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Have you ever felt left out?


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Sometimes I feel left out because people have told to me to go hang out with my own race. Like this one time at school, I was going to sit next to a white person because I couldn't find any more seats. I don't mind sitting next to a different person because I'm not racist. But this person told me: "Why don't you go sit with with your own kind?" That's why when I was with my friends I didn't have to worry about that because we used to hang around laughing and screaming and nobody would shut us up. But Now that I don't have any friends, I feel even worse. I guess that in this place everyone sticks with their own race. But how do I supposed to talk to my own race if I can't get along with them too?
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[SIZE=1]Ah... I had the same problem. I'm African American, and I don't really hang out with many people of my own race, only because of the way (most) of the black people at my school treat me. They call me a nerd, along with a whole slew of annoying words just becase I do well in school. So I don't hang out with them.

But I do hang out with people of the same race as me with smiliar likes, dislikes, and interests. While I don't have that many black friends, I make up for that in other areas. But really, I don't have an answer to you question. My only suggestion would be for you to seek out people who share the same interests. And silently curse racists. Urg... they'll get theirs.[/SIZE]
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[b]I never used to hang out with people of my own race- until we moved to a community in which I was no longer a minority... and I was honestly frightened of people of my race...:animeblus .[/b]

[b]It seems stupid now, but that's just the way it was... and it was a huge culture shock... I hated it.[/b]

[b]It's ridiculous that race should matter. [/b]

[b]Right now, there are a lot of people that are concerned about me hanging out with my friend/mentor. Just because he's of a different race, (or- more accurately- he's of a different [i]tribe[/i] with a different race mixed in- but we do look like we're different races, because I'm pretty pale) a lot of people assume that he beats me.[/b]

[b]There are two funny things about that- One-we're not a couple...we're friends and business partners. Two- it's the people of the local tribes (that neither of us are) that are concerned for my safety.[/b]

[b]I guess it's good to know that a lot of people "got my back" if something ever goes down... but nothing ever would with him... he's too sweet for that:animesmil .[/b]
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[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]Ah... I had the same problem. I'm African American, and I don't really hang out with many people of my own race, only because of the way (most) of the black people at my school treat me. They call me a nerd, along with a whole slew of annoying words just becase I do well in school. So I don't hang out with them.

But I do hang out with people of the same race as me with smiliar likes, dislikes, and interests. While I don't have that many black friends, I make up for that in other areas. But really, I don't have an answer to you question. My only suggestion would be for you to seek out people who share the same interests. And silently curse racists. Urg... they'll get theirs.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]What an interesting coincidence... I, too, am an African American that gets rejected by other African Americans due to the lack of rap playing in my CD player and basketball skills that I have. I've been dubbed the names 'that really weird guy' and 'the oreo'. The best advice I can give as to finding friends is to keep your mind open. Although people may act a certain way, the real them can sometimes be completely different than what they portray.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='drive_monster'] I, too, am an African American that gets rejected by other African Americans due to the lack of rap playing in my CD player and basketball skills that I have.[/quote]

It's interesting that they cast you out of their group because you aren't perpetuating racial stereotypes.
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[color=#9933ff]Well that sucks, C. Azul. That kinda happened to me, even without my race. lol. I used to have a friend and we'd laugh up a storm about anything, For instance, shout out strange anime words like "zechs" (gundam wing pilot) just to see everyone's reaction because it sounds like "sex" (and it's German for the number six).

And then last year when we went to high school, we stopped being friends. And I felt really left out of a lot of things. I felt like nobody noticed me at all, and that if I were to get lost in the woods, or fall off a cliff or something, no one at all would miss me. Actually, sometimes I still feel that way, to tell you the truth, and it's been a year later.

So yeah. No race involved and I still felt left out. I guess that I was left out in a different way then what you're describing, but I know what it's like to be ignored for being a wierdo.

Anybody who needs to play the race card to make themselves feel superior isn't worth your time. They're just all jerks who need a life.

Actually, twice went I went out of state, to Pennsylvania I went to a fast food place for dinner with my mom, to bring it home (well, to the Pocono house we were staying in). We were waiting for our meal forever, and about two people around us got their orders before we did, and they came in later than we did. I think that in Pennsylvania, things are just slower than Jersey (Everybody and everything goes at about light speed in NJ), but I couldn't help the nagging feeling like it was because I was Asian (well I'm half Caucasian and half Asian) that we didn't get our food as quickly.

Sometimes when I do go out of NJ, (to anywhere except Cali and Massachusettes), I get a little paranoid and I think people are looking at me because I'm Asian. Well, that and my biological mother is Irish with red hair and noticable freckles. I think I'm paranoid, but I just can't help feeling like that. >_>

The funny thing about that is some annoying & dumb girl at my school (she moved away thank God) thought, for a while, I was adopted. Not because I look different than my mom, but because we have a different last name. Which I laughed at, at first, but I couldn't get over how retarded that was.

Just for random info, I live in middle/upper class suburbia with great education, so there's a lot of Caucasian and Asian people at my school. We have absolutely no one who's Hispanic or latino (maybe someone who's bi-racial, but really no one), and about 40 or so African Americans.

In middle school, there was a lot of racial slurs against Asians, and there were a couple instances of graffitti with swastikas and racial slurs against Jewish and Asian people within my grade, but I've gotten none of that in high school. I guess because I don't have any classes with those whackos. The year after I left middle school, my mom insisted on a "teach tolerance" program through the school district (she works in it and is pretty powerful), and that was the school theme/goal for the next year.

Mergh, I'm rambling, aren't I? Well, like Retribution said, racists will get what's coming to them. [/color]
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[COLOR=blue]In high school, I was too nerdy to be with the jocks, and too dumb to be with the nerds. I was in the squishy middle of "almost a nerd." I was in all honors classes, but no one respected me. When I went down to A-Level classes, the lessons were too simplistic and I wasn't being challenged. That, and the teachers were sometimes too scared of seniors (who were left back countless times) to administer a specific lesson or test.

So I stuck with the honors courses and was basically left out for most of high school. I actually found my childhood friend - except now, he was a stereotypical drunken Polish dude. He didn't have any remorse for carrying the legacy, and knowing him from before, I knew that it was simply that the thought that propagated the action (i.e., he became a drunken Polish guy because the stereotype was there, so he used it as an archetype).

I had one best friend through most of high school. Then he got the ugliest girlfriend you can imagine. Things slowly drifted after that, and even after he ditched the girl after a few months, it was never the same.

My math skills were unbeatable. The clique of smart kids were always mad at me, kept tabs of my grades, and always tried to compete. Hard as they may try, they couldn't top me in math (they topped me in everything else, though :animeswea).

There was an opening in Biology Honors, where a Freudian slip basically got half the school on my bad side. There was this one girl who sucked terrible in the class, and failed every single test. I couldn't imagine how she got in. One day, I found out the answer: her father was the head of the science department. It was a casual conversation with one of the kids there:

[INDENT][i]"Who's that?"
"That's the head of the science department, and her dad."
"Oh, is that how she got into honors?-"
"OMFG! I'm telling!"[/i][/INDENT]

So yeah, I learned in high school that girls have some mafia-style connection, where if one of them hate you, all of them do, and some will go so far as to try and kick you in the balls. X_X

In junior year, another "almost a nerd" transferred to my school. We had so much in common: games, dope math skillz, and I would later get him into anime. I didn't feel left out after that.

I can't say I remember feeling more left out than my experience in high school. Everything else was pretty good, heh.[/COLOR]
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Guest Shippoe
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Well that sucks, C. Azul. That kinda happened to me, even without my race. lol. I used to have a friend and we'd laugh up a storm about anything, For instance, shout out strange anime words like "zechs" (gundam wing pilot) just to see everyone's reaction because it sounds like "sex" (and it's German for the number six).

And then last year when we went to high school, we stopped being friends. And I felt really left out of a lot of things. I felt like nobody noticed me at all, and that if I were to get lost in the woods, or fall off a cliff or something, no one at all would miss me. Actually, sometimes I still feel that way, to tell you the truth, and it's been a year later.

So yeah. No race involved and I still felt left out. I guess that I was left out in a different way then what you're describing, but I know what it's like to be ignored for being a wierdo.

Anybody who needs to play the race card to make themselves feel superior isn't worth your time. They're just all jerks who need a life.

Actually, twice went I went out of state, to Pennsylvania I went to a fast food place for dinner with my mom, to bring it home (well, to the Pocono house we were staying in). We were waiting for our meal forever, and about two people around us got their orders before we did, and they came in later than we did. I think that in Pennsylvania, things are just slower than Jersey (Everybody and everything goes at about light speed in NJ), but I couldn't help the nagging feeling like it was because I was Asian (well I'm half Caucasian and half Asian) that we didn't get our food as quickly.

Sometimes when I do go out of NJ, (to anywhere except Cali and Massachusettes), I get a little paranoid and I think people are looking at me because I'm Asian. Well, that and my biological mother is Irish with red hair and noticable freckles. I think I'm paranoid, but I just can't help feeling like that. >_>

The funny thing about that is some annoying & dumb girl at my school (she moved away thank God) thought, for a while, I was adopted. Not because I look different than my mom, but because we have a different last name. Which I laughed at, at first, but I couldn't get over how retarded that was.

Just for random info, I live in middle/upper class suburbia with great education, so there's a lot of Caucasian and Asian people at my school. We have absolutely no one who's Hispanic or latino (maybe someone who's bi-racial, but really no one), and about 40 or so African Americans.

In middle school, there was a lot of racial slurs against Asians, and there were a couple instances of graffitti with swastikas and racial slurs against Jewish and Asian people within my grade, but I've gotten none of that in high school. I guess because I don't have any classes with those whackos. The year after I left middle school, my mom insisted on a "teach tolerance" program through the school district (she works in it and is pretty powerful), and that was the school theme/goal for the next year.

Mergh, I'm rambling, aren't I? Well, like Retribution said, racists will get what's coming to them. [/color][/QUOTE]
I alway's feel left out even sitting with my friends I think it has something to do with my low self asteem issue.Because of that I feel like I cant talk to enyone not even the school counceler.
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Guest Shippoe
[quote name='Shippoe']I alway's feel left out even sitting with my friends I think it has something to do with my low self asteem issue.Because of that I feel like I cant talk to enyone not even the school counceler or my parents either.[/quote]
I know thats not related to the topic and Im sorry for that but I wanted to say something.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Most Native ("First" according to Pres. Bush) Americans around here are wannabes. Most of them think that they are "ghetto" and act like they live in a neighborhood where dodging bullets is nothing. And I can't stand it, I cannot stand my own peers. My own cousin talks, walks and acts like he's 50 Cent or something.

It's stupid, I just don't get why being a Native American is that boring that you have to act like someone else. I'm not accepted by them, because I don't act like them. So I can't speak the language, and I'm not right into the religion. At least I don't act as if I'm someone else. I have so many friends outside of my race, I could say that only three of them are Native American like myself.

So if I were you C. Azul, I wouldn't necessarily worry about getting along with people of your own race. Just get along with everyone. :D[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]So yeah, I learned in high school that girls have some mafia-style connection, where if one of them hate you, all of them do, and some will go so far as to try and kick you in the balls. X_X
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Absolutely ^_~ I've even used that to my advantage a few times rather shamelessly.

Well let me see, I can't quite fit in with the rest of the 'Azns' at my school because of their attitudes. I can't quite fit in with the 'white' people because they think I'm really 'Azn'. The thing is, both sides are quite racist towards each other, you can pick it up subtely by the under-handed comments and stereotyping, but no one ever admits to it.

I s'pose neither side particularly know what to do with me. The other ethnicities/nationalities keep to themselves mostly as well so I don't mix with them either.

"Multi-cultural society"? HA! A laughable matter.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]In high school, I was too nerdy to be with the jocks, and too dumb to be with the nerds. I was in the squishy middle of "almost a nerd." I was in all honors classes, but no one respected me. When I went down to A-Level classes, the lessons were too simplistic and I wasn't being challenged. That, and the teachers were sometimes too scared of seniors (who were left back countless times) to administer a specific lesson or test.

So I stuck with the honors courses and was basically left out for most of high school. I actually found my childhood friend - except now, he was a stereotypical drunken Polish dude. He didn't have any remorse for carrying the legacy, and knowing him from before, I knew that it was simply that the thought that propagated the action (i.e., he became a drunken Polish guy because the stereotype was there, so he used it as an archetype).

I had one best friend through most of high school. Then he got the ugliest girlfriend you can imagine. Things slowly drifted after that, and even after he ditched the girl after a few months, it was never the same.

My math skills were unbeatable. The clique of smart kids were always mad at me, kept tabs of my grades, and always tried to compete. Hard as they may try, they couldn't top me in math (they topped me in everything else, though :animeswea).

There was an opening in Biology Honors, where a Freudian slip basically got half the school on my bad side. There was this one girl who sucked terrible in the class, and failed every single test. I couldn't imagine how she got in. One day, I found out the answer: her father was the head of the science department. It was a casual conversation with one of the kids there:

[INDENT][i]"Who's that?"
"That's the head of the science department, and her dad."
"Oh, is that how she got into honors?-"
"OMFG! I'm telling!"[/i][/INDENT]

So yeah, I learned in high school that girls have some mafia-style connection, where if one of them hate you, all of them do, and some will go so far as to try and kick you in the balls. X_X

In junior year, another "almost a nerd" transferred to my school. We had so much in common: games, dope math skillz, and I would later get him into anime. I didn't feel left out after that.

I can't say I remember feeling more left out than my experience in high school. Everything else was pretty good, heh.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] Oh god how I wish I had your problem, see I had the opposite. I've been left out once or twice you could say. I never fit into any group. Nerds hated me because I was dumb, and I wasn't into drugs/alcohol so that left the stoners out, the Preppy Cheerleaders thought I wasn't too "perky,bubbly, and flirty" enough, I was too happy for the punk/goth's, and too un-althetic for the Jocks/Skaters. And we had a latino group as well. Well I'm white so that was also out of the picture. I dunno I've always been in my own category, knowing people from all the types of cliche's that we're at my school. Not to mention I hate that word because seperating people is stupid, but hey so are teenagers (and I am one so that says something lol) Its wierd that people would look down on you because your super smart, I find that cool. Alot of people over here would be impressed.

[QUOTE=Jung-Woo][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Most Native ("First" according to Pres. Bush) Americans around here are wannabes. Most of them think that they are "ghetto" and act like they live in a neighborhood where dodging bullets is nothing. And I can't stand it, I cannot stand my own peers. My own cousin talks, walks and acts like he's 50 Cent or something.

It's stupid, I just don't get why being a Native American is that boring that you have to act like someone else. I'm not accepted by them, because I don't act like them. So I can't speak the language, and I'm not right into the religion. At least I don't act as if I'm someone else. I have so many friends outside of my race, I could say that only three of them are Native American like myself.

So if I were you C. Azul, I wouldn't necessarily worry about getting along with people of your own race. Just get along with everyone. :D[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Jung-Woo I know what you mean. Over here, I know atleast two guys who act like that. I live in a christian-type suburban area, and most act as if they live in Ghetto. There is alot of gang activities, and people talking about "How they almost got shot in a drive-by or how they jumped so-and-so". I've even been asked If I claimed red or blue. I just say you can claim a color? Seriously, its really annoying when people try and act tough and then cry when they get a papercut. I guess thats just something that is popular right now, to be a 50 cent wannabe.

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[QUOTE=Jung-Woo][color=royalblue][font=Palatino Linotype]Most Native ("First" according to Pres. Bush) Americans around here are wannabes. Most of them think that they are "ghetto" and act like they live in a neighborhood where dodging bullets is nothing. And I can't stand it, I cannot stand my own peers. My own cousin talks, walks and acts like he's 50 Cent or something.

It's stupid, I just don't get why being a Native American is that boring that you have to act like someone else. I'm not accepted by them, because I don't act like them.
[b]Tee hee! It's the same way with the Native Americans around here... but I tend to get along with them (and they with me) just fine... maybe it's because I come from those dodge-the-bullets kinds of 'hoods (it was only about two months ago in front of my house [before I moved [i]here[/i]] that I was nearly caught in the crossfire of two carloads of gangsters... I was no more than 10 feet from the shooters... eeps!).[/b]
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[QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]elfpirate[/B]
[I]Tee hee! It's the same way with the Native Americans around here... but I tend to get along with them (and they with me) just fine... maybe it's because I come from those dodge-the-bullets kinds of 'hoods (it was only about two months ago in front of my house [before I moved here] that I was nearly caught in the crossfire of two carloads of gangsters... I was no more than 10 feet from the shooters... eeps!).[/I][/QUOTE][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Okay, that's fine if you REALLY come from a neighborhood like that. (Well, okay it's really not, but never mind, you get what I mean.) But where I live, the most eventful things that ever happen when it comes to breaking the law or anything like that, is if someone gets stopped for speeding... :animesigh

Well, back onto the subject...

I just stopped caring. It's not my problem if they don't want to be around me because I don't have the same mannerisms that they do. In fact, they look like such idiots. I've seen so many people around school say: "What are they thinking? They shouldn't act like that." And I'm glad that the majority of the school can agree with me...

[CENTER]It saddens me to see my fellow Native Americans act like they're someone else. To some extent, it's very depressing and only proves that we are a [B]dying[/B] race.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest Death Rose
Hey everyone! :animeswea i know how most of you feel. I don't have many friends but the bad part the friends i do have are not talking to me anymore i see them and there like "hi adriana sorry I can't talk I have to go" and the i see them walk off just to talk to another friend :animeangr. I hate it at lunch cause no one talks to me and then my stupid friend comes over i really hate her and she is so stupid (going off topic sorry)well i just want to be alone and she doesn't get it and i hang out with poeple my race and few not but like i said i don't have friends no more. I hate those stupid goths i would sit with them but there a**holes (i forgot to say im gothic).Like last week some girl broke up with here boyfriend for cheating on her and her boyfriend was like i why did she leave me (how stupid can he be) (going of topic again)

Well bye
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Have I ever felt left out? Only a lot. Sometimes I think I have "good friends" but most end up being back stabbers. I have only three close friends now including my boyfriend within that group. I guess you could say I'm left out a lot because I don't talk much and choose to be on my own. I can only handle so many people at once. I mean I do have acquaintances but that's about it. I don't care about being left out because a person with a thousand friends has not one to spare meaning eventually they'll all turn on you because they go with the coolest friend there and when you only have a few friends...they tend to follow you. :catgirl:
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[quote name='Jung-Woo][color=royalblue][font=Palatino Linotype]Okay, that's fine if you REALLY come from a neighborhood like that. (Well, okay it's really not, but never mind, you get what I mean.) [/font'][/color][/quote]
[b]The area I'm in right now (I just moved to where my family is *cringes*) is getting worse, and there is a lot of violence around here, but it's nothing like the places I come from.[/b]

[b]But it [i]IS fine.[/i] Even in the 'hoods where the ghetto choppers are buzzing your house every night, spotlighting your yard for the random shooter who's hiding in your backyard, there are many good people.[/b]

[b]Heh... some of those gangsta thugs are really decent kids who've been through hell since they were tiny... and that is most definitely something I can relate to...[/b]

[b]So, yeah-- I come from those kinds o' 'hoods, but I respect where I come from.[/b]

[b]After a while, you tend to shrug off the gun shots unless they're on the same block or in your yard.:animesigh [/b]

[b]Not that it's okay-- but you do get used to it.[/b]
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