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What Millenium Item do you want?


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I'm pretty sure this thread has been done thousands of times, but I am just really curious. So I'm asking what two millenium items you would like to posses and why. But remember while chosing you have to take everything it comes with which includes the spirits

Here is a link to the otaku page on the subject [url]http://theotaku.com/yugioh/milleniumitems.shtml[/url]

I think I would like to own the millenium ring and rod. I think it would be and internal battle between Yami Bakura and Yami Marik and they would be to busy fighting on the inside to notice me on the outside. The two abilities one to locate other items and on other to control minds would be one of the best combinations of them all.

I also have a question about the Yugioh Tv show. Why do the characters voices change when they tap into the powers of their millenium item?
My thought is that they are using their past life voices because I know for sure Yugi's can't be over 12 and he would be the first 12 year old with a voice that deep.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i]
[B]I also have a question about the Yugioh Tv show. Why do the characters voices change when they tap into the powers of their millenium item?
My thought is that they are using their past life voices because I know for sure Yugi's can't be over 12 and he would be the first 12 year old with a voice that deep. [/B][/QUOTE]

You kinda answered your own question in the post. Some of the Items have spirits and have their own voices differing to their host, otherwise no-one could tell them apart. Also I think Yami is about 16, I remember reading somewhere.
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Oh, I am definitely getting my hands on the Millenium Scales! They're what Shadi has besides the Millennium Key; they weigh a person's soul against a feather, and if they outweigh the feather, they get sent to... uh, oblivion, I guess. Or the Shadow Realm, either one. I just like that power, cause I'd like to judge people by their souls.... no, not really, but between all of those powers, I'd take the Scales.

By the way, the Scales really are based on an ancient Egyptian myth that involves the god Osiris. He weighs the souls of the dead on a scale, and if the soul outweighs the feather, that soul can move up to the next realm, and if not, they're eaten by a monster named Amut.
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Definatly the Millenium Eye. It has the most practical applications: knowing the answers to test questions, knowing what my opponents in any contest will do, trying to understand girls...

Okay, maybe no Millenium item can tell me how to understand girls, but I can dream, can't I?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Snodin [/i]
[B]By the way, the Scales really are based on an ancient Egyptian myth that involves the god Osiris. He weighs the souls of the dead on a scale, and if the soul outweighs the feather, that soul can move up to the next realm, and if not, they're eaten by a monster named Amut. [/B][/QUOTE]

Excellent! I see that there is another Mythology lover here in otaku. The scale is called Maat and is also the goddess of justice and truth. Amut the devouver is demon who eats the hearts of the judged if they weigh more then the feather.

All of the millenium item are based on Egyptian mythes. The puzzle was actually a puzzle found in the tomb of some pharoh. The millenium Ankh is given to everly pharoh when they die to give them new life in the underworld and also tell them friend from foe.

I have a quetion. Are the other items waiting for other people to come and collet them or are they Shadi's? If they are his wouldn't that mess up the balance Shadi is trying so hard to maintain? I remember when Bakura took Pegasus's eye Shadi came from Egypt to investegate; why didn't he come when Yami took Ishizu's necklace?
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I'd either like the Millinium Rod or the Millinium Eye. With the Rod, what would be better to take over people's minds and control them. You could do so much good or depending on who you are, so much evil.
With the Eye you can see into people's minds , know what they're gonna do before they do it. You could bring so much good or so much evil with that ,too.

I think I'd like the Millinium Rod. You could take control of someone's mind and do with them as you please. (that sentence could be taken out of context so much ) You could do alot of good or a lot of evil. It would be a good thing to be in class and take control of the teacher or principal. Can you say class dissmised, and since "they" done it they'll be in trouble. Yes IMO malipulation is a good thing to be able to do, if you can.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i]
[B]I have a quetion. Are the other items waiting for other people to come and collet them or are they Shadi's? If they are his wouldn't that mess up the balance Shadi is trying so hard to maintain? I remember when Bakura took Pegasus's eye Shadi came from Egypt to investegate; why didn't he come when Yami took Ishizu's necklace? [/B][/QUOTE]

Shadi owns the Millenium Key and Scales, probably because no one else has come to claim them. Though I'm not really sure if that's accurate; maybe he was meant to own them.

As for the necklace, Isis (I'll say it again, I'd rather call her Isis than Ishizu) lost her powers when Kaiba changed the future that she saw; therefore, the necklace would probably only work for the pharoah now. Plus, she gave it away willingly, while Bakura took the Millennium Eye by force.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i]
[B]I know for sure Yugi's can't be over 12 and he would be the first 12 year old with a voice that deep. [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that they are all in High School. Not totally, since I can't remember where it says that, but that would make them each at least 13, I think.

Besides, Mai can drive. :p

Me personally, I would like the Rod and Eye in combination. The Rod to control people, and the eye to see what they're thinking if they can't be controlled; or vice versa. What would you [I]not[/I] be able to accomplish like that?

......besides, as Deathbug said, understand girls. :whoops: No guy can do that.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll put em in order for ya since I like them all.

1) The Millenium eye. Why? It's fun to use and matches anything you wear. Also, it would go well when I cosplay as Peggy-chan. Sure, it's a pain to install, but well worth it.

2) The M. Rod. Why? Go my not-so-willing mind slaves! Seek and destroy (insert person here). And bring me a soda while you're at it! That, and it's name is enough to snicker at.

3) The M. Ring. Why? Bring your cards to life. Forget Godzilla, Red Eyes is going on a rampage in Tokyo.

4) The M. Scales. Soul devourer. That totally pwns the puzzle.

5) The M. Puzzle. Yami. As a soul-room mate. That's all I have to say.

6) The M. Key. Enter someone's mind. Fun. With a capital 'F'.

7) The M. Necklace. Sorry, but you've been proven wrong. This makes you useless. No more psychic ablities.
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Guest dustbunny690
the eye or the ring. I just wan tsomething that can hang from my neck, plus it would be fun to have an evil yami. ^^ and i dissapears once in awhile. hehe
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