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Legend of Dargoon: New Dawn

Akieen Cloud

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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira sniffed against the cold as her horse snorted in distaste, she flicked the long ear that was laid back against the animal's head.
"Don't start that Max, this is the way I'm supposed to go. What, do you want me to walk?"
The horse threw his head to the side and snorted again.
"Alright than, it's just up ahead any way. I'm sure this'll clear up once we get to the top."
She shivered and pulled her cloak around her tighter trying to cover her legs from the onslaught of snow and wind that howled through the mountain pass, she yelped as her horse lost his footing and screamed in protest as he began to slid back down the mountain. Mira jumped off the saddle and dug her boots into the mush of snow and ice, holding onto the reins tightly she almost cried in joy as her boot struck a rock. Planting her foot she held on with all the strength she had, the leather biting into her hands making them raw and sore. She sighed as the animal made his way back up, he nudged her with his nose.
"I'm alright buddy. Let's get up the rest of this mountain."
He snorted in agreement and followed her as she packed the snow with her boots in front of him to make sure he didn't slip again. Reaching the top she sighed as the sun beamed down on them, confused she stood in the rays as her horse made his way up the rest of the mountain. The small flat butte was warm, sunny, and alive with plant life, flowers, grass and trees grew in abundance. Mira was amazed and noticed that the small area was enclosed by the side of the mountain, a small enclave of sorts. The pull was no more as she looked around, it was a large area, beautiful and as she sat down on the dirt under a tree and watched her horse stretch his neck up to grab an apple from the tree and eat she she began to get another pull. But this one was different. It was split up into many different pulls, they were getting closer and from all directions. A voice echoing, almost as if the wind were speaking to her.
Looking around she frowned and stood back up and looked over the side of the mountain, blinking as she saw small dots of light across the land.[i] Purple[/i], the voice echoed again.
White, Black, Red, and Brown.
Light, Shadow, Fire, Earth. Dragoons[/i]
She shook her head and looked down as light began to glow from under her shirt, pulling the small stone her brother had given her out she blinked as it began to glow brighter with each passing moment, the lights on the ground getting closer. She looked at the stone in her hands again and almost dropped it as the voice seemed to echo from the stone in her palm
[i]Ice, Water...Dragoon[/i]
She looked over at her horse who was staring at the stone intently, snorting he walked forward and touched his nose against it and shook his head, meeting her gaze his eyes seemed to give her a non existent shrug as he walked back over to the apple tree only to scream in terror as the side of the mountain began to glow and shake. Mira whirled around drawing her sword swiftly and holding it out awaiting any danger. The rock fell away to show a large door way, seven circles of color painted on the door, along with seven dragons. Looking at it closely now she blinked.
"White, Purple, Black, Green, Brown, Blue, Red."
She ran her fingers along the carvings of the dragons, speaking aloud.
"Light, Shadow, Thunder, Wind, Earth, Water, Fire. Dragoons."
She shook her head as the voice howled on the wide again.
[i]They are close. Your journey starts soon.[/i]
Running to the edge Mira could indeed see that the lights were beginning to ascend the mountain. She walked back to the door and smiled as her horse joined her and together the stood, waiting for the other lights to join them.[/color][/font]
Alright! Everyone meet at the mountain, after that we get to the good stuff![/center] Edited by Knuckles' Girl
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Senga looked at the glowing rock. She had tied it to the back of her gauntlet, since it seemed to shine towards the area it wanted her to go. She pointed her hand forward to get her bearing and started to make her way through the woods again. She was finally about to find out the whole purpose behind this glowing stone. A few months back she had found this purple rock...No that wasn't quite right. It had found her. Quite literally in fact too.

Senga was in a battle at the time, she was just about to give the killing blow when something crashed into her helmet. This gave her opponent the chance to run off and save his life. When she got back up, she had expected to see one of his friends behind her with a club. However, all she found was a purple stone. Swearing at her bad luck, Senga chucked it into the river behind her and didn't look back.

The next day, Senga found it next to her head when she woke up the next morning. Up until a month ago, she has tried to get rid of it many times without sucess. She even tried to dispel the curse, if that's what it was. She still had no luck.

Then, a month earlier she felt called to this strange mountain. Senga ignored it at first but then the callings became stronger and even had a whispered voice, telling her about Dragoons and other things.

[b]"Well, today is the day I find out if I'm completely mad."[/b] Senga laughed to herself as she looked at the other lights heading toward the mountain.

She had decided to just give in and listen to the stone to see what would happen. Maybe she would finally be free of it after this journey. If not, then she probably had gone mad. Either way, it wasn't going to stop until she reached the mountain. That much she was sure of.

Finally reaching the mountain, she saw hoof prints in the snow. Someone else was already here, but who? When she got to a clearing, she started calling out.

[b]"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?"[/b] Senga called out.

She usually liked to be a bit more careful when approaching anyone, but Senga was almost positive that the hoofprints she saw were part of her madness. So it wouldn't hurt to call out. There would be no one to answer her in a place like this. Or so she thought.
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira dashed to the edge of the clearing and held out her hand giving the woman help up, giving her a bright smile she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"So, I'm not the only one."
The woman looked at her as if she were about to vanish at any moment, holding her gloved hand out she smiled more, trying to be friendly.
"My name is Mira, what's yours?"
Mira nodded and turned as her horse nudged her with his nose snorting, giggling lightly Mira turned back to Senga.
"This is Max."
Looking around she blinked.
"You walked the whole way up here? With no horse? That's pretty amazing."
Senga simply stared at her as if she were mad, looking over the edge Mira sighed.
"Seems like we still have some time to wait til the others arrive..."
She looked back at Senga and frowned.
"Have you been hearing the voice too?"
The woman blinked and frowned, crossing her arms over her chest she closed her eyes. Sighing Mira simply went back to studieing the carvings in the large door as they waited in silence for the others.[/color][/font]
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[size="1"][b]"My lord, you can't leave us like this!"[/b] The young man exclaimed, the group mumbled amongst themselves with his outburst, some were agreeing with him, others still murmured their support of their lord. He sat in his chair, his hand on his face as he seemed almost bored with this meeting, he showed them as if it was all just formality that he called the leaders here.
"Temul, as I do appreciate your concern on the situation, I no longer have a choice in the matter."[/b] The room erupted in a roar. The voices yelled their anger at his decision, others defended him furiously. All he did was remain seated as the arguments seemed to escalate, it seemed that at any moment they were going to start drawing blades on each other and start thinning the command ranks.
"Silence!"[/b] The Lord roared as he rose from his seat, drawing his ceremonial blade from his chest strap and slamming the dagger into the table, the hilt presented to the crowd around him. All of the commanders and generals sitting down as they stared at the glowing gem that rested on the very end of his blade. They all lost the words with that single act by their Warleader, the anger in the faces around him subsided as he stood tall, his crow cape resting behind him.
"My father gave me this blade, telling me that he hoped I would pass it down to my son and him to his son, and so on and so forth."[/b] He paused as he pulled their attention in, their eyes focused on him intently.
"I never took a wife, never father a child. Many of you never understood why, I was in the same place as well. That is, until I saw the gem glow, the words spoken to me by forces long lost to us. I will not ignore their calling, no matter what position I am in."[/b] The crowd in the room mumbled again to each other, this time it was in agreement with their Lords wishes. He reached out and pulled out the dagger, re-sheathing the blade and taking his seat again.
"We are currently at a stage of neutrality, I advise we remain this way in my absence. My uncle Bult shall take command while I am away, you will all maintain your roles, but there will be no initiation of a war while I am gone."[/b] Temul spoke up again, keeping a calm tone and staying in his seat this time.
"My Lord, are we to simply roll over if we are attacked or invaded?"

"Of course not Temul, I said we will not initiate the attack. If we are attacked and provoked, my uncle shall do what is right and take the action he feels is best."[/b] He rose from his seat again, this would be the final time he would rise, the last time these men would see him for quite sometime.
"I will be departing in mere hours, I will return in time. I expect you all to keep our people safe, this meeting is over."[/b] He kept his composure as each rose from his chair, saluting him as they departed the room. The last one left was his uncle Bult, the mans face was distorted due to a lance crashing through his face during one of the battles past. He spoke normally and he still was a regal man, he simply had the scars to show for it now.
"I wish I could dissuade you from this course of action. But, I'm confident I would fail in that endeavor."[/b] He smiled at his uncle, embracing the man for a moment before stepping back.
"It calls to me uncle, I wish I could say more but its something that needs to be done."[/b] Bult nodded to him and gave him one final pat on the shoulder.
"Go with confidence that all will be taken care of here, Coltaine."[/b] Coltaine nodded and then swiftly left the meeting room. His horse was ready for him and his supplies were enough to keep him going for a long while. He was off in a mere hour and rode toward the mountain that called him so often now, his dreams were plagued with the callings. He rode for several hours, slowing his horse every so often to feed and water it on the go. The horses his people bred knew about the hardships of war, they fought as hard as most soldiers did. He had seen his mount bite a mans arm and rip it from his body, he patted his horses neck as they started to near the mountain top now.
"We're almost there Destrus, we will rest once we are there you have earned it my friend." [/b]The reached the mountains top, the calling faded and the pull seemed to want to keep him here. He saw footprints in the snow, one set was from someone on foot, rather light and small, the other was distinct hoofprints. His horses hooves destroyed the others, but he knew the size of your horse didn't mean much if its spirit was strong and resilient. He dismounted and looked around, only to spot two women standing near by. One was armored from head to toe, her identity hidden from them all with her hand on her hilt. The other showed a great smile to him and waved at him, he could see she was clearly almost half his age. He shook his head lightly as he walked over, guiding his horse over to them, he could only hope that things went well with these two, maybe they knew about what was going.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira let her smile linger as the man walked forward, his black hair and green eyes conveying an sense of calm but at the same moment she could almost feel power radiating from the man as he led his horse towards them. Max snorted behind her gaining her attention, turning she put her hand on his nose gently and put her forehead against his smiling slightly. He threw his head forward pushing against her and letting out a deep breath fluttering her cloak a little. Rubbing the spot between his eyes she scratched through his mane and suppressed a laugh as his eyes began to close lazily. She looked over at the man, her kind smile still in place.
"Were you called here as well?"
He nodded to her, his voice sounding deep and gruff on her ears.
"Indeed I was. Were you as well?"
She nodded, looking back at the carvings on the door she blinked as the small dots of color had begun to glow in correspondence with their appearances. The blue circle now glowing brightly along with the brown and black circles. Letting go of Max she walked over and touched the glowing spots with a thin finger and a slight frown. She sighed and put her palm against her forehead.
"I wish I knew what was going on...all I know is that something called me here, and apparently I'm not the only one either."
She motioned at Senga and Coltaine, both remaining silent, Mira looked down at her feet and kicked a stone smirking as her horse pawed the ground and snorted, the stone landing close to him.
"Don't be such a baby Max."
He huffed a breath and threw his head to the side, effectively ignoring her.
"Aw, come on Max, don't be that way..."
She walked towards him and crossed her arms over her chest as he moved, keeping his flank to her, he turned and looked back at her nickering lightly, sounding almost like a laugh as she smiled and patted his hind quarters. She looked over as the man chuckled lightly. Blinking slightly as she studied him, he was handsome, even though she could tell he was much older than her. His eyes seemed to gleam in the light giving him a strange sense of radiance that caught her attention. She felt a blush crawl into her cheeks as she realized she had been staring, the faint voice echoing in her mind.
[i]Earth, steady and solid. Ever present with wisdom and knowledge. But just as deadly and menacing as the sharpest blade.[/i]
She looked at Senga, the voice echoing yet again.
[i]Shadow, silent and alone. The one element that lurks in the smallest corner, or engulfs the largest of areas. Powerful and unsteady Shadow can easily be over powered by one and that is Light.[/i]
Mira put her finger to her temple and pushed against it, putting pressure to ease the sudden ache that radiated through her skull, looking up at the others she turned and went back to looking at the door way, the blue light now pulsing with the pulse of her headache. [/color][/font] Edited by Knuckles' Girl
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ahara ran a finger through his hair and looked at the horizon before him. Slowly, he unsheathed his two swords and looked at them closely.

"I know you two are there. No sense in hiding...." he said while slightly turning around. Two large men then appeared before him. Both of them clearly veterans of combat.

"Ahara Essa. Heh, they did say you were a smug bastard and boy, were they right." the bigger of the pair chuckled. He brought out his spear and dashed towards Ahara. His size didn't at all seem to slow him as he began to slash and thrust at Ahara.

"Not bad for someone of your size, but you alone are no match for me." Ahara said sweeping his feet from beneath him. The hulking man fell with a loud thud to his side dropping his spear and exposing him to a quick death.

"Stop! Lower your weapons and release him Essa. We have you cornered." the other one yelled with his crossbow trained at him. Ahara smiled ever so gently at the downed man then lowered his swords and motioned for the man to move. Reaching inside his armor he pulled out a whistle, but before he could blow it Ahara, was right before him with his blades at his throat.

"There are 52 of you in all. You disturb this forest just by breathing. So I'm going to do the forest a favor by killing... every... last... one of you." he said slitting the first one's throat. Although a bit unnerved by Ahara's words he attacked him with flawless strikes.

"I just have to keep you occupied until the others get here. Hell, I might even kill you and just forget about the bounty!" he roared. Ahara could have taken him down in an instant, but what fun was that? He toyed with the man. Attacking at specific points to not only mock him, but reveal where his position in the forest was by the rattle of their arms. It wasn't long before Ahara was surrounded.

"Give it up, Ahara. We have orders to kill you if your resist!" the commander of the men yelled.

"All of you are pathetic. I'll cut each and everyone of you down right here and now." he replied smugly. He corrected his stance and put away one sword to its sheath. He only needed one.

"Get him." their commander ordered. The men rushed at Ahara with spears, swords, and crossbows. Their confidence was evident as they attacked from all possible angles.

"Why don't they see that they've already lost...".

It didn't take long for the Commander himself to be the last one standing. His arm wounded from an unfathomable strike. He was now running for his life. He decided to try and find higher ground to spot Ahara before it was too late and signal for backup, but little did he know his every movement was being eyed by Ahara. As he climbed the mountain he was amazed as well as momentarily distracted by the otherworldly beauty. He gathered his bearings and addressed his wound. He began to look around the area and stopped when he spotted a doorway of some sorts. He quickly noticed a tiny trio who seemed to be waiting. They themselves looked at him.

"I am Commander Inkel Doon of the 10th! I ask of your assistance!" he said slight of breath while bowing.

"They can't help you." a voice said from behind a rock formation. It was Ahara. The commander fell over in disbelief.

"H-how!? H-How are you here!?"
"Your blood."
"Every one of them... cut down by you..."
"Except for you, Commander. I saved you for last.".

After he said those cold words he dashed at him with steeled eyes, but Ahara stopped as the jewel embedded into his left sword began to glow violently. Even more so of a surprise to him was the light that began emanating from the other 3 people.

"Who are you people!? You must all be in league with Ahara!" he said scrambling to get up.

"I believe your men are waiting for you..." Ahara said with a lightning quick stroke leaving the man now headless.

"Excuse this. I had to send that man to his proper place, but it now seems I have business with you all. Tell me. Why did the stone in my blade glow just now?" he said whipping the blood from his blade to the earth. Edited by Ol' Fighter
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira held her hand over her mouth, even if she did know how to fight, it didn't mean she enjoyed needless carnage.
"I don't know. None of us really know to be honest..."
Her skin had turned pale and she turned her back on the scene, the man's face frozen in a silent scream as his head rocked back and forth on the ground.
"All I know is we're meant to meet each other here. Or at least that's the message I received."
The others nodded and Mira sighed as she turned back around meeting the new man's gaze, it was cold and sent shivers down her spine uncomfortably, her brother had described these eyes to her before, a killers eyes. She shook the thought from her mind as she turned back to the door, the stones in the door glowing in correspondence with everyone's gems. Blue, Black, Brown, and now Green. Mira frowned as she looked at him.
"Your the wind wielder aren't you?"
Ahara frowned.
"I do not believe I told you anything of myself. How do you know this?"
She held out her blue gem for him to see, her pale skin glowing with it as it pulsed in the palm of her hand.
"Because I can wield Ice."
The all jumped and looked over as the door behind her shifted, opening.
"But we are not all here?"
She got no answer from the howling winds, looking back at the others she shrugged and took hold of Max's reigns and began to lead him through the door, his large frame just barely making it, she pat his nose gently as he snorted behind her.
"It's okay boy...we'll be alright."
He nickered and nudged her shoulder as if telling her he was there for her, smiling she nodded and continued walking looking back at the others from time to time til the small tunnel opened up into a magnificent stone hall, deep beneath the earth, torches glowed here and there illuminating the area for them to see and Mira smiled largely as she looked upon everything.
"It's all so beautiful!"
Coltaine arched an eye brow at her.
"You think it's beautiful?"
She looked back him and nodded happily.
"Of course, don't you? I mean look at it, someone had to make it, and think of how they made it, to create something like this with ones bare hands is truly beautiful, and amazing. It proves just how much the human race can adapt."
She gave him a large warm smile and chuckled as Max nudged her shoulder before shifting his wide amber eyes to the man as if telling him not to get any ideas. She wrapped her arms around the horses long face and hugged him tightly putting her forehead against his.
"Max, don't be so impatient, we'll get back to the surface in time. Til than, come on lets look around."
He snorted in distaste but followed her loyally none the less. Mira looked back at the others smiling as they followed her slowly, she looked around and gasped as she saw the wall in front of her, rushing forward she put her hands against it and traced the dull lines drawn onto the surface.
"It's a mural of some kind...but I can't read it."
She gasped more as the small colored line under her finger began to glow, the blue resonating with the stone around her neck, a bright light flooding the room as the stone burned into her skin and wound up on the back of her hand glowing gently. Breathing heavily she looked back at the others and held up her hand showing them the stone that was now lodged in the back of her hand, her legs gave out and she leaned on the wall as she slid down into a sitting position, Max taking a few steps towards her and nudging her gently with his nose.
"I'm alright boy...just worn out. I don't know what happened..."
He nickered softly as she grabbed his bridal and allowed him to pull her to her feet, looking at the others and than back to her hand as it pulsed, every pulse sending an icy wave of power through her arm.
"I think that was supposed to happen..."
She sighed as Max nickered again, his ears laying flat against the back of his head as Coltaine drew closer trying to inspect her hand.[/color][/font]
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[size="1"]He saw the light appear when she touched the wall, the glow giving him a slight chill as he watched the gem suddenly fuse with her. Seeing how it had just took over and became part of her disturbed him slightly, almost as much as seeing the man just decapitate another in cold blood. He wasn't fond of the the formalization going on with an empire no rising, his people were safe so far, being the most skilled Horse warriors gave them the advantage they needed out on the plains. He drew closer to Mira then, trying to see the extent of the fusion to her skin. He reached out casually, pulling back suddenly when he saw her mount snap at him, trying to take his hand off, he growled lightly at the horse, knowing well how some horses got when it came to their riders.
"Try to take my hand off, you'll have to do better then that. Destrus, get him!" [/b]His mount blinking lazily at him, giving him a look before going back to what he was doing. Coltaine sighed then, reaching out again as he watched the Mira's horse starting to lean in and get him again, he held up his other hand now.
"Don't try it again, I mean it."[/b] Max still creeping closer until Mira put her hand on his face, Coltaine finally getting the chance to inspect her now attachment, looking at how it didn't just fuse with her skin, it had become part of her now. He touched the edges gently, seeing if there was any sort of scarring or burns that came with it, finding that it was perfectly fine, no damage to her skin at all. And now, he could feel the smoothness of it, being this close he could see suppleness. He shook himself mentally as he let her hand go. The thoughts trying to break through his barriers.
"Your hand is fine, I'm surprised to see no damage."[/b] She smiled up at him, the thoughts trying to creep in again.
Oh, the fates are pulling at me now. Good thing I'm too old.[/i] He rose from where he knelled beside her now, standing before the wall as well he felt hesitant to touch it, not sure what was going to happen. He reached out as he steeled himself, touching his hand against the wall he saw a light come to life, the earth tone light shooting through the wall, ready to feel the burn of the stone on him, noting came. The gem glowed as he touched the wall, the light getting brighter and brighter, Coltaine had to shield his eyes before he felt an intense burn in his chest, then suddenly fading. He gripped the knife before yanking it out, finding the gem gone, he touched his chest and felt the stone now, the smooth surface followed his skin perfectly. He felt weak now, his strength almost gone as he remained standing.
"By the fates, that hurt more then I ever expected!"[/b] He heard nicker from Max then, giving the horse a glare before looking to his own mount.
"Are you just gonna let him laugh at me Destrus?"[/b] The horse acknowledged his words, looking at him again with a lack of an expression in his eyes. Coltaine placed his face in his palm.
"I should of left you out side, you barely fit through the damn door!"[/b] Destrus snorted at him then, Coltaine looking up as he caught the eyes of the wind user. The coldness of them showing his lack of interest, he could also see the thoughts of him maybe traveling with an insane man as he talked to his horse like another human. Coltaine moved to his mount then, whispering in his ear now.
"You know, you make me look insane alright? Yelling at my horse, the Fates take me now." [/b]The horse drew back its lips in a smile, Marcus gave him a smack against his head, Destrus shaking his head at him, hitting him with his head now. Coltaine grumbled to himself as he patted his mount now.
"You're lucky I still need you, or so help me!"[/b] Destrus giving him another hit with his head.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira giggled at the show Coltaine and his horse were putting on, the giggle attracting the attention of said rider and she hid her blushing face in her horses neck, Max looked at her and snorted.
He snorted again before moving away from her, she put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot, her skirt swishing with the action.
"Max, get back here."
He nickered and continued on til he found a lush patch of green grass and began to eat at it.
"You lazy lump of horse flesh!"
He flicked his tail at her, she turned as the light from the mural blazed brightly again as Senga and Ahara touched it, both of their gems fusing with their skin, it happened almost instantly. The ground shook violently and she stumbled as she began to lose her balance, Max there quickly as she grabbed hold of his saddle to steady her self.
"What in the name of the fates was that?!"
She looked over at Max as his ears twitched this way and that, his head whipping back and forth til she heard it as well, the screeches and whistles of something, or somethings under the ground with them. She yelped as Max screamed and reared up, a black arrow grazing her shoulder and hitting harmlessly on the stone behind her, she winced and picked it up letting a small growl erupt from her throat.
She drew the thin sword at her side, it was shaped much like a katana but it had no hilt, just a piece of leather wrapped around the handle, she spun it in her hand as Max stomped his hooves. She put her hand on his neck and felt it tremble.
"Don't worry Max, I won't let them hurt you."
She could see Coltaine's horse stomping the ground as well, she called out to him gaining his attention.
"Get your horse behind us! Goblins in these parts have a taste for horse flesh!"
"I do not have fear for Destrus."
"Well if you think your horse can take on a horde of goblins him self than fine!"
"He's a war horse! He can handle him self."
She stalked forward and grabbed his arm tightly, marveling for a moment at the muscle she felt, she shook it off and frowned up at him.
"That's not the point! Goblins are different than men. I don't know if you've fought them or not but trust me. Have you ever seen a hill of ants attack an intruder?"
He nodded, his eyes flickering down to the slender hand that still gripped his arms tightly, with more power than he would have thought she had.
"That's what they're like, they will swarm this place and kill him, and eat him before you can even try to save him. If we back against the wall than we have a chance. At least keeping them from getting behind us."
He nodded slowly as she removed her hand and grabbed a hold of Desturs' reigns and led him to the back of the cavern shocking Coltaine yet again as she was even able to get close to his horse. The animal gave him a look that made him frown as it's bright eyes shifted to the girl and he nosed her arm.
"Don't worry boy. Just like I told Max. They'll have to get through me first. Promise."
Coltaine's mouth almost dropped open as he watched his horse act frightened and pushed his broad face into her chest, nuzzling her there and nickering happily, she smiled and left the large animal as she stepped forward, the first wave of goblins coming for them than, she swung around bringing her sword around in a wide arch and cleaved through the first goblin within her reach, gripping her sword tightly she fought on, pushing the goblins back as much as she could, the others fighting alongside her. The stone in her hand pulsed with power but she was unable to tap into it and access the power she knew was there. Spinning around she dashed across the area, leaping into the air she drove the sword through the chest of goblin sneaking up behind Coltaine, he looked back at her meeting her gaze as she looked up at him, her pale skin dotted with black blood and flesh of the weaselly creatures they fought. She spun and sliced another almost in half and pressed her back against the man's hearing his breathing stay even and calm, she took comfort in that and allowed her own breathing to slow to his pace as she synced her movement with his as Ahara and Senga did the same, watching each others backs and keeping the horses safe they were doing well against the seemingly never ending horde of goblins. Mira froze as a roar shook the cave, looking up she felt her stomach drop as the smaller creatures scattered, a large, greenish black goblin came into sight, Coltaine shouting above the screams of the running goblins.
"What in the name of the fates is that?"
"A Goblin King...I've only heard of them. I thought they were just fairy tales to scare little kids to stay out of old mines and what not..."
"And now?"
She glared at him and shoved her back against his again as some of the straggling goblins continued their assault, she hissed as a small dagger sliced her leg leaving a nasty gash in it's wake.
"This is what I get for wearing a skirt!"
Thrusting her sword forward she shoved through the creatures skull only to scream out as another bit down on her arm.
"Dammit! We have to find a way to the surface, we're being over whelmed!"
She kicked out and gasped as Coltaine grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down to the ground as the Goblin Kings massive club swung above them, the wind from it making her hair flutter around her face, she looked up into Coltaine's green eyes, her own blue ones wide with shock.
"That was close, thank you."
He nodded and righted himself as well as her as they continued to fight, looking for a way out. [/color][/font]
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[size="1"]Battle was where he excelled, staying calm and collected had won him every battle he had ever fought, ever war waged had been victorious just because he stayed relaxed. He was like Mira here, or Ahara, he wasn't over flexible, wasn't extremely dexterous to be able to dodge and avoid every move. He was,however, almost immovable, his endurance was what kept him alive the most, on his horse he could bob and weave through any predicament and make it out of the fray with minimal issues. He couldn't mount his horse here, not in this confined cave, he could see the blood on her arm, he had taken a few scratches here and there and didn't feel the pain anymore. He had brought out the spear head on his staff, the weight of the staff had been enough to crush skulls and break rib cages. He was able to swing his staff easily and able to take out several creatures at once, he disliked Goblins greatly, having only seen small forces out on the plains they had killed them by just running them over, never having seen them in this great of numbers before. He lashed out with his spear head, having strength on his side he was able to hit his targets with such force that it shatters their bones even as the tip sliced through their frail bodies.

He stayed even then, his breathing calm, his hands calm as every move was sure. He had used the split head to twist weapons from grubby, clawed hands. He heard the screeches and the growls from their faces, he felt claws scrap his flesh, teeth trying to tear chunks out of his body before he killed the creatures. The Goblin King was the biggest challenge, his size and demeanor was enough to make the small creatures fight harder, they did what they could to bring him down. His skin was like boiled leather, tough to penetrate and most hits skipped off, a few bounced send reverberations through their bodies. Coltaine was able to get a few hits in, small punctures here and there, his strength enough to cause some damage but not enough to make the creature yield to them. They started to get backed up now, being pushed back as Mira killed a creature on his flank, her swift movements making up for his slower more deliberate hits. His mind was only focused on staying alive, he heard the horses neigh before briefly glancing over to see Destrus crushing the skull of a goblin as he reared up and kicked out with his forelegs. Coming down with a bone shattering force, he kicked and bucked furiously, biting any who got too close, he could see they would be overwhelmed soon. He had felt the power in his chest then, a steady energy pushing into his system, he tried to touch it by force, but found it only fled from him when he tried to force it.

He soon gave up trying to grab hold of it as he felt a blade cut across his skin then, grabbing the goblin then as he swung him around and letting him go to smash into his brothers. His berthing was getting heavier, doing his best to remain calm he looked for a way out, only to see that their real means of escape was blocked by the horde of them. He let his instincts take over then, knowing that he could rely on them in his hour of need, he turned swiftly then, looking at the wall they were coming up to he let his spear lunge out then. He felt it then, the power coursing through him as it used him as conduit, his thrust at the solid wall suddenly causing it to part, creating a passage for them to escape through. He felt the shock and awe in his own mind, shaking himself he knew they had their means of getting out and very little time left.
"We need to leave now!"[/b] Wading through the goblins he grabbed Destrus by his reigns then, pulling the more then willing horse, Mira followed easily as Ahara and Senga pulled up the rear.
"Come on you perv, we need to run to win this fight."[/b] The horse snorted at him as it picked up the pace, his spear still firmly in his hand as he kept running forward. The opening twisted and turned unexpectedly several times, he grunted with having to make those turns, his horse neighing at him angrily as they turned.
"Shut up, I know alright!"

"How much farther? They are catching up!"

"I don't know, just keep moving!"[/b] He shouted back to them as they turned once more. He was amazed at how long this passage way was, he didn't think he had been that strong, but then again, he did have a lot of help. He almost felt like the passage way was opening up as he needed it, he didn't understand but he wasn't about to question it if they got out of this alive. After yet another twist he saw a light, picking up the pace finally as they emerged from the passage way into the blinding sun, Coltaine rushing out as far as he could to give the other room. He found the cool air refreshing, Destrus snorting as it regained its own breath, its flanks lathered in sweat. The others breathing hard as well, the passage way closing suddenly behind them, making a couple of them jump with weapons ready. Coltaine rolled his shoulders as he twisted his staff, the head disappearing again, he finally relaxed enough now.
"That was close."[/b] Mira spoke up then.
"Yeah it was, I pray to the Fates that they don't find us again."[/b] Coltaine patted Destrus on the neck as he nodded his agreement.
"I'm not to worried about that, more creatures to kill."[/b] He heard Senga say, Ahara didn't say much as he simply sheathed his blades, taking a seat on a near by rock and crossing his arms. Coltaine turned back to his horse then, seeing Mira before looking at his mount, whispering into one of his long ears.
"I swear to the fates, you pull something like that again Destrus I'll put the spurs back on."[/b] The horses shook its head at him, trying to nip at him. He held up one hand at him, pointing at the horse.
"Don't try that with me, I saw what you did."[/b]
Fates only know I wish I could do that. Wait, what am I thinking?[/i] He put his face in his palm again, groaning to himself.
"The fates really are testing me on this one. This is gonna be a long trip." [/b]He said quietly to himself, hoping nothing carried his words.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira leaned on Max as he huffed for air, she too breathing heavily, she glanced at the others, her gaze stopping at Coltaine as he whispered to his horse, she shook her hand smiling. Her and Max were just as bad, as if reading her thoughts the animal turned his head to look at her, his ears twitching this way and that.
"I'm alright love. Don't worry."
He nipped at her hair as it fluttered over her shoulder and into his face making her chuckle, she winced as her arm and leg throbbed with pain, Max nickering softly and nosing her chest gently as if to ask if she was alright.
"I'm fine bud."
He snorted and grabbed the hem of her skirt in his teeth, a loud ripping echoed around them as Mira shrieked.
Grabbing her cloak she yanked it from her shoulders and wrapped it around her legs to cover herself and Max nickered and began to toss his head, the fabric of what was once her skirt flapping gently against her arm. She sighed as she finished tying her cloak around her waist and yanked the fabric from his mouth understanding what he wanted. She wrapped it around the deep bite on her arm and tied it off tightly to stem the bleeding. She smacked Max across his ears as he tried to grab the cloak around her waist.
"Do it and I will feed you to those goblins, you've made a big enough scene as it is. Pervert."
He whinnied happily as she shoved against him, turning to walk away she gasped as the cloak around her waist tore in the back, she looked over her shoulder feeling the cool air on the backs of her legs, she glared towards her horse as he nickered in her direction and tossed his head, his eyes glinting with a playful light.
The horse nickered again before he tossed his head violently to the side ripping the rest of the fabric away from her grasp and trotting away, she dropped to her knees to cover herself cursing as Max pranced around her til he stopped in front of her bending his head down to get eye level with her, he snorted as her fist hit him between the eyes and shook his head as he dropped the cloak and took a couple steps away from her as she snatched the fabric from the dirt and tied it around her again, the tears and rips in the cloth making it almost no point but she wrapped it and tied it expertly giving the others the impression this wasn't the first time her horse had done this. Once she was pleased with her make shift skirt she put her hands on her hips and looked at the horse as he stomped the ground nickering, almost sounding like a laugh. She looked at her self and sighed, the cloak tied around her almost made no point, it was shorter than her skirt had been but she threw her hands up and limped over to Max and clamored into the saddle.
"We should move down the mountain, there's a small village down there where we can rest and get treated for injuries."
She looked at them as they stared at her, Coltaine's face slightly red as he stared.
She nudged Max forward, as they passed Coltaine and Desturs he gave the man a soft nicker, as if taunting the man as Coltaine's eyes landed on the pale skin of her leg, blemished red with the blood from the wound on her thigh. She looked over her shoulder at the others and gave them an exasperated look.
"Well? Let's go!"
Coltaine climbed into his saddle as the others opted to walk, Mira relaxed in her saddle, closing her eyes as the rocking motion of Max's walk lulled her to a light sleep. She was exhausted, traveling all day, getting hit with that weird light, fighting goblins...and than her horse. She felt her body slip into an ease as she rode down the mountain, Max nipping her gently on her leg if she began to slip from the saddle. The ride was long and slow as they made their way down towards the small town, lamps burning softly in the windows as they entered, the sun having set almost an hour ago. Mira slid from her saddle and winced as pain lanced through her leg.
"We should find a healer and than a tavern to sleep in."
She staggered as her leg throbbed again, looking down at it she sighed, seeing the skin around it turning red with infection already she ran her fingers through her hair and scratched the back of her neck only to jump as an old woman bounced from her house towards them.
"My dears! Did you just come from the mountain?!"
Mira nodded slowly, the others tense and ready for anything she scoffed at them.
"She's just an old woman, calm down."
The elderly woman grabbed her wrist and pulled Mira towards her house with no warning, Mira winced and tried to keep up as best she could with her limp, the other following close behind, once inside the old woman shut her door and looked out her window before closing her shutters.
"Would you four happen to be the Dragoons?"
Mira frowned and crossed her arms.
"Yes, yes my dear. The warriors who are fabled to hold the spirits of the dragons within them, would that be you?"
She shook her head at the old woman, regretting it as her head swam.
"I don't think so."
The old man pointed to Coltaine's chest where she could see a slight brown glow under his shirt.
"You bear the gems! I knew it was you! I've been waiting for you!"
Mira sat down heavily on a chair as the woman began to speak to them.
"Long ago there were many like you, fighters for our world. They died in a horrific battle but vowed to be reborn again. Those gems you carry are their mementos. Proof that they lived. Within them holds the spirit of the dragons they commanded. Long ago these gems lost their true power, the dragon spirits returning to the earth to be reborn again. You."
She pointed to Mira.
"The Ice Queen. You must fine Shock or Breath. The blue dragon and slay him. Only than will you have your full power."
She turned to Ahara next.
"You young man must fine the Bladed Husk dragon. Slay him and you will be the hurricane you once were."
She moved on to Senga.
"My dear, you must fight the powerful Obilisk Dawn dragon. Once she is no more, you will control the very shadows you are so at home with."
She shifted her gaze at Coltaine, her pale grey eyes boring into his green ones.
"You dear boy have the most troublesome travels ahead of you. Golem Break is who you must face. Fierce and temperamental he will push you to your limits, which you will never reach unless you let it all go."
He frowned at her and crossed his arms.
"Let what go old woman."
Her gaze shifted to Mira who was leaning back in her chair, her breathing getting heavy as her eyes drifted shut only to snap back open.
"You will no in due time warrior. But hear me, you will never be whole til you allow your self the luxury of it."
He opened his mouth to answer when she waved him off and opened the door.
"I have given you my message. Now go. Be on your way, get her to a good healer and a soft bed to rest in. She needs it. A goblins bite and blade can create an infection within hours."
She closed the door on them as Mira huffed for air now.
"Stupid crazy old bat."
She winced and was thankful when Max put his head down allowing her to lean on his neck, he nickered worriedly to her, his deep brown eyes shifting to Coltaine as he tried to peer at her wound. Max lifted his head, her arm still wrapped around his neck and drapped her over his saddle and began to walk through the town til he stopped at the healers building letting out a loud, screaming whinny and watching as the healers looked out the window and rushed out to take her from the saddle and inside, one caught sight of the others.
"Don't just stand there, get in here so you lot can be looked at as well."
They nodded and moved inside, Mira already on a cot, the cloak had been removed from her waist so as to get a better view of the wound on her leg, she hissed as they worked, her words reaching the others as they too got healed.
"I say we head East first, Ahara's power should be there, from there we go South, Senga's should be there, than North towards mine and West towards Coltaine's."
They all nodded in agreement, once done they rested at the Inn til dawn and began moving out, Mira looked at her leg and arm, fully healed but slightly scarred, she shrugged it off and pushed Max forward til she was riding side by side with Coltaine, thankfully she had a spare skirt in her bag and was wearing it along with her spare cloak.
"So, we're supposed to save the world by slaying dragons? Just the four of us? Is that even possible?"
Max snorted making her lean over and flick one of his long white ears.
"No one asked you ass."
She threw his head back with a loud snort and she frowned down at him.
"Oh yeah? Well I still haven't forgiven you for that stunt you pulled yesterday you big perv of a horse."
He tossed his head as she shook her's and returned her attention to Coltaine waiting for his response.[/color][/font]
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[size="1"]Coltaine held his reigns loosely in his hands, hardly even using them to direct Destrus as he barely used hi feet to keep him going forward. The cut on his arm had been taken care of, only a slight pink mark was left behind, every other wound had been superficial, his skin seeming to be harder then it was before. He didn't know what that meant, and that old woman's words were circling in his head now, how she spoke of how he had to let go. He didn't understand, everything he was came from his calm and collected mind, he couldn't really afford to let go, to let everything run free. He let his thoughts run free when he wasn't in battle, as he had noticed with Mira now. He tried his best to reign in his thoughts, but he wasn't use to having to censor his mind, being a war leader gave him the privilege of being however he wanted. He always chose to go down the route of calm and relaxed, of calculating every move before it was made. He let his mind calm before speaking, relaxing again in his saddle.
"I think we can do it, as long as we fight one dragon at a time. We just need to keep our heads level."

"Are a very serious person aren't you?"[/b] He looked over at her now, his thoughts going wild again as he recalled very clearly what her own horse had done to her up in the mountains. He didn't blush, all he felt a was a heat rise up, would of made him shiver if he didn't have better control. Seeing her legs that exposed made him remember many nights of his youth, rolling in the blankets with some young girl at the time. He hadn't done much of that in his later years, not many worth the effort and some were far to eager for him at this point, most expected a man of his age to be overly experienced. The thought crossed his mind again, her legs popping up in his brain again as the image of them wrapped around him, he had to physically shake himself, trying to under stand what was wrong with his head. Bringing himself back to the conversation.
"I suppose I am, haven't had much choice through out my life." [/b]He heard her snicker a bit.
"Hard to believe, you seem pretty well off."

"I've had to fight for my way for my place in the world, fought more wars then I care to and have had to kill more people then I've liked."[/b] He saw her eyes widened slightly.
"What wars? There haven't been that many."

"Clan wars, takes time to bring them all together. They all cooperate now, but we are still threatened by outside forces, defend ourselves constantly, been too many wars for my appreciation." [/b]He looked to her then, seeing her rather surprised face, his all to serious.
"How about you? What was your life like? and do you think we can do this?"[/b] He said with a single brow raised, his eyes focused on her as his his mind tried to wander again. Squashing the thought before it went any further.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira chuckled before she brushed some of her bangs from her face, looking up into his green eyes she felt her stomach flip slightly before she looked away and down the path they walked.
"I had a pretty humble life. I lived with my brother and his wife on their farm. My mother and father passed a while back due to illness so my brother raised me and when he married I stayed to help them. As for if we can do this...I have my doubts but there's a slim chance I suppose."
He nodded and she glanced out of the corner of her eye at him, studying him silently, his face was handsome, his frame was thick and muscled but not horribly so, just enough. She smiled to her self, just right for his size. Shaking her head slightly she took a deep breath and let it out.
"How long have you had Desturs? He's a beautiful horse."
Coltaine looked down at her and she felt her body shiver slightly as his eyes locked with her's again.
"He's been at my side from the very start. What about you and Max?"
"I found him. The breed of horse he is, is usually bigger than this, he was a runt. His mother abandoned him thinking he wouldn't survive. I found him in a ditch outside the farm and hid him in the barn, nursed him back to health and raised him. He's been with me ever since. I had tried to leave him at home but he followed me the first time and by the time I got back home it was dark so I just left the next morning and took him with me. That was yesterday."
He nodded slowly, she sighed and leaned down laying her body on Max's neck, the horse nickered softly at her and she rubbed his neck fondly as she simply lay there, her cloak wrapped around her and her feet hanging comfortably out of the stirrups as she rode. She looked over at the man and smiled gaining her attention.
"You should loosen up some. You keep sitting so straight your going to hurt your back."
He frowned slightly at her and she shook her head.
"I'm serious. Your so uptight. Slump a little would you?"
She looked forward again and she heaved a sigh and sat back up in her saddle, looking around as the sky began to darken around them.
"Really? We just left a few hours ago and the weather was fine!"
She pulled her cloak around her tighter as rain began to pelt down on them hard soaking them within moments, the only one safe was Senga in her full armor. Mira muttered as she pulled Max's reins and led him to the edge of the woods before dropping from the saddle.
"We'll have to rest for a bit til this clears. One wrong slip and one of the horses could get injured."
They nodded and moved under the cover of the trees, Mira shed her cloak and rubbed it against her hair trying to dry it, once done she rummaged through her saddle bags trying to find a dry shirt, her cheeks heating as she noticed her white shirt was beginning to turn translucent with the rain, pulling out another shirt she walked around Max who wrapped his head around her shoulders shielding her from view as she pulled the soaked shirt from her skin and slipped the dry one on quickly. She sighed and looked around, the clouds were thick and moving slowly.
"Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a little while. Why don't we get a fire going and grab a bite to eat, Senga, Ahara would you two find something to eat? Coltaine and I will find fire wood."
They all nodded, Coltaine following her as she walked deeper into the trees, she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.
"You know, I have a feeling this is going to be a rather lengthy trip, mostly cause of the fact that your really the only one I think I can talk to."
He raised an eye brow at her.
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, lets think. Senga is covered in armor. I can't eve seen her face and Ahara's first impression was decapitating a man infront of us. Yeah...great conversation starter there. 'So, why'd you kill him again?' 'Oh, he pissed me off.'
'Oh? Remind me never to do that than.' Yeah...not my idea of witty banter."
"And what makes you think I'm any better?"
She stopped and turned around facing him.
"I dunno, just something about you makes me feel like I can talk to you easily enough. I mean, it seems that way so far doesn't it?"
She giggled lightly and turned continuing her search for firewood.
"So...how exactly did you grow up?"
"I doubt my youthful tales are very interesting."
"Enlighten me."
He simply stared at her not giving her an answer.
"Come on Coltaine. Give me something here."
He still didn't answer her and she threw her hands up scoffing.
"Go figure the one person I chose to talk to has the emotional level of a silk worm. Great."
"It's just something I'm used to sharing."
"Well, get comfortable with it. I need someone to talk to. Fates alive, besides you there are just the two other weirdos back at camp."
"You think I'm a weirdo?"
She held up her hands and laughed nervously as a blush covered her cheeks.
"Oh for the love of the fates that came out wrong. No, your far from a weirdo..."
She blushed more and shook her head turning away from him and continuing through the dense forest finding timber here and there, bending her knees to retrieve it and wrapping them in her cloak so as not to splinter her arms. She sighed and wiped a small bit of sweat from her forehead, along with rain that had seeped through the boughs of the trees to mist down on them.
"I think this should be enough shouldn't it?"
He nodded slowly as she arched her back and sighed hearing it pop in several places, she walked past him heading back towards the camp, Senga and Ahara coming into sight she dropped the wood next to them and allowed them to start the fire as she walked away to tend to Max giggling as Desturs snorted at her as she walked past him, she turned towards him rubbing the spot between his eyes and giggling as he took a step forward and rubbed his large face against her again rubbing his forehead against her chest. She laughed and scratched behind his ear.
"If you have a scratch that badly go and find a tree buddy."
He snorted and tapped her stomach with his nose before continuing his rubbing.
"As much as I would love to help I have to go groom my horse. But I'm sure Coltaine will be along any moment to brush you out as well."
She gave him one last scratch with a wide smile and walked over to Max, taking off his bridal and saddle she picked up her brush and began to groom him, talking with him softly as he snorted seeing her eyes focus on Coltaine more than once.
"Don't start Max. He seems like a good man, he's strong and noble. I'm sure he could take care of us as much as we could him. Besides...he seems lonely."
Max stomped his hoof into the ground making her frown.
"His age makes no difference to me. I've seen stranger and so have you, remember old man Perkins?"
He shook her head shuddering.
"Yeah I know it was kinda creepy, he was like 60 and she was 28...."
He snorted again.
"I know she was after his money, but that's not my point here. Look, I think he could use someone in his life to look after him Max..."
He snorted and nipped her leg harder than usual making her yelp.
"Great fates Max! I'm just talking to you!"
He snorted louder and she threw the brush at him hitting him in the shoulder.
"Your worse than my brother!"
Stalking away she grabbed her pack and headed towards the small spring she knew was around here, naturally heated and relaxing. It sounded wonderful right now.[/color][/font]
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[size="1"]Coltaine had a small laugh when he saw Mira stalk off into the woods, he watched her then, seeing how her hips swayed and how her body moved. He physically smacked himself this time, trying to divert his eyes but finding he was failing yet again.
"I swear to the Fates I'm going to lose my mind. All I'm doing now is looking at her, its been one bloody day!"[/b] He saw her walk to the horses, seeing immediately that Destrus was moving forward, coming up and nuzzling Miras chest again, playing the coward of it all. He waited for her to move away, going to deal with her mount and groom him down, Coltaine moving quick enough as he snatched up Destrus' reigns and pulled him away then.
"Seriously Destrus? By all the Fates, I don't understand why you have decided now to do this."[/b] His horse nickered and bumped in with his head now. Coltaine pushed it away then.
"Relax, there is nothing I can do about her at this point. I'm too old Destrus, she needs someone a lot younger then myself."[/b] Destrus shook his head then, letting out a snort at the same time.

[b]"Don't give me that, i'm not to serious. Besides, it's kept you alive hasn't it?[/b]" He nickered at him as Destrus turned hi head away then, Coltaine shaking his head as he removed the bridal and saddle, pulling out his brush from the side saddle he had and started working on Destus, taking his time as he groomed the horse down, giving him a treat to keep him relaxed as he would pat him down to get the dust off. His eyes wandered to Mira several times, seeing her groom Max as well, Destus pushing into him with his body.
"Destus, cut it out. I swear to the fates I will eat you first on this trip!"[/b] He nipped at him then, he smacked him upside the ear then as scowl on his face.
"I can look wherever I want alright? Can you really blame me for looking at her? I think i've earned that right after so many years."[/b] He could see Destus concede defeat at that point, agreeing with a shake of his head. Coltaine kept grooming, thinking about her question, unsure of what he would say to her for stories, most of them were about some conquest or another. He watched as she threw her brush at Max then, laughing softly as he saw her storm off and grabbed her back, watching her disappear into the woods then.
"Could I tell her about the woman? No that is just stupid, you don't tell another woman about women you've taken. And I can't tell her about all the battles, by all the fates, my life is about war and sex!"[/b] He heard Destus nicker at him, as if laughing, he smacked the horse again.
"You shut you Destus, I swear I am going to kill you. If not out of rage, out of jealously. Did I just say that out loud?"[/b] Destus bobbed his head up and down with a nickering laugh, Coltaine tossed the brush back into the saddle bag as he started walking away.
"You are insufferable right now Destus, I'm going for a walk."[/b] He walked slowly now into the forest, feeling the light sprinkle of the last bit of ain on his skin. The feeling was familiar and reminded him so much of his childhood, when the rain would come to the plains and he and his brothers would wrestle in the mud, coming home grimy and soaked. He was usually the last to get a bath, since he was the hardest to get a hold of, he liked the feeling of mud on him then. He had different tastes now, mud was still part of his life but now it ended up caking his boots, he had left his cape in his tent, not feeling the need to wear it now. He wondered for only a little bit, letting his mind just skip from memory to memory until he heard water then, he could feel the heat that radiated off the water and walked towards it, he didn't expect anything, just a place to relax, his eyes were suddenly met with a naked form and he swiftly turned away as he heard a splash then.
"By all the fates, forgive me Mira, I didn't know you were out here!"[/b] He waited as thought circulated through his mind now, trying to keep his composure as he half hoped she would tell him to leave and half hoped she would ask him to stay.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]She could feel her cheeks flaming, she knew her face was red with embarrassment; she watching him carefully as he kept his back to her, wading through the water which happened to only be waist deep and towards her pack, she rummaged through it til she found what she was looking for. An old blanket her brother had fashioned into a towel, wrapping it around her self she sat down covering her self in the water.
"Y-your fine, I didn't really tell anyone where I was going, and I know I'm probably not the only one who enjoys a relaxing bath."
He didn't answer her and she could see the tension in his shoulders, she tightened the towel around her more and took a deep breath before she spoke again.
"You can turn and look at me while I talk to you."
He moved, if only slightly, than sighed and turned slowly, his eyes locking onto her's and she felt a shiver run through her even though she was submerged in the warm water of the spring, she blinked a few times before shifting her gaze from his and looked at the steaming water around her.
"My brother brought me here a long time ago when I was little. That's how I knew about it. It's really quite relaxing, there are a few smaller ones just up the ridge...if you want to uh...bathe yourself."
She glanced up at him to see the tension enter his shoulders again, this time his eyes weren't locked with her's they were moving this way and that and she blushed more as she realized he was looking at her, taking a deep breath she dunked her head under the water scrubbing her hands against her face she burst back through the surface taking in a deep breath and running her hands across her face and through her hair slicking it back and away from her face, she looked up at him and blinked as she saw him sitting down on the edge of the spring, his boots off and his feet in the water as he leaned back and rested on his hands with his eyes closed. She moved silently towards him and folded her arms on the side of the rock face and watched him for a few moments. He opened his eyes and jumped slightly as he saw her so close, the heat from her skin and the spring water reaching his skin, she smiled as he pulled his hand away slightly, she frowned slightly as she saw the scars on his arm and reached out with out thinking tracing one with a heated finger that was still damp with spring water. He recoiled from her touch and blinked down at her, her cheeks turned pink as she realized what she had done.
"I'm sorry...They're just interesting to me."
"You find my scars interesting?"
She nodded slowly as she held back the urge to gently lay a finger on another.
"I've never seen many wars, I don't know how they're fought or what has to happen for one to win."
He looked down at her frowning slightly.
"I would not imagine one being interested in war stories."
She giggled lightly not seeing the twitch in his eye brow.
"Please Coltaine, I'm not some poor milk maid."
He let his frown slip a little more at hearing his name from her.
"But I would still imagine that war stories would be the furthest from your curiosity."
She shook her head and rested her chin on her arms and sighed lightly.
"I've never been away from home really, just to town. Farthest I've been was Coal Town."
"That's just the next town over."
She nodded and tilted her head looking up at him with a soft smile.
"Yeah, so hearing stories of might wars and handsome war lords is interesting to me."
"Handsome war lords?"
She gasped and blushed as she tucked her face into her arms.
"I didn't say that right. I meant...I don't know what I mean all I know is that stories like that are far from boring to me."
She lifted her face from her arms and looked back up at him smiling still, her cheeks tinted pink from her blush. She locked eyes with him and felt her self shiver again.
"So, do you have any interesting war stories? I'm sure you and Desturs have had a few good fights?"
She watched him intently waiting for his reply as he simply stared at her a for a few moments.[/color][/font]
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[size="1"]Coltaine tried to relax then, letting his feet rest in the warm water, he hadn't been ready for when Mira had touched a scar on his arm. He wasn't about to lie then, he didn't mind it he was just surprised, his body reacting when he pulled away from her touch. Not many people showed interest in scars, he had heard the old line of 'woman like scars', but that was only half true, the real appeal came from when they heard the story. Most men who had scars obtained them through mundane tasks, when they were on their farms, or just roaming around their won home. Coltaine had very few scars that actually came from that life style, most were from his childhood of playing with his brothers, the rest, the ones that crowded his body were from every battle he had to face. He didn't think about them anymore, they were part him now and each one had it's own story, he would be able to keep her entertained, at least he hoped so.
"Well, I'll start with the scar you just touched then. I remember that story clear enough." [/b]She looked up at him, slight wonder in her eyes.
"You actually remember where this scar came from?"[/b] He nodded then.
"I remember every scar, memory is key when winning battles." [/b]She looked up at him intently now, her attention focused on him fully, he could see the wonder in her eyes and longed for those days again.
"It was winter, I remember frigid winds that season. We had been marching for days at this point, six out of ten clans were with me then. We had been marching to go and negotiate with the seventh, casualties had made it impractical to fight them anymore. My people are all horse warriors, but we all had out places in that system. The clan we were meeting bread exceptional cattle dogs, they had a dual purpose of war dogs as well, they were valuable in that respect."[/b] He paused then, letting the memory take over then.
"What happened? That sounds pretty uneventful."[/b] He nodded at her as he looked into her eyes now, her blue ones making him want to shiver as the memory was pushed to the way side briefly.
"It was, unfortunately that ended abruptly. We had to take refuge in the near by wilderness, we were about to set up camp when we heard them."[/b] Coltaine felt his anger start to rise then.
"Heard who Coltaine?[/b]" Her speaking his name made him shiver then, hoping she would take it for the cold weather.
"It was an empire battalion, they had apparently made a bargain with one of the other clans. Determined to wipe me out, they made a deal with Empress Lassen. She wants our lands, they are rich for plowing and planting and could feed a lot of people."

"That doesn't sound like a terrible idea, people need food."

"They do, but without those open plains the horses can't roam free. If she plows our fields, my people die, no more horses means no more trade for us. Our cattle dogs become useless and my people die out, I believe we have the right to keep living."[/b] He saw Mira try to look away then, his eyes trying to stay focused on her face as he felt a heat rise in his face, remembering that she was still naked before him as she listened to him talk. He cleared his throat then, she looked back at him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think about that."[/b] He gave her a small smile.
"It's alright, not many people do. You only have to when you are in my position. Anyways, we were ambushed in the wilderness, they went fro our pride that day. They had crossbows, using them to either target officers or our horses themselves. Almost lost Destrus to that fight, thankfully he was a quick one then, they skimmed me with a bolt or two, the scar you touched was actually one that almost killed me. I had deflected it enough to throw it off its trajectory, but it still cut into me. One of my brothers though, Tarek, he hadn't be so lucky, he took three to the chest before we even knew what happened that day. After that, I had my light cavarly mow through the trees, we pincered them."[/b] She looked at him momentarily confused.
"Pincered them?"

"Forgive me, think of it as a crabs claw. How it is open end then suddenly snaps shut from both sides, we did that to them, my light cavalry coming around from their flank, pushing them in one direction we brought them into another direction, crushing them in mere moments."[/b] He felt her soft hand on his now, feeling his eyes widened slightly at her touch.
"I'm sorry you lost a brother, I can only imagine what that was like." [/b]He half shrugged, remembering the pain of it.
"It's the life we lead, death just follows."[/b] She had a sad loon on her face now, Coltaine felt uneasy as he tried to think of something to lift the expression.
"Sorry to break your relaxing bath, war has never been something I talk about with people, its far less romantic then it seems."[/b] He heard hoof beats then and turned to see Destrus looking at him.
"Oh by all the fates, you followed me all the way out here?"[/b] He heard a giggle then from Mira, she was subconsciously touching a scar on his hand now as he looked at his mount. Not sure what to do next he stared at his horse, glad that Destrus had happen to break the sullen feeling of his story.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira sighed as she saw her hands, the skin wrinkled and soggy, putting her palm on the rock face she pushed her self from the water, tying the cloth around so she could use both hands. Wringing out her hair she flipped it over her shoulder and bent her knees so she could look through her pack, pulling out a pair of trousers and a blue top she slipped the top over her head and pushed her arms through it the hem reaching her upper thighs as she pulled the went towel off her body and pulled the loose fitting trousers over her legs. Braiding her hair quickly she put her fingers to her lips and whistled, not long after Max trotted down the path towards her, patting his nose she looked over her shoulder at Coltaine and smiled.
"It sounds as if you've had a hard life. I can't say that I have many tales of might battles and wars such as that...but a few things did happen around my home town that were somewhat exciting."
He didn't respond as he simply stared at her, her cheeks turning red under his gaze she came out of it as Max stood between them blocking each other from view.
"Max, don't be rude!"
He snorted and turned his face to look at her, his ears pinned to the back of his head, she put her hands on her hips and scowled at the horse as he stared back at her, her whispers soft as she spoke to him.
"Move your hide Max."
He snorted and tossed his head from side to side.
"I mean it. You can't stop me."
The horse nickered dangerously before he lashed forward, grabbed the front of her shirt and tore it, she screamed and covered her self with her arms as Max whinnied and galloped away from her back towards camp, she cursed her self quietly as she realized she had thrown her pack over his back which was now gone with him. She spun around, her bare, pale skinned back exposed to Coltaine who could see a long scar that went from her right shoulder blade to her left hip, she shivered as the cool air around her settled in on her still damp skin, she jumped as she felt a blanket settle over her and the heavy breathing of Desturs, she looked over her shoulder to see the horse gently setting his blanket over her. She grabbed the edge and pulled it around her shoulders sighing as the warmth from his large frame still lingered in the cloth.
"Thank you Destrus. Your such a good man aren't you?"
He nickered happily as she rubbed her hand flat between his eyes, pressing her forehead to his as he sighed and leaned into her.
"Wish Max was more like you. He's such a pain."
Coltaine kept his comments to himself about his horse as he watched her lavish the animal in affection. She giggled as he put his head over her shoulder effectively hugging her in his own way, she opened the blanket to wrap her arms around his neck as she kept her grip on the cloth laughing gently as he nibbled on her hair gently.
"You know, Coltaine always talks about how you nothing but a big bad war horse. I think your nothing but a big softie under all that fur and muscle."
He nickered again and pulled her closer to him by pulling his head down on her shoulder making her giggle more, she pulled away and kissed him between the eyes gaining a happy squeal from him, the sound making her laugh out loud.
"I have to go now, see you two back at camp."
She pulled the blanket around her more and began to walk lightly back to camp with every intention of killing her horse. Destrus trotted over to Coltaine and snorted mockingly at him before turning and watching the girl vanish into the shadows of the trees.
Mira got back to camp and stalked over to Max, he was throwing his head about this way and that with what was left of her shirt hanging from his teeth, yanking it away from him she threw it on the fire and dug out another shirt. This one was a pale blue and form fitting, the sleeve billowing out at the end to hide her hands. She sighed as she realized what shirt it was.
"Mother's high priestess shirt...I told him not to pack this."
She put her hands against her flat stomach feeling the soft material and spun around grabbing Max's nose as he moved closer to her his scream of panic filling the camp and making Segna and Ahara rise with weapons drawn.
"I swear to the fates above and below, you so much as try to do any damage to this shirt I will kill you. Understand me horse?"
He nickered nervously and she released him, pulling her boots back on she stretched her arms over her head and sighed, putting the saddle and bridal back on Max she put the fire out as Coltaine and Desturs reentered the camp.
"I think the rain has let up enough for us to move on."
They nodded and within minutes had the camp broken and were moving down their path again, Mira put her hand to her forehead to block out the sun as it broke through the clouds, her smile breaking her face happily.
"About time, some sunlight."
She stretched her arms again, this time the shirt folding in the back giving the other rider a small glimpse of the scar on her back, he nudged Destrus forward til he was next to her, looking over and down on her, taking her in, the pale, low cut shirt making her skin look even more pale and soft as the sun beamed down on it, her oddly colored hair glinting with the movements of her horse. She turned her head and looked up at him blushing slightly at seeing him stare.
"Is there something wrong?"
"I was curious, if I might be so bold. But, how did you acquire that scar on your back?"
She looked at the white mane of her horse and ran her fingers through it feeling her brows knit together in the middle as she thought back on it.
"It was a few years ago, my brother and I had just gotten the farm from our parents will after alot of fighting. We were raided that night, the mass of bandits was...horrific. Apparently the town had spread a rumor that we had treasures hidden within our farm, which we didn't of course, two orphans just trying to get by. But the town wanted our land, our parents had gotten a good deal on it when they bought it. It was the best plot of land for miles."
"I'm getting there Coltaine. Calm down, fates alive do you ever relax?"
He frowned and she shook her head continueing.
"My brother and I fought as best we could against the bandits, but we weren't strong enough; our father hadn't had a chance to show us how to truly fight. I got caught across the back and was left for dead, my brother had fled fearing his own life. They set fire to the farm once they found the rumors were lies. Burnt everything and than poisoned the land. It was never the same after that. The crops were never as plentiful, the animals never as fat and healthy, it took it's toll on all of us. I was left with that scar as a reminder of man's wickedness. Something I don't think I'll ever recover from."
"Your lucky, most raids such as that leave woman raped and killed."
She nodded slowly still studying the hairs of Max's mane carefully.
"And now I'm left maimed and distorted in such a way that no man would want me. It's a fair trade I suppose. I keep my maidenhood, in exchange they take a piece of my flesh. At least I'm alive."
She turned than and beamed at him, a wide, bright smile.
"For that I'm glad. Being left alive gave me the opportunity to meet Max, and Senga, Ahara and...you."
She locked eyes with him or a a few moments before yelping as Max suddenly galloped ahead of everyone, well out of ear shot before slowing back down.
"You know...you really have to stop this jealous attitude."
He snorted and looked back at her angry.
"I mean it Max! It's not like anything is ever going to happen from my attraction to him, I mean look at him! He wouldn't know if a woman was flirting with him if a wild dog ran up and bit him on the arse."
The horse nicked slightly and turned his gaze forward.
"You really are jealous aren't you."
He turned and nipped her leg softly making her chuckle and shake her head.
"Your so hopeless. Your my number one man Max, you know that."
He nicked happily and snorted as she scratched behind his ears, she turned in her saddle and looked back at the others, her eyes locked on Coltaine.
"Is it so bad that I want some one to be attracted to me? That I want to hope for some sort of affection in my life other than that of my brother and a horse?"
Max snorted and she shook her head leaning down and hugging his neck.
"Your still my best man Maxi."
He tossed his head and looked up at her as she closed her eyes and relaxed against him, the sun beating down on them now as they continued their walk down the path. [/color][/font] Edited by Knuckles' Girl
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[size="1"]After Mira had run off for Max, Coltaine stared down Destrus for a long while, the horse trying to play cute as he came up and nuzzled him softly.
"You know, I really hate you right now. You make me look really bad in front of her." [/b]He heard the mocking sound come from the horse again as he smacked him upside the ears again.
"It's not that blood easy alright? You know if I go up and tear a woman's clothes off I'll either get yelled at or she is far to eager."[/b] He snorted and shook his head.
"Ok, you beat me to the punch on that one ok? You could try ot help me out instead of trying to sucker all the attention for yourself!"[/b] He nipped at Coltaine lightly before nudging him with his head, putting his boots on and rising to his feet he stood just looking at the came as he felt Destrus nudge him from behind, pushing toward the camp. He looked back at him and saw the horse gesture toward the camp, seeing how the rain was letting up he mopped at his wet hair, feeling it already starting to dry out. He patted Destrus on the neck then.
"Fine, I get it, I'll try harder or something. I still think i'm too old for her."[/b] With that said they walked through the forest, re-securing Destrus to his saddle and his bridal, leading them out the broke camp and kept going. He had been curious about the scar, the size of it was shocking to see, he had felt an urge to go up and touch it, just to see the extent of the damage. He had a small laugh at that thought then, seeing how she could of just reached out and touched the ones all over him.

[i]If only should touch EVERY scar. There you go again old man![/i] He sighed to himself again as he pushed away the thoughts, only finding that the brief imagine of her nude appeared in his mind and stood there. Every thought he tried to come up with could not beat that one, having seen a number of naked bodies before, he couldn't shake hers form from his mind. He caught a slight hint to that, seeing that his own mind was telling him that she was indeed something special. When he had asked about the scar, she told him the story, speaking of jealous neighbors, murderous raiders and how they had destroyed her home for a lie. He had felt his blood boil unexpectedly, felt his cold anger rise up in him as he could see that raider cutting her across her back, he felt a need then. He had an idea what he was doing when he got home, maybe showing a whole village what it felt like to have everything taken from you because of a lie. He shook himself then, his mind wandering to dark places that he didn't know he had, places that echoed with words and feelings he was use to. When she had locked with eyes with him, the look she gave him made him want to reach out and hold her hand then, her words about being distorted had brought a sadness to his thoughts he wasn't ready for either. If she was distorted, he was a mutant barely roaming around the world with one foot dragging behind him. He had been ready to say something more to her when she was suddenly lunged forward, his hand about you lunge out and grab her when he stopped himself.
"By all the fates Destrus, I finally feel the need to reach out to her and her damn horse takes her away! I swear you both are conspiring against me!"[/b] Destrus nipped at him and gave him a mean snort.
"Don't pull that with me, you've been playing the coward so you can snuggle up closer to her chest. The Fates know I wish I were born a horse at this point, I wouldn't have to try to figure out how to talk to a woman properly!"[/b] He let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his face now, feeling the sun beat down on him they kept going until it started to dip below the horizon, setting up camp again as they got ready to settle in for the night. He didn't bother picketing Destrus since he always got out of it anyways, he set up his tent, taking only a few minutes before he went into the trees to start finding some wood, coming back with a decent enough pile as they started up a fire. He constantly found himself looking at Mira now, his mind racing with thoughts as he tried to figure out what he was going to do next about any of this. He had set his tent up next to hers, not sure what good it would do but hoped he could be that close for now, if her damn horse didn't tear down his tent in the night.
"I'll take first watch tonight, the rest of you get some sleep."[/b] He didn't receive any argument, each one retiring to their tents on their own as the night started to carry on, Coltaine simply stared into the fire for a long time. Tossing wood in as it was need and poking and moving wood around to make sure the fire still burned. Destrus had been keeping him company as moon slowly move din the sky.
"What do I do Destrus? I mean, being a war leader doesn't mean much out here. That is all i have known for a very long time. Any battle we fight we can win, that won't be an issue, but, emotions are starting to creep int my mind I'm not familiar with."[/b] He looked to Destrus now, seeing a big brown eye staring at him.
"The one time I actually need an answer from you and you are silent, I swear the fates Destrus, I'm going to butcher you in your....."[/b] He stopped when he suddenly hear rustling and then Mira popped out of her tent, hair tossed as she had a blanket wrapped round her. Walking over to the food pack she started to rummage through, his back was still turned when he spoke up.
"Mira? What are you doing up so........half dressed?"[/b] He said after he turned his head to look at her, he could see her legs from under the blanket and the thought of them around him made him shake himself.
"I'm not half dressed, just the blanket."[/b] His eyes were wide then before he spoke again.
"Well, what are you doing up?"

"I'm hungry, I'm looking for something to eat now."

"With only a blanket on?"[/b] She looked at him with her hair tossed to one said, the image before him inspiring worse thoughts in his brain.
"Yeah, don't complain I'm sure you are enjoying the view!"[/b] He had no argument then, the words he tried to say only coming out in a stammer.
"I-I uh, well, I uh can see. Well, that is........."[/b] He gave up then and reluctantly turned away, looking back at the fire.

[i]If this was a time for your tricks Destrus, now would be the time.[/i] He prayed quietly in his head, hoping to end the night on a pleasant note for himself, he didn't even see the devilish smile on her face as she finally found something, sauntering back to her tent as he tried to relax again.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]A few days had passed their journey already a long one as they headed further East, each day getting hotter and hotter with the sun, Mira had stopped wearing her cloak, the fabric being to thick for her to keep it on comfortably. She sighed as the cool wide blew against her skin now, cooling it off. She glanced at Coltaine as she pulled her hair off the back of her neck and sighed as the wind rushed against her skin.
"I can't believe how hot it turned out to be this way."
She frowned as his words seemed stressed.
"You think it's some anomaly?"
"It's possible. Have you seen any clouds the last few days that we've traveled save for the first storm we encountered?"
She thought for a few moments and shook her head.
"But what could it be?"
Ahara's smooth voice sounded behind them.
"A creature of some sort?"
Mira frowned more and shook her head slightly.
"What kind of creature could create a heat wave? It doesn't make sense!"
Senga spoke up next, the ring of her sword making them alert.
"A salamander perhaps?"
Mira spun around in her saddle as a screech sounded around them, leaping from Max's saddle she drew her thin blade and drove it into the sand as a fiery red lizard the size of her broke through the sand aiming for Max.
"Max run!"
The horse snorted and stomped his hoof down on the monsters skull cracking it, it's thick, green blood spouting from between it's eyes, rushing over she shoved again his large white frame trying to make him move as more of the giant lizards began to break through the sand at their feet, Destrus and Max screaming in terror as they only seemed to get bigger. She reached out and grasped Coltaine by the upper arm as she stumbled.
"We have to find solid ground! The longer we stay out here in this sand the more danger we put our selves in."
He growled as he cracked his spear against a lizards face cursing as his foot slipped into the soft sand more, the only thing keeping him from falling through was Mira's hand on his arm.
"What do you suggest?"
"I say we try to get to that rock formation over there! We get out feet on something solid we have a chance!"
She locked eyes with him for a split second and smiled at him, the look broken as another salamander rushed them, this one was taller than Destrus and just as aggressive. Mira dropped to her knees and cut the tendons of the monsters legs watching as it went down in front of Coltaine who finished it off quickly. She whirled around and grabbed his hand rushing towards the rocks not far from them. Ahara and Senga already there, Max and Destrus following suite as they ran towards the small salvation. Mira felt Coltaine's hand close around her's and her heart skipped a beat.
"We're almost there!"
She stopped as the sand around them shifted, a small funnel appearing around them, she held up her hand yelling as Max pawed the ground debating on jumping in after her.
"Don't think about it! We'll find a way back to the surface! Til than stay on that fates given rock! You hear me Max?!"
He nickered as he watched her vanish from sight, her and Coltaine landed a few feet from the surface onto thick stone floors, her hand still clasped in his til she pulled away to take a closer look at their surroundings.
"Charming, what do you think?"
He shook his head and walked on.
"I think we should get out of her."
She heard him sigh and threw her hands up before running them through her hair.
"Again? Is all you ever do sigh?"
He looked back at her and saw her walking towards him, her hands on her hips and frowning slightly.
"I'm serious. All you ever do is sigh and-"
"Your injured."
She looked down to where he was pointing see that she was indeed injured, the sleeve to her left shoulder blackened from one of the adult salamander's flame breath, blood seeped from the wound gently as she stared at it.
"I don't remember being hit."
She touched it and winced, her palm coming back red with blood, she gripped the ruined sleeve and ripped it from her shoulder to get a better look at the wound, the flesh charred and burnt it would bleed slowly, but nothing she would die from.
"I say we get out of here. If I have a feeling I'm right, which I think I am. We're in the nest."
He nodded and gripped his spear tighter as she did same to her sword, reaching back to grabbed his hand again and felt her cheeks heat.
"Just so we don't lose one another, ya know?"
He nodded silently as they began to run through the sand stone tunnels trying to find a way out, after what felt like forever of running the tunnel opened up and Mira gasped throwing her arms out to try and keep her self from falling over the edge, she twisted her body and grabbed the closest thing, which happened to be Coltaine, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder as her feet slipped some.
"There's a ledge there..."
He nodded, his hands braced on the sides of the tunnel to keep them from falling out, below them salamanders lumbered back and forth, but in the middle of them, one single large red lizard caught their attention, Mira gasped quietly as she chanced a glance over her arm at the bustle below them.
"It's the fire dragon..."
"How are you so sure?"
She looked up at him, meeting his eyes, her face blushing as their noses almost touched.
"Just look at it, we have to get out of here...and fast."
He nodded as he stared at her for a few more moments, her voice jogging him.
"Last thing we need is to be found out."
She yelped as a jet of liquid fire hit the wall next to her and began to melt the sand stone, Coltaine looking down at her again.
"You mean like that?"
She smiled nervously before leaning forward and kissing his nose.
"No fun when we're sneaking around is it?"
She felt her feet hit solid ground as he shifted them away from the edge and ran through the tunnel, Coltaine right behind her as they searched for an exit.
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[size="1"]They twisted and turned through the tunnels, Coltaine having to hunch at some tunnels as they kept moving forward, he still held on to Miras hand at this point. Not willing to let go, still feeling the light kiss she had given him on his nose, it was a cute gesture. Not enough for him to really do anything with but get flustered by it. He remained behind with his spear at the ready; she was in front since she could maneuver her weapon easier in the confined spaces. Tactically it made sense for them to run in this formation, his reach was greater than hers and he could get go over her head or over her shoulder depending on the tunnel.
"I hate tunnels, I hate sand more now!"[/b] Coltaine yelled as they made another turn, he heard a laugh from in front of him.
"Well, we're going to be stuck here if we don't find a way out."

"I know, these damn tunnels are like a maze though."[/b] Mira nodded as she kept looking forward, her head turning occasionally to peak around a tunnel before moving forward.
"Any ideas?"[/b] He said as he glanced behind them occasionally, not sure when the next attack would come. They had been ambushed a few times a this point and had barely avoided being burned alive the last attack, Mira had been able to gut the creature before it had expanded the blaze. The flames had licked his arm, it burned now, but Mira hadn't seen the damage and he wasn't about to let her know now, not until they made it out. Fortunately it had been his left arm that got burned, being stronger with his right he carried the spear, letting his left grasp her small hand. That was his only reassurance in this situation, having her still in front of him as he did his best to protect their backs.
"Do you have an idea where we are going?"[/b] She stopped as he kept his eyes open, she released his hand, feeling somewhat colder for it as he watched her touch the sides of the walls. He was doing his best to watch the tunnels but only could see so far before a bend or darkness covered it. He could hear fain scraping ,the occasional hiss or screech that mainly alerted him to their lurking presence. When the scraps sounded like they were getting closer he tightened his grip, his arm burning slightly as he kept looking from side to side, without warning she suddenly grabbed his hand and started pulling him down another passage way. He followed with no words, just holding on to her hand as best he could, the scraps fading as they turned this way and that until Mira slowed the pace and started to creep forward silently, she let go of his hand again and he followed her, she peaked around the corner and saw the collection of salamanders. Their tongues flicking out as they tasted the air, looking for their prey, she pulled away from the corner and looked back at him, taking cover again.
"That way down there is the way out."

"But."[/b] Coltaine said as he waited for her to finish.
"But there are salamanders down there, looks like at least three or four of them."[/b] Coltaine held on to his spear tight now, and idea popping into his head as he looked to Mira now.
"Do you trust me?"[/b] She looked at him oddly, trying to see where he was getting at. She nodded at him.
"Alright, lets do this then."[/b] He snatched her and lifted her off the ground and he charged around the other, his spear held out.
"What are you doing?"[/b] She eclaimed as he kept running forward.
"Getting us out of here!"

"You are insane!"[/b] He grinned then.
"Not the first time I've heard that. Hold on!"[/b] He crashed into the salamanders then, his momentum and weight being enough to tear through the first salamander and batter away the others as he kept his head low and his spear out. He could feel Mira curling up against him as he held on to her tightly, after pushing his way through the last salamander he kept going forward until he saw the light then, running harder until they finally made it out. He let Mira go as he caught his breath, she did the same.
"I can't believe that worked!"[/b] He let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, me either. Works great on a horse."[/b] Her eyes shot up at him in surprise.
"You didn't know if it was gonna work? You gambled with out lives!"[/b] He grinned at her then.
"Not much of a gamble now."[/b] She stared at him for a few moments before shaking her head.
"Like I said, you are insane!"[/b] She suddenly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close. He felt his heart jumpy slightly, a smile on his face now.
"But thank the Fates you were there."[/b] She said with her face in his chest, he put his left arm around her then.

[i]I could get use to this.[/i] He thought to himself as they stood their for several moments. The moment suddenly ended when he felt a white hot pain rake across his back, roaring with pain he yanked Mira away as the salamander tried to tear into them again. He came around with his spear, jabbing it forward, he was able to skewer through the salamander, it thrashed as Mira broke form his grasp and quickly came around with her blade, cutting through its neck, tearing through the muscle as its head rolled off. Coltaine pulling back his spear and using it for balance now as his back burned now.
"Oh by the fates, I knew this was too easy."[/b] He said as he twisted the shaft, the spear head disappearing as he supported himself as best he could, feeling the warm blood oozing down his back now.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira rushed over to him and put his arm over her slim shoulder, looking around she noticed that the rock face she had pointed out earlier wasn't to far away.
"Hold on Coltaine, you'll be alright."
He nodded slowly as she began to walk with him supported by her shoulders, she whirled around as the ground began to shake under their feet, she watched horrified as the large, red scaled head of the fire dragon began to rise from the sands.
"Great fates!"
She put her fingers to her lips and whistled thankful when after a few moments Max arrived.
"Get him out of here!"
The horse snorted and tried to get closer to her but she put her hand on his face and shoved him back, pushing Coltaine into the saddle.
"Get him out of here!"
Max stomped the ground before screaming and dashing back the way he came, she smiled and turned as the dragon lunged, rolling in the sand she came up on her knee and took a deep breath as she ran forward and drove her sword into the beasts clawed hand making it screech with pain and recoil throwing her away, she rolled in the sand and gasped as the clawed hand slammed down on top of her.
"To the dark abyss with you! Let me go!"
She brought her blade up into the fleshy underside of it's hand and gasped for breath as it only pressed her into the sand harder, she closed her eyes and waited for it to crush her but felt the weight lift from her as the beast screamed, opening her eyes she saw Senga driving her sword into the dragons foreleg, bringing it back and causing a large gash to appear in the scales. Ahara not far behind having both his katanas drawn and rushing the monster as well. Mira sat up slowly and jumped as she felt heavy breaths behind her, looking over her shoulder she gasped and wrapped her arms around Desturs large nose putting her forehead against his.
"Thank the fates! Where's Coltaine? Is he alright? Did he make it to you safely?"
The horse bumped his head to her's nickering softly as if to tell her to calm down, she looked up and sighed as she saw the man sitting atop his horse, his hand to his chest as he took deep breaths, she stood from the sand and reached over Desturs' head putting her hand on his knee and meeting his eyes as he looked down at her.
"I'm glad your alright."
He nodded slowly and watched as she turned away, grabbed her thin blade and charged back into the fray with the other two, screaming a battle cry as she lept into the air and slashed downward with her sword, the sharp blade connecting and slicing through one of it's giant digits, the claw rolling across the sand as she took a few steps back and charged again, this time aiming for one of the large horns atop it's head, screaming as the dragon tuned and slammed it's snout into her torso throwing her feet away. Rolling on the sand she stood up and winced, looking down she yanked the jagged stone from her side, the blood beginning to flow from the wound above her hip now. Taking a deep breath she charged back in and jumped up with Senga, both bringing their blades down on the monsters head as Ahara jumped across them gashing the beasts throat as Senga and Mira brought their swords down on it's head killing the beast. As she landed back on the sand she dropped to one knee and took a deep breath, gasping as pain lanced through her side.
"I say we find some shade and take a breather, the evening will be here shortly any way."
The all nodded and found a small plate of slate stone to pitch their tents on, Mira winced and gasped as she tried to stitch the wound on her side by her self yelping as she dug the needle in slightly to deep.
"By the dark abyss...I'm going to end up sticking my self full of holes before I fix my self..."
She winced again as she managed another stitch only to let out a curse as she missed and stabbed her self, the voice outside her tent making her jump and dig the needle into her skin once again.
"Are you alright in there woman?"
She growled under her breath.
"I have a name Coltaine, use it. And I'm just fine. What about you? Is your back alright?"
"Just fine. Nothing major. What are you howling about in there?"
She smiled wickedly and poked her head out, holding the flaps of her tent around her, her bare shoulders showing as his eyes widened slightly.
"Want to join me and find out?"
"I-well that is to say..."
"Relax Coltaine, I'm joking. I'm trying to stitch my self up. I got caught by a shard of slate stone during the fight."
"Do you need assistance?"
She raised her eye brows before looking down at the wound still oozing blood, sighing she poked her head back out and nodded slowly, her cheeks tinted red.
"Just gimme a moment."
He nodded and waited as he heard her rustling around inside til her voice filtered out from the tent.
"It's okay, you can come in now."
He swallowed before entering, her tent wasn't anything special, articles of clothing here and there, her sword and horse blanket, her bed roll and boots with her sitting in the middle on her knees. She looked up at him as he entered, her hair thrown over one shoulder which he could see was bare as well as the rest of her upper body, but she covered her self by holding a blanket tightly to her chest, it was than he saw the wound on her side.
"Great fates Mira, what happened did you try to get healed by a porcupine?"
"Your so funny Coltaine, just...will you help me?"
He nodded slowly and sank to his knees next to her, his warm, rough hands moving swiftly and skillfully as he stitched her wound shut and cleaned it off, he wiped the blood from her skin and looked at his work nodding to him self, his finger tips still grazing her skin. The shiver was involuntary, as it rocked through her body, the warmth coming off of him seeped into her skin and made her lean towards him slightly, his voice falling on her ears now.
"Mira, are you alright?"
She straightened instantly and held the blanket to her tighter.
"Yes. Thank you."
He nodded and retreated from her tent as she exhaled the breath she had been holding as she heard the cricket and owls begin their nightly routine as the sun dipped below the horizon and night began. She shook her head as her skin grew cold, the warmth of his touch receeding.
[i]'What is wrong with me? Already I'm trying to lean into him? I don't even know much about him...'[/i]
She shook her head and pulled a shirt on carefully, emerging from her tent and blinking as she saw Coltaine's tent pitched a few yards away from the camp; raising her eye brow she shook her head and sat down by the fire. The flames warming her she let out a sigh and looked up as Coltaine sat down next to her, his green eyes seeming to glow with the fire and she felt lost in them for a moment before he looked at her.
"Is your side alright?"
She nodded slowly before shifting closer to him as Senga and Ahara sat down as well, she looked up at him smiling slightly, he arched a brow back at her making her shake her head and chuckle, glancing at their horses she turned her head to the side slightly.
"What kind of horse is Desturs? Max is just a head shorter than him, but he seems more stocky..."
She looked back up at him and sighed as she closed her eyes, the warmth from the fire making her exhaustion known.
"You know...you never did tell me more about you. Your mother and father, if you have brothers or sisters...that kind of thing."
She let out a yawn and felt her body grow heavy, attracted to the heat he seemed to be putting off as she leaned to the side and into him, her head resting on his shoulder comfortably, she listened to the crackling fire waiting for him answer her.[/color][/font] Edited by Knuckles' Girl
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[size="1"]Coltaine felt a heat in his body with Mira leaning up against him, forgetting almost entirely what her question was as he tried to clear his thoughts. He was silent as he tried to get himself together, suddenly feeling something small poke him in the ribs then, twitching lightly. He looked down at her, seeing her blue eyes only half open then.
"Hey, I'm talking to you..." [/b]He lifted a brow at her as he let out a small growl.
"Patience is a virtue woman."[/b] She rolled her eyes at him then.
"And I'm about to fall over dead from boredom cause you want to stay all mysterious and silent. Just answer the questions."

"If I do, will you go to sleep?"

"Possibly. Depends on how interesting your stories are." [/b]He put his face in his palm as he spoke.
"Oh great fates...why are you so interested?"

"Cause maybe I just am."[/b] He let out a groan this time, shaking his head as he let out a soft laugh.
"Alright, alright. I have four brothers, well, I have one brother left and my uncle. I already told you about my brother Tareks demise. Sarin and Leonis are the other two who passed."[/b] He saw Mira's eyes open then, coming awake long enough to hear his stories.
"What happened to them?"

"Sarin was killed while on patrol one night, they were ambushed by Barghast. Nasty people, this particular tribe of Bargahst takes scalps, wasn't a pleasant funeral."

"That's disturbing. What about Leonis?"[/b] Coltaine shrugged.
"Not sure what killed him, left the clan to pursue a life on the sea. The crew returned his body to us, he was still whole but looked sickly even with preservation."

"That's just depressing."

"Shouldn't have asked then." [/b]She shook her head, still leaning into him, he could feel her get slightly heavier and heavier as she was falling asleep. She surprised him then as she spoke.
"What do you think about this, Dragoon stuff? The dragons and all?"[/b] Coltaine stared into the fire then, watching the embers burn.
"I'm not sure, everything seems vague and uncertain. I don't like it, besides, I don't know how they categorized us like that."

"Well, its obvious, you for example, your so calm and collective on the outside, but I bet on the inside you war with your self and your feelings all the time. Just like the earth does. You never really know what's going on beneath the surface til it breaks through."[/b] Coltaine's eyes shifted to her then, feeling his heart beat a little faster, not sure how this woman he hardly knew was able to peg him so clearly, he could see her look to Senga, the armored figure quiet.
"Senga is always so quiet and alone, never really saying anything to the rest of us and just staying by herself. Much like shadows do."[/b] Her gaze shifting to the dual wielding fighter
Ahara is just...unpredictable, just like the wind, one minute a gentle breeze, the next a howling tornado."[/b] He hard her laugh then, Coltaine still looking down at her.
"What about you? You are Ice and water."[/b] She shrugged as she looked up at him now.
"Not really sure how Ice fits me though, suppose they had to screw up on one of us, right?"

"It's because, like Ice, you can be cold and unforgiving. But, much like water, you have depths that not many people see and give life to anyone willing to accept your gift. I can see it in your eyes as well, same color of deep rivers."[/b] His last words striking him then as he looked back to the fire. He felt her nestle into him then, suddenly feeling her breathing even out as she feel asleep. He didn't dare move then, just reaching up and undoing his cape, he gently settled it over her as he watched the darkness, Senga and Ahara retiring as well, leaving Coltaine with first watch again.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Mira sighed, a faintly familiar scent wafting around her as she stirred, her eyes still felt heavy as she came from her sleep haze; she was laying on her side, warm as the embers of the dying fire still let off a gentle glow, the scent coming from the cloak draped over her shoulders, she knew it instantly. The gleaming feathers reflecting the light from the dying fire, but the owner was missing. She sat up, holding the cloak to her as she looked around.
Getting no answer she rose from the ground, still holding the feathered cloak as she rose to her feet, looking around she looked around the camp and felt her body cool some as she saw the man was no where to be seen, neither the man or his horse was anywhere to be seen. She folded the cloak and lay in on the ground safely as she picked up her sword and began to make her way from the camp, the rustles around setting her on edge as she moved slowly through the brush.
"Coltaine? Is that you?"
Not getting an answer she glanced over her shoulder towards the camp seeing that she had managed to get a good ways away the glowing embers now only a dim glitter in the distance, putting her hand on her sword she continued away from the camp jumping as she heard heavy steps behind her. Spinning around she sighed as her heart beat returned to normal.
"Max...what are you doing?"
He nickered lightly and pressed his nose to her hand softly making her smile and scratch at it quickly.
"Did you see where Coltaine went?"
He snorted and pushed against her with the front of his head, pushing her back towards camp but unable to as she sidestepped him.
"Max, what if he got hurt or something? I can't just go back with out knowing."
He nickered nervously before he followed her as she walked deeper into the woods and further from the camp, she felt her senses go on high alert as the rustling of the bushes and snapping out twigs grew louder the further she got, she stopped, Max snorting behind her as a loud snap came from beside her.
The crickets chirped around her as waited for an answer.
"Coltaine, if your trying to freak me out, it's worked. You can come out now."
When she received no answer she drew her sword and took a step back only to bump into a solid object.
"Max, back up will you?"
The chuckle made her blood freeze, she whirled around and brought her sword up and gasped as it was blocked by a large cleaver, the grizzled face of the man infront of her splitting into a crooked grin.
"Well well, what have we got here? I pretty little filly whose lost her way?"
She held her ground, her sword held in front of her steadily as she looked up at the man.
"Who are you?"
"Just a passing beggar. Can you spare a coin? Or even a warm bed?"
She shook her head.
"I have nothing to spare."
"What about a young body to warm me? Could you spare that little woman? My men and I have been without the warmth of a woman's touch for many nights."
Mira frowned as Max snorted behind her.
"I would rather sell my soul to the fates than let someone like you touch me."
"Oh? You sound as if you have a lover in mind, a supple body such as yours, it shouldn't be to hard for you to hook a man. Why is it you were sleeping alone?"
She growled slightly, her face scrunching into a frown at his words.
"How long have you been watching?"
"Long enough to know your on your own woman."
She gasped and brought her sword up blocking the cleaver as he brought it down swiftly, the force of it vibrating through her sword and making her arm go numb, stumbling back a few steps she planted her feet and took a fighting stance, only to scream as arms wrapped around her from behind and twisted her wrist causing her drop her sword. Max charged into the fray, the first man bringing his cleaver to rest against her throat and making Max halt in his tracks.
"One more move horse and your owner will go to meet the fates."
He snorted thickly and stomped his hoof into the dirt, lowering his head he made a move to charge again, his ears laying flat against his head and his large brown eyes going wide as the man dug his cleaver into her neck, a small spot of blood pooling on the blade and running down it.
"I'm serious you stupid beast. I have no qualms about spilling her blood."
To prove his point the man moved the cleaver from he throat and dug the tip into her arm, the blade digging through her skin and into her flesh easily causing her to scream out again, this time Max's horrified scream echoing through the trees with it. [/color][/font]
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[size="1"]Coltaine had gone deep into the forest, hardly feeling the chill of night as he was picking up pieces of fire wood. He hoped Mira wouldn't wake while he was gone, he could see how tired she had been and thought that she would be out cold for awhile. He slowly found viable pieces, piling them onto his arm, he heard a soft clumping noise behind him and shook his head as he spoke, still picking up pieces of wood.
"Destrus, you really don't need to follow me everywhere." [/b]The horse nickered at him as it still trudged through the underbrush, coming up to his side as he kept picking up pieces. When he had been sitting at the dying fire, watching the embers pop slowly and die out. He had rose slowly, setting her down gently on the ground, leaving her with his cape before going out to get wood to keep it burning. That had only been a few minutes ago, he was coming to the end of his collecting, his thoughts still swam with what he was going to do. She had curled up to him intentionally, well, at least he hoped she had done it on purpose, if she hadn't he was in for a world of trouble with the way she played with his mind. His thoughts had calmed down though, he didn't think about her legs this time around. He did recall her bare shoulders, the look in her eyes as he could only stare with uncertainty and almost a longing. He had pushed that thought away quickly, knowing he was being foolish by thinking that, he wasn't young anymore, he really couldn't afford to follow a feeling that ended up with him and her under a blanket and an awkward journey afterwards.

He felt wrong thinking that then, something he hadn't felt before when he was a youth. This was genuine, an understanding seeping into his mind that he kept at bay for the moment as he picked up the last piece, he was ready to turn back then, suddenly hearing a scream come from the forest, not far from himself. He instantly dropped the wood as he heard the fading sounds of a horses screech as well. He moved through the forest swiftly then, feeling a need to keep running, his mind shot into a panic before it came back together with a cold rage set in, the intent to kill surfacing up quickly in his mind.
"By the fates, I'm ready to kill for her. And I don't even care."[/b] He whispered to himself, approaching now where he heard voices that he didn't know. He growled low as he was crouching now, hiding in the underbrush as he saw her then, Max not far off as he saw that a grizzly looking man held a cleaver to her, digging it into her arm, the weapon pulled out and up against her throat again. He could see now that there were at least five men, including the one holding Mira, seeing how they were positioned he calculated his chances, determining that he would be successful if he took his chance soon. Not having his spear near by, he drew his knife, knowing its original purpose, but he didn't win battles by traditional means, he won them with whatever means he could use. Without hesitation he adjusted the knife so that he was holding a tip and instantly charged out then, flinging the blade a sit struck home, digging into the mans eye that was holding Mira before Coltaines fist came barreling down with such force the mans neck snapped.

He reacted quickly by grabbing the body before it feel, flinging the limp body at two others, he whistled then, the sound of thunder came around as Destrus charged through the trees, smashing into a man and knocked him form his feet, Destrus giving him no time as he stomped down on him, crushing him beneath his weight. The other two getting up, weapons drawn as they charged Coltaine now, he readied himself when he saw the flash of metal then. Miras sword blocking a sword, twisting and moving to avoid the other weapon. She parried and dodge the man, Destrus running up beside Coltaine as he pulled his staff free, releasing the spear head as Mira pushed the man away, they stood before them now as Coltaine placed the but of his spear on the ground.
"I would surrender now. Unless you want to join your friends here."[/b] He didn't gesture, he didn't need to as he saw their eyes glance to the bodies on the ground. They dropped their weapons on the ground then, Coltaine giving them both cold looks then.
"Run, I see you again you'll both be killed, no mater if you are armed or not. Go, before I change my mind."[/b] The two left over instantly turned and ran, Coltaine watching them until the vanished into the trees. He twisted the spear, the head disappearing before he walked over to the man, pulling out his knife before rubbing the blood on corpses clothes.
"Are you alright?"[/b] He said as he sheathed the knife, standing before her now with that same look of authority.[/size]
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[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="#000080"]Her breathing was heavy, she huffed air into her lungs as much as she could as she looked up at him, his eyes glowing slightly with his anger and she couldn't help but look away from him.
"I'm sorry..."
He didn't answer her, allowing her to continue.
"I woke up, and you weren't there...so I went looking for you. I should have just stayed in camp. But I...I was worried that maybe something had happened to you."
He remained silent still and she couldn't help but feel the doubt roll into her now.
"I could have gotten you hurt. I'm so sorry...but...t-thank you."
She looked back at him, his face passive as he looked down at her, her own thoughts buzzing through her head. Watching him fight had been almost like watching a well calculated dance, he moved with grace and experience that she could only dream of. Fighting along side him against the men had been exhilarating, she had felt her body come alive as she had matched her movements to his, dodging around his attacks and pairing her own thrusts of her sword to the timing of his spear. It had felt, if only for a moment, that they were thinking the same things, moving with the same purpose and attacking as one. But as he sent the men away, that feeling had died. His voice taking on a commanding tone as he spoke to her, she feared he thought her weak and useless now. That thought brought a sadness to her heart that she wasn't willing to explore yet, not in front of him anyway. She let her eyes roam over him, taking him in and studying him further. His face was wizened but no less handsome, his eyes gleaming with the regal look given to all men born to a life as he, his build and frame were the same, proud and strong and she felt a blush cover her cheeks as she vaguely pondered what being with a man such as him would be like. She brought her eyes back to his face quickly and took a deep breath.
"I'll head back to the camp and allow you to finish what you were doing."
She made the move to turn when she felt his warm hand wrap around her wrist.
"I asked if you were alright woman."
She felt the annoyance tingle in the back of her mind but ignored it, she couldn't yell at him for calling her such, her weak action didn't grace her with the use of her name from him at the moment. She shook the thoughts for a moment to answer him.
"I'm fine. It's nothing."
She tried to pull her arm free and gasped as she felt his breath on her arm, looking down she saw him leaning in close to her as he inspected the wound, she shivered as his fingers worked around the edges of the entry wound from the man's cleaver.
"We should clean this. His weapon didn't look well taken care of and the last thing we need, or want, is for one of us to be sick with blood poisoning."
She nodded slowly as he led her over to Desturs where he dug through his saddle bag and pulled out a canteen of water, uncorking it he slowly tipped it on it's side and began to run the water over her wound, she hissed at first, the water stinging as it made contact with the open flesh. She looked up at him and felt her cheeks heat as she noticed how close he was. The chill of the night air not even bothering her anymore as her own body began to generate a heat from within. His hands were warm on her skin and she felt another shiver build up, but she controlled it this time; last thing she wanted was for him to question it. She took a deep breath and felt her head swim, his scent hitting her now, earthy and deep like the land he was designed after. She closed her eyes and let the scent settle, knowing that she would never forget it from this moment on, it would be burned into her memory forever. Her mind began to work again, bringing up images of her and him wrapped in each others arms, warm and comfortable under a blanket after making love to one another...her waiting for him in a grand room with a smile on her face as he returned home from a battle. The last one making her heart melt, her sitting on a large four poster bed, holding a bundle in her arms that squirmed and reached for him as he sat next to her, his face broken out in a gentle smile as he looked down at her and the babe in her arms. She shook her self then, Coltaine looking up briefly before continuing to clean the wound on her arm. She knew her face was red, she knew she was blushing madly now but was unable to stop her self as she leaned towards his touch, seeking the warmth from his hands. She caught her self before she had leaned into his chest, Coltaine looking down at her with a frown.
"Are you feeling ill? Your flushed and your balance is off?"
"I'm fine, just still slightly shaken is all."
Was that the truth? No, far from it, she [i]WANTED [/i]him to embrace her, wanted him to take her into his arms and hold her, press his lips to her passionately, whisper words of devotion to her...she stopped the thoughts there. She had never felt love, never been in love and most definitely never had such...risque thoughts about a man she barely knew, but Coltaine sparked something within her. It spread a warmth through her entire being, his large, warm hands, his scent, deep, controlled voice; everything about him seemed to draw her in and she felt a slight terror fill her momentarily, she didn't want to be a woman chasing after a man she could never have. Regal war veterans such as him self didn't take poor, under privileged farm maidens as wives...or lovers for that matter. She felt her heart sink at that thought, she knew she could never be like him, born into a well off family, being catered to and lavished with loyalty of his people, looked up to by young men aspiring to be strong and noble men such as him. She couldn't see her self fitting into his life, but at the same time, what she lacked in blood, she made up for with her spirit and nerve. She had a fire in her soul that was just as strong and regal as any noblemen in the land. Her wit and cunning just as sharp as a well trained advisers tongue, her kind heart and gentle hand just as large and warm as the mothers who looked after the children in the large homes of the nobles. She felt a glimmer of confidence flare to life in her chest. She might be of any line of royal blood, but she had the heart of one, she was just as proud, and stern as any war lord that roamed the lands. She was loyal, hard working, and loving; she could cut an enemies throat and return to her home with a smile on her face for her family. She took a deep breath, regretting it as her head swam again with his scent, but she exhaled as it shifted, him moving away from her. She looked up at him as he straightened himself and looked down at her.
"I've cleaned it as best as I can, but we should get back so I can sterilize it and stitch it closed to lessen the chance of infection."
She nodded numbly realizing that all her thoughts had been within the time of mere moments, she closed her eyes and closed the gap between the two of them, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her face into his chest, her lips finding the small gap between the lacing of his tunic and pressing a gentle almost ghostly soft kiss against his skin.
"Thank you. For everything. I realize I put you in danger, but I just...I'm glad you came for me. Thank you again."
She held onto him, her resolve becoming hard as she vowed to her self to follow the feelings that were pulling her towards him, knowing deep down that they weren't chance, knowing that something bigger had brought the two of them together. She inhaled his scent again, this time the earthy smell making her smile slightly, the warmth spreading through her more strongly now as she simply held onto him mutter her words of thanks. [/color][/font]
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