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Yet another simple banner from meh, I dont know why but I liked the clean-ness of the bottom part then the scribbledness over it. Just looked cool, to me anyways, what do you guys think ?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaisuke [/i]
[B]Yet another simple banner from meh, I dont know why but I liked the clean-ness of the bottom part then the scribbledness over it. Just looked cool, to me anyways, what do you guys think ? [/B][/QUOTE]
Is that leaf what I think it is? Tsk, tsk..

Very simple, yet effective. I love the font!

[SIZE=1]You changed your name again! --;;[/SIZE]
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[b][size=1]There's simple, then there's bland. Both banners just seem bland to me at the moment. I think they are both too toned towards white; maybe changing the tone of the leaf in the first image to a grey and darkening the text in the second banner would improve them.[/b][/size]
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[quote]There's simple, then there's bland. Both banners just seem bland to me at the moment. I think they are both too toned towards white; maybe changing the tone of the leaf in the first image to a grey and darkening the text in the second banner would improve them.[/quote]

That's an intresting way to put it, but I'd have to agree =\. There's a difference between simple and lazyness, usually the good simple banners I see are typos + symbols/icons + vectors.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I really, really like the font. ^^;
I think that black font in the first banner would look really neat on its own. But, that's just me. ^_^;

1) 7/10.
2) 7/10.[/color] [/size]
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Bland, probably.

Thats what im going for though, I just think that in way too many boards, people are judged by whats in there signature, and I think that that's pretty stupid. Im using these "bland" banners partly because I personally like them, and secondly because I want to prove that banners dont have to be all complicated graphics. At the end of the day its my banner, im using it, and if I like it then thats what goes.

so nyeh ^_^
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*agrees with Kenji* [spoiler]To hell with your other names -.-[/spoiler] *cough*

But yeah. I don't really think I have any problems with bland banners. Heck, the last few I've made are really bland. There's about five; all just using grey, black, white and burgundy.

[/b]The second banner looks like something I would make, lol

(Likes second one a lot better)[/size]
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Guest Musahi
The first banner is much better in my opinion.
[color=white][size=1]IT IS I TELL YOU! IT IS![/size][/color]
Ahem, it is indeed simple. But if that is what it's intended for then I'll rate it for what it is. For the first one I give a, *drumroll* 8. I don't have much to say about the second one except for I give it a 7. Even though it's supposed to be simple, I can't help but think it's ugly. That is just me though.

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