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What did you think of the games in 2010?


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I was watching G4's Feedback and there was a question brought up by someone (emailed question) asking if 2010 was a disappointing year for games. I thought it was an interesting question, so here we go. Was 2010 a good year for games for you? Disappointing? Do tell.

As for me, well, I just recently got my 360 so in terms of actually playing games I can't speak on many, but as far as games that actually caught my eye there weren't that many. I think in 09 there were about 8-10 games that I was actually interested in while 10 there was about 4-5. The podcast people mentioned something about it being the year of DLC (if not DLC then just downloadables in general) and Mobiles (I don't play mobiles at all) and I can definately agree with them on that, or rather, it seems like it was that kind of year. If anything it was a nice opening year but got very dull toward the summer and then fell off completely (outside of Halo Reach) for the rest. Overall, I thought 2010 was disappointing.

Incase you want to see [url="http://g4tv.com/videos/50487/Feedback----BestWorst-Moments-of-2010/?quality=hd"]G4's Feedback[/url]. The question starts around the 36:30 mark. Edited by Magus
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[font="Palatino Linotype"]I really can't say that 2010 was disappointing in terms of games at all - at least for me. When I think back over the year, there were some real gems. Super Mario Galaxy 2 arrived and was absolutely sublime. Not only is it likely to be one of the better games of this current console generation, but in my view, it absolutely represents the pinnacle of 3D platformer design up to this point.

Then there's Metroid: Other M, which had generally very positive responses (with some mixed thoughts about some of the details). It seems to me that most of the issues related to the portrayal of Samus herself. At any rate, I loved the game and felt that, in gameplay terms, it lived up to its predecessors. It was also incredibly well-presented and I think that it really keeps the benchmark high for Wii titles in the future.

There's also Sonic Colors, which was just so overdue. Hopefully we can now consider the corner well and truly turned, in regard to Sonic's rocky history with 3D adventures. Sonic Colors is a great game in its own right, but it's also a game that Sonic fans absolutely need to own. Hopefully the trend continues.

What else was there? Um...it's hard for me to remember everything from this year. I bought Civilization V (which I adore), Dead Nation (brilliant experience - surprisingly awesome for an isometric perspective game), Limbo (you won't find a more artistic game from 2010), Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (I got addicted to it this year), Red Dead Redemption (a new franchise to rival GTA in terms of expert design) and...uh, right now I'm forgetting what else I bought. But there was definitely more.

I was going to include Final Fantasy XIII on that list. Yes, it's good - in some respects, very good - but the plot is as flat as Final Fantasy X's and, for me, that really hurts the game a lot.

But yeah, I have to say...2010 was not at all disappointing for me. There were a ton of great releases, both big and small. Some of the most fun I've had over the last year has actually been with downloadable games - I can see myself buying more of those in the future, I think.

[b]Edit:[/b] Oh yes, of course...I knew I'd forgotten something - Halo: Reach. I played the campaign mode non-stop until I was finished, which I can't say for very many games.[/font]
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Mass Effect 2- I spent way too much time with this game, going through it three times, and determined to explore more each time.

Minecraft- a computer game... not sure if this counts... but it showed just how epic your own imagination can be.

Red Dead Redemption- Rock star just blew me away with the story. characters were funny, and I liked the twist on game-play. it was like GTA except you didn't have to be a bad guy.

I hear Fable 3 was good... i just got it so I will edit this out or add to it.

Starcraft 2- what can I say... it came out, and we all appreciate it.

I got to play Assassins Creed Brotherhood for a while. That game is fun, and when it drops in price I will get it, because its definitely great.

Mafia 2- wanna have mindless fun. this is your game.

All of the Above as well... so I don't think it was a bad year. Edited by CaNz
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