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Zelda Banner.....(Mature Content)


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Well, it's a good try, but there are a few things you can improve on. I think you could have drawn his hand and potion a little better, and more. His words are a little close together in the banner, like the second line is practically touching the bottom of the top.

It's funny though, reminds me of a caption I saw for the first picture in the caption contest. Link is looking scared, and this girl is holding on to him with this kind of smile, looking up at him. Anyway, the coption was something like, "Link, remember that night when we drank WAY too much blue potion? Well, ummm...congratulations, you're going to be a dad!"
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Yeah, there's a bit more empty space than there should be.

Black potion? Heh, I get what you're saying, but for some reason, having a [i]black[/i] potion doesn't seem to fly with me. Kinda made me laugh, pause, go "Black potion wha?". Yeah. ^^;
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Yes, you are right....

The text is to close to eachother, I could have drawn that much metter but it was made on the computer. And I wasnt really going for much of a realistic look anyways, it was just somthing fun. I had some freetime in 4th period. Hahah.

But yah Syk3, I saw the captions, they were funny.

Plus.....now that I think about it, a drink wouldnt make you trip, a drink would make you drunk. But oh well I tried to be funny atleast. Lol.
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Ya have a point. Maby you shoulda stuck like a flute in his hand and said this pipe is trippi'n or sumtin, but, I dunno. I like the bg, how'd ya do that? And there is way to much empty space, coulda filled it with like diffrent colors to make it look like ur trippin' or sumtin. *shrugs* just a suggestion, I like it htou, its funny when ya first read it.
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