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Ki energy to you is it real or not??


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Guest King_Cloud690
Well in real life ummmmm I dont know! I guess if you meditate like every day for like 10 hours a day maybe! Cuz I have always heard that u get powers from meditating alot or sometin!lol
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I don't really beleive ki can make you fly and fire blast from your hands but I do believe they're really is ki. Ki is suppose to be your life force and when you run out or use it all upp you die. DBZ took ki to another level where you can fire it and force it under you to fly and control it at will.
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[color=crimson][size=1]I am not sure if there is anything real about ki. But if you train you could kinda like train your sences better such as hearing, etc. In DBZ they used there ki to track other peoples ki so I am not sure. I do not believe that fire blasts from your palms or be able to fly. Theres no way that ki in the real life... if there is any would make you capable of such things. x.x [/size][/color]
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Well there is a such thing as ki and energy but we just can't do it like DBZ, that ki and energy was took to whole new unrealistic level. Real ki lets you do such things like punch thrue a dozen stone tablets and take blows to your vital life area's on the body . That's the whole basis of most martial arts, to refine , harness and maximize your energy and senses. Meditation does go a long way in refineing them, but it takes a long time and much practice to get really strong ki. So yes there is a such thing as ki energy but in real life there is no such ki that lets you fire energy blast and fly.

Go to these 2 links to learn more about the DBZ flight and ki energy..

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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]The closest your going to come to Ki energy in real life, IMO, is a serious adrenaline rush. It just seems like trying to push energy out of your body would result in some form of physical harm.

'course, it's still a cool concept...

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There are two ways I look at this question.

First, in real life. Ki, or Chi, is merely the focused physical energy of a human. It is more a state of mind then an actual form of energy. Controlling one's Ki is simply the process of focusing your mind, body, and soul on a task. This is why a martial artist can break a board. They focus all of themselves into striking as quickly and cleanly as possible, allowing for great power with little pain.

Second, in DragonBall. Not even close to possible. The human body does not create nearly enough energy to pull off anything in DB/Z/GT. Maybe if the extra energy were stored you could pull of a few things, but it would be mostly stronger muscles, faster hitting/running, and [i]maybe[/i] an electrical discharge from your nerves/muscles (after evolution gets its chance).
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Basically, Ki energy is a metaphor. It's another word for the untapped human potential that exists in all of us.

It's like, our ability to adapt and evolve. Ki energy is the thing that makes humanity say "Yes I can" when all the evidence says "No you can't".

Becuase of Ki, we built cities. Because of Ki, we built farms, wrote stories, dared to dream. Because of Ki, we got to the moon and try to make peace.

Ki is simply human hopes and dreams given a name. I've always believed that humanity can do [i]anything[/i], and we can do it because of the Ki that rests within us.

Hope springs eternal.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I doubt that it will ever get to the level of DBZ or even DB. But it could possibly exist. Sometimes I "Power Up" and I can hit harder/faster but it doesn't last. I kind of do a sort of stretching motion and try to force energy out. It sounds weird, but I get a bit more powerful for a few seconds, then am tired for a few minutes. Well, thats my opinion.
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Ki energy IS real. U.S. Millitary use gogle's to pick it up. In Japanesse, it is called Ki. In U.S. we call it somthing else. But, yeah. It is detectable.

Also have you ever "sensed" someone sneaking up to you? I have, it's like this feeling that you get when other human energy gets close to you. Some people are more aware of it than others. That is a theory, but it has not been proven.

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I belive there are three forces of your body. The normal one, that you are using as you read this, another one in the form of adreneline, and one more that keeps you alive. If that one may be kalled Ki, than there you have it. Before you question it, no. Monks won't start flying around blasting people from overmeditation, though, that would make one heck of a reality show.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stealth Knight
I think that there is a such thing as ki, but yet again, there may not be. It could be a hidden power that is asleep and has not awaken. On the other hand, it is just something that was made up for the show.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok just so to let you guys in on some info that you may or may not know.Have you ever heard that we only use 10% of our brains?And if we used 100% then we could do crazy stuff like fly or use the force?Well that is true in a sense.We humans use every little part of our brain but can only use a certain amount of it at a time.Get it?You cant drive a car while reading a book and talk on the cell phone all at the same time(otherise youd die in some horrific yet cool way)Our brain can only take in so much.I just wanted to let you guys know just incase you hear this and think otherwise.the thought of tapping into our full potiental of our brain is not true since we already do it.Agian as for the focusing of your chi<-----(i call it that)Thats the study of yea,martial arts and the force of yin and yang.Ive broken of few bricks and boards in my life and i would just concertrate thinking 'there are no bricks'' and punching/kicking as swift as i can.Its all in your technique.You want to be very sure that your are punching/kicking correctly so you will have no or little pain when you go for it.Adreniline also plays a BIG part in this.Your heart increases in rate your breathing becomes heavy your muscles tense and you focus all that to your striking point and boom you broke threw a board or whatever you try to break.I hope my info has helped all of you
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[color=666666][size=1][i]In a way it is and in a way it isn't. I think it is because Ki is like energy, and you can channel your Ki, you can also do this with your energy. Like in Karate you can channel your energy to break a brick that was on the bottom of a stack, but not break any in between. But then its not real in the way that you can shoot it, and things like that.[/color][/size][/i]
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No I don't really believe in Ki energy. You can't run out of "life energy" unless you stop eating or your mitochondira don't work or something. Really your body gets it's energy chemically. Training only helps your body to process energy better. "Ki" seems to refer to your soul in a way. Souls don't need energy, they're just there. Although it would be cool if everybody could sense each other through a deeper kind of "soul energy".
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