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[size=1]I was just sent home by my drama teacher [without asking/whining/begging] thanks to strep throatt. I've got a major role in our school play, and we've got all these national official people coming to our school to watch it for a special screening three weeks before the expected date! I haven't been able to speak for two weeks now [thanks to singing songs by Kittie six times in a row] and now my voice is just starting to come back, but now I've got a stuffy nose as well. I'm terrified that it won't be well enough by this Friday.

And on top of that, our band's first rehearsals together are coming up this weekend and the songs require a bit of growling and falsetto. Urgh, complete murder. _._

Any suggestions/remedies? Lemon + honey isn't working for me, and I don't want to have to resort to my lastlast minute cup of vinegar or raw egg. >_<;[/size]
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[size=1]Dang, I hate strepp.

FIrst: no milk. Milk is really bad if you are trying to sing, and so is mint tea. Coke or some type of soda with a lot of fizz is good right before a performance. I usually have to take medicine for strepp, so I don't know what is going on with that. Try not to talk to much if you don't have too; it will help your voice com eback quicker.

Other than that, I can't help you. Of course, you could find a way to make yourself cry until you're very tired. That should clear your sinuses, and sleep always helps when your sick. :) Good luck, Juu-san.[/size]
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[font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Drink fluids and eat lots of vitamin C. That's what I always do whenever I have a cold. I don't know much about help with Strep Throat but my pollen allergies give me major runny noses. To help with a stuffed up nose I take Flonase and Claritin RediTabs ('cause I can't swallow pills:animeswea). Not sure if the Claritin is over the counter and I'm pretty sure the Flonase isn't but I'm sure there are other medicines you can get. Also just try going to your doctor to get some prescriptions. And drink lots and lots of fluids. That's really all I can say. [/color][/size][/font][/font]
[font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Oh and (at least according to my school?s chorus teacher) stuffy noses really help with singing![/color][/size][/font][/font]
[font='Times New Roman'][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Edit: Oh yea? sleep is good. Just take it easy and relax. Rest a lot and don?t do anything to physical.[/size][/font] [/font]
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[font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Oh and (at least according to my school?s chorus teacher) stuffy noses really help with singing![/color][/size][/font][/font][/font][/QUOTE]
[size=1]Actually, it's the other way around. Singing helps clear the sinuses(if you can breathe enough to do so).[/size]
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[QUOTE=Rhian][size=1]Dang, I hate strepp.

FIrst: no milk. Milk is really bad if you are trying to sing, and so is mint tea. Coke or some type of soda with a lot of fizz is good right before a performance. I usually have to take medicine for strepp, so I don't know what is going on with that. Try not to talk to much if you don't have too; it will help your voice com eback quicker.

Other than that, I can't help you. Of course, you could find a way to make yourself cry until you're very tired. That should clear your sinuses, and sleep always helps when your sick. :) Good luck, Juu-san.[/size][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Thanks! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v607/dietcokeistehfun/hug.gif[/IMG]

I've never thought about crying. For some odd reason, most of the DVDs I own have teary endings. I guess any of those'll do the trick. ^__^; *runs off for a diet coke*[/size]

[QUOTE=junkobakaiba][font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Drink fluids and eat lots of vitamin C. That's what I always do whenever I have a cold. I don't know much about help with Strep Throat but my pollen allergies give me major runny noses. To help with a stuffed up nose I take Flonase and Claritin RediTabs ('cause I can't swallow pills:animeswea). Not sure if the Claritin is over the counter and I'm pretty sure the Flonase isn't but I'm sure there are other medicines you can get. Also just try going to your doctor to get some prescriptions. And drink lots and lots of fluids. That's really all I can say. [/color][/size][/font][/font]

[font=Verdana][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Oh and (at least according to my school?s chorus teacher) stuffy noses really help with singing![/color][/size][/font][/font]
[font='Times New Roman'][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Edit: Oh yea? sleep is good. Just take it easy and relax. Rest a lot and don?t do anything to physical.[/size][/font] [/font][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Vitamin C, gotcha. I'm skeptical about whether or not fruit juice is good, though. I keep getting mixed reviews. Two of my friends always have grape/orange juice with them backstage, but hmm. I read somewhere else that it was terrible.

Medicine would probably be a huge help. My dad's a doctor, but he's quite against relying on pills to feel better. [Plus I'm pretty much immune to tyrenol anyway _._] But yeah, everyone I know seems to be using Clairitin now. For the next few months, I'm willing to try anything. >>;;

And yes, sleep is definitely good. Lately, I've had a lack of it. My throat was clearest the night before yesterday after the gig. Four hours of screaming cleared up my throat, strangely, and then it was back to mute-ness.

Don't know about stuffy noses helping singing, though. I feel like a chipmunk.[/size]
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[size=1]You're welcome, Juuness. Orange juice sounds like a good plan; it has the Vitamin C and the acid that will help to clear your throat. :) Yeah, my mom doesn't rely on medicine, either, because letting your body fight it off makes your immune system stronger.

Yeah, I think junko had it switched around. Singing helps stuffy noses(especially singing Evanescence; ask me how I know.).[/size]
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[QUOTE=Rhian][size=1]You're welcome, Juuness. Orange juice sounds like a good plan; it has the Vitamin C and the acid that will help to clear your throat. :) Yeah, my mom doesn't rely on medicine, either, because letting your body fight it off makes your immune system stronger.

Yeah, I think junko had it switched around. Singing helps stuffy noses(especially singing Evanescence; ask me how I know.).[/size][/QUOTE]

[size=1]=O! Evanescence [i]killed[/i] me during a performance two years ago. I believe I also caught a cold after that as well. 'My Immortal' and 'Tourniquet'. Bah. ¬¬

For a while I thought acid was actually bad for zee throat, since all these singers would complain about acid reflux giving them scratchy voices and such. But that comes from junk foods, right? o_o; Wellll either way, I'll have to take my dad out to get some orange juice. I am soo sick of lemonade. [/size]
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[QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1]=O! Evanescence [i]killed[/i] me during a performance two years ago. I believe I also caught a cold after that as well. 'My Immortal' and 'Tourniquet'. Bah. ¬¬

For a while I thought acid was actually bad for zee throat, since all these singers would complain about acid reflux giving them scratchy voices and such. But that comes from junk foods, right? o_o; Wellll either way, I'll have to take my dad out to get some orange juice. I am soo sick of lemonade. [/size][/QUOTE]
[size=1]I wa sin Florida round New Years, had a really bad cold(I had trouble breathing at all), and I snad Tourniquet. It cleared my sinuses so well I sang it everytime I started to get stuffed up again.

XD Acid reflux is where acid from your stomach gets into your lungs. It has nothing to do with your throat.[/size]
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[QUOTE=Rhian][size=1]You're welcome, Juuness. Orange juice sounds like a good plan; it has the Vitamin C and the acid that will help to clear your throat. :) Yeah, my mom doesn't rely on medicine, either, because letting your body fight it off makes your immune system stronger.

Citric acid doesn't clear phlegm at all. For one thing, the congestion is built in your sinus and upper respiratory tract, so unless you are literally aspirating the juice, the acid's doing jack.

For a sore throat, you'll want to control coughing. The main problem with itchy or sore throats (for singers) is the insane desire to cough out the phlegm. DO NOT DO THIS. Coughing aggravates the vocal chords and can cause further damage and irritation.

1)If you want to sooth your throat the most important thing you can drink is WATER. Try "cool" water, not "cold" water.

2)If you have a sore throat (don't do this before your performance) you should use cough drops with BENZOCAINE and to a lesser extent, Menthol.

3)Drink Chamomile tea... old theatre trick, day of the performance.

As for medicine, well... some illnesses require medicine, do not underestimate the power of disease...

XD Acid reflux is where acid from your stomach gets into your lungs. It has nothing to do with your throat.[/size][/QUOTE]

You're talking about inhaling your stomach acid? Incorrect. Acid reflux is just a buildup of acid to the point that it begins to irritate (and possibly damage) the cardiac sphincter. This causes a gaseous buildup and the excess acid will usually accompany any sort of burp that would release the gas. This means the acid is causing damage to your esophagus. Usually severe acid reflux results in vomiting to remove the excess acid which will, incidentally, cause damage to your throat. The most common detrimental symptom would be esophageal erosion, however.

As for inhaling stomach acid? Usually that would result in your lungs immediately coughing it back out.
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[color=black][size=2][QUOTE][/size][/color][color=black]Actually, it's the other way around. Singing helps clear the sinuses (if you can breathe enough to do so).[/color][color=black][size=2] [/QUOTE][/size][/color]
[color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Just repeating what the chorus teacher said!^^;; Maybe I did get it mixed up though...[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]And yea my dad always suggests orange juice when I'm sick... but I don't think other juices are really all that great. I usually stick to water lots and lots of water. And sometimes I think Gatorade. Also I believe tea helps? not sure what kind though I don?t drink tea that often?[/color][/size][/font][/color]
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[QUOTE=Rhian][size=1]I wa sin Florida round New Years, had a really bad cold(I had trouble breathing at all), and I snad Tourniquet. It cleared my sinuses so well I sang it everytime I started to get stuffed up again.

XD Acid reflux is where acid from your stomach gets into your lungs. It has nothing to do with your throat.[/size][/QUOTE]

[size=1]:sweat: That is why [to my father's diappointment] I'll never go to medical school.

[and the world will thank me for it.][/size]

[QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth]Citric acid doesn't clear phlegm at all. For one thing, the congestion is built in your sinus and upper resperatory tract, so unless you are literally inspireing the juice, the acid's doing jack.

For a sore throat, you'll want to control coughing. The main problem with itchy or sore throats (for singers) is the insane desire to cough out the phlegm. DO NOT DO THIS. Coughing aggrivates the vocal chords and can cause further damage and irritation.

1)If you want to sooth your throat the most important thing you can drink is WATER. Try "cool" water, not "cold" water.

2)If you have a sore throat (don't do this before your performance) you should use cough drops with BENZOCAINE and to a lesser extent, Menthol.

3)Drink Cammomile tea... old theatre trick, day of the performance.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]Cheers. =]

Coughing has been a problem. The more I try to hold it back, the stronger it seems to come out later, and my ribs are killing me for it. I'll keep that in mind, anywho. I find it hard to cope with the flavour of chamomile, but I've got one teabag of it left from a few months ago which I'll try. Thanks for the tips!

[I am replying a bit too much, I think. *stands by*][/size]

[color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]Just repeating what the chorus teacher said!^^;;[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy]And yea my dad always suggests orange juice when I'm sick... but I don't think other juices are really all that great. I usually stick to water lots and lots of water. And sometimes I think Gatorade. Also I believe tea helps? not sure what kind though I don?t drink tea that often?[/color][/size][/font][/color][/QUOTE]

[size=1]I love tea, but I know very well from experience that it's not best RIGHT before a performance. Thanks anywho. =D[/size]
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one cure i've found for sore throat is:

eat the spiciest curry you can find. about ten minutes after, have someone hit you in the throat (not hard enough to kill mind.) then drink 2 glasses of iced water, followed immediately by a bottle of tabasco sauce.

wait fifteen minutes, and have a fizzy drink.

this cure has allways worked for me.
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[QUOTE=kabapu]one cure i've found for sore throat is:

eat the spiciest curry you can find. about ten minutes after, have someone hit you in the throat (not hard enough to kill mind.) then drink 2 glasses of iced water, followed immediately by a bottle of tabasco sauce.

wait fifteen minutes, and have a fizzy drink.

this cure has allways worked for me.[/QUOTE][color=black][color=navy][size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]Hmmm. ?Maybe not all of that, but now that Kabapu mentioned it, I think spicy food does help with sinuses... Oh and hot showers? take a nice long hot steamy shower? I always do that when my allergies are bugging me. [/font][/size][/color][/color]
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I notice that no-one has mentioned any type of antiseptic spray. You can get them at any Rite-Aid-type store. They come in a variety of flavors, and application is very simple. Just shake, aim the nozzle to your open mouth, and spray. Whenever I've had sore throats for whatever reason, that seems to help. Plus, it may assist in killing whatever bacteria is causing the strepp.

It's a bit of an anesthetic, too, so singing would probably feel much better. Your throat might feel a bit weird, but you sing from the diaphragm, anyway. ^_^
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[QUOTE=kabapu]one cure i've found for sore throat is:

eat the spiciest curry you can find. about ten minutes after, have someone hit you in the throat (not hard enough to kill mind.) then drink 2 glasses of iced water, followed immediately by a bottle of tabasco sauce.

wait fifteen minutes, and have a fizzy drink.

this cure has allways worked for me.[/QUOTE]

If you're planning on singing, please disregard this post entirely, Juu.

[Quote=Siren]I notice that no-one has mentioned any type of antiseptic spray. You can get them at any Rite-Aid-type store. They come in a variety of flavors, and application is very simple. Just shake, aim the nozzle to your open mouth, and spray. Whenever I've had sore throats for whatever reason, that seems to help. Plus, it may assist in killing whatever bacteria is causing the strepp.

It's a bit of an anesthetic, too, so singing would probably feel much better. Your throat might feel a bit weird, but you sing from the diaphragm, anyway. ^_^[/quote]

Yeah, what you're talking about basically serves the same purpose as a cough drop. I suppose it's effectiveness varies from person to person. It might be more comfortable. The important thing Alex mentioned here was the antibiotic qualities of the spray. While a topical antiseptic spray such as this might reduce inflammation it probably won't be able to kill your strep as quickly as an oral antibiotic like minocyclin or keflex ( to name a few).

I'd suggest visiting your doctor the next time you have strep (or if you still have the symptoms now) and get a throat culture. If it's bacterial, you could wipe the thing out pretty quickly. If it is a viral infection... antibiotic spray isn't going to help that much.
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I got a sore throat just last week, and it kept me from going skiing. >_>

But anyway, my mom gave me tea with honey and lemon. And I see that didn't work for you.

Taking Vitamin C/Zinc pills helps your immune system boost itself (I think), so those would be good ideas. Nasal spray and decongestant clears my nose, and there's always that godawful junk called ... [i]codliver oil.[/i] I seriously hope you don't do that ... it smells terrible, but it seemed to work for my friend. But a stuff nose isn't the worst of your problems, and can be solved easily. Just run around, and breathe out of your nose ... it'll clear up. But then again, you'd have to look out for aggrivating your throat with all that breathing from running around. So do it in a warm room. ^_^

And really, sleep will help. Cough drops too. But sleep is the best. Throw your homework to the wind! Get those 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night. It'll cure you.
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[quote name='Drix D'Zanth']If you're planning on singing, please disregard this post entirely, Juu.[/quote]

[size=1]I assumed he was just taking the piss. ...And I hope he is for his sake. o_O[/size]

[QUOTE=Siren]I notice that no-one has mentioned any type of antiseptic spray. You can get them at any Rite-Aid-type store. They come in a variety of flavors, and application is very simple. Just shake, aim the nozzle to your open mouth, and spray. Whenever I've had sore throats for whatever reason, that seems to help. Plus, it may assist in killing whatever bacteria is causing the strepp.

It's a bit of an anesthetic, too, so singing would probably feel much better. Your throat might feel a bit weird, but you sing from the diaphragm, anyway. ^_^[/QUOTE]

[quote]Yeah, what you're talking about basically serves the same purpose as a cough drop. I suppose it's effectiveness varies from person to person. It might be more comfortable. The important thing Alex mentioned here was the antibiotic qualities of the spray. While a topical antiseptic spray such as this might reduce inflammation it probably won't be able to kill your strep as quickly as an oral antibiotic like minocyclin or keflex ( to name a few).

I'd suggest visiting your doctor the next time you have strep (or if you still have the symptoms now) and get a throat culture. If it's bacterial, you could wipe the thing out pretty quickly. If it is a viral infection... antibiotic spray isn't going to help that much.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]I've tried antibiotic spray before, and that hasn't worked for me. As for the doctor, that'll make seven trips to the doctor in three months. -.-; Five of them didn't give me anything, and the most recent visit recommended me some over the counter medicine that just treated migraine. [I had step throat then as well.] Throat culture... I'll have my dad check that out. Thanks for all the help. ^^ [/size]

[QUOTE=Altron]I got a sore throat just last week, and it kept me from going skiing. >_>

But anyway, my mom gave me tea with honey and lemon. And I see that didn't work for you.

Taking Vitamin C/Zinc pills helps your immune system boost itself (I think), so those would be good ideas. Nasal spray and decongestant clears my nose, and there's always that godawful junk called ... [i]codliver oil.[/i] I seriously hope you don't do that ... it smells terrible, but it seemed to work for my friend. But a stuff nose isn't the worst of your problems, and can be solved easily. Just run around, and breathe out of your nose ... it'll clear up. But then again, you'd have to look out for aggrivating your throat with all that breathing from running around. So do it in a warm room. ^_^

And really, sleep will help. Cough drops too. But sleep is the best. Throw your homework to the wind! Get those 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night. It'll cure you.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]Gah! Sorry about that. But what a coincidence, I couldn't go skiing last week thanks to my sore throat as well. >.>

I haven't heard of codliver oil, but just by the sound of it... vinegar seems the easier way out. .__.; And you're right - for some reason, my nose/throat feel a lot better when I'm outside. My dad was in the middle of surgery, so I had to walk home today. The whole time I just kept thinking about vacuuming my room because my throat would just die on me once I got into the house. Hmm.

*hugs everyone* These are muchly appreciated. x.x[/size]
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