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Final Fantasy Opinions....


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I just want to see what people think:

Who do you think is the BEST dressed Final Fantasy Character ever?

Who do you think is the WORST dressed Final Fantasy Character ever?

ok, I think the best dressed FF character is Beatrix from ff9, i love the top bit and the long bit down the back, and i love the pants

Worst would have to be either Garnet (dagger) from ff9 with her stupid orange tight thingy and the stupid puffy sleeves, or Squall and his stupid fluffy collar

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Just a quick comment on the puffy sleeves (since I'm running late).

If you take a look at the general theme that runs through the artistic part of the game, you'll see that the whole puffy sleeves bit is rather common. While it didn't look too good on Garnet, I thought that it looked all right on Eiko (though Eiko's pouch dress thingie was [i]weird[/i]). The sleeves thing carried over to the two jesters as well, Zorn and ?Thorn. While the sleeves concept was probably good at first, they rather overdid it in a polygonal system that wasn't able to render it properly.

More thoughts later, heh.
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[size=1]The best dresses would have to be Cloud, or Tidus in my opinion... Maybe not something people these day's would wear, but it looks friggin cool. I absolutely despise Quina's outfit. She's... she's.... *stops before he gets carried away* [/size]
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[color=indigo]I like the way Setzer, from FFVI, looks. Gotta love the trench coat, heh. And the white hair looks kind of cool against the black of the coat.

As for worst, hmm. . . . Can't really think of any one that really stands out as worst, really.[/color]
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I like Freya's and Beatrix's the best.Freya's hat's cool.And I agree with Vince about Beatrix.

The worst is either Quina,Amarant or Steiner.
Quina wears something like an apron,Amarant wears those long pants like things and Steiner's in the heavy suit of armor everytime you move you hear an infernal clanking as he walks.

The reason I've done all FFIX is because the costumes in the others are okay for me except in FFVII everything is so computered.They're all bulky and wierd but the costumes are still good.
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Guest Steiner
The best dressed in my oppinion would be all the charcters from FFVII
The charcters clothes match so well with thier background and personality.

Worst dresssed. Hmm in my oppinion would have to be Anyone from FFVIII Mostly cos i think the characters didnt have enough personality or enough background.

Just my opinion.
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I think most of the character designs in VII are rather generic, and so the clothes don't do much for me either. I think Cloud looks incredibly stupid in what he's wearing... Everyone else is rather eh, with the possible exceptions of Vincent, Aeris, Yuffie and Sephiroth (and some of those more than others).

As for best dressed... I guess Gogo. You don't know what sex it is, or anything. I would think no one in their right minds would wear all that stuff, but it still looks pretty funny and so I enjoy it. Perhaps it's not the most fashionable, but whatever.

I also think that Relm was pretty good about that stuff... Same for Rosa, Rydia and Celes.

Worst... I don't know. Kuja?
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*shudders* Why, oh WHY did you have to remind me about Kuja?!? >.< *bawls*
*remembers that one online comic about Kuja showing Sephiroth about the beauties of thongs and laughs*

They went completely wild in FF9, design wise, so it stands to reason that there is a wide spectrum of love n hate there. FF8 was...well, I didn't get too much into it, lost interest, yadda yadda, but it tried to pull itself off as a normal life game the part I played, and those clothes did [i]not[/i] fit.

FFX--all the main characters were well dressed. It was the minor characters I rose an eyebrow to. Lots of bright colors and odd designs. I want an outfit like that one summoner lady's--you know which one I mean. ;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]Worst... I don't know. Kuja? [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=indigo]Okay, I've found a worst one, lol. I had forgotten about Kuja. :twitch:

Oh, and General Leo from FFVI also looks pretty good, I think.[/color]
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[color=crimson]Lulu. Sexi :X Sexi and Gothic. It makes Ken want Lulu. *secretly creates clones of Lulu in his lab* ~.~

Worst dressed is Tidus. What the **** was that, really? It looked retarded as hell. Rikku's outfit was a bit too plain, but in no means 'bad'. But the absolute worst outfit I have seen would have to be Cloud dressed as a woman.

That counts, right?[/color]
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I personally adore the clothing in every one of the ff-games (of course to a certain extent). Some of them are more than a little odd, yes, but that's exactly why I like them so much! :D

But I have to say that the Strangest Outfit Award goes to Rikku's ffx-2 version. I mean, she has a tiny piece of cloth as a skirt and two to cover her... err... bosom, AND a huge scarf around her neck! It's like she was only cold from her NECK and nowhere else! And those separate fluffy flamenco sleeve-thingies make the appereance even weirder... But yet she manages to look amazingly original! :D Can't go around it...
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I know, that piccie makes me think she is wearing too much, and at the same time, not enough! Seems a lot of the female characters have gone that route in FF:X-2, 'cept for Paine, from what I remember of her.

I wanna draw like that...;_;
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