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What about Asexuals?

Guest Alchemist

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Guest Alchemist
I mean no one ever talks about them. I myself act like i am asexual because i carry no affecionate feeling for anyone,besides my family members, and have never gotten a crush on anyone. When I am with my friends and we were talking about Carmen Elcetra, I was the only one that said she is not pretty. Just me i guess.
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First off, Electra isn't pretty, she's hot. Big difference between someone...lets just say.. tempting, and someone for romance. You surely have gotten a crush on someone? I don't expect you to be my debonair self, but you gotta have some kind of attraction to something. Even dudes?

My guess is that you are self conscious about something and are trying to convince yourself that you are a-sexual. Mind you, sexuality isn't the only thing that drives extra-family love, but all human beings have got it going on for someone or thing... It'll come man, don't worry.
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[b]Um... no offense, but an asexual is a being that can reproduce on its own.[/b]

[b]I think you'd be considered "non-sexual"... unless you're REALLY talented...*tee hee*...[/b]

[b]No one ever talks about being non-sexual because it's even more anomolous in the population of young people than homosexuality.[/b]

[b]I definitely relate to this, however.[/b]

[b]Not that I don't have affection-- I have [i]plenty[/i] of love and affection for people. It's the [i]receiving[/i] of love and affection that I have a hard time coping with.[/b]

[b]I am seriously uninterested in having anyone harbor romantic feelings for me. I'd rather have friends than lovers any day.[/b]

[b]It's weird, though... it isn't quite right to have crushes on people and to have romantic feelings for people and have no desire to hook up with them if the feeling is mutual... or to outright reject them, as I have a habit of doing.[/b]

[b]Perhaps I'll have to discuss it with a therapist--if I ever bother to see one...:animesmil [/b]
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[quote name='elfpirate][b']Um... no offense, but an asexual is a being that can reproduce on its own.[/b][/quote]

Hey, that was what I was going to say!

Anyway, I don't see the problem. Maybe you're just not all that interested in girls yet, maybe you're not interested in them in general.

I tend to find that I'm not very attracted to the accepted ideas of "hot" anyway. At least compared to any of my friends. I'm more into normal cute type girls than the model type. Perhaps that's even the issue, who knows.
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I'm sorry, elfpirate, but you're thinking [I]unisexual[/I], or diclinious (like the strange simple-celled creatures who can reproduce by splitting themselves.)

Asexual [I]is[/I] non-sexual, they're the same word! (A- is a negative prefix like non-)

Sepiroth, how old are you? If you're just in your teens, you can hardly say for sure you're an asexual, because you're too young to know. These things take time, and it is really normal for people not to fall for any attractive person that crosses their path.

Besides, supposing you're male from the Carmen Electra reference, if you have had a hard-on yet, you can be pretty sure you're [I]not[/I] asexual, because I believe people with no sexual tendencies do not have those. ;)

So just wait before rushing into any conclusions: maybe it's just that Carmen Electra isn't your type. Maybe it's that you really prefer men (I know [I]I[/I] certainly do!), or you simply like girls that have something at the top portion of their body as well, which is a very respectable feature in a straight man, because there's actually many more intelligent women than there are women with model proportions ("No kidding!!").

So hang in there! :)
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[color=#B0251E]Sexuality can be confusing when you're young, so like everyone else has said, just give it time. It takes time to work out what interests you and so on. Hell, I'm still working that out to this day! lol

But this conversation does remind me of something from Donnie Darko. I'll spoiler it though, so as not to offend anyone.

[spoiler]"I mean, what's the point of living if you don't have a dick?"[/spoiler]

Amen, brother. ~_^[/color]
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Guest Alchemist
I know I am not asexual i just said that I act kinda like one. Similar to how metrosexuals act gay but are not, I act asexual but am straight.
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[QUOTE=James][color=#B0251E]But this conversation does remind me of something from Donnie Darko. I'll spoiler it though, so as not to offend anyone.

[spoiler]"I mean, what's the point of living if you don't have a dick?"[/spoiler] [/color][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]So offended!!

I'd say you haven't really seen the one person that starts you off onto a crazy downhill spiral of higher-thought suicide. Simply put, since you haven't had a crush on anyone yet. There hasn't been that absolutely cute girl (or guy) that just makes you smile the first time you've laid eyes on her.

I remember the first time I had a crush, after that it's pretty easy to recognize the feeling. Before that I didn't really care for that kind of thing. But really, Carmen Elektra.. is really quite.. niiiiiiiice ^_____^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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