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New Years Resolutions!!

Akieen Cloud

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I have a few this year to be honest. Some more personal goals then resolutions...like losing and keeping off a bit of weight. :/ Or trying to get back into my training so I'm not so out of shape. But here's a small list...it's much bigger then this...I have a lot to do this year. lol.


 #1. I want to try and be healthier. Eat, live, and think healthier. Not just in a food kind of way. 


 #2. I want to be closer to my family. I want to be closer with my kids, my Mom(since things have gotten a little tense there) I want to reconnect with my Dad and try to connect more with my new family. 


 #3. I want to let go of things that have been holding me back. All the pain from the past, keeping me down, all the mistakes I've made, and the things I wish I hadn't done. I want to stop thinking about all that and just let it go. Some what of a hard task for me. >.>


 And #4. I want to make the most this year, and not regret anything when the next new year rolls around. I've spent every new year for the past 8 years wishing I had done something different, wishing I hadn't gone through with this or that. But this year, my goal is to just be happy and make the most of things and not worry about the what ifs or the could have beens. 


So...there are a few of my less personal resolutions. What are a few or yours? ^^

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I am more determined than ever to get my arms sorted for 2013. Since I have been essentially off work since 2007, I think it's high time things started going my way.


I have a nice physio program to adhere to and I am now a freelance artist and designer. I am also taking on more photoshoots, acting roles and voice over roles.


I have over 100 illustrations to do for a book which I am hoping to finish by the middle of the year if possible and I am looking at growing my Melty Shoes business as well by teaming up with charities. I also have some good connections in the 'celeb' world being in the VA industry and all, so I'm hoping that I may be able to coax one of them into teaming up at some point. Hohoho.


I am also looking forward to my eldest future sister-in-law having her first child. It should be due around July/August time. <3


So yes... Resolutions written in a simpler way:


  • Finish private commissions
  • Get more commissions
  • Grow businesses
  • Do more photoshoots
  • Network more
  • Pursue childhood dream of joining the fire service which was put off when my arms started scredwing up
  • Help others more with their careers by offering tips and free marketing
  • Stop procrastinating as much
  • Gain more weight
  • Give blood (I'm an O neggie, so it will be useful.)
Edited by Melty Cat
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