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WW2 pic of the week!


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Yo this is WW2!:cool: I decided to post more of my work on this forum.

Feel free to rate my pics (1-10). I'll post more if you like it.

So, heres my first pic. Its some demon girl I created. :devil:
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"That, students, is what is known as a saturated color picture."

^^; Yeah, anyways, another well-drawn pic, and I'll leave your color-scheming to you. It's a unique style that's reminiscent of Sunday comic colors.

The wings are a little...off. They don't seem like they belong with the pic, so forgive me if I seem to have suspicion implanted into my little noggin now.

Rating withheld till further notice. :X
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Thanks for all your feed back, I'll try to fix the girl's wings, and maybe recolor it.

Well I couldn't wait for next week to come, so here is another one of my pics.

Its of a skull jester.(I like drawing skulls:D )
I know it has nothing to do with anime, and its not my best work, but I think its cool.

Tell me what you think.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]As for the demon girl, I like the style, but it seems like her head isn't big enough for her body. And the colors... O_o;;

And for the second one, for some reason I just imagine ICP and I hate ICP so yeah. But I like the picture. ^_^;[/color][/size]
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LMAO! I actually was laughing for 10 minutes at the pimped up skeleton! That's gonna be me when i die. LOL. Anyway, the first picture = The colours are wierd and the face is a little...i'm not quite sure lol. The second picture is brillaint well done on that one. The third picture is very complez and VERY well drawn everything is in proportion except i think the head is a bit too small. The fourth is just perfect, you should i written "Pimpin' Like A Dead Man" LOL! Oh i crack me up....*ahem*
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