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It has life

Guest Steiner

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Guest Steiner
After a long time of watching the Square enix section being empty and lifeless i thought i would start a new thread

So anyway i have been playin all my FF games and i have been noticing alot of simularities between plces in the game and places in the real world.

like in FF9 Daguerro look alot like a place in turkey i dont know what the place is called but i saw it in a movie.

do any of you see any simularties?
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Guest Zeh
[size=1]I have to agree with JC on this one, artist's always need inspiration, and a place like Daguerro doesn't pop into many peoples minds. If you think of it, any of the places in most games, have been inspired by something in real life. [/size]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well this is about FF... but since this is Square Enix now, I'm going to talk about Dragon Warrior.

I don't know how many of you have played it outside of Monsters or Ginny's escapades with DW7... but the series has many things based on real locations and geography.

Especially Dragon Warrior 3. There is an entire continent shaped like Africa, an island like Australia, another island like Great Britain and another continent like America. The funny thing is that the America shaped one is referred to as the "New World" which I found amusing.

Great, great game. I'm playing the hell out of the GBC version and loving every minute. I cannot wait for the Gameboy Player.
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Guest visser 3
I dont want to think that. Thats just insane. I can understand europien names but after geberals wifes that worked for hitler.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by visser 3 [/i]
[B]I dont want to think that. Thats just insane. I can understand europien names but after geberals wifes that worked for hitler. [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1][color=crimson]What the hell are you talking about? This thread has clearly gone off topic, and I don't see any point to keep it open anymore.

-Thread closed.[/size][/color]
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