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kumomaru banner.gif

Guest Kumomaru

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[size=1]You seem to be having a problem the concept of images, here...

When you post, there is an option for an attachment, with a little button that says Browse. Click on the button. It'll take you to some corner of your computer.. Find the image you want, select it, and click Okay. The image name should appear in the field next to the Browse button. Submit reply.

That should work for you.

If you have the image online, open it in a new window. Copy the address of the image.

Click on the IMG button on the [i]post reply[/i] page, and paste the address into the box that comes up.



[SIZE=1]If all else fails, quote my post and copy what I've got between the stars. You can just paste that into your sig. [/SIZE]
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Guest Kumomaru
Thanks ill try that

[color=teal]EDIT:[/color] [i]kumomaru banner[/i]

[color=teal]EDIT AGAIN:[/color] [i]kumomaru banner[/i]

[color=teal]EDIT YET AGAIN:[/color] Damn!

[color=teal]Rediculous. Please read James' respone as well as everyone elses very carefully. The next post that you make in this thread should successfully upload the banner, or else it will be deleted, no questions asked. Note: The reason I didn't just delete all these posts is because they are refferenced to at a point in the thread. -Syk3[/color]
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Okay. Stop posting. You obviously do not know what you are doing. Italicizing the words won't do anything.

You don't just type the name of your file in. It won't do anything.

Do what Sara said.

Pick Post Reply. Then under the text box (write something about the image in there too), you'll see a little button that says "Browse." Click it. Then find your image on your computer and select it. Click okay. Then post the reply.

The image should show up.

Don't double post in the future, and please listen to what others say. You obviously haven't even tried what Sara said.
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[color=#808080]Kumomaru, let me point out a few things.

Firstly, single word posting is against the rules. And so is double posting.

Putting an image in your signature isn't very hard; just follow Sara's instructions. I think we've given you plenty of opportunity to follow the rules, so please...make an effort to do the right thing. Otherwise we will have to ban you.[/color]
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I'm sorry for letting this go so long; the banner was originally given to him when he [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23199]requested it[/url] in the Banner/Avatar Request forum. Basically, any criticism you give him won't be helping anyway, since he didn't make it to begin with. Not to mention the fact that he took up half the thread trying to figure out how to upload this, there is no point in keeping this thread open.

When you make a thread here, make sure that it is your own work, and not someone elses. Like I said before, the constructive criticism that people will give won't be helping at all, and that's the entire point of this forum -- to help people improve artistically.

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