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Remember me?


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Hey remember me? i am not goin to come back i am sorry for not telling u when i did but u can still talk to me in the Otaku's Chat and on
AIM at: [B]Killermon77[/B]
and on MSN at: [B]killermon777@hotmail.com[/B]
and my website: [url]http://www.theouterworld.n3.net[/url]
and i am busy helping with [url]http://www.SSJ-Fury.com[/url]

O yea vote and tell me if u want me to stay or go...
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
yes I do remember you, why the hell did you post this thread in GD? you have been on the boards since april and you still don't know where crap like this goes, post this in introduction, thats what its there for!
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
well he ain't supposed to make a leaving thread either! the admins themselves told us that its stated in the terms and conditions of the boards when you register!
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