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Inuyasha the movie 2


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Guest -Cindy17-
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I got it the first day it came out and i loved it...! I thought it was better than the first one way more funny... [/SIZE] [/FONT] :animesmil [/COLOR]
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Warning, contains spoilers!!!

I saw both and have to admit that [i]Castle Beyond the Looking Glass[/i] was the better movie.

Why? The story in #2 was better developed, a little more intelligent than the usual, Inuyasha-and-Co-meet-a-baddie, are-threatened-by-his/her-evil, but-rebound-and-soon-kick-a**, plotline.

Though there were some very touching moments in the first, (I'm a Inu-Kag shipper to a degree...my fave ship is Miroku/Sango) and I honestly cried when [spoiler]Kagome was able to bridge time itself and find Inuyasha. Their hug, coupled with Inuyasha's poignant addmission "don't you know by now how much I need you?" had me wringing the hankies.[/spoiler] The music for that scene was just beautiful, as well.

[spoiler](My other fave scene was the Miroku/Sango scene when Miroku asked Sango to "fall into my arms," and she threw her armor at him. :D That was great!)[/spoiler]

But otherwise, the villain Manomaru was just the typical baddie, and the action dragged a bit, and the fight scenes were a little tiresome.

But #2 was tight...I never felt bored when I was watching it. The pacing was great, and the mood was serious and passionate without being melodramatic.

My absolute fave scene is [spoiler]the kiss[/spoiler. Wont say more, don't want to ruin things.

Also, that Kohaku/Sango interaction was just heartbreaking to watch.


[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. You can do this yourself with these tags: [*spoiler][*/spoiler], leaving out the asterisks. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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Guest animelover2005
[quote name='Lightwing']Who seen Inuyasha the movie 2, I just got it yesterday^^. So how many of yall liked it? Also do you like Inuyasha at all? Please post your thoughts on the qouestions or anything else?[/quote]
[color=royalblue]I watched it and I loved it! *spoliers* [spoiler]In the third movie, Sango gets turned into stone right as they really confess their love! It was so sad![/spoiler] *end*

My favorite part in the second movie, was when [spoiler]Miroku tried to kiss Sango, when Kagome kissed Inuyasha, When it had that sister/brother momment! When they were taking the pictures![/spoiler] I love that movie!

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]If there's a spoiler you don't want other people to see, please use the [*spoiler] and [*/spoiler] tags (excluding the * part in both). -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color]
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(Possible Spoilers)

I've seen the first and second in Japanese and in English (and own them both in English and Japanese) and I've seen the third movie in Japanese (borrowed from my cousin).

The second movie was great, I think I liked it a little more than the first, and a lettie better in English than in Japanese. Becuase in the Japanese version, Kagome doesn't tell Inuyasha that she loves him.

But I did enjoy the first movie a lot ... Menomaru was so cute. :animenose
Some people crack down on the animation of the movie, simply because it differs from the style of the TV anime. But I think it was great, so don't let people tell you otherwise. ^_~ Take it from an expert. :catgirl:
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I've only seen one of the movies...I think it was number one...The one with Menomaru. I'm not a die hard Inuyasha fan, but my best friend is, and she made me watch it with her. Surprisingly I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. The fourth movie is coming out soon, as well, isn't it? The animation in the movies is so much better than that on the T.V. series, I will say that. I loved the movie, it's made me watch more of the series. Miroku is the best.
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I liked the second movie a bunch. I would probably have to watch it again however because I was also playing Call of Duty, watching the Read or Die movie, and Puni Puni Poemi all at the same time... Unfortunately, I'd have to say that the japanese voice acting was better than the english voice acting tenfold, even though they are the same voice actors. It just seems that they have more emotion in the japanese version.

Guys, use spoiler tags. Unless they got rid of them... I don't think that they did though.
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I also have it. I loved it! MY fav parts is when [spoiler]Kagome kisses Inuyasha! :animesmil
I loved that part it was the best!! An dthe part where Miroku meets Sango again. LOL And when he tries to kiss her. LMAO But they should of had Sesshomaru in the movie. I was dissapointed when they didn't show him :animesigh But I was mad when Naraku was not defeted[/spoiler] :animeangr But other than that it was a great movie!!!! :animesmil
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[quote name='-Cindy17-][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I got it the first day it came out and i loved it...! I thought it was better than the first one way more funny... [/SIZE] [/FONT'] :animesmil [/COLOR][/quote]
inuyasha movie 2 is way better than inuyasha movie1.
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[COLOR=Navy]The third movie [I]is[/I] better than the first two.

I've seen and owned the second movie since about September I think.

My favorite parts of the second move are definately the 'sit boy' and Sango beating up Miroku.

The second movie was really boring in parts, though.

The third movie is way better. It is all about InuYasha's family, also, he and Seshomaru fight. [/COLOR]
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[quote name='-Cindy17-][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I got it the first day it came out and i loved it...! I thought it was better than the first one way more funny... [/SIZE] [/FONT'] :animesmil [/COLOR][/quote]
Inuyasha movie 2 is better than Inuyasha movie 1. They said so in the anime magazines. It was like if they didn't make the first movie nothing realy wouldn't change.
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[COLOR=#503F86]Guys, please be mindful of your post quality. Quite a few posts in here are spam or close to- if it continues in this way I'll have to close the thread.

[QUOTE]:D i think inuyasha movie 2 is good but inuyasha movie 3 is much better :D[/QUOTE]inuyashasluva91, this post is far too short. Please add more detail in future. [b]Posts that are too short will be deleted as spam.[/b]

Everyone, please use spoiler tags ([*spoiler][*/spoiler] without the *s) when explaining something about the film that might potentially ruin the viewing suspense for people that haven't yet seen it.[/COLOR]
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