is Stan, ma'am, it's a pleasure." [/B] he tipped his hat and walked to the car, pushing the bag into the boot.

[B]"If you would..."[/B] Stan opened the door and Imogen stepped in, her hands starting to shake. She couldn't believe that this was real, maybe she was still dreaming. The absolute roar of the engine assured her otherwise.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Karyan read the letter twice. Her naturally suspicous nature kicked in. There had to be some catch. There always was. The lure of having everything she desired was very enticing. But what she desired the most, was what she feared the most.

Karyan swivelled around on her computer chair, having a blanket tightly wrapped around her. Moscow winters were killers, and luckily Karyan was wealthy enough to afford sufficient heating and clothing for herself.

Turning back towards her computer, Karyan typed out her reply.

[i]To the 'Master of Games',

I will join your little game. We'll see where it will really end.

-Armenian Darkness-[/i]

With one click, Karyan sent her reply.


Hours later, Karyan stood outside the main International Airport in the United Kingdom. Her bags of possessions lay at her side. Cold wind whipped around her but it didn't bother her. Moscow was far colder than anywhere in the United Kingdom could be.

A black limousine rolled into a parking space in front of Karyan. A round man hastily got out of the driver's side and made his way clumsily over to her.

" You're late," Karyan growled. Because of this man, she was going to be the last to arrive. She wanted to check out the competition. This was a game after all. It wasn't like that were gambling with their lives or anything.


The limousine cruched across a crsuhed gravel driveway. The mansion Karyan could see at the end was massive. Her mind flitted momentarily to how much money this man possessed. It was a small fortune indeed.

When the limousine stopped, Karyan stepped out quickly, grabbed her bags and walked up the stairs, into the castle. Entering into the great entrance hall, Karyan looked around, astonished at all of the detail this massive room possessed. Setting down her bags, she realised she was the first there.

" Maybe he wasn't so bad after all."

[b]OOC: Sorry I was so late. Computer problems.[/b][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]''Damn It!...hold on a second will ya!'' yelled out Marcus as he got his things together with a blaring horn was sounded from a limosine parked on the street outside of his apartment building.

It had been a few days since Marcus had recieved that perculiar email on his laptop. All he did was simply replied with a ''yes'' in the response; Marcus truly didn't care...just got him out of the house. Was the first thing since being fired from the college that he had finally gotten a break from the realities of life.

The divorse ended horribly; with his wife taking almost everything that he owned in use for their children. And since he had no managable income; slowly Marcus was selling his property to pay for the child support.

Upon recieving the email, Marcus couldn't believe that the Master really gave him 10 grand as a persuation for coming to the mansion. With that amount...he could pay for his childrens welfare for almost 7 months while he was gone.

[I]...No worries....[/I] he thought to himself. It was a very warm day outside in Brooklyn...the sun shining through the window, illuminating Marcus's fine blonde hair.

''Damn...where the hell is my hat?'' he had managed to pack two suitcases full of clothes. The drivers outside insisted that everything else would be provided for him. Suddenly he saw it...his black nike hat sitting on his bed. He quickly grabbed it and put it backwards upon his head and headed down the stairs with suitcases and laptop in hand.


The trip seemed all but a blur by the time Marcus arrived at the gates of the mansion. Looking out of the window to take in the view of the estate...he was all but speechelss.

Surrounding the entire courtyard were 12 similar limosines, with 12 other people; apparently the others who had won this little prize. The rest of the other drivers and servants were all dressed in black...seperating themselves from the rest easily.

The weather had cooled a bit as Marcus stepped out of his own limosine into the brisk Scotish weather. Everyone else followed suit...not really talking to one another...just simply following to where they were being directed. As they walked up to a send set of gates, with all of their bags being carried from behind by their drivers...an old looking man with dangling white hair and a cane walked to the gates from the opposite side.

The massive steal gates opened for the man as he approached the group. ''And then there was thirteen *as he clapped his hands together, looking pleased* ; I'm happy to see that you all have accepted my little invitation. I hope that your alls trip was pleasant enough....for that is only the beginning.''

''Sir...what...'' started one of the women, whom was immidiately cut off by the old looking man.

''please my dear...do not call me that...I am simply known as the Master of Games...or simply Master if that pleases you. This is my estate; where your journey into your hearts greatest desires will begin.''

''I'm sure you all have questions...but it is quite chilly outside, so if you please...follow me.'' the master turned on his heel...and walked towards the mansion.

Everyone in the group looked at each other...[I]this wasn't part of the agreement...[/I] they must have all been thinking to themselves. But with the 30 or so men standing around them...they seemed to have no choice but to follow.

The walked seemed like forever until they finally came to the door of the house. It's steps were made of marble...its handles and framework all made out of gold.

''Now...'' as the master turned back towards the group, directly in front of the mansion's doors...''remember the rules of my house ladies and gentlemen...my servants await to serve you as you all find your rooms. Explore the rest of the mansion if you wish...get to know one another if you'd like. Remember...a formal introduction will be held at dinner tonight which will be at 7:00pm.''

Everyone nodded...not saying a word...all in anticipation of entering the mansion.

''Tonight...we rest...and tomorrow will begin the true reason why you all are here....now...'' as he opened the doors; revieling a grand hallway, so bright that it looked like a paradise...''welcome to Heaven.''[/SIZE][/COLOR]

OCC: For those who haven't posted...you may post your reactions to the email if you wish in the beginning before including yourself within the story. Already:)...the master is changing the rules...at dinner there will be a time for questions. So for now...get to know everyone...and have fun exploring:) Remember...obey the laws...or you might get hurt;) Enjoy...
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[color=red][size=1]Tre looked at the other 'tenants' with careful disposition. He wondered what he should do, go rest, or meet some of the other folks. He went around, looking at the people, until his heart skipped several beats.

[i]Ameila...?![/i] Tre wondered. She looked reminisent of her...but how in the world could it be? [i] Only one way to find out.[/i] Tre pulled off his earphones, and put them away. He walked over to her, slipping in and out of the other 'tenant's' ways.
He felt his face turn a red shade. He tapped her on the shoulder.

[b]"Umm...hey...my name's Tre..."[/b] He managed to mutter, looking down. Oh, how he hoped it would be her...[/color][/size]
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Sarah stood there as all the people around her were talking amongst themselves. She was never good with people. She didn't even find her own life interesting, why bore others with it? She smiled to herself. Then she walked past them all and quickly made her way to her own room.

Each room had their names on the door, and she found hers on the end of the hall. She was... surprised... at it's location. How much did this man actually know about her? It was weirding her out just thinking about it. She walked in and noticed her bed was facing the window... just how she always liked it arranged... where she could look at the moon at night... when she supposed to be sleeping. She sat on her bed and looked out the window... it looked over the garden... and the garden was beautiful.

Sarah grew up with a wonderful family... they weren't rich, in the least.. they were an average family to start with... until bad times came and they went under... living on welfare was never easy for a family of 7 with a newborn on the way. But her father and mother always made sure the family stayed in one piece... they were always strong...

Such a house... reminded her of all the things she and her family never got to see... A house, with MORE than three rooms... it was all so much for her to take in. Not once had she ever imagined living in a place like this... she hoped... that her dreams would come true... because she desired her mother... and her father to one day live in a house as beautiful as this. They both worked so hard... never seeing anything for it.

She picked up her suitcase and started unpacking. She wanted to get a good look at the house before dinner.

She stumbled on her way out of her room and cursed as she fell against the wall. She wasn't used to such lush carpeting... she felt inadequate to be there... she was wondering if she should change for dinner... it was probably something formal.

She laughed out loud as she brushed herself off. She didn't OWN anything formal. Another person came up the stairs at that moment. She scratched her head as she walked past him. She didn't really feel like talking... again, she wasn't a people person... she never had friends growing up, and she rarely made them now.

"Hey," he said looking at her as she walked past. She walked quickly down the stairs pretending not to hear him. She didn't want to talk to people... she messed up every relationship she was ever in... ruining friendships because of her nature, ruining relationships because she wasn't enough... [i]she[/i] was the one with the problem... and there was no sense in screwing up someone else's life along with her own... the pain was too near to be forgotten... she made the mistake once... and she was not about to make it again.
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[size=2][color=navy]Kai stood with her hands in her pockets, she looked carefully at each of the other people around and set off at the same time as everyone else to find their rooms.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#000080]She walked around the halls, until she found a door with a plaque that had her name on it. Opening it she looked inside and was in awe as it was what she wanted in a room. The floor was made of polished wooden floorboards, the walls were painted a shade of blue that Kai loved, there was a large window that she could sit on and lean out of, the bed was soft, and best of all, there was electronic equipment all over the room. Kai sighed happily and checked out all of them.[/color][/size]

[size=2][color=#000080]Kai walked around the room, her shoed feet making noises on the floorboards. [color=navy]Finally she decided to unpack her luggage for the stay and put all her clothes into the wardrobe, then put her other things where they would be appropriate. It took her half an hour and when she was done, she fell into the swivel chair that was at the desk that a high tech computer was situated. Kai grabbed the pendant around her neck and fingered it as she thought about family, her pendant and necklace and her ring had been from her mother before she'd been abandoned at the orphanage, and when she had found her mother, she had been rejected by the only family she knew. Her hand holding the pendant clenched tighter at the memories of rejection, that was the one thing she hated and was afraid of the most.[/color][/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#000080]Kai let go and stood, deciding to take a walk. She spied her window and opened it all the way. Sticking her head out the window she caught a strong cool breeze and breathed it in deeply, exhaling heavily. Kai peered around and climbed out of the window, pulling it down behind her, leaving a space so she could open it again. Kai looked around and spotted a beautiful garden a few metres away. She walked over and saw the variety of her favourite flowers. She smiled and lay down on the soft grass beside the garden, staring up at the blue sky, there were a few fluffy clouds floating around lazily, but other than that it was clear. Kai got lost in the depths of the sky and stayed that way for some time.[/color][/size]
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OOC: Yeah... I'm not sure that my post is true to the floor plans.

Sergio's eyes opened wide as they were ushered into the mansion.

"My goodness..." he mumbled to himself in amazement. While he was enraptured with the sheer opulence of such a home, everyone slowly dispersed, completely silent. He glanced around the house, then walked up a huge flight of steps and walked down a hall, looking at each door.

"And they have my name on it! I'm like... a... movie star!" He exclaimed. He opened, the door, and his jaw dropped. The carpet was completely white, with a flat-screen plasma television going the full length and heigh of the wall, and priceless furniture. Sergio inhaled happily, then walked into the bedroom. The bed was stunning, with beautiful abstracts on the wall, and another door leading into his own bathroom.

He set down his backpack and bag on a coffee table nearby, then stepped into his bathroom. There was a white marble jacuzzi large enough for two people, and a marble bathroom counter. Once again, several more abstracts hung neatly on the wall.

"I'm in heaven." He pulled out his laptop, and turned it on, but decided against it. He would explore a bit more. [i]Tonight[/i] he would use it. But for now, he was slightly hungry, and wanted to see the others.

He turned the corner, and a butler was waiting for him.

"Would you like anything, Mr. Alvarez?"

"Yeah, a... uh..." he said, pondering what exactly he was in the mood for. "Snickers and a Mug Root Beer. Muchas gracias." He expected the man to have to go to a kitchen of some sort for his order. However, he pulled out exactly what he wanted from a silver platter, and handed the food to him.

"Wow. Later." he replied, rather awstruck at such speedy service. He turned, and walked into the library. He was confronted by a completely silent, empty room, with each wall completely lined in books. Sergio took a stroll around the perimeter of the room, examining which titles he wanted to read.

"Hmm... Lord of the Flies is good for now." He loved the book, and had read it as a child. He picked the book off the shelf, it being in perfect condition. Nodding in approval, and flopped onto a satin couch, laying down and reading it.
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Dream scape. Cryptic color chain reaction. Exploding from the dark recesses of recess long since passed. Mysterious mysteries mingled with mythical melodrama. Woah...too much alliteration.[/I]

Xander Blake liked being poetic from time to time. This generally involved alliteration, bad grammer, and the multiple usage of words in a sentence. No one had the heart to tell him he was a bad poet. Of course, he wasn't a poet by trade, so it didn't really matter. Xander was an artist and a writer. A Graphic Novelist, as he liked to say. Most of the people he knew, however, just called him the Comic Book guy.

Xander was good at what he did, and was well payed for it. He always had enough money for food, rent, and the occasional splurge. He was quite comfortable in his life, never having to dress up or act fancy to impress people. He did things his way and no one complained. His landlord like him as long as he payed the bills. His friends ignored his eccentricites because he was generous and always payed for lunch. His publisher didn't mind him wearing t-shirts to meetings because he was so damn good.

So, no one really minded when he decided to go on "vacation". He got the e-mail, sent a response in the form of a haiku, and packed his things. Three days later, here he was. Surrounded by new people, new opportunites, and beautiful scenes to spark his creativity. And his creativity could go wild, he realized, as he walked into his room.

Covering every square inch of the walls in the room was paper. Blank, crisp, white paper. There was a rack of paints and pencils. An antique typewriter, just like the one that belonged to his grandfather, sat on a massive mahogany desk. There was a bed, a desk, and space to go wild with his art. It was everything he ever dreamed.

He set his two small bags down, and opened the first. It was filled to the brim with papers, steno pads, notebooks, binders, and a few napkins. They were his notes, over ten years of collected ideas, plot lines, characters, and miscellanious poems. Ten years of notes, scribbled in chicken-scratch handwriting. Everything he hadn't used yet was there, waiting.

He opened another pocket, pulling out his own art supplies. While the ones provided were great, he was far more comfortable with his own. And the final pocket on the small black bag was full of his works. The published volumes, the partially completed pages and typed up dialogues. He carried all these things around everywhere, lest creativity strike.

The other bag, filled with clothes, lay forgotten at the foot of his bed. There were more important things. The paper...it had to be covered. Blank space was the natural enemy of the artist. Xander was at war with the space. It had to be destroyed.

The pen wavered in his hand slightly. He licked his lips and put the tip of the pen to paper. And with precision, he drew the first line, deep and black against the pale background.

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[COLOR=DarkRed][b]OOC[/b] Yeah my descrip won't be too accurate either Altron

"Jesus...holy sweet Jesus...this olace is massive and I heaven't heard anything about it..." said Sean as he walked onto the floor of the mansion. His eyes darted all around the main foyer, and for the first time in his life he thought he was in heaven. It was so clean, healthy looking, and it seemed so welcoming.

Sean insisted on pulling heis bags to his room, and after much prevailance they let him, he found his room, his name carved into the wood. He opened the door with a free hand and was taken back by the site that was infront of him.

Two large bookcases full of DVD's, another two full of CD's, and another two full of book's. Sean smiled as he set his bags down on the white carpet, he took his shoes off and sat on the huge bed. The wall across from the bed had a full Plasma Screen TV on it, with an XBox sitting below it, along with a DVD player, PS2, set of games for each, shelves full of god knows what, and a mini-bar.

Sean's face brightened even further when he looked over at the DVD's, they had The Matrix box set, to all the Evangelion episodes. He looked at the book's to see classics like To Kill A ockingbird, and even the Bleach manga.

And over at the CD's he saw all the Iron Maiden and Metallica albums, and even a ton of Film and Anime OST's.

Life would be good.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Imogen admired the paintings as she walked down the corridor. This was far more incredible than she could have imagined, a house this size...such beauty, such precision. She smiled dreamily and noticed her nametag on a beautiful engraved door. She touched the handle and jumped slightly, something seemed so welcoming...so nice about the room. She shook her head and laughed as she opened the door, gasping at the contents inside.

Just like the room she had when she stayed with her Aunt and Uncle, Imogen was in awe. They had owned a beautiful country cottage and she had gone to stay in the spring, playing in the fields outside. Imogen could even smell it, the scent of musty of knitted blankets and old scrapbooks. She had always loved the scrapbooks, she had filled at least six whilst staying with her relatives, she should collect them one day.

It was as she dropped her bag to the floor that the room really began to sink in. It was exactly the way it had been...what was it...eight years ago now? The walls where the same light purple, small framed pressed flowers hung on the wall. The bed, in the right hand corner of the room, looked like it had only just been made...the way it always looked when she arrived. Even down to,
[B]"Scrapbooks?"[/B] Imogen gasped, dropping to her knees.

She looked under the bed and indeed the scrapbooks were there, all of them, however, were empty. The first page of the one on top had the message [I]'To record you adventures...have fun.'[/I]

Now Imogen was freaked. Who was this guy and how did he seem to know every little detail about her and her best memories. She would check out the rest of her room tonight, but now was for exploring. She left her jacket wearing a T-Shirt and jeans and closed her door, walking down the corridor in hopes of finding someone.[/SIZE]
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OOC: So... everyone's just going to wander around or something? C'mon!


Sergio grew bored of Lord of the Flies, and stood up from the warm, fluffy couch. Although couch didn't do this piece of furniture justice. Maybe a word like [i]cloud[/i] would be more appropriate, Sergio thought to himself. Ever since he arrived, it felt like he was on cloud nine...

He walked around the perimeter of the room once more, browsing all the titles that were on the endless shelves. He shrugged, and slid his book back into place, poking his head back out of the room and into the hallway. A woman, with flaring red hair turned her head sharply, examining Sergio. They were both silent for a time, until he cracked a smile, breaking the awkward silence.

"Hey." He said. She looked like she wanted to keep walking, not to be hindered, so he wanted to keep things short.

"Uh... hey. What's your name?" She asked.

"Sergio Alvarez. And yours?"

"I'm Imogen Nesbitt. Nice to meet you." Sergio wanted to break with all the formalities; they were annoying after a while. But a necessary evil, he supposed in the back of his mind.

"If I may ask, where are you off to? Just exploring?"

"Yeah... I wanted to see how large the house is and all. Such a beautiful mansion."

"Really impressive. Well, sorry. Didn't mean to hinder you or anything."

"Oh, really, no problem. But I'll be off." She said, continuing walking down the hall. Sergio shrugged, remembering that she was Imogen so that he wouldn't have to ask it again. He walked out of the library, and went the opposite direction.

He looked around, in every direction, trying to soak up everything that was presented to him. There was so much to know, so much to see, so many people to meet, he didn't want to miss anything. With his eyes moving all around, glancing from each curve in the cieling to the straight angle on the wall, he stumbled upon the spiral staircase.

"Ai..." he said admiring the wonderful craftsmanship. He went step by step up the stairs, looking at the lines in each individual piece of wood, gazing in awe at the rich, deep color it held, and soon he was at the top.

Then he heard a loud machine gun rattle, echoing rudely in the halls. Sergio immediately hit the ground, and he glanced around trying to find the location of the sound. Then it came again, this time louder. Then a sickening, pulpy smack of a body hitting the ground.

"Jesuchristo..." he crawled over to the door he head the sound come from. Then he heard unintelligible babble, or maybe frenzied squeals. He stood up, and opened the door slowly, gazing it.

"Oh! I am so very sorry. I thought there was someone actually shooting!" Sergio exclaimed with relief. The stranger laughed, falling backwards on his bed, then beckoned him in.

"Dude, I'm playing Halo 2. Sorry about that. The speakers are really loud. I love it. Oh... sorry, my name's Sean." Sergio smiled, looking at the paused game screen, then at the speakers at the side of the enormous television. Then he laughed at himself.

"No, I really should've know that. Geez... well, my name's Sergio." He still felt rather embarressed about the whole ordeal. He had no idea speakers could be that loud.
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[size=1]OOC: Oops. I called Alicia Amelia didn?t I? XD Yeah, Alicia, not Amelia. And geez, people! I?m having fun keeping up!

IC: Alicia stood looking up at the arched ceiling. The ceiling was carefully sculpted, and painted. She turned to a wall, and ran her fingers across it, feeling the texture of the tiger-maple wood. The woman turned as she felt someone?s eyes rest on her. Her eyes locked with a pair of dark brown eyes she thought she would never see again in her life.

[b]?Umm...hey...my name's Tre...?[/b]

Alicia gasped. Her eyes locked on a pair of familiar brown eyes, and Alicia nearly fell over, only her hand on the wall steadying her.

[b]?Tre? Oh my goodness? it?s really you??[/b]

Tre seemed to brighten considerably at her recognition, and she flung her arms around him in a hug. He hugged her back gently, and she had a grin plastered on her face. The girl was nearly bouncing in place with glee. Alicia calmed herself down, but couldn?t wipe the grin off her face.

[b]?Wow? I mean, how have you been?[/b]? Tre smiled, admitting that he had been fairly good. The two went towards the rooms, and Tre?s was right across the hall from Alicia?s. The went into her room, talking about everything that had happened while they had been dodging around one another.

Alicia stopped still. She gaped at the huge king mattress with it?s dark indigo comforter, large lush pillows, and canopy. She took off her shoes, leaving them next to the door as her feet sank deep into the black carpet. The walls were a shiny black, and a flat-screen plasma TV lined a whole wall. The ceiling arched high above their heads, and Alicia turned circles, setting down her suitcases.

?[b]Dear God, I wonder what your room looks like![/b]?

Tre nodded in agreement, and Alicia ran across the floor to a door. It opened into a large closet, already decked out with the type of clothed she liked to wear. An armoire made of tiger-maple sat next to the door. Another door across the room, next to her bed, opened into a large marble bathroom. The tub was huge. Alicia came back out, flopping down on the bed, her grin even bigger.

?[b]Geez, Tre, I?m in heaven![/b]?[/size]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The crisp smell of paint filled the air. Xander's hand flickered and dashed across the wall. The image flew from his fingertips, slowly taking shape in ways he couldn't imagine. He had never worked this fast, and it had never looked this good. He swapped pencil for paint brush effortlessly. The picture was new to him, the characters and sceneries things he'd never seen before. It captivated him as his imagination took him to far flung corners.

A cliff side, swept by salty spray. Sunset, golden and crimson and violet and colors never seen before. A looming castle of cobalt stone, casting hatch-mark shadows over the scene. Snowy gulls in the distance. A satin blue gown fluttering above the waves. Fierce red hair trailing in long tresses, caressed by an unseen wind. A single glittering tear in the shining green eye. Jet black suit topped by raven hair. Gray eyes filled with pain. A pale, trembling hand reaching out.

At last, he stepped back, and took in the glorious vision. The people in it were foreign to him. He had never seen them before. Wait. The man, he looked so familiar...but Xander couldn't place him. And the woman...vague in his memory, so close he could almost touch it. Maybe fresh air would clear his head.

He stepped out, and nearly crashed into someone. A woman, alone, wandering the halls. He caught himself on the doorhandle, staggering to the side. She watched in horror as he nearly crashed to the ground, changing to awe as he twirled back onto his feet. With a quick flick of his head, a lock of raven hair flipped out of his eyes. He stared at the woman. She stared back.

"Sorry," they said together.

"My fault..." Xander began.

"Should've been watching the door..." she stammered.

They paused, staring again. A light clicked in Xander's head. He leaned back into the room. He felt her lean in next to him, and gasp slightly.

"Who did that...?"

"Me," he said quickly, darting his eyes from the painting to her and back again. Yup, save the length of hair and clothes, it was the same woman. He had painted near perfectly a woman he'd only seen once, briefly.

"It looks like...me..." she said, stepping into the room.

"I noticed."

She turned quickly, eyes flashing hotly. "Who are you? Do I know you?"

Xander was struck briefly by her accent, but it flittered away in his brain.

"I think I might've seen you, briefly, earlier today. But no, I don't know you."

"Then why did you paint me...and you?"

Xander stared at the man. He narrowed his eyes, and was suddenly struck by why the man looked so familiar. His hair might have blue streaks in the real world, but the man in the painting was otherwise the same. In Xander's defense, it had been months since he'd looked in a mirror. He didn't own one.

"I don't know. I just...did."

She stared at him, eyeing him carefully.

"Xander, if you were wondering, is my name."

"I...I'm Imogen. Imogen Nesbitt."

"Interesting name...haven't heard it before."

"I don't think I know many Xanders."

"Well, I guess we're even then."

The two paused yet again. It was a heavy silence, a thousand questions bustling in Xander's mind. At last, he picked one to ask.

"Care for a walk?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=red]Tre laughed and invited her to come to his room. Looking around Several things were scatterd around the living room, but they were small descrepenties compared to his private spaces. He motioned for Alicia to come in. The walls were a cold marble, the blue and green sea of tiles refracting a small light from an ornate lamp. A King sized bed with black sheets and pillow cases lay in the back, hidden from plain sight.

"I've looked at two things;the walls and the bed, and its already better than my whole house." Tre smiled. "Lets look at everything else." He began walking around the room, Alicia next to him.

A 61'' Plasma Flat Screen with Hi Definition was played on the wall, with several hook ups to different things, including a PS2 and an Xbox.

"Alicia...I missed you. How are you?' He asked, touring the rest of his room. A computer with a huge stack of games was set up in one corner, the screen flickered on. Tre ignored it. He wanted to spend all his time with Alicia.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]Imogen took one last look at the painting, narrowing her eyes before she glanced up at Xander?s, a defensive smile on his face. She sighed, [B]"At least you did me justice."[/B] he laughed, she smiled, and all was good in the world.

[B]"Care for a walk?"[/B] Xander asked, holding his arm out to let Imogen pass. She nodded and walked into the corridor, burying her hands in her pockets. Xander closed his door behind him and walked next to her, as the pair left for what they thought was the front door.

After ten minutes of walking, Xander spoke up, [B]"I think we went the wrong way."[/B]

[B]"I'd have to agree."[/B] Imogen stopped and sat down on one of the stairs, [B]"It's like we've been going down for ever, I don't remember coming up this many stairs."[/B]
Xander shrugged and sat down opposite her, leaning his head back against the large golden banister. Imogen fixed her gaze on him, taking in his features and clothes. Then it hit her, and she blushed, Xander was certainly very attractive. She shook her head and looked at the floor, drawing circles on the carpet.

Xander look up and raised an eyebrow, as the circles got bigger. He leaned down, and before Imogen noticed, he was right by her face. She looked up and gasped, jumping slightly.
[B]"I'm not that scary, am I?"[/B] Xander pretended to be hurt and stood up, walking back up the stairs in a huff. Imogen laughed and jumped up, running after Xander. [B]"No, I'm sorry, you just shocked me!"[/B] Xander ignored her still, a smirk cracking on his face. Then Imogen did something that she didn't understand. Why her brain had told her to do it, she didn't know, but she reached out and grabbed his hand with both of hers, entwining the fingers of her right with his left, tugging on him slightly. Holding hands may not be a big deal, but this way someone she didn't know...she instantly felt the blood rush to her face as she let go. Xander looked at her quizzically and she muttered and apology. This house was messing with her head.[/SIZE]
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[b]OOC: [/b]I would try to follow the floorplans but I don't understand it.

[color=Navy]Kai had gotten up a while ago and went wandering again. She walked down several halls, looking at the architecture of the place. It was magnificently done if she did say so. She ran her hand along the side of a bannister and walked on, she made a face as she realised she'd gotten herself lost. Sighing she just continued to stroll, hoping to find someone so she could pin point her location.

Kai was walking through a particular hall when she heard gun shots, before a loud bang that didn't sound like something from a game or anything. Next she heard a loud curse in a foreign language and then a light laughter from someone else. Kai walked up to the door that the sounds had come from and knocked, before opening it.

Inside the room was two guys that she recognised from being out front earlier. One of them was bent over something on a table near the large TV, and the other was on the bed with a grin.

[b]"Hey, I heard some gun shots, then a bang, what's going on?" [/b]Kai asked, walking in.

[b]"I was playing Halo 2, then the X-Box went on the fritz." [/b]the one bent over said, straightening.

[b]"Hmm...mind if I take a look at it?" [/b]she said, walking over.

[b]"Oh, the name's Sean." [/b]he said, sticking his hand out.

[b]"Hi, I'm Kai." [/b]she introduced, shaking his hand. Then she turned to the other guy. [b]"And you are?"[/b]

[b]"Sergio, nice to meet you." [/b]

[b]"Douzo yoroshiku." [/b]she said smiling. When they both stared at her blankly, she sighed. [b]"It means 'Nice to meet you' in Japanese." [/b]the two guys went 'oooooh' in understanding and Kai rolled her eyes.

Kai knelt down and took a look at the X-Box, she unplugged it from the powerboard and pulled all of the disconnectable cords off, flipping it over. She put her hand into one of her many pockets and emerged with a kit that she always carried. She put it on the table and opened it, it was full of screwdrivers with different tips and sizes, soldering wire, other tools, capaciters and a soldering iron.

She looked at the screws carefully and pulled out her mini computer from another pocket, scanning the screws to make sure. She checked it and pulled out the necessary tool and started to open it. Pulling the cover off she looked at the wires and switchboards inside.

After scanning it through, she found the problem was a capaciter had over loaded and blown. She gnawed her lip and searched through her kit for the right kind. She emerged victorious, holding the small part between two of her fingers. Kai got out the soldering iron and wire and plugged the iron into the powerboard, waiting for it to heat. She pulled out the remains of the blown one and soldered the new one in it's place. Checking the rest of the machine for any other problems, she put the cover back on and plugged it in. Hitting the power the start screen came up and it loaded successfully.

Kai groaned and stood, the whole process had taken an hour, and Sean and Sergio had watched the entire time. Kai rolled her neck, making popping noises and packed away her things, tucking them back into her pockets.

[b]"How'd you know how to do all that?"[/b] Sergio asked.

[b]"Electronics is my life, you could call it an obsession but yeah, anything to do with electronics, I know it. Enjoy your game guys." [/b]Kai said walking toward the door.

[b]"Hey! Are you good at playing with them?" [/b]Sean called.

Kai pivoted with a half glare. [b]"You bet I am." [/b]

[b]"Better than me?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"I guess it is..."

"You're on." [/b]Kai said walking back over and picking up a third controller.

[b]"Thanks for fixing it by the way."

"Yeah, sure." [/b]Kai waved, taking a seat next to Sergio.

[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry if all that electronic stuff was boring, I just felt like putting it in. [u][b]Reise[/b][/u] and [u][b]Altron[/b][/u], if I got your characters wrong, let me know and I'll change it.[/color]
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