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Anime Convention Questionaire


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I noticed another thread about conventions and got curious about a few things. So even if you haven't been to a convention, I'd appreciate a reply. Thanks for your time!

1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?

1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?

1. b) If not, do you plan to attend one in the future? Why or Why not?

2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?

3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?

4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?

4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?

4. b) What's the most you've spent?

5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)

5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?

5. b) What's the most you've spent?


Sorry if this breaks any rules. ^^;; just a really really curious type of person..

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[b]1. Have you ever attended a convention for Anime Purposes only?[/b]
Nope. I go for the anime and to meet friends I have made online. The panels, dealer room and anime viewing rooms are just the icing on the cake. I love meeting the friends I have made online.

[b] a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/b]
There is so much more to an anime convention than just anime. Just looking at the dealers room- you can buy manga, swords, Japanese candy, video games, toys...there is hundreds of different things to buy in the dealer's room. There is also the Masquerade, gaming rooms and chances to meet industry people.

[b] b) If not, do you plan to attend one in the future? Why or Why not?[/b]
I will go to conventions as long as I can. This year I am going to Sakura-con in Seattle, Kumoricon in Portland and Anime Expo in Anaheim. Those for sure, possibly more. Have to see how the finances hold out if I can afford any more.

[b]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/b]
Only veterinary related conventions. So besides anime conventions I have only gone to work related conventions.

[b]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/b]
If I have to pay to get into a con the most I would be willing to pay is $50. If I am not attending a convention as press I pre-register as soon as they post that registration is open. If you register early you can generally get better prices than at the door. I would highly recommend preregistration since many cons will put an attendance cap on how many people they will allow in due to fire and safety codes. This happened last year at Kumoricon and they have put an attendance cap for this year's Sakura-con which is taking place next month.

[b]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/b]
I am assuming you mean how much would be willing to spend like in the dealer's room. It really depends on the convention and what the product would be. At a vet con I would spend money on work related stuff since it was, well, work related. At an anime con I general spend my money on items I can't easily find in my hometown. So imported collectables would be on that list.

[b] a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]
At anime conventions I probably spend an average of $1000. That would include travel, admission, lodging, food and goodies.

[b] b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]
Probably my Anime Expo trips since I have a great group of friends in California that like to go out and party. I spend lots of money on stuff outside the con like going to the movies, drinks, dinners, lunches, breakfasts with the group. It would be the above average price...maybe more.

[b]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/b]
I don't spend my money on the fan art or non-licensed items.

[b] a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]

[b] b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]
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[COLOR=blue][QUOTE]1. Have you ever attended a convention for Anime Purposes only?[/QUOTE] No, only because I'd feel very out of place and feel like it was a waste of time. There's nothing to be gained, nor do I feel like I'm an accepted part of such a community: I don't like Evangelion, and I hate cheese.
[QUOTE]1. b) If not, do you plan to attend one in the future? Why or Why not?[/QUOTE] Yes, I plan to sometime in the future. Based on where I go to med school (and assuming I get in), there may or may not be bigger and better anime conventions where I'm located. So, the "why" is just because of physical convenience.
[QUOTE]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/QUOTE] Yes, Ubercon III, a mostly gaming convention with a little bit of anime. There was an ongoing marathon of "philosophical animes" on the Saturday it was set for, consisting mostly of Akira, Evangelion, and Lain. I don't remember the others.
[QUOTE]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/QUOTE] If you are going to have a blast all weekend, money shouldn't be a hindrance, eh? ;)
[QUOTE]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/QUOTE] Depends on how many nifty things were available. I got a ton of tickets (for free - $62 or $124 worth?) and just got my caravan a ton of junk. There wasn't anything worthwhile to get, you know? DVDs and stuff you can get anywhere else isn't much incentive to buy it there, you know? So, depends on how unique and interesting the stuff is.
[QUOTE]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/QUOTE] Admission fee and maybe eight bucks. I won a tourney so the tickets paid for anything I wanted. ^^
[QUOTE]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/QUOTE] If they are interesting, definately a handsome sum. Art stuff I'll probably be more inclined to get than anything else I can think of.

Hey, why don't you answer your own questionaire, eh? :p[/COLOR]
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Thanks for helping quench my curiosity. ^^
And for AzureWolf XP

[B]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/B]
Anime North Twice, and CN Anime Once. Both Toronto based.

[B]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/B]
I like meeting the people there who have the same interests as me. And seeing all the events and products is always fun.

[B]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/B]
No, but CN Anime was merged with the Sci Fi con and the Comic Con.

[B]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/B]
I've paid up to fifty dollars Canadian for a ticket. (ah hah, fifty cents american)

[B]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/B]
I don't usually buy my own commercial products unless I really really want it.

[B]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/B]
[B]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/B]
The most I've spent was on food. -.= I'd say I spent at most twenty dollars on products.

[B]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/B]
I always tak a look. If there's anything good I get. ^^

[B]5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/B]
[B]5. b) What's the most you've spent?[/B]
I think the only time I've bought from Artist's Alley is a bookmark... for a friend. And it was on the last day so I got a deal. Friends get me stuff though.

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1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention? yes
1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?
erm, nothing better to do? no, to meet those who are also interested in anime, to hang out with new peoples for a few days, to broaden my horizons on anime and manga, to check out other people's creativeness with costumes

2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related? no

3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention? whatever it takes... i've paid $35 i think it was. but for a *good and large convention w/ guests that i have heard of* up to $75

4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products? if on sale, whatever i bring with me ($0-$300) most likely though i buy from online dealers when i want something
4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? $0
4. b) What's the most you've spent? $0 i've only been to one con and i spent all money on my costume

5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.) $0 but if it is exceptional $50-$100
5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past? $0
5. b) What's the most you've spent? $0 see above reason
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype][I]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/I] Yes, Wizard World Philadelphia 2004.

[I]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/I] It's a rare opportunity to go and purchase things that you normally couldn't get, you can also get to see people associated with the companies that license anime. (VA's, directors, manga-ka)

[I]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/I]

[I]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/I] Otakon is rather expensive for a weekend pass. But I'm still planning to go...it's around $50...correct me if I'm wrong, I can't remember.

[I]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/I] Um...a lot if I really liked it.

[I]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/I] About $500 in the course of two days. I still didn't get what wanted.

[I]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/I] $30.00 on a figure of Tidus from Final Fantasy X for my friend.

[I]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/I]
Depends on if I like it. I know that I would definitely take a look.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Hoping against hope that someone will actually read this

[b]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/b]

[b]a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/b]
The thought of mangakas/animators within a radius of 50 meters. My definition of *very* close.

[b]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/b]
I believe I've attended one about earthquakes.

[b]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/b]
ZILCH. When I attend a convention, I make sure to get everything I need in one day.

[b]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/b]
If I absolutely MUST have an item, I would definitely buy it.

[b]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]
On an anime convention? Nil. I find no interesting goods in anime conventions; most of their wares I can get from a store in our area.

[b]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]
Not applicable.

[b]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/b]
If it would get me close to a mangaka then money is not an object.

That was quick.

[b]6. Do you cosplay?[/b]
Yes. Aha. :animeswea [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=darkslateblue][b]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/b]

-Anime Weekend Atlanta, baby.

[b]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/b]

-It's the highlight of being an anime fan: packed into a giant convention hall surrounded by geeks that love the same thing you do. Oh, and arguing with the Dealers.

"THIS is fifty bucks?!"

"Yeah, take it or leave it!"

"I'll pay forty bucks."


"My little brother has an incurable disease and I live in a cardboard box."

"Ok, forty bucks. God."

[b]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/b]

-No. Well. A food convention when I was really little, but only because my dad's in the grocery business. It was actually really fun, all the food was free and you just went around stuffing your face. Ah, heaven.

[b]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/b]

-I would never do that at the door. O_o That'd be money suicide.

[b]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/b]

-Too much, if I had that kind of money. >_>

[b]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]

-$60-70 range. I know people who have spent over $300, though.

[b]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]


[b]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/b]

-Eh. Not much...only if there are any doujinshi that were really good. I would spent $30, tops...which would only get me about two doujinshis anyway, lol.[/color]
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[b]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/b]

I have attended Anime Expo for the past two years. In 2003 I only visited for one day (and even then I only prowled through the dealers room), and 2004 for two days.

[b]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/b]

They are the Japanese pop culture dogma on this side of the Pacific. Simple as that. Of course, for me, it's also evolved into a sort of social event. Last year, I met up with a few people from OtakuBoards, and if all goes as planned, even more will be showing up this year.

[b]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/b]

I got dragged to a car show one time, which I did not enjoy in the least. But let's not get into that.

[b]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/b]

If it's a big one, I suppose $50 is my limit. When you think about it, though, it can pay for itself. As long as you watch enough in the film rooms, pick up enough free stuff and attend other normally pricey events (concerts, workshops, etc), everything easily adds up to $50.

[b]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/b]

That all depends on how much cash I have on me at the time. Spending over $75 on random stuff sounds a little outrageous to me, though, unless they're things that I'm crazy for.

[b]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]

About ten dollars, sadly. It seems I'm always broke around July. It's frustrating to see all the great stuff knowing that you're incapable of buying it.

[b]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]

Twenty dollars. I bought a stack of manga paper and a little Gundam model last year. They kept me occupied in the hotel room.

[b]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/b]

That depends on the art. If it's a high-quality print or a personal sketch from a webcomic artist I admire, I'd say about $20. Otherwise I really don't care for fan work.

[b]5. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b]

None. I've never seen anything that really caught my eye before.

[b]5. b) What's the most you've spent?[/b]

I may as well not answer this part, but for some reason I still am. How odd.

On a side note, I really don't see much of a reason to actually take a long-distance trip to go to a convention. Maybe it's just because I'm so conveniently close to AX, but I'm not [i]that [/i]hardcore.
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1. You should know. Geez, that event played host to the stupidest thing you and I have done as a unit ever. Or more didn't do: "Oh, I wonder who this guy walking right past me is...!!!"

a) Aside from not meeting Arvie in person? Well, the shopping, of course, and laughing at crappy cosplayers. And hearing/watching that crazy little man start screaming "Pikachu!" and run around in circles.
I can't say that, like Senny, it's my only source of Japanese pop-culture en masse, because that would just be a dumb thing to say, considering where I live. However, it's fun to meet people and tell them their costume is pretty damn cool, though Nabeshin's jacket is actually a shade lighter. (Man, that guy seemed so excited that I recognized his costume, thinking back.)

2. I've been to, like, a boat show or two, I think. But I don't remember those. Also, I've been to alot of Art Gallery/Museum events and am heading to the Art Expo next weekend.

3. For a whole weekend, including the Friday? Probably about $70-80.

4. Hoi, Jesus. As much as I can freakin' carry. o_o I think you'll be shocked at all the crap you see me with after mere moments of being in the dealer's area this year, Arvie.

a) Maybe $80?

b) $100 or so

5. Well, that depends on the material at hand. I spent about $20 last year, but I'd be willing to spend more, depending on the quality etc... of the work. It's hard to say, because fanworks are not as predictable as official anything.

a) $20

b) $20

I'm going to make my costume over the March Break. Speaking of which, I'm surprised you never mentioned cosplaying. : o
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Thanks for all the great replies. ^^

As a supplimentary question to anyone who views this thread...

[B]How many people here cosplay?[/B]

I'm in the process of making an Inuzuka Kiba costume.

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  • 1 year later...
Wow, this thread is a year old.

hyuuga_hinata, try not to bring back threads that are this old. Threads that are about one specific Anime, you can bring back, but general threads like this one die for a reason. Let's keep them dead. ;)

Thread Closed.

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