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[color=royalblue]I'm not talking about the physical type, I'm sooo sick of social safety. Doing what everyone else does because it is safer, so you won't be shunned. I can't even count how many insults i've gotten for wearing 'loser' or 'scenery' on my velcro shirt (the funnest shirt in the world) and once when I wore curlers in my hair during school (it was for drama, it's a long story) I had people snicker and question my sanity the whole day. Yes, it was a little crazy but still...

I am tired of people using the same words, wearing the same things, doing the same activities. No one spreads out or tries anything new so they won't be shunned. I have stopped caring along time ago about social safety, but it seems I am the only one. It would be smurfin to find someone who agrees with me...[/color]
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Yes, it would be very "smurfin'" if we all did. I don't know which school you go to, but here in NJ, pretty much anything goes. It's not that people are so accepting, just that we prefer to see how stupid people can get. I mean, women's clothing on a guy is pretty disturbing when you first see it, but you get a good laugh from it later.

Any attire that doesn't reek of "I'm an idiot and I want to express things that other people would prefer not to know about" is ok in my book. You can wear 60s clothing for all I care - that's ok with me, but if you like to wear women's clothing... <_<

Move to NJ, man, you won't be ridiculed for a velcro shirt, overalls, or curlers. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i]
[B]Yes, it would be very "smurfin'" if we all did. I don't know which school you go to, but here in NJ, pretty much anything goes. It's not that people are so accepting, just that we prefer to see how stupid people can get. I mean, women's clothing on a guy is pretty disturbing when you first see it, but you get a good laugh from it later.

Any attire that doesn't reek of "I'm an idiot and I want to express things that other people would prefer not to know about" is ok in my book. You can wear 60s clothing for all I care - that's ok with me, but if you like to wear women's clothing... <_<

Move to NJ, man, you won't be ridiculed for a velcro shirt, overalls, or curlers. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=darkred]i hafta agree...here anything just seems to go.

but in other ways.
its funny being different and I take pride when people question my sanity.. or think I am weird. [ but then again I am anti-social so i have no reason to care]

and I pretty much agree with the attire that she said.
and ehh... maybe its just where you live perhaps? I live in illinois..and we have tons of weird people here doing whatever..being unique.. no one really cares but at a time I am sure they did care.. but atleast it wasnt now[/COLOR]
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Guest cloricus
...Welcome, Ashley, to the real world...

Your in school, school is filled with a bunch of idiots; idiots don't like change or think its stupid. Out side school and in groups of friends no one cares and probably have the same tendances; so you need to find people like this if you wish other people to leave you alone. (What are you likely to insult, one different person or ten of them? :devil: )
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ashley_the_blr [/i]
[B]I am tired of people using the same words, wearing the same things, doing the same activities. No one spreads out or tries anything new so they won't be shunned.[/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, you're the only person in the whole world who wants to be different. You're the only one who has been concerned with the way some people choose to follow others. :rolleyes:
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I am like you; I like being different from everybody, and if they make fun of me, so what. I like being who I am anyways. I am a girl and I'm pretty much a technology freak. I love TV, video games, etc. I don't care, and I hate makeup, dresses, etc. And some girls here probably think same, I have no idea.

Anyway, an example. I have a dress down day when comeback to school (Jan. 5), and I got a new shirt. I will wear it, and it says:

"I have just kidnapped myself. give me $1,000,000 dollars or you'll never see me again."

I find it pretty funny, and I will wear it. Some people here might have seen this shirt too, and I like wearing shirts like that.
But Ashley, that's how the world is today. Can't change that really.[/size][/color]
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i feel the exact same way. I get picked on just for wearing what I feel like wearing. There's also a girl in my school who takes after Avril Lavigne-ties, short shorts, bowties-and no one says a word to her! It just PO's me so much how people categorize everyone by how they look or what they wear or how smart they are. I say that the smarter people should be a little more respected. I mean, when everyone's graduated, no one is going to end up being a good lawer or a senator by having good looks. That's how I feel. Hey, maybe I should be a motivational speaker(also another job that you can't get by having good looks).
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[color=crimson]I'm sort of tired of this battle, between conformity and non-conformity. If you are going to not conform, you can't really be concerned or listen to the lackluster opinons your local social order has- that's part of the deal with going down the path you believe to be pretty much not trodden.

Boy. It's popular to try to be different these days.[/color]
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At this rate, trying to be different is going to become nothing more than conforming anyway.

Personally, I just dress and act how I like without any concern over the repurcussions of "coolness" or "fashion" or whatever else. What that might be considered, I don't know or care. If people don't like me, that's fine. If people do, that's fine too. They're rather shallow determinants anyway.
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Yes well, we're all shallow in our own special ways. Don't tell me you've never walked down the street, seen somebody and gone
"What the hell is he/she wearing/doing"?
Like that, I mean people laugh at you for not conforming, well you laugh at them for doing the opposite. You're just the same whether you like it or not.
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Well, I have no idea if you're referring to me or not, but I'll have to guess you are since I'm the only one who mentioned shallowness... so I'll just assume you are.

I don't recall saying that I never question the things others do. Obviously anyone would question something they find out of the ordinary. I also don't appreciate being told what I do and what I don't by someone who knows nothing about me on any level lol.

There's obviously a difference between laughing at someone because they're acting stupid to get a laugh in the first place... and laughing at someone because they have weird hair coloring or a shirt with velcro letters on it. Considering the crap I wear and the things I do to my hair, I have no place to really make fun of anyone else over it lol.

Also, being in Chicago, which is a rather large city, you either get used to strange manners and attire or you're simply going to have a problem. It's [i]everywhere[/i].

The simple idea of the fact that people would completely judge another based on those is what is shallow. I might be like "That's a really weird hair style", but it doesn't affect how I treat or get along with the person. For many people, I'd say it does affect how they act towards others... That's what is shallow about it. Not the simple idea of "Oh, that's strange" like you seem to be saying. Many things are great because of their unusual qualities.
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A lot of students at my scool do the same thing as what they do every dang day. The popular people always dress in brand names, the goth's wear black, and the punks wear punk clothing and spike bracelets. I, for the most part, hate social safety. One spirit days, when I am supposed to where red, I wear the colors of the rival school just for the heck of it. Social safety is just annoying and a waste of my time. Like, if you have a brain, use it. If you have your own style or personality, show it. Don't just hide it away thinking that a certain group won't like this, or another group won't like that. People I guess are a fraid of being teased or something, that's why they follow the mob.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i]
[B]One spirit days, when I am supposed to where red, I wear the colors of the rival school just for the heck of it. [/B][/QUOTE]

That sounds more like blind rebellion.

I don't see how wearing red on a Spirit Day is a sign that you hide away your personality. If someone wants to show pride for their school on that day, they'll wear red. It's only conformity if they wear red just because other people are, even if they don't want to.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i]
[B]Well, it wasn't really an attack on you Sem...it was more of a vent on the entire non-conformist attitude as a whole so I'm sorry if I offended you. [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm not offended heh. It takes far, far more than that. I figured I should just clarify in case someone didn't get what I meant... like I originally thought you didn't. No big deal.
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[color=royalblue]I do believe that I have been a bit misunderstood. In my whining about stupid preppies who do nothing new, I guess I gave the wrong impression. I'm glad many of you agree with me, but I don't think all trends are wrong. I too have been guilty of dressing like Avril for a couple of days, and I am willing to admit that I love Justin Timberlake. What I'm against is that people do these things not because they like to (thongs, enough said), but because everyone else is. If you really, really like wearing ties, then go right ahead. If you want to be a cheerleader because you like mindless chanting and short colorful skirts, more power to you. But don't wear your school spirit shirts just because the whole dang school is. Even non populars put thereselves through this (for some strange reason). I know that nothing will change the fact that the world is full of clones and wannabes, but I just want to know someone who would love to wear velcro shirts and curlers with me cause it's fun.[/color]
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