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Digistory Chapter 4:World Of Chaos.


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Amanda groaned and sat up, looking around. The explosion had sent water, wall, humans, and digimon in all directions. Ginny and Tiamon lay a few feet away. Amanda stood and walked over, picking up Noptamon and carrying her over to her partner.

"Ginny? Are you okay?"

Ginny groaned, pulling herself into a sitting position. "Let's never, ever do that again."

"Fine by me," Oreta said crossly from behind them. Ginny and Amanda started.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here," Amanda muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"S'okay." Oreta looked around. "Where's Cera? And whatsisface? Kazuya?"

"I'm here," Cera called, slowly standing up and walking over. "Ugh... That was not fun."

Ginny looked down and realized she was still sitting in a few inches of water. She stood, wringing water from her hair. "Where [i]is[/i] Kazuya?"

"Frankly, I'm glad he's not here," Cera said shortly.

"Cera--But what if he's on our side now?"

"I mean it...I mean, he tried to kill us all before, remember? That kind of puts a damper on our relationship."

"Well, people can change..."

"Yeah, they [I]can[/I]. Doesn't mean they [I]do."[/I]

Cera scooped Kitmon out of the standing water on the floor. "Anyway, I thought ToyA--I mean, Block--whoever he is now--I thought he said there were no more traps or anything."

Amanda blinked. "Where [I]is[/I] Blockmon? Has anyone seen him?"
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LOL At least the last sprial-staircase is kaputt. Sorry, I just couldn't resist adding that in...

Ginny: Come to think of it, we haven't see Block-ToyAgumon since the corrider filled up with water..
Cera: Do you think he drowned?
Tiamon: Digimon don't drown, at least I think they don't. And, what [i]did[/i] happen to Kazuya?
*cera shrugs* Who knows?
Ginny: I'm sure he'll pop up again..he always does.
Oreta: What are we doing standing here than?! We need to go find that creep Ben.
Amnada: No kidding! I don't have the slightest where to look though...*turns to the other 2* But you do!
Cera & Ginny: No...we did before the tunnel got blown up!
Oreta: Maybe we should try and sift through the rubble and get down the rest of the stair-
Cera: NO! There is no way I am going down there again!
Amanda: I don't think you have to worry about that..there is no more staircase anyhow.*points to an open door*
Ginny: Maybe thats where Kazuya went!
Cera: And that makes us want to go down there?
Kitmon: What other choice do we have? There is no where else to go anyhow.
Noptamon: Kitmon's right. The only way out is through.
Amanda: This is confusing...but lets give it a whirl.
*They walk through the door*
Ginny: Brr..COLD!
Cera: Wet clothes and an icy corrider are not the best combination.
Amanda: WHats the deal? Is the central heating system busted or somethin'?
Oreta: Wow, your not from around here, are you? This place dosen't have an central heating system!
Amanda: Figures..
Cera: Careful guys! Theres a patch of ice right here...
Amanda: Where? *slips* Weeell...I take it it's right here.
Kitmon: Yeah...yep, I'd say it's there.
Tiamon & Noptamon: Yay! A slide! *jumps off Ginny*
Ginny: HEY! You two! Be careful!
Cera: Ginny! Don't chase them! You'll slide right down that-
Ginny: Tiamon! NO!
Tiamon: Why?
Ginny: You'll slip! Thats why!
Amanda: Actually, it looks like theres no other way down!'
*Cera groans* I am not sliding down that...
Oreta: Well, there is a ledge we could hang onto while we slip-n-slide down that thing...
Ginny: Lets go for it..
* * *
Ben: They're falling right for my trap, aren't they my evil little minion?
*a black unicorn stands by him*
Balticmon: Yes.
*ben holds up a digivice* If they hadn't been so careless, this digivice would not have been missing, eh?
Being evil is sooooo fun!
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
People!We have to keep this going!!!
Kazuya Was jumping 3 stairs at a time.His rage blinded him as to what he was doing,but he didn't care.All he wanted to do was destroy Ben and take the revenge that was his alone.He longed for his brother to be with him,He could feel Zeros Spirt telling him not to kill Ben,That he didn't know what he was doing,But all he could think of was Revenging his brother and his father.He knew that he wouldn't be able to kill Ben,That he would die,That a Ancient digimon would be the one to end the terror in the digital world........That he would die..... [I]Die.......[/I]What did it mean to die he wondered,Getting evercloser to the bottom.....Where would his soul go?Whould it be a happy place?Or would he be punished in hell for his sinful ways that he longed to forget?He loathed his former self and wished he could go back in time and keep himself for takeing that power from the Dark Lord.....But it was no use.He would die a honorable death and hopefully be sent to see his family.....
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Errrrr..........I post AGAIN......I guess....
Kazuya had jumped the last set of stairs and rocketed down the hall.He ran so fast he almost hit the door in front of him.He kicked it open to find Ben and that girls digimon laying there.......[i]What was here name?.....Oh yeah...[/i]

Ben Turned around,A look of relief on his face.

"So,You have come to die like your brother before you,and your useless father before him-"

At this Kazuya shot a fury of bullets at Ben......Which bounced of a invisable force field...

[i]This isn't good....I can't get the crest or Zaltamon.....I can't hurt him....I'm gonna die for nothing......I'm gonna die......Die......For nothing.....[/i]

Ben raised his hand a shot a ball of dark energy,which hit kazuya in the chest.All he heard before he black out was the footsteps of the girls in the hall behind him and Ben's Evil Laughter.....
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Kazuya: And now I die, live a warrior should.
Ben: No, Kazuya, I have a much better purpose for you, you will stop those stupid girls from ever getting out of here alive.
Ben holds his crest up high and an insane laughing fills the air. A black cyclone appears in the middle of the room, from which several shadows come out. The shadows all fly into Kazuya, filling him with his former hate and fury.
Ben: Kill them. :demon:
Kazuya: Yes......Ben..
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[FONT=century gothic]Ben!!!! You're back!!!!

[size=1]....and trying to kill us.....[/size]


Finally reaching the bottom of the ice-slide, Amanda, Cera, and Ginny looked around. Tia, Nopta, and Kit slid happily around on the icy floor.

"What do they think this is, an amusement park?" Cera muttered.

"Come on, Cera." Ginny chided. "They're having fun!"

"Am I the only one who thinks 'having fun' is maybe not the top priority right now?"

Amanda bit her lip. "I hope Zaltamon's okay."

Cera and Ginny glanced at each other. "I'm sure she's gonna be fine Amanda. We'll find her."

Ginny scooped up her two digimon, and Cera picked up Kitmon.

"Let's go. How hard can it be to find Ben?" Ginny asked cheerfully.

Cera groaned. "Considering he's always [i]attacking[/i] us, not hard at all...."

Amanda peered down one of the hallways. "Let's go this way. There's not as much ice over here."

Ginny and Cera followed her. After a few minutes, however, it became apparent that they were quite lost.

And just to make things worse, someone was watching them from the shadows.[/FONT]
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[SIZE=1]"Ah........How lovely it is to see you in such a place!Pity it's under this evil temple......."

The three girls turned to see Kazuya standing there with his custom made,Crystal bladed sword.We was wearing his evil grin....

"Oh..Kazuya....Atleast it's not Ben....Well,Our current status is that we are lost..."

"Well it seems you are.....Well then i guess i should kill you now then.....Relieve you of your worry,you know?"

His sword went up instantly and landed right up against Cera neck.He walked forward slowly,extending his own arm backwards so he was finally standing next to Cera with his sword still against her neck.He muttered "Pity......Such a pity...",And then there was a flash of light,and the next time anyone could see,Kazuya was on the ground with Blood dribbling out of his mouth and Ben stood over him Saying "I never told you to harm Cera.I want her the only one alive!"

Cera strained to remember what happened during that flash of light........[/SIZE]
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[FONT=century gothic]Cera's hand went to her throat, where the blade had been. Dazed, she watched as Ben turned from Kazuya again.

"Now go. Do it right this time," Ben snarled. And disappeared.

Kazuya threw a sullen glance to where Ben had stood a moment before, but nodded. He began advancing again.

Lyrdramon was suddenly at Cera's side, eyes sparking with rage. Kazuya looked at her condescendingly. "Out of the way, foolish one. It is not [i]your[/i] child I want."

"You shall not pass," Lydramon growled at him.

Kazuya's eyes narrowed. "Move aside."


From somewhere behind them, Ginny gave a strangled cry. Snapped out of her daze, Cera spun around. "Ginny! Amanda! Get out of here! Run!"

Kazuya attacked.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=chocolate]*whimpers* Goody. Ben only wants Cera alive.
Ginny stumbled backwards against Amanda. "What now!?" the younger girl screamed in her ear.
Ginny, to be honest, panicked at that point. Amanda was without her Digimon. She was toast. "Nopta!" Ginny hollered, "You need to help me protect Amanda!"
Noptamon cocked his head and grinned at Tiamon. The two promptly digivolved; Nekomon and Gryfmon hovered at head's height.
Kazuya swung out with his sword. Lyrdramon swiped at his legs, knocking him to the ground. With the temporary respite, Ginny and Amanda bolted, the two Rookies close behind.
Until Ginny began to slip--back toward Kazuya. The warrior brandished his sword, and Ginny scrambled helplessly as she slid closer...[/COLOR]
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