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Immortals Underground - The Quickening [M - V]


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[SIZE=8][CENTER][B][FONT=Vivaldi]Immortals: The New Dawn[/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][SIZE=1]
In a past now long forgotten, the world was once ruled from a single city, a city of such great magnitude that it spanned the entire continent on which it stood so proudly. Atlantis, a beacon for humanity in it's early darkness, the kingdom of the Immortal Emperor and his Divine Lords, for the great city was but the great jewel in the crown of an empire, an realm that stretched the entire world, over mountains, across seas from the vast Serengeti of Africa to the to the fresh pastures of Europe, to the wide grasslands of the Americas. Atlantean man?s savage cousins were ruled over by the Emperor?s most trusted, the Divine Lords, they spoke for him in all matters and educated these savages in the ways of science, culture and peace, their territories reached far from the great lights of Atlantis, for anywhere that these wondrous lights graced was said to be part of the city and thus subject to the Emperor himself.

For thousands of years savage man was made civilised, the great Empire grew and the secret of immortality known only to the Immortal Emperor and his Divine Lords remained a mystery, but soon strife was to strike at the heart of the Empire in a way that could not have been imagined. The Emperor was a beloved ruler of all man, gentle, benevolent and wise, his wish was to spread the glory of Atlantis to all corners of the globe, to make Man master of all his surveyed, to give him the gift of ever-lasting life when he was ready for it. But frustration built among the Divine Lords, some such as the Lord of Clouds who?s lands lay in the meadows of Europe recalled the great battles long before the rebuilding of Atlantis and lusted for the power that had been granted to their heroic general after the battle had been won. With him the Lord of Clouds took council with his two most loyal allies, the Master Smith and the great Lord of War and planned his revolt against the Emperor.

For immortality was not without it?s price, for tens of thousands of years the Divine Lords had enjoyed their lives unending but could never again know the joys of children, in this they envied savage man and Atlantean alike, who despite living but a handful of rotations about Sol knew more joy in those years than any Divine Lord had know in a millennia. It was said that the Emperor the last being with the memory of how to grant immortality could also reverse it, it was this knowledge that the Lord of Clouds hungered for, to be able to live just one normal life and die as his father had done. But the Immortal Emperor who saw further than any man, Divine Lord or savage saw through the falsehood presented to him by the Lord of Clouds and his allies and before their plan to assassinate him could come to fruition struck first and with a terrible fury. None had seen the Emperor go to battle in an age of the world, since before he had taken on the mantel of Lord of the Earth, against these traitors the Emperor took his still loyal Divine Lords and marched out to war.

Though both the Divine Lords and the Emperor would live forever, death's reach was not wholly from them, in battle an Immortal could be killed if his head was separated from his body with a bladed weapon. This knowledge was known to any who had gained endless life, but tradition stipulated that the combat be a ritualised duel and that holy ground of any kind could not be fought upon. The two colossal armies met and the battle would be a terrible combat that would thankfully be forgotten to the world, the armies of savage mortal man fought his Atlantean brother and they fell in the millions, Divine Lord stood against Divine Lord in combat and brother and sister fell to the feet of one another they had known for countless centuries. Finally the Immortal Emperor took battle to the Lord of Clouds himself, the Sovereign?s great sword was said to be forged of the Earth itself. Their duel lasted days and thousands died around them, the seas rose and mountains fell, the Earth itself groaned in grief until at last with the first rays of dawn on the sixth day, the Emperor slew his enemy and a mighty cheer rose up for savage man and Atlantean alike.

But all was lost, the Divine Lords were broken, none had survived the battle save the Emperor and the great city of Atlantis had fell to ruins in the Earth?s grief. To preserve the world the Emperor took the spirits of the fallen into himself, he cursed those who had rebelled for their folly and begged forgiveness from those who had died in his service. To all he made this solemn oath:

[CENTER]?[B]We the Immortals of the Earth shall live again, but have no memories of past deeds and glories. Atlantis built upon our blood and sacrifice shall lie in ruins, and the splendour of Man shall not reach this height again for an aeon of the Earth. We shall be born to mortal parents and live as one of them until cast out through fear for our gift. We shall be banished, dishonoured and never able to look upon the faces of those we loved first again for this shall be our repentance for our pride and sins. We shall wander the Earth as teachers, scholars, men of standing but always in the shadows, and only through pursuit of the Prize may we have what all have craved since endless life become intolerable, we shall have a single mortal life, know love and have descendants to carry on our new names and new glories. You shall walk upon the Earth in different eras, some of you may be born again a thousand years apart but you shall all be born again, and until only one remains the Prize shall remain elusive, for there can be only One.[/B]?[/CENTER]

His oath made, the Immortal Emperor took his great blade and hewed himself in one graceful movement, the Earth rumbled and the sky darkened, volcanoes erupted in anger and the oceans welled in sadness, the Earth was remade and civilised man became savage again. The spirits of the Immortal Emperor and his Divine Lords resided in the afterlife waiting one by one to be resurrected in order to pursue the Prize, as per his word they awoke again in different ages to one another, but all sought their mortality and awaited the final dawn...


Well here in The Quickening you can feel free to post any suggestions, comments of questions you may have after reading the storyline in the Inn for this RPG. If you're considering joining, and I hope you are then as I said if you have any questions feel free to post them here and I'll reply back as soon as I can.

As I said this RPG is based around a reimagined Highlander concept and if you are able, as you read the words, try and hear Sean Connery's voice reading them to you, I know it sounds weird but it really does work quite well. The actual content while an M rating will be so only because of violence and the fact I felt a PG rating wouldn't suffice, had I the option I'd have preferred to go with something more mild but c'est la vie. As you might guess this will ignore all other Highlander material, whether TV or movie based, if you wish to sign up as the Lord of Clouds, aka Connor McLeod as he would become then feel free but know there can be only one, and it might not be you.[/size]
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[size=1]Refresh my memory Gavin, did the immortals in the Highlander series' heal at an advanced rate?
And either way, is that going to be the case in this RPG?
I'd just like to know before I expand this idea I have.[/size]
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[QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Refresh my memory Gavin, did the immortals in the Highlander series' heal at an advanced rate?
And either way, is that going to be the case in this RPG?
I'd just like to know before I expand this idea I have.[/size][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]That's actually a very good question Corey, and honestly I don't have a definitive answer for you, my gut instinct says yes that Immortals would heal at an accelerated rate as we can see from the first movie where not only does the character Kurgan nearly have his head lopped off only to later suffer from a mild scratchiness in his voice, to Connor McLeod being repeatedly stabbed and suffering no ill effect. It's entirely possible that non-"mortal" wounds for Immortals don't heal any faster than a mortal's would but that they are simply unaffected by them but for the purpose of the RPG I'm going to say that yes, Immortals does heal faster than normal humans.[/SIZE]
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Well, I love the story of this RP, and am actually quite interested in it. That is..if it hasn't started...Heh.

In case it hasn't started,(which I hope it hasn't,)what are the sign up requirements? Would any age(besides when the Emperor died of course) be allowed? What is the time setting for the RP itself? If a future or present timeline, what are some no-nos? If a past timeline, what are some no-nos? Just a few questions Gavin.

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[SIZE=1]It's still open Phobia, although sadly I get the feeling interest in it may have waned. In answer to your question about the sign up requirements, you'll be asked to give two sample character posts from the split ages your character exists in. The first will be set just before the battle described in the opening of the RPG, and the second will be set in the aftermath of them discovering they are actually immortal. The setting of the actual RPG will be over a few different time periods dealt through different "chapters" which will include certain characters but exclude others. You may choose whichever age your character is reborn into, although please refrain from making mention of their previous life as no immortal has such knowledge.

Hope that answered everything. [/SIZE]
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