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Shu headed back towards his room to shower up as the time was getting close to move out again on this mission. People were swiftly moving through the halls carrying their belongings with them. They were making their way towards the hangar to wait on the rover to arrive. Shu made it back to his room, showered quickly and got dressed. He began to pack up his things as well and put his small box in a backpack he had. He grabbed his stuff and headed out of his room, looking back into the room as he turned off the light. He was only in that room for a short time but he had a sense of wanting to stay within him. As he made his way to the hangar he noticed MPs guiding people to make sure everyone got out okay. One of the MPs stopped him and grabbed his things for him. Shu quickly took the backpack he had to make sure to keep it with him. Finally, he made it back into the hangar and saw most of the other pilots sitting on or near their KNIGHTS. He nodded or smiled at each one as he made his way past them to his KNIGHT.

"[color=#b22222]Raphael, its good to see you again. You're looking a bit different?[/color]"

"[color=#0000cd]Yes young master. I have been equipped with some upgrades that I feel that you may enjoy[/color]."

"[color=#b22222]Ahh. I like the sound of that. I'm coming up to check them out right now.[/color]"

Shu climbed onto a panel that took him up to the cockpit of his KNIGHT. He got inside and began checking all the schematics of Raphael. He noticed the new upgrades and his eyes began to light up the more he went through them.

[color=#0000cd]"You seem to be enjoying the new upgrades. I hope you are able to wield them as well as you have before."[/color]

"[color=#b22222]Yeah. I should be fine. A halbert opens up more opportunity to strike as it has multiple points of attack. It will also allow me to crack the hulls of those barons a lot easier so we can destroy more of them. The double blade will be a bit tricky as I am used to the sword but I'm sure I can make it work. Plus the heat index on those weapons doesn't seem to have a limit which will come in handy for when we encounter more Barons like we did earlier.[/color]"

"[color=#0000cd]I have the upmost confidence in you Shu. I know you wont fail me or your team.[/color]"

"[color=#b22222]Haha lets hope so. I'm still new at this you know.[/color]"

"[color=#0000cd]As long as you fight with everything you have I'm sure you'll be fine...Little Tiger.[/color]"

"[color=#b22222]Hmm...Little Tiger? Why did you call me that?[/color]"

"[color=#0000cd]My last pilot was a very strong fighter. He called himself King Tiger because of his ferocity on the battlefield. You remind me of him but yet you have this calmness about yourself.[/color] "

"[color=#b22222]Little Tiger...I kinda like it. Thanks for the encouragement Raphael. I hope to live up to name you have given me. I guess I should finish looking over these schematics and prepare my body for the journey we're about to go on.[/color]"

"[color=#0000cd]I'll be here if you need me to explain anything."[/color]

Shu continued to go over the schematics of his KNIGHT as he exited the cockpit to sit outside of the KNIGHT. There was only about 20 minutes left before the next mission would begin so everyone was making final preparations. Everyone seemed eager to move out. It was different from last time for the pilots. This time they knew what was in store enemy-wise and they knew where they stood in terms of ability. The trust was growing between them slowly but surely. Maybe they could beat this threat for good before the ZERO takes them.
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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Saph felt her skin chill over as the light dimmed and the bay doors opened allowing them all to see the Rover, is was huge, and made protecting it seem impossible. But without an unspoken agreement the pilots all turned and entered their KNIGHTs. Saph felt the body suite stretch over her skin as the cockpit door closed allowing the cockpit to come to life. [/color][/font]
[color=#ff0000][font='comic sans ms', cursive]'Woman, do you realize that this is possibly a trap?'[/font][/color]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"What choice do we have Averin? These people aren't safe."[/color][/font]
[color=#ff0000][font='comic sans ms', cursive]'And neither are you so long as your protecting them.'[/font][/color]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"It's our job. Are the diagnostic runs complete?"[/color]
[color=#ff0000]'Finished them a little bit ago.'[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"How are we looking?"[/color][/font]
[color=#ff0000][font='comic sans ms', cursive]'Running smoothly.'[/font][/color]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Good. Let's go."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]It didn't take long for the citizens of the base to move into the rover, and Saph took her position with Shu and Obsidian as they emerged from the base walking on the sides of it. She could hear the faint grumblings of Hunter, but her eyes landed on the small jeep rolling infront of the Rover, containing Bear and a few other soldiers.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Bear, what are you doing out side of the Rover? Get inside where it's safe!"[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"No can do Magus. I'm part of the escort."
"Your gonna get your self killed!"[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Bear ignored her as the jeep began to trail dust behind, it, the Rover following suite. Saph shook her head and began walking beside the Rover. Looking up she could clearly see Hunter, Crimson was harder since she lay on her stomach her camouflage on, a small shimmer here and there making it known as to where she was. Shu was taking up the read while Obsidian took the other side. [/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Almost an hour had gone by with nothing going wrong, the small convoy having stopped to take a small break Saph sat on the edge of her cockpit when a strong breeze whipped her hair back away from her face. She froze as she got a strange scent caught in her nose. Metallic and sour, standing she looked around confused as another breeze brought it past her stronger. She looked over her shoulder towards the wall of the small gully they were going through. She could see a large dust cloud rising behind them, the scent hit her again and she felt her body freeze over. She could smell the metal of the Barons, and they were close. [/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"This Rover has to move, Now!"[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Hunter looked down at her angrily. [/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Easy for you to say, your on the ground."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"The Barons are coming, and fast. There's a lot of them."
Shu looked over at her confused.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Are you sure? How do you know?"
"I...I can smell the oil and metal of their suites."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Hunter tilted his head to the side and blinked rapidly at her.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"You can...smell them?"[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"I know it sounds weird, but it's the truth...just like...I know you had peanut butter cereal for breakfast..."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Hunter blinked again.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Okay, she's good."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]She shook her head and put her hands on her hips.
"Look, I just know that their behind us, and we're at a really bad disadvantage. We have to get out in the open."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]They all agreed and clamored back in to their KNIGHTs, and as the Rover picked up it's pace yet again she head a loud blast go off, turning she bit her bottom lip seeing the horns of what was no doubt a King Beast. But what she couldn't understand was where the dust cloud was coming from. Turning back around she ran next to the Rover trying not the think about the unsettling feeling she was having in the pit of her stomach. Rounding the corner she felt her breath catch, there at the end of the gully was another King Beast, but at it's feet were small drone like suites, small shields and swords attached to them like arms, their tiny eyes glowing red. Alone they didn't seem to be to much of a threat, but in the numbers Saph saw in front of them, she was worried. But what worried her the most was the small battalion in front of them had yet to move, and Saph was not going to make the first move this time as they could all feel the ground tremble under their feet, turning Saph saw why, coming behind them was indeed another Beast King, a swarm of the small suites, a few Beasts mingled with them as well. She felt a shiver run through her body as Bear in his jeep drove forwards. His voice amplified by a loud speaker.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Let us pass or face the consequences."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Saph barely had time to blink as the small drones rushed forward, like ants, covering the jeep and crushing it into the dusty earth. It had happened so fast they hadn't the time to react, the last thing any of them heard was Bear's pained scream before he was crushed. [/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Averin, open communications with the others."[/color][/font]
[color=#ff0000][font='comic sans ms', cursive]'Done.'[/font][/color]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Guys, these things are fast...and deadly. We need to be careful, there's way to many of them to take lightly."[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]They all said strained agreements.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Also, from here on, communications remain open, no argument. We're in close quarters and need to watch each other's backs. Therefore we have to be able to talk to one another. Any arguments?"
She received none, and at this point she didn't care if the others could hear her talk to Averin, they already thought she was nuts after her little sense of smell episode. But she felt the armor on her hands break away smoothly.[/color][/font]
[color=#ff0000][font='comic sans ms', cursive]'It is to close for you to use firearms with your horrible shooting.'[/font][/color]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]She nodded in agreement and felt heat fill her palms. One of her own upgrades, thin tendrils of heat wire began to seep from her hands til a small ignition lit them creating long, thin whips made of fire. Burning a bright blue she was glad that her hand panels were designed to take this much heat. She could see the others getting ready for the fight as well, only this time, it was their turn to wait, being at a disadvantage. [/color][/font]
[font="comic sans ms, cursive"][color="#000080"]They didn't have long to wait, Both Beast Kings raised their spiked clubs and let out might roars, sending the small drones skittering across the sands swiftly. She heard Hunter let loose a large round towards the front and looked back slightly only to feel fear creep in as the small suites seemed to stack on top of one another to protect the Beast King from damage.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]"Stay close to the Rover and each other, No one, and I mean NO ONE is to go any where on their own. Understood?"[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000080]Getting the affirmatives, she cracked her whips dangerously as the small drones got closer.[/color][/font]

Alright, these things are SMALL, only coming up to our KNIGHTs knees. BUT they are fast, agile, and tough. Have fun! ^^ Edited by K.G
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  • 2 weeks later...
The rover was as big as Crimson thought. It's armor is thick so it would sruvive a few direct shots from heavy weapons or a dozen hits from those spiked clubs of the beast units including the king version. Still the size of it would make it a moving target for any unit. The top would give her a really good vantage point for medium to very long range targets. Close range would be hard since looking down would be dangerous since she'll be on a moving platform. Everyone seemed to have the same idea by walking into their knights.
Crimson placed her items she took from her old quaters into a locker inside the cockpit before standing in the center of the room. The hum of the running lights was barely enough to light the floor before she takes a deep breath.

[color=#800000]"Silvanna, wake up and run suite routine alpha." [/color]Crimson says as she stretches out as the lights on the ceiling turn on to light the ring up.

[color=#696969]"Ah so it's time Crimson? Good, I was getting kind of bored sitting around. I take it the evac is underway?" [/color]Silvanna says while the ring spins slowly then lowers down. Applying the suit to Crimson's body. The suit tightens a few seconds after being applied before the little balls on the joints starts to glow dimly. [color=#696969]"Suit routine alpha is complete."[/color]

Crimson falls to one knee after the suit is applied and tightens before standing back up. It hurts like hell and it squeezes against her body but after it's finished applying. It was comfortable. [color=#800000]"Ah...that hurts. Run suit-pilot sync routine and activate."[/color]

[color=#696969]"Sync established Crimson. Lets get to work." [/color]Silvanna's screens activated and Silvanna moved with Crimson's movements as she stretches out.

[color=#800000]"I heard we got a few new toys Silvanna." [/color]Crimson reaches out and checks the new sniper rifle. Fifteen round magazine. Semi-auto fire rate. She put the new rifle on her back before grabbing the sawed off shotgun. She groaned and checks the sights. [color=#800000]"Great. This doesn't have range. Guess it's going to be a last resort weapon." [/color]Crimson slides that into the pouch between her hips and lower back before walking out then climbing the rover.

Hunter was grumbling while she takes her place on the top of the rover. Laying down to watch foreward of them while Hunter takes his place. Bear and a few soldiers where in a jeep leading the rover. Saph was yelling at them but Bear wouldn't budge. The little jeep continues to lead the rover. An hour goes by and nothing happens. The convoy stops for a break. Saph sitting on the edge of her cockpit. Letting the breeze wash over her while the other's where doing their own thing. Crimson on the other hand was drawing a new gun for short/long range purposes.

It was long like a sniper rifle, had the power of one too but it could be converted by shortening the barrel, stock, and body with motorized hyrdolics to become an assualt rifle. The primary ammo would of course be sniper bmg rounds for snipping mode located in the stock of the weapon behind the trigger housing. Assault mode would have standard ammo that would be loaded infront of the trigger housing. The sight would fold up to make the zoom a standard 4x while the rifle zoom would be variable between 4-120x zoom.
She loved to draw things. Most of them where designs for weapons or vehicles. It was a secret passion of hers to draw.

She took a short look out and started to draw Saph and her Knight. The background was perfect the way she was sitting and her Knight standing. She managed to get the rough sketch of Saph and her Knight before she noticed Saph's face. It looked like she ate a lemon or something sour. Then Saph said that she could smell the Barons and that they where getting close. Crimson closes her drawing book and climbs into her Knight. Booting the systems back from standby then taking possition on the back of the rover. The dust cloud out in the distance is what Saph is telling them where the Barons are coming from.

Crimson looks out and sees them. Huge king beasts again but there where small units acting like a makeshift wall. She zoomed in closer. There where little barons with shields and swords. They didn't seem very strong but they where fast. That would mean they'd have more agility then most of the Knights here besides Shu and Obsidien. Crimson would be able to engage them in a few minutes but she notices the jeep driving towards the Barons. Saph was trying to get Bear back to the rover but before they could do anything. One of the king beasts crushes the little jeep like a fly.

Saph came over the coms telling them about the little Barons. Crimson gave Saph a "roger" as the others gave their agreements. Crimson would remain quiet as she starts to take shots on the little barons. Every shot was a hit but they pushed the lower unit to cover the one that was lost. It would be hard to take them down but soon they'd enter Hunter's range. She ejected the empty magazine and reloaded before firing off a few more rounds in rapid session. They may have shields to protect their smaller bodies. But their heads are still showing up. For her it was just long range target practise. Still there replacing the damaged or destroyed ones almost as fast as she can take them down.

There had to be a limit to how many they have in reserve. The real problem will be the beast units. Luckily she has the right ammo to take them out now alot easier.
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Shu got into his KNIGHT as it was time to move out. He began getting himself prepared as the his suit was placed on him inside of the KNIGHT. After a few moments of discomfort, the suit shaped to his body and made it easier to function within the KNIGHT.

"I see its finally time to move out on the evacuation, Shu."

"Yeah. We are positioned to watch the rear of the Rover. We need to keep a sharp lookout and be ready as we are the primary defense for the Rover. Think we can handle that Raphael."

"I'm positive we will be more than enough. You are up to date on all new modifications and weapons?"

"Of course. With the new halbert and double saber added on to our other saber and spear, we have enough blades to take down an army. We might even have to."

Shu chuckled as he and the other pilots mobilized with the Rover. Bear was in a jeep in front of the Rover as he was part of the escort. Saph started to yell at him but he didn't give in to her words. An hour seem to past and everything was going smoothly, which was a nice change from the last battle where everything was moving so fast. The group decided to take a break to replenish some energy and rest. Shu sat on the shoulder of his KNIGHT looking at the nature surrounding them. It provided a nice calm for him to peacefully sit and enjoy the wind. Things were fine until Saph started shouted that the Rover has to begin to move again. She said that Barons were on their way.

"Are you sure? How do you know?" Shu asked with a confused look on his face.

She responded that she could smell the oil and metal of their suits. Everyone seemed to accept that and got back into their KNIGHTS. The Rover picked up its pace as well and they were set to move again but a loud blast seemed to halt the process. Shu turned around and saw a King Beast. His eyes lit up with concern as smaller drones lined the feet of the much larger King Beast. The sheer number of the little drones was staggering to see. More trouble aroused when a second King Beast came from the other side of the Rover with more of those drones at its feet. They looked to be in trouble as they were surrounded. Bear began to yell towards the Barons blocking the way. With that, the little drones attacked with a fury. They crushed Bear's jeep in their path towards the KNIGHTs and the Rover. All of it happened so fast. Saph then opened communication with everyone as she explained that they needed to stay close to the Rover and each other. Everyone agreed and readied for the charging drones.

Shu scrolled through his weapon selections to make sure he could be as effective as he could.

"The spear and the halbert could tear through those things but there isn't enough space for me to operate effectively without hurting someone else by mistake. And there are too many of them to have just one saber. I guess I gotta go with the double saber. Plus the heat factor with it will help if we're planning to take down those King Beats as well."

"We'll do what we must, Little Tiger."

"Time for me to live up to the name now."

Shu drew his double saber. The heat from the blades was astounding as they flew very brightly. The small drones were coming in very fast. Shu unleashed a mighty swing that cut through a lot of the small drones. They were flying in from all sides but Shu seemed to be on top of things as he fought through many of them. As he cut through more and more of the drones, the heat from his blades seem to increase heavily. It made it easier to cut through the drones as they never seem to stop coming. It was getting to be overwhelming to everyone. But no matter how many came his way Shu would continue to cut them down...eventually their numbers would dwindle he thought as the the Kind Beasts' shadows still loomed over their battle site.
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Obsidian wore quite the grim face as he huddled around the Rover taking his position. Every so often widening his flank to fully see the eerie desert.

"I don't like this. This Rover is a walking death-trap." he said eyeing the structure carefully.
"We are here to make sure that it is not as you say 'a walking death-trap' " chimed Guinevere. Obsidian held his tongue as the convoy came to a stop. He was somewhat relieved by the break, but that moment was short-lived as Sapphire yelled for the Rover to move. The Barons were nearly upon them.

Bear courageously drove off to meet the Barons and demand passage, but was easily overwhelmed by the small deadly suits. The other pilots reacted quickly to the approaching threat. Obsidian closed his flank to make sure he would be within Shu and Sapphire's sights. He then eagerly engaged the tiny suits. They indeed were fast, but this was Obsidian's forte and he made sure the Barons knew it deadly well.

He twisted his Knight to his every whim and movement becoming almost like a blur on the battlefield. Suit after suit fell to an icy mess of mechanical rubble as he masterfully repelled the keen force of Barons that attacked him. The waves were erratic, though Obsidian soon recognized a pattern. He lured a large number of them dangerously close to the Rover and suddenly attacked the desert floor with everything he had. His Impact Boots sending shock-waves rattling everything inside of the 100 meter zone. The tiny suits slammed clumsily into one another giving Obsidian just enough time to execute the next part of his plan.

"Hang on tight, Crimson!" yelled Obsidian as he recklessly kicked the back of the Rover pushing it forward.

"Speed is truly of the essence here.".
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[color=#008000][size=3][font=georgia, serif]As all hell broke loose and Bear was lost in the struggle, a wild shout came from Hunter as he immediately engaged his chainguns. "You bastards are gonna pay for that! The old man may have had a stick up his ass but he was still one of our own!" he yelled letting loose a barrage of rounds on the smaller enemies below. He became immediately agitated as most of them seemed to just stack on each other to defend against the spray of bullets. "Cute... More pissed now..." he grumbled, stowing his chainguns back on his sides and pulling the unfolding launcher from his back. "Defend this... Friggin midget pieces of sh-" the sound of his launcher muffled his words over the communications as the warhead went flying toward the Droves who stacked on each other. As the explosive landed, it scattered the stacked Droves in multiple directions. "Okay it didn't take them out but that was entertaining at the very least..."[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#2f4f4f][size=3][font=georgia, serif]"We have more pressing matters than out entertainment, Hunter..." Vox replied.[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#008000][size=3][font=georgia, serif]"Like wh-" Hunter let out a string of curses as he felt the Rover's abrupt shift after Obsidian's brief warning to Crimson. "Geeze, man! The hell was that fo-oh...Baron pancakes...gotcha," Hunter said, blinking. He refocused his attention on the fight, loading another grenade into the launcher. "Let's see how these shields handle a little corrosion..." he said before firing another round, causing the Droves to stack up again. On impact the acid round exploded, covering anything in front of it's trajectory in the corrosive fluid. Many of the Droves fell that were at the impact site while many others found their attached shields and even arms corroding fast. "Guess they didn't care for that trick...and since they're open..." Hunter stowed his launcher and drew his rifle from his side, opening fire on the vulnerable Droves only to find his bullets shielded by other surrounding droves. "How am I supposed to get an opening on these guys up here?"[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#800000][size=3][font=georgia, serif]"With patience, Hunter," came from Crimson as she sniped several of the newly unshielded Droves.[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#008000][size=3][font=georgia, serif]"Right...gotta capitalize on openings and make openings everyone else..." Hunter said, calming himself. "We can do this..." he said stowing his rifle. He drew his chainguns again and each of his missile pods opened. "Vox, time to get serious..."[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#2f4f4f][size=3][font=georgia, serif]"Ready when you are, partner..."[/font][/size][/color] Edited by Kayin
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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay all, if you want to keep posting in this please feel free. I've kinda hit a rut, things are alittle rough right now so it's hard for me to really concentrate very much and I'm having no ideas when it comes to this. So if any of you all have any good ideas on how to move the fight along please feel free. I don't want this to die just because I'm off my groove. Sorry for the trouble guys, I'll try to get back into it as soon as I can. v.v;;
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Alright, probably not gonna be my best work but I'm gonna give it a shot...

Saph ran across the sand feeling her feet dip down and slow her up as she tried to get some distance between her and the Rover. She had plenty of drones on her heels and she was sure that her whips were almost used to their extent. She had wanted to wait to use this tactic but she didn't have much of a choice at the moment. There were to many of them, and they just seemed to keep coming. Getting a fair ways out she stopped and turned on the drones following her, their shields and small swords at the ready.
"Alright you little rats, lets see how fast sturdy you really are."
She slammed her fist into the side of the cockpit engaging a new system in Averin.
'Are you sure-'
"To many, no choice Averin."
The armor on her legs suddenly felt very heavy as it seemed to fold in on its self, her hands doing much the same. Her armor now thicker on her hands and from her knees down. As a drone came at her she quickly spun around crushing her left shin into it and caving it in on its self. The others seemed stunned for a moment as Saph and her knight took a fighting stance, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet she waited. Another brave drone dove forward only to have Saph's no heavily armored hand smash into it's face taking half of it with her.
"Averin, engage the whips."
'Are you sure, that's going to take a lot of power...'
"Then you use me dammit, do it now."
She heard the sizzle of the whips as they dropped down, swinging her arms in wide archs they wrapped around her hands tightly, the next drone going down in convulsions as the white hot electricity coursed through it's body.
"Head back towards the others, they might need us."
'My sensors tell me that Hunter and Crimson are in the least amount of danger, Obsidian and Shu have received minor injuries, their KNIGHTs much the same.'
"Get me over there."
'Roger that.'
Averin moved towards the others, stopping as a loud bellow sounded next to them, Saph's heart froze.
"Averin move now!"
They barely had time before a large spiked club made a divet where they once stood. Saph looked up into the terrifying face of a King Beast.
"Averin...call for back up..."
'None of them can come to our aide...'
She cursed and brought up her leg as it swung again, the vibrations making her dizzy for a moment as the blow shook her to her core.
"Averin...we can't do this on our own..."
'Affirmative...but we don't have a choice. Do you trust me woman?'
"You know I do."
Saph's body suddenly felt powerful, her limbs stronger, her vision brighter.
"What did you do?"
'Direct link, you have my strength as well as your own, use it well."
She nodded and stood slowly, her confidence returning slightly as she faced the King Beast one on one. Side stepping another blow she threw out her left fist catching the King Beast, knocking it's left horn from it's head, snapping it clean away. It bellowed in anger and came at her, side stepping again she brought up her knee into it's stomach causing a small dent to appear there, the monster bent over in pain, bringing up her right hand she was about to throw a punch across the back of it's neck when it spun around and caught her wrist deftly.
'I do not know what to do...I have no real weapons woman, I'm a medic."
She thought quickly, but not quick enough, blood filled her mouth, coating her tongue and staining her teeth as the King Beast's massive hoofed hand slammed into her torso. Coughing loudly, her ears ringing she could hear the others dimly calling to her, Averin yelling at her to stand. She could smell the blood from her mouth as she looked around, pain erupting from the side of her head another hoofed came across, the King Beast kicking her across the side of the head to keep her dazed and down.
'Get up woman or this is the end of you!'
Saph smiled, her ears still ringing as she try to get up, she could hear the wind whistling from the King Beasts club, she knew it was coming for her.
"A-Averin...the defibs...over load them"
'That will fry anything within a mile radius!'
She nodded, hearing the stubborn tone she grit her teeth.
"Do it."
The sound of the defibrillators charging could be heard, her hands getting hot, unbearably so, getting up on her knees just far enough she released the pulse as she slammed her fist into the sand. It was weak and she knew it would only daze her enemy, but the shock traveled far enough to stun the King Beast, Saph on the other hand could hardly move and after what seemed like just a few seconds, the King Beast was moving again, raising it's club. Saph brought her arm up to block the attack, screaming as she felt the armor on her arm shatter, the bones in her arm doing the same as she went down hard into the sand. The King Beast now standing over her prone form.
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Crimson felt a kick to the rover as Obsidian tried to push it faster. It did mess her aim up a little but her years of use and training with sniper rifles kicked in and her aim resteadied within seconds. Firing off two rounds in the space of a second. One round hits a shield making a small hole followed by the second round. Landing in the freshly made hole. Cutting threw the lightly armored drone easily before it sparks for a few seconds then explodes. OBsidian and Shu obviously have the advantage at close quaters then herself and Hunter. Saph could handle herself well.

Hunter let loose with his chainguns which had no effect on the targets. They just stacked together and formed a shield wall between the Knights and the King Beasts. This only served to piss off Hunter more then before. Hunter pulled his chainguns from firing position to standby while pulling out his launcher from his back. Crimson was picking off targets of choice. Hunter came over the comms again but the last part of his sentence was muffled by his launcher firing. The round lands on the shields. Sending the drones all over the place but barely any of them where damaged severly.

Crimson waited for Hunter's corrosive round to take effect before rapidly firing off seven rounds before the droves can reform the shield wall. Hunter was slow switching weapons which caused him to miss the small window before the drones reformed. His rounds only hit shields.

Hunter: "How am I supposed to get an opening on these guys up here?"

Crimson: "With patience Hunter." Said with a could calm voice taking a few more shots before ejecting the spent magazine and slams a full magazine back into the rifle.

Crimson can see Saph drawing a herd of drones away from the Rover. Saph was putting up a great fight all on her own but they are a team. Crimson loaded up her spare magazines before leaping off the back of the Rover. Crimson pushed threw the drones that block her way to Saph before sliding between the legs of a King Beast. Slapping a det pack to the left leg joint before springing back to her feet and running towards Saph. White light pulses when her fists connect with the drones.

As Saph barely dodged a hammer attack from a King Beast. Crimson detonated the det pack she attached to the King Beast. The leg blew off the King Beast before it's core went critical. Exploding in a massive fireball behind her before Crimson made her way over to Saph's location.Crimson couldn't get a shot off on the King Beast without risking a ricochet hitting Saph. The beast was standing over Saph in a kill stance. Another large formation of drones block Crimson from Saph. Crimson gripped her rifle as she stared the large formation.

Silvanna: "You know this is suicide. Your skills are for long range. Your going to get shredded along with myself fighting those drones."

Crimson: "I know how to use my rifle. Trust me Silvanna. We'll save Saph then we'll get back to the Rover."

Crimson ran into the wall of shield drones. Shoving the end of her rifle between the cracks of the shields and starts to unload round after round into the unprotected drone torsos. She slammed another DU magazine into her rifle and continued to use her flexability and knowledge of her rifle to clear the drones fast and easy. The King Beast was about to finish the job before Crimson sprinted and slammed into the Beast. Knocking it off Saph before it falls onto his back. Crimson jumped onto his chest and starts to empty a full fifteen magazine into it's chest. Screaming at the top of her longs as it tries to reach for her. Trying to get her off it's chest before the last round hits the beasts pilot.

Crimson panted and slide off the dead beast before reloading. Crimson ran over to Saph. Checking her vitals threw the Knights before picking her up. Slinging Saph over her shoulder. Still being able to fire her rifle as she runs back to the Rover.

Crimson: "Saph. Don't you dare pass out on me. We need you."

Silvanna: "You should drop her. She's probably dead already."

Crimson clenches her teeth: "I'm not dropping her. I'm not letting those barons use her body for their sick experemints."

Sivlanna: "She's only slowing you down. You'll never make it back to the Rover and defend yourself with unneeded dead weight."

Crimson: "SHU! OBSIDIAN! HUNTER! Give me cover damn it!"

Shu and Obsidian being the fastest out of the five where at her side within seconds while Hunter lobs shells behind them to keep the drone numbers down. Shu and Obsidian engage together. Combined there wasn't anything they can't take down. Saph was like her Mom. Always charging in first and last to leave. Stubborn and reckless. Tears stream down Crimson's face as she made it to the Rover. Hunter stops firing and leans over the edge. Extending a hand as Crimson pushed Saph's Knight up.

Hunter: "Got her!"

That was a relief to Crimson but with one Knight down. They couldn't hope to hold off the horde of drones so Crimson climbed the Rover and grabs several of Hunter's big babies. The Anti-matter warheads. She strapped Det-Packs to them and tossed one to Shu and another to Obsidian. Keeping one for herself as she jumps back down.

Crimson: "Shu, Obsidian. Toss the IEDs at the trench walls. Toss them hard enough for them to stick into the wall and get the hell back to the Rover."

Shu and Obsidian catch their special packages: "What for? Oh I see."

She stopped and placed hers on the ground as Shu and Obsidian tossed theirs at the walls of the trench. Each of them sticking in the rock before all three ran as fast as they could back to the Rover. The two light Knights easily made it to the Rover. Crimson was trailing behind. She can hear the guys yelling at her to run. Crimson knew time was running out. The Barons would close in shortly. So she detonated the det-packs. Causing the anti-matter warheads to explode. Sending her flying into the back of the Rover with enough impact to crunch the metal before Hunter pulls her up before she can slide off and roll on the ground.

The IEDs did their jobs. A massive land slide was caused. Sending hundreds of thousands of tons of rock towards the barons plus the one laying in the road made a huge pit hole. It should buy them enought time for them to escape. She watched as her idea worked but that hit to the back of the Rover hurt like hell. It was worth it. Medical crews where pulling her out of her Knights cockpit. Crimson was ordered to come out and get medical attention but she didn't obey the order. She stayed on guard over the back of the Rover. Watching their rear for any baron unit that made it past that trap.

She'll probably get yelled at by Saph or who ever is going to take Bear's place for it. Crimson didn't care if she was or not. For a long time, Crimson was always the misfit. Alone on her missions. Alone all the time. This team felt like she belonged to so she couldn't let even one behind. She couldn't stand it. Saph will be ok. Crimson repeated that in her head as her body aches from the battle. She only hopes they would get some down time. They would need it. All of them would need time to relax.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hunter climbed out of his Knight with a sigh, looking up to the suit behind him. He shook his head, seeing the landslide's results behind the Rover. He pulled his goggles off, letting his hair fall loose and his hand clenched around them. His teeth clenched as he could see in his mind where the Drones had taken Bear away from them. Hunter's eyes narrowed as he looked to see his comrades who were injured. How could this happen? We got our asses kicked out there and we lost our only sense of direction in dealing with this Zero bullshit. I feel like such a failure...Goddamned Barons... his thoughts slowly came to a close as he came to realize just what they'd accomplished. Even with the sacrifice, all of the people on this Rover would be safe to get away from the Barons. It wasn't hopeless, it wasn't a failure, but it was still tragic. He exhaled, calming himself as he strapped his goggles back onto his forehead and his attention immediately went to his injured teammates.


He first went to check on Saph's status, pushing his way through the medical crew. She was pretty banged up, but it wasn't enough to be scared of as far as they could see, but chances are when she came to she'd make sure of it better than the medics they had here. He shook his head with a light smile upon seeing she would be alright. He went to catch up to Crimson to see how she was holding up after the stunt she pulled. Not exactly in horrible condition from what he could see but she'd probably be feeling that for a little bit. "Pretty quick thinking, Crim. The Dark matter for an escape route wasn't exactly the first thing that came to mind for it," he said with a chuckle.


Crimson gave a shrug. "I'm just glad it worked. Glad we made it out of there and completed the mission."


Hunter nodded. "Regardless, good job out there," he said, looking to see how Obsidian and Shu were holding up. Neither appeared to be injured from what he could see other than some scrapes from battling the Droves if anything. He exhaled, looking up to his Knight. Guess it's about time to get to work on that project while we have a bit of down time. Until Saph wakes up at least. Should be enough time to get started if nothing else.


"Don't overdo it, my friend. I still need you in condition for combat in case anything comes up," came from Vox.


Hunter replied with a nod and raising a thumb to the Green Knight's view before he headed in to get to work on the supply pylon blueprints and moving immediately into the design phase.



OOC: Figured I'd get a post in while I had a bit of down time to get us moving a bit.

Edited by Kayin
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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry I've been away for awhile. Haven't had much time to reply.


Shu exited his cockpit for a rest after Crimson's plan worked against the Barons. He went by to check on Saph to see if she was alright. He figured she would be. "A tough girl like that would need more than a small army to take her down," he thought to himself. After checking on her he lookin in on Crimson as well due tot he hard shot she took slamming into the back of the Rover. Everyone seemed to be okay for the most part which is good if you looked at the tight situation they were in. Things were getting harder as Bear said they would and Shu was started to wonder if everyone could not only make it though but make it through with their sanity. Some of the pilots have already tried crazy moves and have risked alot for the team and for the people inside the Rover. This caused Shu to ponder his thoughts as he drank some water to keep from dehydrating. He returned to his KNIGHT to and sat on its shoulder as he wanted to prepared if any attacks were to occur. 


*To himself* This war is getting fierce. And the heroes that are suppose to stop it are getting banged up. How could they expect us to do so much. There's only 5 of us.


"Getting scared are we?"


"Raphael, please even you can't say that there are no doubts within you."


"I have to admit when you first approached me, I had my doubts about you as a pilot and whether you would survive. But as I've fought with you, you have shown me that you are indeed special. All of you are."


"Haha thanks for the confidence. I just keep wondering how much we will have to go through in order to get through these tough times."


"As you long as you believe in yourself and the cause you're fighting for then you shall succeed. Any doubt will lead to carelessness which could land you in your grave."


"Geez thanks for the grim look on things."


"I'm just trying to keep perspective, Shu."


"I understand. As long as I fight as hard as I can and help the others I think we can win this."


Shu laid his head back as the Rover continued to move forward. He noticed Crimson was watching the back of the Rover. He left it in her capable hands and went to get into his KNIGHT so he could watch the front of the Rover. As tight as things were at the time, there was no room for any slip ups. Everyone had to be on their guard. 

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Crimson waved off Shu when he came to check on her as well as the medics. Her back hurt like hell but she didn't want to be taken off the line.

That was the second time she risked her life for the team and the people in the rover from an explosion. Saph was completely reckless going to take on so many alone.

Though she couldn't say the same about her going to Saph's rescue as well. She also was sad because of Bear's death. How will they proceed without his guidance?

She only hopes that they can continue to fight for human freedom from the Barons. She was also disappointed by Silvanna's seemingly cold way to just leave a comrade

to die even though she could save Saph.  She wonders if Silvanna was like her once. A cold person who believed people just slowed her down.


Silvanna: "Listen Crimson. I want to apologize for earlier."


Crimson: "I bet you do. Never leave your friends to die. Always make the effort to rescue them even if it's just the remains. We have to keep our humanity after all."


Silvanna: "Well I'm not human."


Crimson: "Being an actual human doesn't count. It's the principle of the morals and standards you put yourself up to." She said checking the rifle to see the barrel had warped as well as the firing chamber was beyond repair. "Looks like this rifle spent."


Silvanna: "Hmmm don't have to be human to have humanity. I'll have to think on that. Oh? Seems like you need a rifle designed for your needs."


Crimson had the crew bring the previous sniper rifle up from storage to use and to have the broken one taken down to be either repaired or scrapped. She went prone to watch the back of the Rover before taking out her drawing book. Continuing on the picture of Saph she was drawing. Sighing as couldn't finish it. She flipped over a few pages and started on drawing a series of complicated schematics for a new sniper rifle. One that was four times heavier then the semi-auto one she used and was meant for actual snipping. Prefering the bolt action to semi-autos. But she did make a few modifications. The bolt action was for long to extreme distance shots while she could turn it to semi-auto for long to medium range shooting. The rounds themselves where larger and combined a few traits from normal rounds. One was a depleted uranium high explosive rounds that would penetrate the target and explode inside. Another was combining Hunter's corrosive rounds with incindiaries. That way it would double the effect of armor corrosion. She also designed a new sight. It featured a min/max zoom of 6x-130x with tri-laser sight function. One laser was to get the distance while the second laser gets altitude data, and the third laser gathers surface angle to better land a shot that will be effective.


Overall the design of the new rifle was almost as long as the semi-auto that was warped in the fighting but heavy. As the hours went on. Not a single sighting of any kind of baron was in her sights nor on the radar. She figured it would be a good time to get out and stretch a little bit so she put Silvanna in standby mode and got out. She grabbed some water and ration bars to drink and eat before she started to work out. Doing normal military work out before moving onto basic hand to hand moves. She removed the plug suit she was wearing and replaced it with a tank top, shorts, and combat boots. Her hair was loose and swayed with her movements. She pushed herself hard even though her back ached and her body was tired. Sweat dripped off her arms when she punched and off her legs when she kicked.


Silvanna: "You need to slow down and stop pushing yourself so hard Crimson."


Crimson grunted as she punched hard with her right hand. Hitting nothing but air. "I'm not as fast as Shu or Obsidian. I'm not as strong as Hunter. I'm not as clever as Saph. The only thing I got going for me is my ability to snipe things beyond normal ranges. I can't even do that with the crap rifles they keep handing to me. I can't do my job if all we are doing is being on the defensive." She twirled on her left heal and brought her right leg in a right to left motion as in a kick. "Always right ontop of us before I can set up for a shot. I feel like all I do is bring the team down."


Silvanna: "Well even if we are on the defensive. Your still helping the team like with your crazy action when we first fought together or the fact that you risked your life to rescue Saph or the clever use of those warheads to blow a huge hole in the ground for the barons to fall into while the walls collapsed on them. We do what we can do to help the team out."


Crimson's body decided enough was enough and she collapsed onto her hands and knees panting heavily while beads of sweat dropped off her. "We do what we can to survive at this point. It's not real team work till we go and take the fight to our enemies. We need to strike back for Bear and the other people who gave their lives so we can live. For those who died in an attempt to pilot the five Knights for so many years. For..my parents who gave me a chance to live..." She closed her eyes before pushing herself onto her ass and leans against the armor of Silvanna's body.


Silvanna: "We have a lot to fight for. We can't give up and we can't doubt ourselves. Doubt leads to mistakes which can lead to your death or the deaths of your friends."


Crimson: "I know that Silvanna...." Crimson looked into the sky. "I wonder...if mom and dad are proud of me now."


Silvanna remained quiet for a long time before he spoke again. "That's something that I can never answer Crimson."


Crimson sighed and started to relax. Letting sleep take over. Figuring she could get a few hours of sleep. "Neither can I nor anyone else Silvanna..nor can anyone else..."

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Saph woke up, sore, bruised and thirsty.


She was surprised when a glass was handed to her almost instantly, looking out the corner of her eyes she was not surprised to see a slightly older young man sitting next to her.

"Reckless. I can't think of any other word Mags."

She rolled her eyes at the nickname but sipped at the offered water none the less feeling it ease the dryness of her throat. When she spoke her voice was hoarse and cracked. 
"How long was I out?"
"A few days. You took a good hit Mags. What were you thinking? Mooma had a fit."

"I bet she did."

Saph felt a small smile tug at the corner of her lips, the older woman, Mooma as she was called, was a stand in mother of sorts for her and she fretted constantly. 

"How much damage?"
"A good bit, it's a good thing we made the mountain when we did. You were pretty banged up."

"How's my healing going?"
He shook his head.

"I'm not a doctor Mags, that's your job. I'm just a worker."
"Whatever Reed. Get out of here."
Watching Reed go she sat up slowly wincing as her arm throbbed slightly.

"Fractured, bruised ribs, shin, and knuckles...Slight head injury, lacerations on arms...seems like most of this would have healed by now..."


No response.

'Averin, can you hear me?'

She felt panic rise in her slowly before a lazy answer came to her.

'I was resting, what?'

'Why am I not healed as much as I usually am?'

'I too need healed...and these people are not as quick as you. The faster I am fixed, the faster your heal. Since these injuries were done while in direct link we'll heal together.'

She nodded and lay back on the sterile hospital bed with a sigh.

'Has anyone come to see me beside Reed?'

'None from the team if that's what you mean. They wanted to give you time to rest.'

She nodded again feeling sleep pull at her muddled brain.

'Rest little one. We're safe for the time being.'

She barely had the energy to make a reply as sleep took over once again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
As time allowed, Hunter left himself with little in reserves, but the modification for Vox he made was now complete. It was a deployable structure that would assemble ammunition automatically over a short span of time and prepare it for his allies. It would also assemble explosives for himself, though it would take longer to manufacture. He lifted his glasses from his eyes back to the top of his head, leaning up against Vox. "We'll have to give it a test run later. I'm getting pretty beat, chief," he said, yawning.

'Alright, partner. You'd better rest up. No one knows when our next fight with the Barons is going to be,' was Vox's reply.

"Yeah I probably should," Hunter said, glancing up to the other Knights as he headed to the barracks. He could see that Averin was still under repair and no one seemed to know what they were doing. Averin had hours to be repaired by now, but she was still pretty banged up. "You gotta be kiddin me... Do you lot have any idea how to repair these things, guys?" he let out a huff, tugging his goggles back over his eyes. Another couple of hours of work later, Hunter had Averin patched back up. Though he finished, he wound up falling asleep in the repair bay.

"Something's wrong, we should have heard something back from them by now," a dark haired man spoke, leaning against a door. "You stay here, I'm going to try and get a hold of them again," he said to a young man.

"Are you nuts? You make a call now, you might not get a hold of them and the Barons will find us," the young man said pleadingly.

"Jake, I've gotta try. If I don't then we might never get out of here at all," the dark haired man said again, lifting the phone from the hook and starting to dial a number when the phone rang itself. "Hey, you guys alr-"

"Get out of the house now. You and your brother are already in danger! GO!" came from the line before the call disconnected.

"Shit... JAKE we gotta go!" the man said, slamming the phone on the hook and grabbing a shotgun off of the top of the couch. "Jake, get a move on. The Barons already know where we are," he said, pulling his goggles up over his head from his neck and settled them onto his eyes. "I'm not letting them take you. They already got mom and dad..." he said, muttering the last part.

Jake, the younger brother grunted, clenching his fists. "Well, I'm not letting them take you either, Ry. Do you think I want to be alone?!" he shouted back. "Ryan, we're all we got now. I ain't going without you," he added, pushing out the door.

Ryan nodded. "Then let's go, huh?" he said stepping out before a flash of white took over their view.

Hunter woke up with a start, hitting his head off of the bars of the mounting bay for Averin. He rubbed his forehead. "That dream again..." he sighed, rubbing his temples. "This's gotta stop..." he said, looking up to Averin. "At least you're looking much better, lady. I'd better get myself some actual rest before I'm too drained to do any good to you guys. Good night to ya," he said, giving a wave and heading to his barracks to try and finish his rest. Edited by Kayin
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Crimson woke up under Silvanna's hand that protected her from the bright sun. The Rover was still moving but strangely it was all quiet. She was sure someone would of woken her up if there happened to be another ambush or an attack. She stretched and for a moment forgot how she got there. As she stood up she wanged her head on Silvanna's right thumb and grumbled walking into the sun. She had started to work out after the attack yesterday. The pain in her back wasn't there anymore but sleeping on a flat metal surface does leave the body stiff. She must of pushed her already tired and worn out body too hard. Yea that had to be it she thought as she looks around for her sketch book.


She searched around and in Silvanna for a good hour before she begins to panic a little. Her sketch book had all her drawings in it from simple geological pictures to personal to schematics for a prototype sniper cannon and a private picture she had finished for Saph. Even though the sketch book was completely outdated by the days standard books. It mean everything to her because her parents gave it to her. It was the only thing that kept her sane. Like something special that's not alive or sentient like a pet.

She went around the top of the Rover. From inside Silvanna, the roof didn't look too long or wide but on foot. It was so very long and so wide. She must of searched for hours.

Combing every inch of the roof for her sketch book. Then she went down below deck on a mission to find it. 


She didn't care that she smelled like a guy or that her hair is a complete mess. Not even her torn sync suit that was slowly tearing the more she moved bothered her. 

All she cared, all she focused on was finding that sketch book. She went to the commander of the Rover Base. Hoping he would help find it. Though he put his overcoat onto her shoulders as some of the younger men kind of got the wrong impression.


"Commander I need to find my sketch book." Crimson says not caring about the other people on the bridge nor the fact he put his overcoat on her.


"A sketch book? You can get them..." The Commander says as she interrupts him.


"I can't get this sketch book in the store! This has so many drawings that I can't replace! It even had a prototype schematic for a new weapon!" Crimson says almost in a yell.


The Commander gently guides her to his office and closes the door. "Ok ok Crimson. Calm down, we'll find it. I need an accurate description of what your sketch book looks like." Pouring a glass of water and offers it to her while nodding to a seat.


Crimson took the glass of water and sits down. "It's a Pynal 3200 model sketch book. The cover is black with red lining. It's worn so it will not be bright colors. Now it's not a paper version. It's a computer sketch book. The pages will be an almost clear white and total about thirty. It measure twelve by eight by four and weighs roughly nine pounds." 


The Commander wrote it all down and nodded to Crimson. "I'll have the guards check everywhere for it. We'll page you on the intercom when we find it. Till then, try to stay calm. Go take a shower, get some clean cloths on, and find something to take your mind off of things." 


Crimson groaned and stood up. Saluted and walked out of the Commander's office. "Calm my ass...I need that book. I can't replace it." She grumbles while making her way to her quarters. The door slid open for her though it was because of the bio-sensor that only responds to her unique bio-signature. She put the Commander's overcoat on her bed before ripping the suit off her body. She left her door on open for the squad just incase they need to find her or just come talk to her though she never expects anyone to come.


Silvanna must be either regenerating or sleeping as he's been very quiet since last night. Maybe he's regretting the choice of words he used yesterday. Who knows with those machines. Sliding the glass door open then shut to her personal shower and proceeds to take a shower. Letting the hot water slowly wash the resin left by the sync suit mixed with sweat from her and the dirt from the air from her body and hair. 


"That book...is the most important treasure to me.. I have to find it." She says slamming her fist into the wall. Pulling her hand away and shaking it. She wasn't strong like Hunter or Obsidian, or Shu. She doubt she was a s durable as Saph seeing she's survived again from what kills others. "That was smart Crimson. Really fucking smart." She insults herself rubbing her knuckles. A little indent on the shower wall along with some blood from her hand. The flesh wound healed in the shower before her eyes. Though it wasn't a surprise to her anymore. She just stood there in the shower for a few more minutes. 


The Commander had a point, though it did pain her to admit it. She needed to calm down. Panicing would make her clumsy and probably do things she wouldn't do if she was calm. Maybe she'd go see Hunter. Or Saph though that wasn't probably ok considering she's probably resting at the moment. As she continued to think. She absently started to was herself with body wash. Slipping into a normal showering routine. When she was about to start washing her hair. Her stomach growled and the door to her quarters slid open the shut. Though she couldn't hear it due to her empty stomach complaining about no food in the tank and the shower going full blast.


((I leave at this point so either Shu, Obsi, Hunter, or Saph enters the room unannounced. First one to respond gets a free cookie plus milk!))

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  • 3 weeks later...

(I do like milk and cookies...so...)

Hunter sat up, rubbing his eyes and feeling glad he wasn't revisited by his dream again. He looked to the door of his barracks and then to his stomach which began a very slow rumble. He grumbled afterward, letting out a huff as he rolled out of bed immediately to the floor before he started his morning exercise routine. Push ups, sit ups, planks, mountain climbers, and the like before stretching himself out for the day's start. He grabbed his goggles off of his pillow, standing up and heading immediately to the mess hall. His stomach was more along the lines of growling that grumbling now and he didn't want to start digesting himself. At least this morning seemed quiet enough to get some rest in and try and put a meal down without being thrown directly into battle. His eyes raised enough to see Shu and Obsidian heading out of the Mess Hall. Hm...guess these guys got an earlier start than me... Now I feel lazy...oh well! he thought, giving the two a wave. "Morning gents. Manage to get a decent night's rest in?"


Shu gave a nod, smiling. "Yeah, not too bad. Have a hard time getting to sleep last night, Hunter?"


"Yeah, accidentally crashed in the hangar. Do have a new piece of equipment for the next fight for us ammunition using pilots. Manufactures rounds over time and packages them. There's going to be calibration needed after every use to avoid a misfire, but that can't be helped," Hunter replied with a shrug, moving out of the way so others could get in and out.


Obsidian nodded. "Then you should be able to provide cover fire for longer periods of time. Sounds good to me. Gives Shu and I some breathing room and takes some strain off of our medic," he commented, seeming to approve of Hunter's creation.


Hunter folded his hands behind his head with a smirk. "Well, gents, I'm going to go eat before my stomach eats me instead. Catch you two later," he said, giving a half-hearted salute and a smile as he headed into the mess hall and the others went on their way. Now my guess is that Saph hasn't eaten since she's out of commission and Crimson probably hasn't either since she took a pretty bad hit. Suppose I can be gentlemanly and get the ladies breakfast, right? he thought with a chuckle as he shook his head. He picked up three boxes and loaded them each with a half-decent lunch. He figured on stopping to see Saph first in hopes that she might be awake.


He made his way to the med-bay, seeing that his hopes seemed to be a bit too high. He let out a sigh, scratching the back of his head and looking around for a nurse. "Excuse me? Can you give this to Miss Magus if she wakes up in time to eat? Otherwise can you keep it in a fridge for her and let her know Hunter stopped by?" he asked, with an eyebrow raised and a pleading look on his face. The nurse simply smiled and nodded and Hunter smiled back, leaving Saph's box on a table in her room. He stopped and scribbled on it: "Get well soon, Saph." Not satisfied, he thought for a moment then wrote a bit more "P.S. Your girl's doing just fine. I did the repairs myself. Though I'm sure you're gonna look her over anyway :P" He smiled and nodded. That should do it, he thought as he looked back at Saph. Hunter exited the med-bay and headed off to check on Crimson.


He knocked on their sniper's door as he reached the barracks again, finding it open and hearing the shower running. "Crimson?" he called in, peering around to make sure he wouldn't accidentally catch any glimpses and find himself shot in the face, or worse: his goggles. "Brought you some grub, thought you might be ready to eat if you haven't already." Upon hearing no reply, Hunter took a seat and sat both their boxes down before he started looking around Crimson's room.


"Give me a moment, I'm about done now," Crimson said from the shower before the water was heard shutting off.


Hunter leaned back in his seat, rocking it as he tried to balance it. "Just let me know if you need me to leave so you can get all decent-like," he said, looking toward the door.


"Actually, if you wouldn't mind-" Crimson started before she heard a crash in the room. "You alright out there...?"


Hunter laughed to himself, picking himself and the chair up off of the floor. "Yeah, just fine. Don't mind me. Out here breakin' chairs and stuff." he said with a touch of embarrassment in his tone. "I'll be outside til you're done dressing," he said, heading out the door and standing in the hallway against the wall.


(All I had time for taking a moment to take a breather at work)

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Shu sat still in his KNIGHT's hand as he watched the front of the Rover over time. Things were a lot quieter. The air was still and you could only here the engine of the Rover and the sound of the wilderness that was passed by. Shu decided to head back inside with his KNIGHT to get some repairs done as well as get some food. He and Raphael got back into the hangar and he docked his KNIGHT in the appropiate place to get it toned up and repaired from the beating it took from those Barons.


"Those little pains did a number on you Raphael. But we managed to get by without any serious injuries like Saph and Crimson. Funny. It seems like the women of the group are doing the heavy lifting. I guess I need to step up my game some more."


"I wouldn't worry too much about Saph and Crimson. They are very strong pilots. And we just need to continue to do our part and get the mission done at any cost. Now...shouldn't you be off to rest. Your body is damaged as well Shu. Take time to recover your body and your mind."


"You're right. I need to take some time to work on some new moves as well. See ya soon."


Shu lowered himself to the floor on a lift nearby and headed to the mess hall to grab some food. He lowered his googles from his head to around his neck on the way. He passed by the medic ward where Saph was and decided to pop his head in to see if she was okay. He walked in and saw nurses going about their business. He stopped one and asked where Saph was. The nurse nodded in a direction for Shu to follow and he followed it to see Saph still sleeping away. He smiled as he looked at her sleeping away.


"Even in her sleep, she looks super busy."


Shu nodded to her and continued his track to the mess hall. He was soon there and grabbed a tray and loaded it with food. From fruits to veggies to meats, Shu had a fully load tray. He looked around for a place to sit and saw Obsidian enjoying some lunch as well. He headed his way and sat across from him.


"Got enough food there, Shu?"


"Haha I figured it would hold me over for now. You never know when you can get a peacful meal around here ya know"


The two enjoyed some peaceful conversation as they ate their meals. Obsidian admired how a guy so small could intake so much food. It was a borderline parlor trick. They soon finished and began to head out of the mess hall. On their way out they passed Hunter. They talked about a new mod Hunter had come up with before spliting to go their separate ways. The unity between all of them had slowly been gaining more and more momentum. Shu patted Obsidian on the back as he headed back towards his barack for a well deserved shower. He arrived and quickly began throwing his clothes everywhere heading into the shower. He turned the water on and could feel all of the stress and pain flow away as the water washed over him. His sat in the shower for a good while before finally getting out to rest on his bed. He laid his head back and began to ponder on recent events and different strategies for fighting these Barons.


"My new weapon upgrades have seriously paid off. Thank the stars for beifn able to control them without any casualties. I feel like I should use my spear more to keep the Barons a farther distance from me and the others. If those things get to close then it means serious trouble for each of us. No...no no no. I cant think like that. I have to believe that nothing will get pass my defense and I mean nothing. I have to act as a shield and a sword not just for my team but for those inside this Rover as well. I have to...."


Shu slowly fell asleep in his thoughts. The fatigue had finally gotten to him from watching over the Rover. He adn the others had to take advantage of his short peace that they had been blessed with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saph felt groggy as she woke, the pain killers still in her system, choking on her dry tongue as she reached for the glass of water, gulping it down she froze as her stomach screamed at her. The pain almost making her bend over, how long had she been asleep? Looking to her right she saw a white container that almost looked like salvation to her at the moment. Snagging it quickly she smiled at the scrawling on the top.

'Get well soon'

Opening the container she dug into it with a gusto, not caring if it was cold or not. Swallowing the last bite thickly she drank the rest of her water before slowly moving to get out of bed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
She jumped slightly and looked up to see a tall man standing there. His dark brown hair was wavy and hang down into his eyes slightly.

"You took a lot of hard hits out there Magus. I need to monitor you for a while longer to make sure there's no lasting damage."
"And you are?"
"Dr. Havern. You may call me Tom."
"Alright Tom, I'm a-"
"Doctor as well. I know. And your opinion?"
"I'm fine and ready to go back to work."
He nodded as he moved towards her, before she knew what was happening he was shining the light in her eyes and looking her over.

"Your healing nicely, but your still in need of rest."
"How long have I been out?"
"A day or so."
"And the Barons haven't tried-"

"After your friends stunt I doubt they want to try again any time soon."
She nodded slowly.

"Has anyone-?"
"A young man dropped that container of food off. That's about it. I've been keeping an eye on you though so no worries.

Saph rolled her eyes.

"Oh, joy."
"Is that not something that pleases you?"
"Oh no, I'm over joyed at the thought of being baby sat."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, but it's been no problem watching over a woman as beautiful as you."

Saph felt her eyes narrow slightly.

"Doc, are you hitting on your patient?"
"No, just stating the obvious."

Saph felt her hand twitch but suddenly caught sight of Hunter as he peeked in.

Jumping from her bed she pushed Tom aside and gave the man a tight hug.

"Honey I'm so happy you came to see me!"

The doctor shook his head and seemed to look defeated.

"I'll leave you two alone."
Saph watched him leave, as the door closed she released Hunter.

"Your timing is impeccable."

"Uhm...you okay?"
"Doctor was trying to get a little to friendly."
She sat back down on her bed and smiled up at him.

"Thanks for the food by the way. It didn't last long."
"Did you even taste it?"
Saph laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, it wasn't bad. So you gonna fill me in or what? What's been going on? Any sign of the enemy? Are the repairs going well? Are the other guys holding up alright?"
"Whoa, whoa, one question at a time there Saph."

Saph chuckled.

"You can call me Mags. It's a little simpler."
"I'll stick with Saph. It's what I'm used to."
She nodded smiling.

"Now to answer your questions-"

Saph felt her self relax as she listened to Hunter, imputing her own opinion or another question here and there as Hunter sat on the edge of her bed and continued talking with her. 

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Hunter crossed his arms over his chest, looking to the ceiling. "So it's good to see you back in good condition. You're more than welcome to check your partner over, but I made sure to take care of 'er," he said, yawning. "By the way, you owe me for that," he said, glancing toward the doctor in the hallway. Hunter chuckled, looking to Saph as she shook her head. He glanced to the trash, smiling. "Hope the food was okay, Saph. Wasn't sure if they'd even let you have it. You never know with some doctors," he shrugged.


"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Saph asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Just what I said, you never know with some doctors. Some will completely restrict your eating while others will let you eat what you want," he glanced to her with an eyebrow mockingly raised. "Why? Are you one of those doctors that restrict meals and don't let your patients eat any good food?" He chuckled, flinching with a smile as she shoved him.


"I am not. I'm a medic who treats her patients how they need to be treated. Some patients can eat their usual diet, but others need to watch their diet so they don't endanger their health while in a doctor's care. It should always be patient to patient. At least that is my personal opinion," Saph replied, nodding and regaining her composure from her flustered response.


"I get it, Saph. Just figured it'd cheer ya up a bit," Hunter smiled. "So, you think you'll be out of here today? You look like you're fine to me," he said, looking her over.


"I imagine so. We need to make sure all of our preparations are taken care of and our Knights are maintained personally soon so we can get back to work. Also, I think we're overdue for training if you ask me," she said with a sigh.


"Yeah...what the hell are we gonna do without the old man though? He may have been a pain in the ass, but at least he knew how to keep us together," Hunter said, clenching his fist. "Bet the guy they send to pick up his job is a complete moron when it comes to leadership..."


Dr. Havern returned to the room. "Well, it seems your condition is...just about 100%, Magus. We'll get your discharge papers together but we advise you stick to l-"


"Don't worry doc, I'll make sure my lady takes it easy the next couple days," Hunter said, standing up. "Appreciate you taking care of her," he said with a grin, shaking Dr. Havern's hand with enough of a grip to shift his knuckles without doing any actual damage. "Would you mind giving her some privacy so she can get dressed?"


"Yes, uhm...absolutely. Take care, Miss Magus," he said, walking out and holding onto his hand with a grimace.


"See you outside, babe," Hunter chuckled, feeling that he might as well have his fun with this too, closing her privacy curtain behind him and waiting outside.

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Saph shook her head with a small blush as she hopped from the bed and stretched sighing as her muscles relaxed and her joints popped.

"I hate sitting around doing nothing."
Hunter's voice came from the other side.

"I know what you mean. So you think they'll put one of us in charge?"
"I have no idea...I'm not to keen on seeing who they get..."
She heaved another sigh and within a few minutes she emerged from behind the curtain, in a pair of jeans and a black tank top, she hopped on one foot as she pulled on her last boot, tucking her jeans leg into the boot. Standing she gave Hunter a smile and walked along side him through the halls towards the hanger, they made small talk here and there which stopped as they entered the hanger, the other pilots were already there and so was another man. Saph frowned as she saw him jump from Alverin's cockpit and spit on the ground.

"Disgusting. Who ever the pilot is of this KNIGHT should be removed instantly.

"OI! That pilot is me asswipe. Why not say that to my face Mr..."
"Dante, and I will Magus. Your a pathetic excuse for a pilot and should be removed from this team right this instant."
"Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"I'm taking over for Bear, you remember him, the man you got killed?"
Saph felt her face heat as her cheeks grew red in anger.

"Why you son of-"
"You've done a poor job is making sure these men and women make it out alive, and your risk your own life time after time for what? Nothing. Your own glory. That's all you are Magus, a glory hound. As long as the rest of them are in your shadow your happy, isn't that right? And what did you think you were doing with the armor of the KNIGHTs? Are you trying to get them killed? Or you? It's to thin, even the smallest piece of shrapnel can pierce that. You should be sent back to training."
"Really? What training? We didn't have any training, we were thrown into this with out any kind of warning. The ONLY think we were told was what the Zero might do to us. That's it, and it so happens we're the ones that made it."
"Well if you ask me you shouldn't have."

Saph opened her mouth to retort when Hunter stepped in.

"I don't think you have all your information sir."
"And I think you should keep your mouth shut boy. Am I talking to you?"
"No sir..."
"Good, I'll get to you soon enough."
Saph moved in between them.

"I thought you had an issue with me, not my team."

"Your team? Now that's a laugh. No ma'am, from here on out this is MY team, I'll train you, I'll teach you, I'll equip you and I'll sure as hell hound you until your the best you can be."
Saph growled as she grit her teeth.

"We're not soldiers!"
"Not yet your not. But by the time I'm through with you, you will be."
"And if the Barons attack?"
"I have units that can handle it."
"Units? KNIGHT units? Because I was under the impression that only KNIGHTs can with stand the Baron assaults."
"You were told wrong."
Saph frowned.

"Bear said-"
"Bear was a fool! He put his faith in a brat like you and look where it got him! It killed him. I on the other hand-"
"Bear was no fool he was-"
The slap echoed through out the hanger as Dante's hand left a red welt on Saph's cheek.

"You'll show me the respect you refused Bear brat. You'll speak only when spoken to."
"Don't even bother! I'm out of here!"

Painful tears stung at the corner of Saph's eyes as she turned and stalked from the hanger.

"You leave you're never coming back!"
"Fine by me!"

'Young one...are you-'

'Averin, not now!'

She turned the corner and headed for her new room, upon reaching it she punched in her code, slammed the door shut, and collapsed onto her bed, silent tears seeping from her eyes as her cheek throbbed with pain.

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"Sir?" Hunter started.


"What now, boy?" Dante said, glaring toward him.


"With all due respect, sir," Hunter said before his eyes narrowed and he grabbed Dante by the collar and slamming his back against the lift for Averin, "what in the hell is your problem?! I don't give two shits as to who you are, but anyone who strikes one of my teammates has no room to say they're calling the shots!"


Dante broke Hunter's grasp before he found himself grappled with his face slammed against the lift instead. "This won't be toler-"


"What me kicking your ass won't be tolerated on YOUR team? That you were appointed to take over? And you call the old man a fool?!" Hunter pressed him harder against the steel as some of the maintenance team started toward them. "No one got the old man killed but himself. And he went down fighting, you piece-a-trash. You might try and run this team, but it will never be yours..." Hunter glared and shoved him to the ground but Dante caught himself as well as he could out of his disorientation.


"You'll be my first example of what happens t-"


"To those who talk back to you? To those who stand up to you? What?"


"I'll be sure to send a clear message to the rest of your 'team' as to how much of a traitor you are..." Dante said, rising to his feet.


"Yeah? Well if you try and lay a hand on any of my teammates again, I'll be sure to send a clear message to send us another captain. I'm not gonna deal with this crap again..."


"What, you mean that band of hackers you worked for? Who forced you to do 'what you had to do to survive'?"


"That's not anyone's business but my own," Hunter glared. "Don't act like you know me..."


"I know plenty of street scum just like you, and that's where they end up: back on the street and usually tossed in a dumpster with the rest of the garbage," Dante said, returning the glare. "Now I suggest you learn your place, boy..."


"I know my fuckin' place...sir..." Hunter said, pushing the maintenance team aside as the medics came in to check on Dante. He departed the docking bay and returned to corridors, fuming as he headed down the hall. Who the hell does this asshole think he is? If they expect us to follow him, they're going to get us and everyone on the Rover killed. Who the heck sent this guy anyway?! Hunter thought, visibly becoming more and more angry, sending people clear from his path just from seeing him.


'He's only here to aid us, Hunter...You shouldn't get so-'


'Did you not hear the crap he was talking on our upgrades?! Did you not see him hit Saph for no goddamned reason?!'


'I'm not here to oppose you, partner. You know that. Collect yourself. Ever think he wants to try and break you? That he's doing this to get what he wants...?'


Hunter remained silent, exhaling slowly.


'Partner, you there? Or is my advice sinking in?' Vox added.


'You're lucky I can trust you...' he thought with a sigh. 'I gotta blow off some steam...more importantly, I gotta go see how Saph's doing...'


'She'll have calmed by the time you do, partner...Averin will see to that, I'm sure.'


'Yeah, you're right. But I gotta look out for my new family, ya know? Cause you Knights and the other Zero pilots? They're all I've got,' Hunter said as he entered into the exercise room, going at every piece of equipment in the room until he exhausted the last bit of anger out of himself. With a sigh, he used a towel to soak the sweat off of himself. He headed to Saph's room, knocking at the door. "Yo, Saph...? It's Hunter..."

Edited by Kayin
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Crimson is in the shower just standing there. Letting the water flow over her shoulders and down her scared back from her time in resistance cells.

Things where running threw her mind. The shower noise drowning out the hum of the rover as it continues on it's journey to the next base.

The top thing running in her mind is where her sketch pad. She had it out by her while she was exercising. She didn't even remember passing out. Only waking up hours later and her pad gone. That pad means alot to her and now it's gone. 


As she continues to think and water wrapping around her. She didn't hear the door open and Hunter coming in. Though she didn't hear Hunter call her name, she did catch him saying he brought her some food. 


"I'm almost done. Give me a moment." Crimson says before turning the water off. Wringing out her hair till she's satisfied there's barely any water left before slipping on a sports bra then under armor then boxers and military issued pants. Slipping on some socks then combat boots. Leaving them untucked before walking of the bathroom as Hunter talks.


 "Just let me know if you need me to leave so you can get all decent-like." Hunter says. 


"Actually, if you don't mi..." Crimson starts to talk before hearing a thud as Hunter falls backwards off the couch. Walking into the main area of her bunk to see Hunter pushing the couch onto it's feets. "You ok there Hunter?"


 "Yeah, just fine. Don't mind me. Out here breakin' chairs and stuff." Hunter says laughing with a hint of embarrassment. "I'll be outside til you're done dressing."


Hunter starts walking to the door before Crimson grabbed his arm. "I'm already dressed Hunter. Now lets sit and eat." Crimson says as she sits down. Opening up the box to see some of the mess hall. It wasn't the best tasting food but it was better then nothing.


Hunter looks down at her hand on his arm before shrugging and joining Crimson with eating the food. Sitting for a few moments in silence before Crimson sighed and looked at Hunter. Wondering how Saph is doing but figured a tough girl like her would be all right.  Soon all the food was eaten and Crimson took it to the trash disposer to destroy the trash before going to her foot locker. She opened it up and pulled out a large case almost the exact length and width of the foot locker itself and six inches thick. Hunter noticed it right off and looks interested into what it is.


"So....what's in the case there Crimson?" Hunter asks as he looks at it.


"It's a weapon from my last mission with the resistance cell I was in before applying for the zero program." Crimson says unlocking the case before it hisses. The air tight seals breaking as it's been unopened over a full year. "I haven't used it since I was accepted and went into the year long training to become a pilot." As the case opens fully. A large thick metal item sits in the case. Taking most of the length and some of the height of the case with a small cylinder rests besides it. Course Hunter teases her about it.


 "Is that a weapon or a decoration? Hunter laughed a little before his laughs quiets down. "So...what the heck is it really?"


Crimson picks it up by the only thing that would indicated it was a weapon. The handle before tapping on a small holographic display of numbers before it powers on. Right in her hands and before Hunter's eyes. It starts to unfold into a rifle twice as long as the case it was just in before she grabs the cylinder and puts it on the top. That too extends out into a scope as she pulls down on the bolt handle. She grabs a long flat object from the case plus some kind of glowing core before placing it down beside the weapon.


"This is a stolen baron anti-material mag-rail sniper cannon prototype. My last cell figured it was a farewell gift suitable for a top grade sniper like me. I've only fired it once." Crimson says looking at the gun.


"This is a weapon? It looks very heavy and would kick like a mule."  Hunter says as he picks it up. It was a three times more heavier then the current issued sniper rifles and almost 1.5x the length.


"It broke my shoulder when I fired it." Crimson says. Rubbing her right shoulder then the scar starting from her shoulder leading down her back. "It kicked so hard it flinged me from my sniper's next onto some burning twisted metal. I had a huge gash from my upper right shoulder down to the middle of my back. The medics who treated me said I was lucky the metal was red hot. That sealed the gash behind the initial cut and missed my backbone by one cm."


"Then that's luck Crimson. So what was your target?" Hunter asks as he examines the weapon closely. Looking for the magazine but failing at finding one. "Where is the magazine? What kind of ammo does it use?"


Crimson took the weapon from him and "back on the bolt. Sliding the long flat piece of metal into a chamber that clamped down onto it and let the bolt snap back. Hunter could hear the bolt cutting a sliver of metal from the bar before she looks at him.


"It doesn't have a magazine. Any piece of metal that fits inside the firing chamber is considered ammo. I can change the piece of metal fired from this gun to create an armor piercing round or explosive round. Or anything I want it too. It runs off electricity so the core provides that source. It suspends the piece of metal cut off the metal supply in negatively charged electricity before a pulse of positive charged electricity pushes it down the constantly pulsing negative and positive charged barrel till it reaches mach 8 within .5 seconds of you pulling the trigger. It's range is not yet known. America had a prototype but it was bounded to a ship or a structure capable of powering it and handling the kick back from it. It's range was over hundreds of miles. If I fired it inside the rover. It would go threw anything in the direction I fired it and then go for a few miles before loosing it's speed and falling down. As for my target." Crimson says looking at Hunter. "A baron prison labor base commander. Thirteen miles away. I hit my target in his fucking ugly head. Then my cell raided the base. Freed hundreds of enslaved humans and tons of supplies."


""Holy shit Crimson. I don't think anyone has ever gotten a confirmed kill at that range with a rifle. I guess it was worth the pain." Hunter says rubbing the back of his head.


Crimson put the rifle back into it's default form and back into the case. Standing up then puts it into the locker and comes back to Hunter. She was about to speak before her room comm system went off. Groaning she went over to the terminal and answered it. On the screen was the chief engineering officer down in the miniature factory area responsible for all the spare parts for their Knights and other things.


"Hello, is this Sargent Crimson's quarters?" He asks as sparks from plasma welders work on a massive weapon in the background.


"Your speaking to her. Who's this I'm talking to?" Crimson asks as the Chief engineer salutes for a half second before holding her pad up. Which obviously caught her direct attention.


"I had this all day following the precise and very detailed schematic for some kind of weapon for your Knight since I got this pad. We are at the point where we are almost completely copied the plan and are 80% done with construction. Would you come down here to check it out to make sure it's yours and the weapon we are building is done correctly to your schematics? Oh before I forget. I'm Chief Engineer Larson."


"You have my pad? I'll be right down C.E. Larson!" Crimson closes the link and rushes out the door. Leaving Hunter in sort of a stunned daze before he decides to go check on Saph.


((Ok that's all I'm posting for now. I'll post part two with that asshole who slapped Saph in it as well. K.G. message me how you want that new commander to act towards me please.))

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