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Personal Pics!


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i]
[B]member picture topics are always cool. i enjoy looking at them. you should post some more pics vegi..you only posted like what..2? in entire year i've known you. [/B][/QUOTE]

I've actually posted 6 pics...

1 was the one next to my truck
3 from Niagara Falls
1 Freshman year pic
1 pic of me when I was like 11

I'll post one here soon me thinks... I dunno though.... these people are gonna be shocked :p well maybe... maybe not...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Perhaps I'll post one.... later.... maybe not....

Only a handful of people here at the boards know what I really look like.... and I'm NOT what you think I look like.... although the guy I like thinks I look hot so.. [/B][/QUOTE]

I had a dream and you were in it. You looked like Hwoarang from Tekken3, but with black hair. You were wearing a black Transtric Nerve shirt, while playing Jeopardy. Weird.

I just got my school pics. They look ok.
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OK well I guess I'll be the first to post my ugly self on this thread, since nobody's done it yet =]... Jeez me scary to look at.. Anyway, this pic is from my vacation to swiss land in June.

and one more in which I look exactly the same... hmm...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by masterfork [/i]
[B]OK well I guess I'll be the first to post my ugly self on this thread, since nobody's done it yet =]... Jeez me scary to look at.. Anyway, this pic is from my vacation to swiss land in June.

and one more in which I look exactly the same... hmm...
[url]http://www.total3d.com/downloads/Image4.jpg[/url] [/B][/QUOTE]

Ugly??? Far from it.... You are a fine peice of human specimin :p hehe well you are :)

And Navi.... Me on Jeopardy sounds like fun :).... However I wish I looked like Hwoarang... he's good looking, I... am not... at least i don't think so...
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here i wit my g/f(Bekka) . she hot isn't she? :cool: aren'y i lucky to be going out with the hottest girl in school? :cool: sadly, the pic came out bad. and it's the only one of my on the net cause she uploaded it. i don't have a digital camera or scanner :( but if u wanna see a pic of her, here's one:

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i]
[B]woah! Hotties alert! hehe, I would show a pic. of me, but you know parents today and how paranoid they are:rolleyes: :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

lol...I know what you mean. My mom freaks out cause she dont know what this OTAKU stuff is I am always at...lol
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i]

lol...I know what you mean. My mom freaks out cause she dont know what this OTAKU stuff is I am always at...lol [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]hahaha! my mom is the same way! she like freaks out...so I'm like "Mommy, look, I'm 17 years old (on Monday :p) and you think that you need to patrol every single thing I do!" It's annoying :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, I guess I could post my pic again. I'm on the far left, in the white tank![/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]

[color=deeppink]hahaha! my mom is the same way! she like freaks out...so I'm like "Mommy, look, I'm 17 years old (on Monday :p) and you think that you need to patrol every single thing I do!" It's annoying :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, I guess I could post my pic again. I'm on the far left, in the white tank![/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

**** BabyGirl, you is fiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!! :D :D :love:
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Guest Master O Beans
Here's me and some friends at Senior Breakfast (It's after the last day of school...all the seniors come back and have breakfast together...for those of you who don't know...)

From Left to Right:
J-Dubbs , Me (Bean-bag), and Nugz
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