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Poser Problems

Radical Ed

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First off, I'm not sure if I'm violating a rule so sorry if I am, but I really need people ANIME peoples advice on this. I have a friend who likes Shaman King, but she doesn't really look like she likes it just acts like she does. Anyways she makes me ticked cause she says bad stuff about Hao and Horohoro and everyone really! She also says to me ME an anime fan that I don't know a thing about Anime! She told me once that my sister had no idea what konnichiwa means! My sis and I TAUGHT her that!!!! She also brags about it to people too and she makes every school assignment have a pic of Anna and Yoh!!!! At first I was glad she liked it, I truly was, but now it went out of control and...I told her to stop it, but she won't listen to me. If you have a poser problem then please tell me how to make her stop I'm desperate here. P.S. I know it's a poser problem because she tries to do things for people she doesn't even like(or claims she doesn't) If you know a way, please help me. I'd apreciate the help of another anime fan...We don't have many where I live so I'm going to ask true fans of it how to handle it. Thank you for your time in reading this and I hope I didn't violate a rule. If I did I'm sorry.
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First of all, take a look at [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45798][u]this[/u][/url] thread. The situation presented there is somewhat different, but I suspect you might find the responses interesting.

To be honest, I don't think that your topic really belongs in this particular forum--true, it has to do with anime, yet ultimately it's a problem between you and your friend, which would probably fit in with the various types of relationship threads which usually go in the Otaku Lounge.

Moreover, you seem to be open to the idea of discussing more general "poser problems," so I'm going to move this to the OL. Please private message me if you have any questions.

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She doesn't think Hao is awesome? I think I might vomit with rage. Anyway, I know where you are coming from. There is this one kid at my school who wears a Naruto headband to class...everyday. Why? I don't know. It annoys me for some reason. So I can see how your friend might seem annoying. Not sure if I have any good suggestions except to ignore it and try to find a way to prove her wrong about her infinite "anime knowledge".
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I think this may count as a poser problem, my 53 year old mother-in-law [i]thinks[/i] she's a biker. Not only that but she wears clothes that are about 16-20 years too young for her just because she thinks she looks good in them, but back to the biker thing.

She has this God awful mid length black leather jacket (it ends like 2 inches above her natural waist) with a buckle on the bottom and this big Harley Davidson patch on the back of it. She insists on wearing it [i]everywhere[/i] she goes. If someone asks her nicely not to wear it she says she has to wear it and if you tell her that she's not a biker she gets all snippy and says 'Excuse me I [i]am[/i] a biker.

Combine that jacket with what ever she decides to buy from 5-7-9 or another junior department store and well, it's rather scary.

My mother-in-law is an emberassment to herself and her kids and me and well, anyone who might be around her. But she cares about her granddaughter...maybe because she never had a girl. But that's why I can only spend so much time with the woman.[/color]
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I'm sorry, but...


Seriously, though. What's the big deal? Who cares if the girl truly likes anime or she's just acting like she does? I just don't see how it's such a major, life-threatening issue.

Yeah, it bothers me a bit when people have no idea what in the hell the Terminator Trilogy is really about, and I try to enlighten them, but in the end, if they still don't get it, they're morons, lol, and not worth my time or effort.

So...yeah. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Life sucks. Get a helmet.
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Yeah, I'm really not understanding what you're getting so insulted over. The girl obviously doesn't really know what she's talking about and most likely is doing a lot of this simply because she can tell it annoys you. I'd just ignore it and move on. Enjoy anime for yourself, not for other people.
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So...yeah. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Life sucks. Get a helmet.[/QUOTE]

*laughs as picture/comment*
I just totally found the first of my many coming mentors.

Anyway, I agree. I don't see what the fuss is about. I introduced one of my pals to Warcraft III, and he now claims almost every day to be better then me, that I'm a "noob", that he could "p0wn" me, ect. You learn to tune it out. Try thinking of something else whenever they speak. My distraction: monkey with cymbals. Then it's distracting [u]and[/u] entertaining.
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[COLOR=Navy]Who cares?

You are going to be surrounded by idiots every day of your life....there is no stopping it.

You just have to learn how to deal with them and tune them out...you can't just get rid of them.[/COLOR]
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That sux. :animeswea You taught her everything you know about anime and she calls you the poser :rolleyes: :huh: Why don't you tell her off? Remind her whose the real anime friend and whose the poser. People like your friend pisses me off. :animeangr
no offense :blah:
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's just a phase. I've gone through the same thing (sashaying around like some high priestess of an anime cult). She's probably just excited that she knows [i]something[/i] about one of the *hottest* anime around. Which is kinda enough to make some people gloat in self-admiration.

She'll get over it. You'll get over it.

We like anime for several different things. Can't really say if there's such a thing as a "true" anime fan. Maybe she just shows her love for anime that way (however quirky that [i]way[/i] is). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I think this may count as a poser problem, my 53 year old mother-in-law [i]thinks[/i] she's a biker. Not only that but she wears clothes that are about 16-20 years too young for her just because she thinks she looks good in them, but back to the biker thing.

She has this God awful mid length black leather jacket (it ends like 2 inches above her natural waist) with a buckle on the bottom and this big Harley Davidson patch on the back of it. She insists on wearing it [i]everywhere[/i] she goes. If someone asks her nicely not to wear it she says she has to wear it and if you tell her that she's not a biker she gets all snippy and says 'Excuse me I [i]am[/i] a biker.

Combine that jacket with what ever she decides to buy from 5-7-9 or another junior department store and well, it's rather scary.

My mother-in-law is an emberassment to herself and her kids and me and well, anyone who might be around her. But she cares about her granddaughter...maybe because she never had a girl. But that's why I can only spend so much time with the woman.[/color][/QUOTE]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] Geesh, your mother-in-law always sounds so funny. It reminds me of my grandma so much. Anyways, yes I've dealt with alot of posers more than you can count. I know two guys who try to act all ghangsta but when they see a tiny spider they flip out. Yeah right, so tough. My grandma is also dating two old men, and claims she was a moviestar and almost did a movie role with Marilyn Monroe. She also says that she was the most beautiful actress there ever was, and that she got proposed to like 5 days a day and that I should try a career in Hollywood. She also tells me shes going to send my picture to actress Jody Foster for an interview. It's hard to tell friends when she tells this story, that she wasn't famous. As far as the anime-obsessive friend goes, don't worry about it. She probably is going through that beginner stage, it happens to alot of them. Its a phase that won't last, your lucky. [/SIZE][/i][/FONT]
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I guess it is nothing to go berserk over, yeah I know. But for God's sake it's annoying! I told her to stop a few days before posting this and she sorta did. :animesigh She's kinda like that Biker chick you were talking about, always says that shes this or that or she's "always right." She doesn't really like Hao and that's one of the reasons I mentioned this. Get this though! She told my sister during Science class (I'm not in there at that time) that she's making a manga thing for a grade to put IN THE NEWSPAPER. Again, most of you are thinking "well ignore it" and all that, but I'm doing this also for her saftey. People make fun of what I like I say "Screw you fers" but when they do that to her it gets to her. She says shes going to move next year because they make fun of her. I told her not to otherwise she's telling them they won. She told me no. I told her to chill with anime and manga. God! She makes me so annoyed I don't wanna even read it anymore, but I guess its some stupid newbie phase. Oh, and thanks to all of you for replying but just to let you know she doesn't listen to talk,shouting, or ignorence.

P.S. The video game thing who ever mentioned it, video games are easy to ignore with this girl because I can kick her butt any day and I'll admit I'm kinda still a newb.
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