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Hunt For The Dragonballs!


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*Outlaw blasts towards the King in a blinding white aura. The king smirked as Outlaw closed in. Right before Outlaw reached the king, he pushes off the ground with one foot and jumps over the king. He then comes back and eblows the king in the neck, followed by a ferious spin kick to the side which spents the king flying.*

Outlaw - >:) Come on, Is that all the big SSJ6 King can do.
[I]Wow, Angel's power has given me a huge boost.[/I]

King - Grrrrrrr, :flaming: you haven't seen anything yet infidel.

*The king begins to charge up even more and charges at Outlaw. He begins to throw a barage of kicks and punches at him. Outlaw dodges everyone of them with ease. The power Angel gave him has atleast doubled his speed.*

Outlaw - Come on, is this the best you can do?

*The king powers up one massive punch with ki, but Outlaw ducks under it and does a back-flip kick and sents the saiyan king flying.*

Outlaw - ;) *to Angel*
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*Outlaw sends the king sailing into the ground, brused and bloodied.*

Outlaw - Its been fun your magesty, but I'm afraid its over now.

*Outlaw fires a Blinding Light Attack down at the King, completely incinerating him.*

King - Nooooooooooo.........................

*Outlaw sighs in releif than powers down to his usual form. He than drops down and lands next to Angel.*

Angel - Wow, Outlaw, you where amazing.

*Angel jumps into Outlaws arms.*

Outlaw - Only because of you.

*Outlaw gives Angel a long pasionet(sp) kiss.*

Dbzman - Geez, get a room.

*While still kissing Outlaw, Angel fires a force ball at Dbzman and sends him flying.*
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[I]Warlock, who normaly doesn't laugh, let out a small laugh as DBZMAN relpied to Outlaw and Angel.[/I]

[I]Warlock started to lift into the air, and was hit by a blast of ki. He fell to the ground, almost dead. The group quickly looked up, and saw a saiyin who looked simalar to Warlock.[/I]

Saiyin: "Too easy..."

Outlaw: "You're going down."

[I]Outlaw zoomed at the saiyin, and was smashed into the ground.[/I]

Saiyin: "You're really no fun. So, I'll leave now, with a parting gift."

[I]He raised his hand, and a white ball of ki appeared on it. He aimed it at the ground, and threw it. It hit the ground causing a small explosion, which turned out to do tremendous damage. The planet began to shake as it started to be destroyed. The saiyin flew down to Warlock, and whispered one last sectence before disappearing.[/I]

Saiyin: "Goodbye, brother."

[I]He disappeared, and DBZMAN looked around.[/I]

DBZMAN: "It's blowing apart. Let's get back to the ship and get out of here. I'll get Warlock..."

[I]DBZMAN grabbed Warlock, and the others grabbed onto DBZMAN, who teleported to the ship...[/I]
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[COLOR=red]Everyone gets into the ship and Outlaw takes off, just as the entire planet explodes[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Warlock, can you hear me?

Warlock: Uhhhhhhh...

Dbzman: Hey guys, hes ok!

Gochan: *Sniff* All the puppys got destroyed!


Gochan: Oh

Dbzman: Um...What did that Saiya-jin mean when he said "Goodbye brother..." to you?

Outlaw: Huh? I didn't hear that!

Dbzman: I have extra special senses Outlaw, remeber, I have about 10 other ppl in me.

[COLOR=red]Punches himself[/COLOR]

Dbzman: (Vegetas voice) [COLOR=darkred]Huh! You're becoming as stupid as Kakkarott! Every Saiya-jin knows that they are all brothers![/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]Punches himself again[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Oh ya, silly me! :D
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Outlaw - So, where are we headed to next?

Dbzman - Hold on, I'll check the map.

*Dbzman looks at the map.*

Dbzman - This says that the next planet is Toomcha.

Pyro - Toomcha.......?

Dbzman - Thats what is says.

Outlaw - Is something wrong Pyro?

Pyro - Wha? Oh, no, nothing. I'm just gonna go take a nap.

Outlaw - Alright, you know where the beds are.

*Pyro walks to his and Gochan's room and walks in. He walks out two seconds later completely dumbfounded.*

Angel - Gochan and No Hime get there first?

Pyro - Ya.

Outlaw - No sweat, you can use my bed.

Pyro - Thanks.

*Pyro walks to the back of the ship and falls asleep in Outlaw's room.*

Outlaw - Alright, computer, set a cource for Toomcha.

Computer - Affermative.
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[I]Warlock got up onto his knees and sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes and started to meditate. After only a few minutes a blue light crept over his body, and his wounds were healed. He got up, and walked over to Dbzman.[/I]

Warlock: "So, where are we going?"

Dbzman: "A planet named Toomcha."

Warlock: "Doesn't ring a bell."

Dbzman: "Doesn't ring anyones."

Warlock: "And what happened after I was knocked uncoiuncess(sp)?"

Dbzman: "A saiyin threw a ball of ki into the planet, destroying it. We got out just in time."

Warlock: "Do you know who the saiyin was?"

Dbzman: "No, but he drifted over to you and called you his brother."

[I]Warlock walked away, got into a chair, and relaxed...[/I]
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[COLOR=red]After a few hours, the computers indicator indicates that it has found Toomcha[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Um...Is'nt it meant to show it on the computers map?

Outlaw: Yeah...Um...Zoom in!

Computer: Zooming in...

[COLOR=red]As the computer zooms in more and more, a tiny little spec appears on the screen[/COLOR]

Outlaw: THATS a planet???

Dbzman: Uhhh...Angel?

Angel: Ya?

Dbzman: Got any shrinking spells???
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*As they all stare at the tinny speck which is Toomba, The ship is suddenly hit with an invisible force. The front of the hull crumbles and everyone is thrown around the deck. After a few minutes, Outlaw, Dbzman, Angel, and Warlock Emerge from the ruble of the main deck.*

Dbzman - Holy crap! What was that!

Angel - I don't know.

Outlaw - I'll go check it out.

*Outlaw heads for the air lock.*

Angel - Wait, don't you need like a suit or anything?

Outlaw - Nope, the Kao can survive in space.

*Outlaw walks out of the air lock and finds that there is a gravitational force of atleast 10X earths pulling him towads the feild. As he jumps out and lands on the feild, A brown rocky substance apears under his feet. The rocky substance seems to grow outwards on the feild.*

Outlaw - What the heck is going on here.

*Suddenly a figure lands beside him. Outlaw turns around to see Pyro.*

Outlaw - I'm guessing you know more than your telling us.

Pyro - Yes. Toomba is not a speck. In fact, where on it right now.

Outlaw - What?

Pyro - Toomba may appear small, but thats all a defence mechinism. A device makes the planet appear tinier. We did it to try and keep away intruders. But, now that we have landed here, they are turning it off.

Outlaw - Why?

Pyro - They are expecting us.

Outlaw - Whos they?

Pyro - You'll see.
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*Outlaw turns towards the ship.*

Outlaw - Hey guys, its ok. You can come out now.

*After a few minutes, everyone gets out of the ship.*

Angel - What is this place.

Pyro - Toomcha, my home world.

Outlaw - Apartently they had some defence mechinism which made the planet seem microscopic to everyone else.

Warlock - Wow. That is some technology.

Outlaw - Ya, but now where do we find the dragon ball?

Dbzman - Lets try and find the nearest cit..............whah!

*Suddenly everyone is surrounded by a strange blue aura and are lifted off the ground. After a few seconds of lefetating, they are all sent flying all over the planet in groups. Outlaw, Pyro, and Angel go one way, Gochan, No Hime, and Warlock go another, and Dbzman, and Magnumshot go somewhere else.*

*In an open feild.*


*Outlaw, Pyro, and Angel come crashing down in the feild.*

Outlaw - I guess they where expecting us.

Pyro - Yep.

All - AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Angel: I guess I will be more careful next time

* stands up and takes a look around *

Angel: I guess we were seperated

* Outlaw stands up himself *

Outlaw: How will we find the dragon Ball

Angel: They will find us first, they are expecting us to anyways

Outlaw; But

Angel: they probably know Pyro is here and can track us down, who knows what they will do

* pyro stands too then *

Angel: and I hope they don't use extreme torture for invaders

Pyro: they might be a little mad if you try to take the dragon ball though

Angel: well, we can talk to them and explain

Outlaw; that doesn't sound like you

Angel: so, it is the easiest way though
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[COLOR=red]Dbzman goes SPLAT into a wall, face first[/COLOR]

Dbzman: Ow...

Magnumshot: And we are now at...?

Dbzman: Heck, don't ask me!! I don't have a clue where we are! Hey wait a sec, I know! Instant Transmission should work! I just need to picture one of the team members in my head! Lets see...Outlaw...Ok! Lets GOOOOOO!

[COLOR=red]Instant Transmission!!![/COLOR]


Dbzman: Its not working. Its NOT WORKING! :eek:

Magnumshot: There must be something blocking off our powers here!

Dbzman: Lets see...

[COLOR=red]Puts hand out, and nothing happens, then jumps into the air, but nothing happens[/COLOR]

Dbzman: You're right, I can't shoot Ki or Fly anymore...
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*Outlaw, Angel, And Pyro sit around a small fire they where able to make. They found it to be suprisingly cold in that area.*

Pyro - So, explain this to me again? Why are we just waiting here?

Outlaw - Because right now we don't know where any one or thing is. And if the Tommchaians know where here, they are probobly coming to find us.

Angel - And sence we can't fly, we can't go looking for the others, well, atleast not with much chance of finding them.

Pyro - Yes, I tried to warn you Outlaw, but no, You insisted you could fly.

Angel - You have to admit, it was funny when you hit that rock on the way down.

Pyro and Angel - :laugh:

Outlaw - :(Ya, laugh it up. It could have happened to either one of you.

Angel - I'm sorry.

Outlaw - Its alright. So how long do you think it'll take them to find us Pyro?

Pyro - I don't know maybe a few hours.

Outlaw - We sould probobly gte some rest than. We can just sleep around the fire for now.

Angel - Good idea.

Pyro - Ya, I am a bit tired.

All 3 - :sleep:
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[I]Warlock continues to fly around, looking for No Hime and Gochan. He then hears voices, which sound familar.[/I]

Gochan: "HEY WARLOCK!"

No Hime: "OVER HERE!"

[I]Warlock looks down, and sees Gochan and No Hime. He slowly drifts down towards them.[/I]

Warlock: "Come on, we better go and find the others."

[I]Warlock lifts back into the air, and looks back down at Gochan and No Hime.[/I]

Warlock: "Aren't you going to come?"

Gochan: "Um...we can't fly."

Warlock: "That's strange, I can."

[I]Warlock flys back down to Gochan and No Hime.[/I]

Warlock: "Grab onto me. I'll try and teleport to one of the others."

[I]The others grab onto Warlock, and they teleport away. They appear next to Dbzman.[/I]

Dbzman: "How did you get here?"

Warlock: "I teleported here."

Dbzman: "How can you use your powers? We can't."

Warlock: "You can't?"

Dbzman: "Nope."

Warlock: "This is all very weird..."
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sorry i havent posted... **** terrorists... well, hi!

Gochan: Dilly, i cant use my powers!!! *gochan jumps up and down trying to fly* ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

*angel and no hime start laughing there heads off*

Gochan: its not funny... :(

Angel: were sorry gochan... but you look so silly.

Gochan: well... hey, how come you can use [I]your[/I] power warlock, but i cant??? NO FAIR!:mad:

Warlock: im not sure why, gochan... im sorry...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gochan [/i]
[B]sorry i havent posted... **** terrorists... well, hi!

Gochan: Dilly, i cant use my powers!!! *gochan jumps up and down trying to fly* ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

*angel and no hime start laughing there heads off*

Gochan: its not funny... :(

Angel: were sorry gochan... but you look so silly.

Gochan: well... hey, how come you can use [I]your[/I] power warlock, but i cant??? NO FAIR!:mad:

Warlock: im not sure why, gochan... im sorry... [/B][/QUOTE]

ANgel isn't with you guys. See is on the other side of the planet with Pyro and Outlaw.
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