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Star Wars: Potential Revealed


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[COLOR=green]OOC: Er, Shikaku Kitoku? Jedgar, as per my sign up post, is armed only with a Long Vibro Axe. The LVA is a reinforced metal staff with a curved blade at the top and a stun prod capping the bottom. Therefore Jedgar is incapable of shooting Jodo, as you mentioned in your post.

Just thought I ought to mention that for future reference.
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Jedgar assumed a combat stance as he watched Jodo scrutinize the brush that had rustled just a moment ago.

[B]Jodo[/B]: "You have exactly ten standard seconds to exit the brush unarmed with your hands raised above your head. If you do not comply, I will systematically vaporize all vegetation within ten meters."

[I]Jedgar smirked, he approved of Mr. Secura's methods. Very similar to his mentor, Koran.[/I]

The bush slightly to Jodo's left rustled and parted. Jodo leveled his blaster, his finger a millimeter from the trigger.

A child emerged from the brush, dressed in dirty and worn clothing. He looked to be about fifteen to seventeen years old, and very scared. Behind him, a crossbow made of scavenged metal parts lay abandoned in the dirt. The boy walked up to Jodo, a look of uncertainty on his face. His hands, raised above his matted dirty blond hair, quavered.

[B]Boy[/B]: "You speak basic?"

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "We all do."

[I]Jodo glanced at Jedgar, but said nothing.[/I]

[B]Boy[/B]: "You are Jedi then?"

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "No, why'd you come to that conclusion?"

[B]Boy[/B]: "Well? all the other outsiders were Jedi. They came from the stars, long ago. The legends tell that at first only a few Jedi came. They were attacked by other outsiders, hateful people who destroyed all they came into contact with. Soon, more of both groups arrived. A terrible battle was fought, and our planet was destroyed. Since then, only one has returned. A being that is a machine, dressed all in black. He arrived three years ago, and killed our most skilled Ysanna warriors. Then he departed, all without saying a word."

[B]Thruhk[/B]: "Vader?"

[B]Jodo[/B]: "Why did your people attack us?"

[B]Boy[/B]: "They are not my people, they are scavengers and marauders. My people live over the mountain, around the tree of life."

[B]Thruhk[/B]: "What is your name?"

[B]Boy[/B]: "Rayf, my name is Rayf/"

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "May we have a word alone?"

The Rayf stepped away, and Jodo walked down the hill towards the cave. The three men lowered their voices, and began to talk...

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "What should we do?"

[B]Jodo[/B]: "How do we know if he's lying? He could be a spy?"

[B]Thruhk[/B]: "There's something about this planet, something I can feel. It's not right. Let's just repair the hyperdrive and go."

[B]Jodo[/B]: "No. I was called here, and by the sound of it you both were as well. Obviously we have been brought together for a purpose."

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "Something like fate?"

[B]Thruhk[/B]: "There is no such thing as fate."

[B]Jodo[/B]: "We have no time for pointless philosophical arguments, let's go with the boy. For now, we'll just have to trust one another."

Jodo began to walk up the hill towards the others, and Jedgar hurried back to his ship. He set the twin laser cannons to fire on anyone who came within fifty feet without speaking the password, then grabbed a backpack.

Slinging it over his back, he closed the hatch and followed Thruhk up the hill and into the brush. They were going to have at least three hours of walking before they reached the village that Rayf had mentioned. Hopefully they weren't walking into a trap?[/COLOR]
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Jodo stood motionless for a moment, observing the young boy as he walked into the brush. Strands of doubt crept into the back of his mind. [I]Why was the boy out this far from his village... alone? Why qould he have no qualms about leading us to his village, initially believing us to be of the same nature as the man who killed many of his people?[/I] Jodo's natural distrust for strangers was only heightened now, as infront of him was a child with a potentially endless stream of ulterior motives, and behind him were two specie of aliens known only to be loyal to their own kind, who had both been connected with the Empire. Normally Jodo would have been extremely wary, but oddly, he looked at the others, and seemed to sense only the same doubt in them that he possesed. Unable to explain why, Jodo [I]felt[/I] no distrust about them, and so became far more at ease than he was before.

Jodo walked up into the brush a few paces infront of Thruhk, and was suddenly overcome by the pungent aroma of acrid, burning flesh. He looked upon the few maruaders that he not made it out of the brush before they had been killed. There were four, and only a solitary man was killed with a bladed weapon. A severe gash ran up from the base of his chest to his right shoulder. Drying blood curdled on the edges of the wound, mingled with shards of rib and intercostal muscle, and even now the wound showed signs of blackness, early indications of an infection. Even though the man was dead, in all likelyness the wound would become gan'grenous, and as the flesh turned to black, the disease would eat it's way through the bone and the organs, turning them rotting and black before destroying them completely. With a wound as severe as that on a planet with few resources, it was probably better for the attacker that he had died. The other three men were all dead due to single blaster wounds. The wounds still scorched, perspiration rising still, adding much to the already foul stench. By now, Jodo had gotten more than used to the look and smell of the dead, as well as the unspeakably eerie atmosphere that always surrounded them. So, with a slight shrug of his shoulders, Jodo moved on.

Walking now with a boy, and two specie of aliens that were not renowned for being very tall, Jodo was easily the tallest of the group, and so he moved through the brush with a greater degree of difficulty than the others, often having to knock away branches that the others could simply walk under. The child seemed to be walking a route that he knew well, and more specifically a route that seemed to be known exclusively by children. Even so, the agile Thruhk seemed to be moving through the canopy with extreme ease, moving gracefully between trees and over branches, all the while keeping his wits about him. Jodo noticed that every so often Thruhk would take a small lead and then stop on a high branch, and then he seemed to look and smell about him intently, before returning to ground level and walking amongst the group. Eventually, even Rayf became accustomed to waiting as Thruhk looked about himself, which was strange since a boy out this far into the forest on his own would surely be prepared for any dangers that the wilderness presented.

Jodo often found himself talking to Jedgar quietly, mostly about trifle matters such as forms of weaponry and the pro's and con's of the ion engine. Jedgar revealed to Jodo that the Imperial's designed the TIE Fighter as they did; quick, agile, but minimal in terms of shielding and weaponry, so that the pilot's would have to depend solely on their own skill for survival. Imperial engineers convinced themselves that the TIE fighter was a superior craft design, and would not accept otherwise. Other than that, the journey was fairly quiet, the only noises being the occasional ruffle of a bush, or the snapping of twigs under one of the groups' feet. Rayf constantly led the group with a confidence that Jodo could not comprehend, and it lead him to muse whether there was something different about the people on this planet, or perhaps the boy in particular.
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[COLOR=green]The four travelers had been walking for three hours, when their peaceful but tense hike was interrupted by a loud roar overhead.

In unison, all four of them looked up to see a strange craft trailing a giant golden sail roar towards the ground. It hit the ground about two kilometers to their left, the immense heat that it's hull had acquired during it's violent reentry evaporating the marsh water it had landed in.

[B]Jodo[/B]: "Not again. What is this place, the latest tourist attraction?"

[B]Jedgar[/B]: "The pilot could be injured, we should go help..."

[B]Rayf[/B]: "Wait! Those swamps are dangerous, few who enter ever return. There is said to be a beast that looks like a drago-"

[B]Thruhk[/B]: "We aren't scared of your legends boy, lead us through the swamp."

[I]Rayf looked uncertain, but obediently lead them on a safe path towards the ship.[/I]

The swamp looked like something you'd find on the bottom levels of Coruscant, or a pristine lake after being filled with cargo of radioactive slag. The foul odor that leeched from its murky depths made Jedar gag. The reeds that filled the wasteland were gray and brown in color, and covered in sharp spines. Thruhk found that out the hard way, after grabbing one in a vain attempt to get himself out of a putrid quicksand pit.

Several minutes of cautious running later, with Jedgar carrying an exhausted Rayf on his back, they reached the downed craft. It wasn't of a design that Jedgar recognized, and he hadn't ever seen a solar sailor before. They were very ancient craft, and scientists were still baffled as to how the material that comprised their sails works. In any case, Jodo was able to locate the hatch and pry it open.

[I]The three of them looked at each other nervously, then Jedgar sighed and moved towards the hatch.[/I]

It was pitch black, and there was no sign of emergency lighting. After tripping several times, he managed to reach the cockpit. By the faint glow of the control panel, Jedgar is able to see a human lying unconscious in the pilot's seat. After unbuckling the man from his crash webbing, he manages to pull the man from his seat and through the mangled craft to the hatch. Barely a minute after Thruhk had assisted Jedgar in getting the man out of the hatch, a loud roar sounds through the swamp.

Jedgar is treating the man with one of Jodo's med-packs, Rayf is still propped against the side of the damaged solar sailor, Jodo is standing uneasily at the edge of the sandbar that the ship has landed on and Thruhk is scavenging useful equipment from the ship.

In front of them, a large pool of sludge begins to bubble. Out of it rises a large creature, the same color as the swamp. It is covered in a scaly hide, and its large snout has many protruding teeth. Jedgar picked up his pike, and Jodo called for Thruhk before leveling his blaster. This was not going to be pretty...[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font=trebuchet MS][color=#518CBD]Well since this got a few votes in the Otaku Awards, it would be a shame to allow it to die quite so easily. I will be contacting those who were meant to participate in the RPG [i.e. Solo Tremaine and MajinVegeta] to see if they are still interesting in playing. I'd like to apologise for not posting quite so often as I should but I intend to make this a sucess.

[i]Van's head lay flat against the marshy ground where Jodo had been treating him. He could only hear dim voices and sounds but they seemed strange, like shouts and blaster shots, all souned far away but he sensed that they were much closer. He tried to open his eyes, but the pain was quite intense, after a few moments he blinked them open to see that he was on the planet laying down on the ground facing the sky. He felt along the ground with his right hand feeling the desity and consistancy of the soil, it was wet and marshy and not the best for standing on. He noticed his hearing coming back and realised that he must have crashed after bing unable to pull up, and it was then that he heard a roar and saw a large creature of similar color to the swamp he was in, it had large teeth imbedded in a snout and thick scaly armored hide.

Scared witless he pulled himself of the ground and saw several strangers levelling weapons at the beast, a Noghiri well known assassins of Lord Vader, a Bothan well known for their ability as spies, a Kiffar who's race Van knew little about and a young boy. He saw the Noghiri and the Kiffar fire several blaster shots at the beast as they tried to leave the area. Van stood in an almost forzen position as the beast reared and thrashed as the blaster shots struck it's thick hide. The Bothan stood holding a Long Vibro Axe as if waiting for the beast to try and come closer so that he could get a swipe at it, but such and act was not to happen as the Kiffar noticed that Van was up and called for them to get the hell outta there. They didn't have to be told twice as the group ran as fast as the could back the way they came.

Van felt strange, normally due to the xenophobic Imperial brainwashing he would have felt quite suspicious towards these people, but he deduced that the fact that they hadn't fired on him meant that either they weren't his enemy of that they were more worried about that big moster that had sufaced near where they found him. It was then that Van actually had a chance to look himself over, he saw that his flight suit was torn across his shoulder and that his lower left arm was bleeding but that the wound seemed quite superficial. After maybe seven or eight minutes of running Van found himself along with the group in an open area at the edge of the forest, the Bothan suggested that they rest and try and find out exactly what was going on....[/i]

[b]Jedgar:[/b] Alright, since the rest of us have been introduced I think you'd better tell us your name..... [i]glances at uniform[/i] Lieutenant...

[b]Van:[/b] Lieutenant Van Ambrose, member of the Emperor's Personal Staff ex-cadet of the Cardia training world.

[i]Van paused as he saw he'd be answering quite a few questions.[/i][/color][/font]
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[color=green][B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Ex-Cadet? Then you have betrayed our Emperor and all he stands for??

Jedgar deftly rotated his pike, slamming the stun prod on the bottom end into the back of Van?s knees. This caused the apparently ex-Imperial to fall to the ground, face in the dirt. The lieutenant flipped himself over, to find the vibro axe end of the Bothan?s pike a mere three inches from his throat.

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Traitor??

[B]Van[/B]: ?Traitor? Your whole foul species in nothing but a collection of flea ridden spies!?

Jedgar snarled, and edged the blade closer to the human?s bare neck.

[B]Jodo[/B]: ?There is no time for this futile argument. We all have committed transgressions by merely landing on this god-forsaken world.?

Jedgar withdrew his weapon from it?s threatening position, but still eyed Van with a look of contempt.

Thruhk stood silently next to Jedgar, his face emotionless.

[B]Jodo[/B]: ?We have many question to ask you stranger, but they can wait until we reach the settlement. Our guide Rayf, is leading us to a native villa-?

[B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Where?s Rayf??

Jodo, Thruhk and Jedgar whirled around, their keen eyes looking in all directions. Van took advantage of the situation to stand up and brush the dirt off his uniform.

It was Jodo who spotted Rayf first. The boy was at the edge of the swamp they had just exited, lying on the ground. Closer observation revealed his leg was caught in a thorny bush, preventing the boy from freeing himself without suffering severe injury.
The three of them charged forward, Jodo rapidly firing his blaster. After a moment of hesitation, Van followed.

The large dragon-like creature was stubbornly advancing through the bog towards the struggling Rayf, roaring menacingly. Its mottled green scales were scorched in many places, courtesy of Jodo?s blaster. The beast had large yellow eyes, a short snout and rotting protruding teeth. Not something for a petting zoo?

Jedgar and Thruhk charged straight for the beast, and began to attack it fiercely. Jodo maintained a safe distance, aiming carefully for the creature?s head. Van had reached Rayf, and was now attempting to free the boy.

Jedgar sliced at the beast?s flailing arms with his Long Vibro Axe, managing to cut deep gashes in the monster?s clawed hands and green-brown scaly arms. Thruhk had to work much harder, due to his weapons relatively short reach, to deal much damage to the monster. The creature itself was now beginning to tire of making vicious swipes at its two small attackers, only to have them dodge and cut the attacking limb. It roared, and lunged forward, attempting to bite the offending beings.

Thruhk dived to the left, into the putrid swamp, to avoid the creature?s imposing mouth. Jedgar, feeling a sudden surge of [I]something[/I], now felt more confident. Moving impossibly fast, Jedgar jumped five meters straight up in the air and landed on top of the creature?s snout. He then began viciously stabbing at the creature?s eyes. Flurries of blaster bolts hit the creature on its legs, melting the scales and cooking the meat beneath. The monstrosity collapsed, immobilized but very much alive. It thrashed, throwing Jedgar from its snout; abruptly ending his bloody rampage. He flew through the air and landed in the same body of water Thruhk had just left.

By this time, Van had freed Rayf from the thorny bush, and was helping the boy back to Jodo?s position. Thruhk was dodging the creature?s snapping jaws, occasionally slashing at the foul snout. Jedgar swam out of the reeking water and rejoined the battle.

Jedgar and Thruhk continued to battle the creature, unable to disengage safely. They were both growing weary and their actions slowing. Jodo continued to pour angry bolts of red energy at the already heavily wounded beast, without much effect. In a final act of rage, the beast raised itself onto its broken legs and roared deafeningly. It seemed intent on falling on top of its two opponents, if it could not eat them. Jedgar and Thruhk began to run, but a single blaster shot rang out, striking the beast squarely between its eyes. It fell backwards into the swamp with a large splash.

Jodo rose from his prone position as the two melee fighters approached him. Nodding to them in approval, he began to speak.

[B]Jodo[/B]: ?Impressed as I am, you both reek??[/color]
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[color=#518CBD][font=trebuchet ms][i]Van still felt deeply distrustful of the Bothan Jedgar, but he knew that if he had intended to kill him then he would have done so by now. What Van didn't understand is why he was being accused of being a traitor, of all things a traitor.... He'd just been promoted to the Emperor's personal staff and now he was being accussed by this piece of Bantha waste of being a Rebel. Van now remembered why it was that he'd been taught to be suspicious of non-humans and why them Empire was more strict with them when they attempted to join the Stellar Navy. He looked at his other two compatriots who still smelled awful and the young boy who was busy rubbing the cuts on his foot before finally speaking.[/i]

[b]Van:[/b] Well now, since you've asked me a question it's time for you to answer one of mine. It think such a thing is fair is it not ?, I mean we are all beings with some idea of honour.

[b]Thrukh:[/b] I suppose so

[b]Jodo:[/b] That seems acceptable

[b]Jedgar:[/b] Huh, don't expect to get much from me traitor...

[i]Van scowled again as the Bothan flea bag insulted him, he drew back a breath and wondered what he could ask and what kind of a repsonse he might get. Running his hand along his chin he decided the safest course of action would be to ask why they had come to this world, that way he could at least be semi-sure of their motives.[/i]

[b]Van:[/b] Alright, why are you [meaning all three of them] here ?

[b]Thrukh:[/b] I felt drawn here for some unknown reason until I had a vision and one of my kind told me about the Jedi and their powers...

[b]Jodo:[/b] Well I too like my Noghiri friend felt drawn here for an unknown reason.

[i]Van then turned to Jedgar and awaited his response, he looked at Van sternly and then finally spoke[/i]

[b]Jedgar:[/b] I came to this system after punching in a random set of hyperspace co-ordinates to avoid destruction in a battle with the Rebel Forces, I was then shot down by that Victory Class Star Destroyer above the planet and came to meet with these two individuals.

[b]Jodo:[/b] OK now that we have answered your question I will ask one, you said that you are an ex-cadet of the Cardia Imperial Training World and that you've been reassigned to the Emperor's Personal Staff, why is it then that you're not on Coruscant with him ?

[i]This question seemed to peak the other's interest and most especially Jedgar who gripped his vibro-axe as if he were to attack Van if he didn't answer truthfully.[/i]

[b]Van:[/b] [i]Scowls at Jedgar[/i] I have only been very recently been reassigned to the Emperor's Personal Staff. I left Cardia aboard a Lambda Class Shuttle only about 15 hours ago, a short while through flight we experienced the ship was crippled by an exploision of unknown origins. I was fortunate enough to locate the Solar Sailor I came here in and was able to flee before the Shuttle's engine went critical and it exploded, I punched in a set of co-oridinates and made my way here before bing ship down by that Star Destroyer decided to shoot me down without asking any questions.

[b]Jedgar:[/b] And we have only you're word that is what happened, for all we know you could have set the engines to go critical or you could even be lying about the entire story.

[b]Van:[/b] When a Bothan gives his word on something it is seemingly as good as proof, I as a human and a Lieutenant of the Imperial Navy give my word that that is what occured and I'm guessing by you're uniform Jedgar and story that you're an Imperial also.

[i]He waited for one of the three to respond to this latest round of questions before moving on.[/i][/font][/color]
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The Billbringi spaceyards dissapeared in a mist of silver as Slave I entered hyperspace, re-equipped and carrying his fresh bounty back to Hutt Space. Boba lounged back, listening to the holocom broadcast of a Jizz-Wailer band from Kuat. The guys were talented, but not talented to earn them a ticket off their home system, local gigs get you nowhere. With a noticeable languid stride, Boba drifted to the airlock which opened the way to the cargo hold, the tiny plasteel window gave him a view to the twelve million credits of spice sitting like some ancient ruin. The blacklight sent it casting a warm blue glow around the hold, occasionally sprinkling down like a diamond avalanche as Slave I hit a gravity pocket.

"You?re going to buy me a new hyperdrive," He tapped the glass with a degree of pride. With noticeable strain, Boba let himself set on the ground. He removed his helmet, tasting dry, recycled air. It smelled like dirty clothes and dried vomit. "About time we got this cleaned," Fett amused himself by letting a finger run along the inside piping, collecting a thick deposit of soot.

The inside of the helmet flashed an invisible crimson, unbeknownst to Fett, as he rose again. This time heading towards the cabin for a rest. Normally he would sleep in his chair, but he felt the sudden urge to have an honest nights rest after such "honest" work.

Before he had an opportunity to cast his gaze on the forsaken sheets of his cot, Slave one suddenly hurtled into subspace. He lurched forward smashing his forehead on the support. A thick line of blood dribbling down his face didn?t deter the well-trained movements of such a seasoned Bounty Hunter. He quickly snatched his helmet and began strapping in.

He cursed his lack of attention, if only he?d been wearing his helmet, the feedback would have warned him that he was quickly approaching a gravity well. Alarms flared, and revealed that two maneuvering thrusters were damaged. The hull rattled again followed by the peircing resolution of a laser blast. "Damage Report!" Boba shouted at the veiwscreen, waiting for systems to boot up the shields. It didn?t look good. [I] Rear hull damage, 4 thruster malfunction, main armament communication could not be established, auxiliary weapons armed, shields powered. [/I] The flow of information was slightly foreign to his eyes after such a period of lax recourse.

"Firespray Class Ship, Identify yourself," The voice on the com line seemed to hiss at him. His computer identified the species; Duro. The two Skipray-class attack boats circled around slave 1 like piranhas circling a dying rodent. The ship buckled and heaved under their light blasters. "This is your last warning, you can identify yourself, or you shall be boarded. No quarter will be given."


He clicked the com button, catching his breath a bit, another explosion sent Slave I careening out of control, "This is Boba Fe.." He stopped, reading the damage display? [I]communications down[/I]. "Stang," Fett cursed his luck.

"We will board you after disabling your weapons systems, attempt to resist this, and you will be destroyed.", the line hissed to a close but not before another voice piped in the static asking , "who does he think he is, Boba Fett?"

Boba Smiled. As he let their assault wear down his shields he powered down to life support. The display screens went black, and a single green light indicating the system?s integrity lit the cockpit. A final hull-shattering blast, and the Skiprays slowed. "Unknown ship, very good.. your actions will save you a trip to the nearest system. We are commandeering your ship and it?s cargo." Boba tuned into location direction with his helmet?s com receiver. The ship would be behind him soon.

As the Skipray drifted behind the darkened Firespray, the ship lit up with what appeared to be an engine burst. Much to the pirate?s surprise, it was the assortment of auxiliary weapons that unloaded a barrage on his humble craft. First, Ion cannons pierced the shields, opening a large hole, where several concussion missiles cascaded through the newly opened hole. As the wing of the Skipray virtually disintegrated under the Concussion blast, the re-forming shield bubble locked in most of the explosion. It appeared as if the entire area within a circular meter around the ship was suddenly engulfed in a wave of liquid flame. The cockpit of the ship remained intact.. jarred by the blast from it?s systems, only life support remaining.

The second skipray veered to the left as Boba finished turning up the power. The lack of maneuverability and surprise would put him at even odds at beating this ship without his main cannons. The two craft sped after each other, circling in a dogfight. Slave I turned like the lead workings on Ord Mantell, and Boba worked the controls to reign it in. They quickly approached a line of asteroids that pelted Slave one?s shields. The two found themselves weaving between the monoliths of solid iron, while exchanging laser blasts. Boba quickly reversed the direction of his ship, losing a support wing as it careened against the hot metal. The sheer speed of the impact sent molten iron glittering behind him like tiny red suns. He re-established the proper thrust ratio and found himself as the pursuer.

Juking from the laser blasts that raked his hull, Boba began to steer the ship outside of the asteroid field. Slave I would become more and more disadvantaged and endangered as they dove into the field, because of the sheer size of a Firespray. It was at this moment, upon the turn , that Fett noticed two iridescent trails passing quickly before him. "Proton torpedoes!" his rasp was drowned by the ships alarms. Suddenly, it occurred to him that the torpedoes weren?t intended for the well-shielded slave one. As they impacted two asteroids before him, the large chunks of rock created a net-like trap from which Slave I would meet it?s demise. Boba immediately applied reverse thrusters, until he noticed the Skipray careen past his veiwscreen. In his zealous, the pilot of the Skipray didn?t acquiest power to his rear shields. Boba let the twin streaks of azure Ion spread into the back of his foe like a Daltiri lightningstorm. The engines of the Skipray sparked before flickering to ineffectiveness. The momentum of his pursuit sent the Pirate?s craft into the cluster of rock fragments. With lurid intensity, the ship was torn apart, finally erupting into brilliant white flame.

Boba returned to the gravity well. The darkened chassis of the disabled ship still floated harmlessly and Fett noted the existence of life on it. Engaging his tractor beam, the husk of metal docked with Slave One. As the hatch sizzled open. The Duro was lurched to his feet from the darkened cockpit. "I.. I thought you would leave me for?." Boba never saw a face turn from blue to green before, somehow the horror in the Duro?s eyes indicated nothing less than terror. He dropped to his knees, "No? I .. I didn?t know.. " Boba casually aimed his blaster at the now pallid skin, its ichor drifting up to Boba?s nose. "What is your name?" Fett inquired coldly. "Johd .. J..Johd Fareel".

"Johd Fareel, do you know who I am?" The Duro nodded solemnly. "Then you know what I?m going to do to you." Desperately the Duro looked up, "What? What? B..But I don?t have a bounty on my.." His words drifted into a girgle, cut off by the scream of Boba Fett?s rifle. The Duro fell to the ground, one of his eyes now blackened, steaming patch.

"What a mess? this is going to be most of my earnings?" Boba spat, looking at the final reports. It was at this moment he noticed the glittering stream that filled the zero gravity. Glittersim spice drifted past his main screen and the consequence hit his consciousness, searing like a blaster wound. He skimmed down the damage report?

[I] cargo hold: Hull breach, cargo integrity breached, cargo loss imminent.[/I]

With quiet acceptance of his misbegotten luck, he set the course for the nearest repair yards and bounty contact: Courscant.
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[color=green]Jedgar looked at the human, his cold brown eyes locking with those of the Imperial human lieutenant.

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?I am Warrant Officer(II) Jedgar Nieta, one of the Emperor?s most loyal servants. My unit, the Phantom Legion, is the Empire?s most effective anti-terrorist unit. We have been involved in every major action since the battle of Yavin, spilled more blood than any human-only unit and received twice as many medals as any unit of similar size.?

[I]Van looked slightly taken aback and nodded in approval.[/I]

[B]Van[/B]: ?My apologies for insulting your loyalty.?

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?The feeling is mutual.?

[I]Jedgar extended a hand and, after a brief moment, Van took it. The two dedicated Imperials locked hands in a firm handshake.[/I]

Jodo looked on impassively, while Thruhk leaned against a nearby tree. Rayf, eager to break the uncomfortable silence, spoke rapidly.

[B]Rayf[/B]: ?We?re barely an hour outside my village. It?s growing dark, we need to get there soon.?

[B]Jodo[/B]: ?Let me guess. Unless we hurry, bad things will happen. Some monster will rise out of the ground and eat us ali-?

[B]Rayf[/B]: [I]Clearly not catching the sarcasm.[/I] ?It actually comes from the sky, breaths aci-?

[B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Let?s move.?

[I]The four beings and the native boy began to walk through the forest, heading north.

Overhead, the sky began to darken?[/I][/color]

Sorry for the length, it's exam week and I'm short on time.

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[font=trebuchet ms][color=#518CBD]Alright since we don't have an Emperor Palpatine for this RPG I will be playing him for the moment, he won't be around much but if needs be I'll make him and NPC.

[I]The worn form of the Emperor became apparent through the faint light, he sat in his large ornate chair in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. He smiled wryly as the latest victory reports against the Rebel Alliance came in, everything he had laid his plans to were going along perfectly. The conversion of the son of Skywalker, the failing Rebel Alliance and most importantly the death of Jedi Master Yoda all placed his plans in further motion, He pressed down the comm. unit on his chair and ordered the Imperial Commander to allow his guest in. The black metal doors hissed open as his guest walked forward, dressed in a green Mandalorian armour and his faced covered by his helmet, Boba Fett was the Galaxy's best Bounty Hunter and the Emperor intended to make every use of his skills to keep his plans rolling. The Emperor spoke in his usual confident tone attempting to keep Fett on his toes[/I]

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] Ahhh Boba Fett, it is a pleasure to meet you, I have followed your exploits quite regularly and I am very impressed.

[b]Boba Fett:[/b] Greetings Emperor Palpatine, now that the pleasantries are out of the way I would like to know why you require my services.

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] [I]Smiles[/I] To business always Boba ?, very well then. Boba Fett, it has recently come to my attention that several of my officers and other non-humans have gathered at a planet called Ossus. I would very much like to know what it is that they're planning and if it affects me in any way. I would like you to go there as soon as possible and find out why they are there and if it is a threat to me then to [b]eliminate[/b] that threat. Are we clear on that ?

[b]Boba Fett:[/b] Ossus ?, I'm not familiar with that system so I'll require a new Space Chart for my ship. If it is a direct threat to you then why send me and not one of your servants like Vader or Revenant, and my ship is in need of an overhaul so it will take time before I can make my way to this Ossus. Now, there is the question of my fee....

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] [I]Still Smiling[/I] Yes, well I think that we can work something out, now it is my understanding that you lost approximately 12 million Credits in Spice, as well as the damage done to your ship by Pirates and of course the new Space Chart. So here's my offer for this mission: 40 million Credits transferred directly to your account, your ship's overhaul will be taken care of by my best Engineers during which time the new Space Chart will be installed all of which will be done as per my request with no costs to you.

[b]Boba Fett:[/b] [I]Slightly Impressed[/I] Well that is quite an offer, 40 Million Credits, my ships overhaul done and a new Space Chart for free, is there anything else you would like to add ?

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] Well there is one thing Mr Fett, I would like these 2 individuals [I]Has Crimson Guard hand Boba a Datapad[/I] brought back to me alive if possible. If that can be done then you can add another 12 million credits to the deal, if not then the deal stays as is, is that to your likings ?

[b]Boba Fett:[/b] It's a good offer and I'd be pleased to take the job for you, I expect my ship to be ready in 48 hours.

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] But of course, that is all, you may leave.

[I]Emperor Palpatine watched as Boba turned his back and walked out the double doors. He pressed down a button to activate the comm. unit and asked for a report on Fett's Ship.[/I]

[b]Engineer:[/b] It took quite a beating but we should have it ready in 72 hours along with the new Space Chart you ordered, several components need replacing but we have them sourced. Are there any other modifications you would like made sir ?

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] You have less than 48 hours Commander so I would advise you to hurry up, and no I would like no other modifications made to his ship. I don't need Fett to be worrying about bugs of bombs on his ship during this mission, just do your job and finish the assignment.

[b]Engineer:[/b] Yes my Lord

[I]Palpatine sat back seeing how his plans had gone perfectly, those Pirates he hired had actually done their mission but there was no trace of them left for Fett to look through, and no way to link them to Palpatine. His smiled knowing that by losing his cargo and that his little offer to Fett had impressed him enough to take the job even if he was unlikely to return alive, but such loses were acceptable loses.[/I][/font][/color]
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[color=green][I]A Green and blue ball streaked with wisps of gray floats in space, an oasis of life in a cold and barren solar system. Oddly, the planet itself seems to be an oxymoron. While its landscape betrays no trace of an advanced civilization, its outer orbital path is littered with wreckage of ancient spacecraft. Most unusual of all, the destroyed spacecraft don?t seem to have been picked through by intergalactic scavengers, as is commonplace throughout the rest of the galaxy. It appears exactly as it was after the battle, an eternal monument to those who fought here so long ago?

If you move down through the atmosphere, you can see that the landscape is rugged and barren; signs of recent planetary devastation are evident. Barely a millennia old, the thin coating of vegetation that seems to cover the planet?s old battle scars looks unnatural.

A much closer look reveals that very few groups of the natives are moving around on this side of the planet, as it enters the dark part of it?s cycle. One group of travelers would catch any observer?s eye, and raise many an eyebrow.

A Bothan, two humans, a Noghri and a Kiffar walk in a line along a wilderness trail. All but the youngest human seem to be heavily armed, as if expecting to encounter strong resistance to their every move. Each carries himself like a seasoned warrior, confidant in his abilities but nevertheless aware of his surroundings.

The travelers are approaching a small village, which lies on the top of a small mesa. Above them, the last rays of the evening sun set in the west?[/I]

Jedgar Nieta walked behind Rayf, carefully watching the boy?s every move. Although the child hadn?t yet done anything to indicate that he might be a threat, Jedgar wasn?t ready to trust his life to him. Then again, he wasn?t much surer of his companion?s loyalties.

He was sweating, using his pike as a walking staff. He really wasn?t in the best shape. Sure, he could work out for an hour or two, but he hadn?t yet acquired the endurance for any kind of long strenuous activity. That would be something to work on, as it could easily be the deciding factor in a fight.

The group reached the foot of a large mesa, the top of which was only a hundred or so meters above them. The sides were extremely steep, and it was obvious why the natives had built their village here. It was a superior position from which they could rain fire down on their enemies.

Rayf seemed to know the area perfectly; his hands and feet finding footholds in the rock that were hidden from a casual observer. As the group climbed slowly upwards, following Rayf?s movements exactly, Jedgar struggled to climb with one hand. His free hand held his pike, which had suddenly become an unwieldy and unfamiliar weapon, rather than an extension of his body.

Half a standard hour later, the group reached the top of the mesa. As the five of them stopped to catch their collective breath, the underbrush that covered the mesa top seemed to erupt with rapid movement.

From under the brush came over a hundred native warriors, each holding a powered crossbow. Then, from the largest group of these warriors came a cloaked figure.

The cloaked being begun to walk towards them, it?s face obscured. Jedgar was shocked by what he saw at its waist. Hanging from the robed figure?s belt was a silver colored cylinder, with several recessed buttons and switches.

This was an artifact that Jedgar had only seen once and would never forget. Only one order in the history of the galaxy had wielded this type of weapon and they?d done so with devastating effect. Legends told of Jedi, as they were called, who were worth a hundred men in combat. Unfortunately, it was also said that they were evil servants of the corrupt Old Republic. Darth Vader was credited with their destruction, if you could trust the holovids given out by the Empire.

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?It?s a Jedi Knight, I don?t believe it??[/color]
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Jodo's blaster deftly, yet urgently flicked up infront of his face as he instinctively prepared for a fight. Jodo was used to being outnumbered and outgunned, but not by this majority. He focused the reticle of the blaster on the nearest native, when suddenly the blaster was pulled from his grip as if by an invisible hand, and glided willingly towards the cloaked figure, where it dropped to the floor before his feet.

The weapons of the other three quickly followed suit. Jedgar, in a desperate attempt to keep his weapon, gripped it tightly with both hands as it began to motion for the cloaked entity. Jedgar relinquished his pike once it had dragged him roughly a foot forward. Strangely, Rayf had remained untouched through all of this, and Jodo, unable to see any settlements, immediately leant towards the idea that they had walked into a trap.

Thrukh stepped forward, his body crouched in an aggresive manner. Almost protective of his companions, his body took on a hunched, spread out position that made him seem a lot bigger than he actually was, and somehow, even more intimidating.

The cloaked figure calmly raised his hand, as if to stop any further action. Thrukh growled, and Jodo, inspired by his companions courage, stepped up next to him, fists balled. But then, Jodo found that his next move simply wouldn't come. His brain was sending signals to his limbs to move, but they didn't seem to get there. He was frozen, held in place by a feeling he could not describe, or had any control over... yet he could sense it, and feel it all around him. His eyes aimed at Thrukh, who was clearly undergoing a similar experience.

[B]Jedi:[/B] Please, I do not wish to fight you. Quite the opposite actually...

Jodo, suddenly released from the invisible vice that had held him in place, stumbled forward a step, feeling terribly embarassed. He stepped back and stood next to Van, with Thrukh joining suit.

[B]Jedgar:[/B] What do you want then... Jedi?

[B]Jedi:[/B] That will become clear to you in due time. Let me tell you first, that you were all brought here for a reason. Nothing happens by accident. The force has drawn you all... to me.

[B]Van:[/B] And you are?

[B]Jedi:[/B] My name, is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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[color=green]Jedgar carefully took a few steps backward to rejoin the others. After having his most prized possession ripped from his hands, he was furious. He gave Rayf a look of utmost loathing, then returned his attention to the Jedi.

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You all have not, contrary to your own belief, come here by your own accord. It is the will of the living Force that has brought you to the same planet at the same time and allowed you to find each other.?

[B]Jedgar[/B]: ?The Force? You?re delusional. It this is so powerful, why haven?t I heard of it before??

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?The Force is an all powerful energy field that binds the galaxy together. It is present in every living thing.?

[B]Van[/B]: ?You lie Jedi. Your kind is completely evil, not to be trusted.?

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You are the ones operating under false pretenses. However, none of that matters now. I urge you, judge me by my actions. If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you by now.?

[I]The Jedi gestured to the assembled natives.[/I]

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You have been called here because you all share a common bond. Here you stand, two imperial officers, a disillusioned Noghri warrior and a criminal; all of you with immense potential that you have not yet used. Each of you has the ability to learnt the ways of the Force.?

[B]Jodo[/B]: ??and if we?d rather leave??

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?I wouldn?t stop you. However, I urge you to consider what I am saying. There is so much for you to learn. As an example of this, I want each of you to think back on your lives. Focus; delve deep into your memories. Hasn?t there been a time, when you should have been down and out, but are able to draw something more from yourself. You?ve called upon something you cant explain, and don?t understand. This is the Force.?

[B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Is this what allows Darth Renevant and Darth Vader their mysterious powers??

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: [I]With a sudden look of sadness and regret[/I] ?This is the Dark Side of the Force. A perversion of the true nature of the force, this draws on powerful emotions of fear, hate and anger to destroy. The Jedi use the light side of the force, to protect and serve the people of the galaxy.?

The four beings looked at the ground, at each other and back at the Jedi. None spoke. Each one was looking inside himself, looking for the answer to this difficult question.

[B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?Enough talk for tonight. Let?s head to these people?s village, where we can stay the night. In the morning, we can talk further of these matters.?

After a moment of hesitation, Jedgar began to follow. The other three followed his lead.

As they walked past the spot where the Jedi had stood, each of them collected their weapons. Old habits died hard?[/color]
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=#518cbd][b][center]First Update of the Play Thread[/b][/center]
OK now while I don't want to make these posts commonplace they are useful for me having to give messages to people participating in the RPG without the need of using PMs.

First off I have some bad news, the following people have dropped out of the RPG: Jokopoko, MGuyPersonDude and even though he never actually posted a sign up, Solo Tremaine. Now that makes three people lost to the RPG as well as the character Obi-Wan Kenobi who I've decided will become an NPC in this RPG as he fills quite a major role. As for Orien Xel, DuoMax and KKC I'll be contacting them soon to see if they're still in.

Now I also have some good news, Queen Asuka has decided to participate in the RPG after all, now I had my hopes that she would and I'm very happy to say that she will join us as Princess Leia Organa. My good friend MajinVegeta will also join us as Darth Revenant as well as Dragon Warrior for Darth Vader, so we at least have the bad guys to keep us going. Now I am also making a head count for those still in the RPG so here goes:

[b]The Characters[/b]

[b]Myself[/b] Van Ambrose
[b]Boba Fett[/b] Jedgar Nieta
[b]Yoda[/b] Jodo Secura
[b]Shikaku Kitoku[/b] Thrukh
[b]Drix D'Zanth[/b] Boba Fett
[b]Queen Asuka[/b] Princess Leia
[b]MajinVegeta[/b] Darth Revenant
[b]Dragon Warrior[/b] Darth Vader

OK so we have 8 and the potential for 3 more so I think we have a pretty healthy group here with us. If there are any questions about the plot then please ask me or questions about the Star Wars universe in general ask Boba Fett. OK so that's it for the update.


[i]As the group began the hike back to the village of the natives, Van's thoughts drifted back to his great grandfather Jerath Ambrose who he'd been in contact with before he'd left Cardia. Van was walking along side Jedgar whom he now trusted far more than could have been expected between a Human and Bothan. Jodo and Thrukh were only a foot behind Van and Jedgar and the entire group was in deep conversation about the matters that the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi had raised. After about an hours walking the group were able to make their way to the natives village, it was equipped with the basics necessary for habitat and the group were lead to Kenobi's dwelling. The Jedi removed his hood and led Van and the others to a room with 4 beds, evidently he too had been expecting them.[/i]

[b]Obi-Wan:[/b] Well you must be tired after all that hiking so I suggest you get some sleep, tomorrow we'll talk some more and straighten some things out. Alright, good night.

[b]Van:[/b] Well what do you guys think ?

[b]Jodo:[/b] He seems genuine.

[b]Thrukh:[/b] I agree, I smell no deceit from him.

[b]Jedgar:[/b] I'll let his actions be the judge, what do you think Van ?

[b]Van:[/b] Well I'd be inclined to agree with Jodo and Thrukh on this one, but I agree that we should watch his actions.

[b]Unknown Voice:[/b] Doubt a Jedi's honesty you do.

[i]The group stared round in disbelief as the strange voice continued to echo around the room., Jodo had already raised his blaster and was pointing it at various points in the room.[/i]

[b]Unknown Voice:[/b] Away put your weapons, I mean you no harm. I am wondering why you are here ?

[b]Van:[/b] [i]In an attempted confident tone[/i] We are here to seek answers.

[b]Unknown Voice:[/b] Euheheheh [I can't really write his laugh], then to the right place you have come, teach you new things we will, and guidance give you.

[b]Jedgar:[/b] Then why must we listen to a voice ?, if your intentions are true then show yourself.

[i]A small individual came forth almost transparent but covered in a blue effulgence. The group recognised him immediately, he was dressed in similar robes to Obi-Wan and carried a lightsaber by his side. His race was unknow but history recorded him to have been the greatest of all the Jedi: Yoda, Jedi Master Yoda[/i]

[b]Obi-Wan:[/b] [i]Walking in[/i] So you have met Master Yoda, I would have rathered he wait until morning but I can see you have no interest in sleep.

[b]Yoda:[/b] Yes, but wait we must for through rashness comes mistakes. They know at least why they here, and I sense that members in their group have already met some of their ancestors. You [i]points at Van[/i] have met you have your great-grandfather Jerath Ambrose and you [i]points at Thrukh[/i] have met an ancestor of your own. For the others they will meet their own ancestors soon, but you remember that we can only give guidance, not training.

[b]Obi-Wan:[/b] Yes, I will be training you in the ways of the Jedi, you are much older than we would usually allow into the Order for we have seen it's consequences. But since you 4 are our last hope we will make an exception, but also remember that it takes great dedication to be a Jedi and the path is long and arduos. If even once you stray then you may not be able to find it again. Now I must insist that you sleep, Yoda we have much to discuss with the others.[/font][/color]
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[color=Darkred] Forty thousand credits of machinery sat in Boba?s palm, the small capsule of a Mark IV probe droid glittered like an obsidian gumdrop, it?s lens closed to the rest of the world in the hibernation-like power hibernation. He?d knew that the elusiveness of a planet such as Ossus wouldn?t provide enough naysay to find the group by himself in any realistic point of time. He also wanted to finish this job early and return to Jabba?s request.

The two glossy datapads of the Imperials stared at him with durasteel features, cold and remorseless, just like the Emperor demanded. One picture, Jedgar, was entirely classified but for his physical build, species, and a line reading, ?extremely well armed and trained?.

As Slave one dropped out of hyperspace, Boba let a long range sensor out of a concussion tube in order to scan for any possible chance of interdiction. The sensor approached the orbiting range of the planet, scanning several ruins, large bodies of water, small villages, and wreckage. A blaring alarm indicated the large energy signal of some sort of Imperial cruiser. Moments later, it was confirmed as victory class. With listless tact, Boba sent the clearance information to the VSD through probe, hoping the surreptitious nature of the broadcast would keep the imps quiet.

?Firespray class ID 43X, Slave I, you are cleared,? The voice crackled over the subspace com. Nothing more was exchanged.

Boba worked the controls down to land on the rough planet with as limited energy as possible, surprise would be a necessity amongst these contacts as he was obviously outgunned, and most/all would have a means of quick escape. He checked his weapons, and equipment, deciding to replace the Jetpack with a smaller control module for the Mark IV and a Klivex Photo-camo. The photographic diodes of the cloak the boba draped over his shoulders received light, mirroring it and providing a light/color camouflage.

With a string of beeping, and light purr of its repulsors, the Mark IV evanesced into the twilight of Ossus.

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[color=green]Jedgar sat in the moonlight, outside the hut he?d been provided with. He didn?t feel like sleeping. Sleep was a chore reserved for areas where one felt secure, not one where ghostly blue figures fond of talking without syntax appeared out of thin air at a moments notice.

He was attempting to get a clear signal for his slave circuit device, but so far hadn?t had any luck. There was some odd energy field reading that was disrupting comm. signals. As far as he could tell, it was a phenomenon unique to this planet. He looked up at clear night sky, as if trying to see the source of the disturbance.

Billions of stars met his eyes. The blackness of space was littered with them, most with their own set of planets. Few and far between in this void lay systems with intelligent life, which had somehow found each other in this vast expanse of blackness. He could also make out a large white wedge, the victory class star destroyer that had hassled him during his atmospheric entry.

His comm. unit crackled.

[B]Unknown Source[/B]: ?Firespray class ID 43X, Slave I, you are cleared?

He looked upward again, just in time to see a small fare up in the upper atmosphere as a small ship entered the blanket of air that sheathed the planet.

The [I]Slave I[/I] was arguably the most famous spaceship in the galaxy. Owned by the galaxy renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett, who was as mysterious as he was deadly, it was the stuff of legends. Nobody had seen it?s inside, but rumors abounded. People claimed that it contained cloaking devices, teleportation machines or even black hole generators. Boba Fett?s mere name was sometimes enough to make a target turn himself in. He never missed his man. Parents told bedtime stories about him, with the moral of following the straight and narrow. If you didn?t, so the story goes, Boba Fett would hunt you down?

Jedgar picked up his pike and jogged towards where the ship had was descending towards. By the looks of it, the [I]Slave I[/I] was going to land very close to their encampment. If this craft was indeed the same one identified in the intercepted transmission, things could get very interesting?[/color]
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[size=1]OK good posts by Boba and Drix, let's see a few more from the others in this RPG.

[I]Van sat up fully awake as the others lay asleep on their beds, he noticed that Jedgar was missing but assumed that he's just gone outside for a while, it was still quite late in the night and by standard Imperial time it would be only about 01:30. Van looked at Jodo and Thrukh and they at least seemed to be sleeping quite peacefully, he got up and pulled on his boots before venturing outside to see if he could find Jedgar. He looked around and there seemed to be no sign of him anywhere in the vicinity, Van wasn't worried, if Jedgar wanted to go for a walk then it was his parogative entirely.

Van could hear the Jedi talking together in the largest hut not far from where he was standing, he decided to walk up to it and see if he could hear what they were talking about. He was only about a foot from an open window and peered inside to see if he could see anyone, standing and sitting in various positions were no less than about 30 Jedi altogether. Their species ranged from Human, Wookie, Chiss, Calamarian and several other species that Van had only ever seen on datapads.

Van could see quite plainly that Obi-Wan was the only one among them who was alive, all the other appeared very much like Yoda, a kind of a blue silhouette, they ranged in species but a it was evident that more than a few were human. Van stayed listening for several minutes as he heard them discuss "the children" obviously that was a reference to the group of Van and the others. They then changed the topic to whether or not that they should be given lightsaber training quite so soon in their training as Jedi.[/I]

[b]Jedi #1:[/b] It could be dangerous, some of them may fall to the Dark-Side influence, must we bring up the Skywalkers as a reference.

[b]Obi-Wan:[/b] The Skywalkers are a different case entirely. Anakin was seduced by the Emperors words of impatience and power and Luke was well beyond the age where our teachings should have had the proper influence.

[b]Jedi #2:[/b] Then what about these new student, they too are not long behind Luke Skywalker's age when he began his training, how can we be sure that they too will not turn.

[b]Yoda:[/b] Of Syfo-Dias then, trained he did since early childhood in the clans and yet seduced he was, no guarantees are there in the training age, trust in the force and the person we must.

[b]Jareth:[/b] Yoda is indeed correct, we cannot allow these petty arguments to destroy our order entirely, these children are our last hope and we cannot let our worries destroy their chances of saving the galaxy from the Sith.

[I]General agreement muttered between the Jedi as they continued to talk, Van had heard enough and began to look around for something else of interest. The natives inhabited most of the other huts but there was only one that seemed empty Van peered into the doorway and say that it was some form of storage room. It contained quite a number of large crates that bore the insignia of the Old Republic, Van wondered what was in them and walked carefully forwards hoping that he wouldn't be heard.

He lifted the top of one of the crates and saw that it contained processed food, finally thought Van something edible. He picked up one of the wrapped pieces of food and opened it, the smell was plain and bland as was the taste, but at that moment in time Van really didn't care. Taking a bite Van chewed it and then moved on to the next crate, it was more of the same stuff again. After checking about 7 different crates Van looked a bit despondent, there wasn't one thing of interest in the entire room. Looking around again Van's eyes stopped on a much smaller case than the other, it was only about 45cm in width and about 25 in length.

Van wondered whether or not he should open it but soon his curiosity took hold, opening up the case his eyes widened, there lay 4 long silver cylinders that Van instantly recognised as being lightsabers. He took the one on the right and held it in his hand, it felt light, like and extension to himself. It was at that moment that Van heard what he knew was Jedgar's scream, he took the case under his arm and ran outside.

There in the middle of the huts stood one of the most famous men in all the galaxy: Boba Fett, Van felt terrified at just the sight of his armour and knew that he was here for Jedgar and the others. Fett looked at Van and the case under his arm and after a few seconds he spoke.[/I]

[b]Fett:[/b] Give yourself up and I won't hurt you.....

[I]Van didn't know what to do and wondered whether or not to respond.....[/I][/size]
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[color=green]Jedgar awoke to find himself floating in a crackling blue restraining field, within a standard holding cell. Damn.

His mind went over the events of the past hour, for lack of anything better to do?

He?d walked down from the village towards where he suspected the [I]Slave I[/I] would be landing. In retrospect, it was a foolish thing to do. At the time, he?d justified it to himself under the guise of investigating a possible threat.

When he?d reached the ship, Jedgar had been extremely cautious. After observing it for several minutes, he cautiously approached it and began to sabotage the engines. After all, word of this gathering of Jedi should be kept as quiet as possible. He?d almost completed removing a side panel so that he could get at the engines, since the ship landed engines down, when the situation had soured.

A moment before he was knocked to the ground, he observed a flash of motion to his left. He fell to the ground, rolling and coming up in a defensive stance with his pike diagonally across his body. This time he got a good look at Boba Fett, who slowly and carefully raised his blaster rifle.

The armored figure raised his rifle slowly, aimed carefully and gently squeezed the trigger. Fett was a professional and an excellent marksman. Others might have acted with haste or fired a flurry of shots with which to hit his target using the laws of probability alone. Not Fett.

Time seemed to slow for Jedgar. He knew what to do, but not how he knew it. Reaching for his belt, he drew a lightsaber. Jedgar had ?borrowed? it before he left the encampment, intending to use it as evidence should he decide to turn in the traitors to the Empire. As his finger depressed the recessed button on the handle, a green blade shot forth, deflecting the bounty hunter?s projectile off into the night.

[B]Boba Fett[/B]: ?Jedi. It has been a long time since I dealt with one of you.?

The hunter raised his wrist, pointing it at Jedgar. He then proceeded to clench his fist, an action that launched several darts at the Bothan.

Jedgar once again was filled with an odd feeling of power. He vaporized the first two projectiles, but the third got though his amateurish defenses and stuck in his arm.

He remembered crying out before everything went black?

Suddenly his chain of thought was interrupted by the noise of a hatch opening. Someone had entered the ship?[/color]
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Jodo, startled, shot up into a sitting position in his bed, breathing heavily. He was in the middle of a dream, when suddenly he heard a scream that felt all too real. It had woken him, and he swept his blaster rifle up from his side, and went out to investigate. A master thief, his feet stalked silently towards the door of the hut, his rifle's crosshair lay perfectly before his left eye. He took a breath and released it, letting out what tension he felt. He swung open the door, and the tension that had left him moments ago came back at him double-fold, in the form of fear.

He stared into the side of a green helmet he knew only too well from his time on Tatooine. Behind the shield that was the black visor on his helmet was the coldest, most calculating mind in the galaxy, who cared only for himself and his business. No emotion, no remorse, no fear. The mans stance; flawless at he pointed the barrel of his gun between Van's eyes. Jodo's rifle was still motionless, pointing directly at one corner of the bounty hunters visor... and suddenly he was overwhelmed with a sense of self-doubt that all Boba Fett's opponents felt. [I]"If I try to shoot, will I even have time to pull the trigger before I'm dead myself? If I do get a shot off he'll just dodge it, like he does with all forms of danger... and he's literally got more tricks[/I] up his sleeves [I]than most circuses.[/I]

This was the man in the galaxy more invincible than the Emperor and Vader... the man who always came out on top, because he chose to come out on top. Boba hadn't even glanced at Jodo yet, but Boba knew he was there, and while Jodo was consumed with doubt, Boba, ever the opportunist, would strategically plan his every action to capturing Van. Jodo didn't know it, but Boba wasn't being paid to capture him...

[B]Boba:[/B] It would be in your best interest to lower your weapon...

Jodo, realising he was being acknowledged, was filled with a sense of resolve one more...

[B]Jodo:[/B] Why's that?

[B]Boba:[/B] It's your choice. Keep the weapon if you want, though I wouldn't advise it. I could kill you, but since I'm only being paid to eliminate [I]threats[/I], I don't want to waste any time with you.

Jodo forced a smirk, determined to show his character free of fear.

[B]Jodo:[/B] I'll show you just how much of a threat I can be...

For the first time, Boba glanced over at Jodo, and Van saw his one opportunity. He clicked open the case in his hand, allowing the remaining lightsabres to fall. As soon as he did this, Boba turned back at a pace almost to fast for the human eye, and let of a shot, that missed mere millimetres above Van's falling body. Before he had chance to fire another, Jodo fired at Boba, who dived out of the way with the grace of a Nexu. Van caught one of the lightsabres inches before it hit the floor, and tossed it at Jodo, who caught it with his free hand, igniting it instantly, just as Boba raised his blaster for another shot. A deep yellow blade came to life before him, crackling with anticipation. Jodo could see the sizzling crimson bolt, heading for a collision with his forehead... but it moved almost at a snails pace. Jodo, with one hand still clutching his blaster with the other gripping his new found lightsabre, dived into a roll to his right, the shot missing him by almost a foot. As he recovered to one knee, another blaster bolt was heading straight for his position. The lightsabre, seemingly acting of its own accord, shot in a downwards arc before Jodo's chest, just in time to deflect the blaster bolt, sending it careering in the floor, scorching it wickedly.

Jodo recovered to his feet, more nervous... and yet more calm than he had ever been before. This lightsabre he held in his left hand had just saved his life, and yet it felt as alien to him as this entire world. Regardless, he knew it was his only defense against the galaxies most ruthless bounty hunter.
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[size=1]Great posts guys, let's keep them coming.

[I]Van had already pulled a lightsaber free from the case leaving only a single one left for Thrukh should he need it, igniting the lightsaber quickly he dodged another of Fett's shots that fired across his midsection. Van's orange blade along with Jodo's yellow one seemed to illuminate the area clearly enough to be able to fight, but Van made no mistake in dismissing the thought that two Jedi wanna-be's with no training actually stood a chance against the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Van held his lightsaber in a defensive stance more interested in not being shot than driving off this bounty hunter, knowing what he had to do Van started running in the opposite direction to Jodo.

Shouting for Fett to catch him Van was already into the thick undergrowth of the tree but Fett had superior tracking equipment and this wouldn't buy him time. Running as fast a he could Van soon found himself in the middle of a clearing not far off the village, he gasped as he looked at the high rock walls that bordered the other side, he was trapped there was no two ways about it. Fett in pursuit calmly approached Van and asked him to lay down his weapon, Van thought that he might be able to buy himself a little time before being captured, he just hoped that time might be enough.[/I]

[b]Fett:[/b] Your not the first Jedi or rather apprentice I've had dealings with tonight boy, lay down your weapon and I will not harm you, otherwise I may have to take matters into my own hands.

[I]Van now realised that Fett must have captured Jedgar when he went out for his walk, swearing under his breath Van stared into the cold black visor that covered Fett's eyes. Van was pretty sure that Fett wouldn't try a direct assault as Van and the others seemed to have been able to handle a lightsaber with some rudimentary skills. Wondering what the hell he could do between the most feared non-Imperial in the galaxy and a solid rock cliff Van decided to keep Fett talking to give Jodo more time.[/I]

[b]Van:[/b] I will lay down my weapon if you tell me why the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy is after an Imperial Lieutenant fresh out of Cardia.

[b]Fett:[/b] I'll tell you this and this only, your of interest to the Emperor, now drop the lightsaber and kick it over to me, try anything and I'll put you in a Bacta tank for a week.

[I]Van froze as he thought back to Jareth's warning about the Emperor , obviously he was interested in Van and Jedgar's skills but also because they were of Imperial training and supposed loyalty. Van kept his weapon pointed defensively and tried to think what he could do in the situation, if he dropped his lightsaber Fett would more than likely keep his word but if the Emperor wanted Van then he probably wouldn't risk killing him. Van dropped his weapon to his foot and kicked it up into the air, Fett waited expectantly though keeping his blaster facing directly at Van's chest. About half way through the air between them Van's felt a familiar force in the area and knew he was saved.

Obi-Wan along with Jodo stepped out from the undergrowth, Fett turned to face Kenobi and made a sort of awkward stance as if struck by a sense of something..... fear maybe but Fett feared nobody or so the legends went. The Jedi drew forth his own lightsaber it's cool blue aura reminded him of the spectres of the fallen Jedi, whatever Fett faced now Van felt confident in his own odds. Jodo ran across to Van and checked to see if he was OK. Van replied he was fine and watched the two combatants' moves with great interest. Obi-wan held his lightsaber in a neutral stance, neither offensive nor defensive, he spoke out loud and Fett seemed to increase his guard.[/I]

[b]Obi-Wan:[/b] Boba Fett, it's nice to see you again after all this time, I imagine that I don't look much different from when you saw me on Kamino with your father Jango.

[b]Boba Fett:[/b] Humph, you Jedi have always been over confident and that was your one great weakness. I suppose you're here to teach these "children" how to defeat Vader, Palpatine and Revenant although I must say you've not had much success in the past.

[I]Van knew exactly what Fett was trying to do to Obi-wan, he was trying to knock him off guard so that he could either strike of get out of there, Van only waited to see which assumption was correct. [/I][/size]
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[I] Jedi?[/I] It made sense. No wonder the Emperor pulled one of the highest bounty figures Boba had ever seen from those darkened robes of his. As clear as the azure blade cascading before him, Fett understood the severity that his mission had descended into.

Boba dropped his rifle to the side, the magnetic lock of his belt catching the carbine and securing it to his side.. The Jedi, if trained well enough could possibly end up deflecting one of his own bolts into him, however that didn?t seem to bother him as much. The problem with Jedi was the obscure nature in which they fought, their manipulation of the paranormal. No expense of effort can be spared when their order threatens you.

The Jedi stood there, determined, as their blades lit up the warren of undergrowth. [I] Obi Wan?[/I] Fett had assumed he died in the great purge as the others of his kind. The methods of the Empire?s extermination were not on Fett?s side, especially considering Obi-Wan?s position as a "Master".

[b]Boba[/b]: You are formidable, Jedi, my weapon is no match to your lightsaber.. however.

Boba?s fingers worked near his belt, twisting a small, metal plunger until it dropped to the softer earth as a discarded screw.

[b]Boba[/b]: There is, however, a fatal error in it?s design..

Another careful twist, followed by a sharp ring.

[b]Boba[/b]: It has absolutely no effect on explosives..

With those words, Fett tore a concussion grenade from his belt and lobbed it at Obi Wan, the tight cylinder twisting through the air like Pandora?s Box. Kenobi, having only enough time to react to Fett?s words, raised his blade, swinging the searing energy through the explosive.. perhaps if the charge was shaped, he could deflect enough of it into the surrounding forest.

A deafening silence filled the air and the ripples of a proton charge clicked to detonate the concussion grenade. The weapon was harmless, if used properly, yet it could knock a bull Gundark cold for twenty-four standard hours. Kinesthetic force rippled the supercondenced air, the shockwave throwing the Jedi on to his back. Boba had to step back as the shudder hit his armor, the blinding detonation had his visor automatically tint to protect his eyes. Soon after, the entire jungle lit up with the cry of surrounding fauna, as the blast had obviously spooked everything for a relative mile. Boba grimaced before walking over to Van?s unconscious form. The stun cuffs whirred as he applied them, measuring blood pressure and pulse. If the determined warrior were to somehow wake up as Fett dragged him to Slave I, the bounty hunter could deliver a shock that would place him somewhere between unconsciousness and epileptic seizure.

The 360 display registered another abnormality, causing the weary hunter to curse. These two hits were definitely making themselves worth their price. Data streamed in, indicating that his ship had become compromised by external "variables". Variables could mean anything from a Jedi Master to a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard; Fett didn?t want to take any more chances.

As he approached the ship he heard the screeching wrench of his escape hatch being forced open. The darkened figure seemed to notice Fett before he could move into blaster range. The hatch swung freely, creaking softly.

The crackle and hiss of raw energy sprang up once again into Boba?s bearing, as this unknown figure ignited a lightsaber. As Fett studied his features, the human-like figure seemed distinctly alien, and distinctly more threatening. Perhaps it was the set of razor teeth lining his bottom lip. Perhaps it was the fact that his newest opponent was Noghri?
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[Size=1][Center][b]Final Update and Post of Star Wars: Potential Revealed[/b][/center]
I'd like to inform everyone participating in this RPG that they have my thanks for helping to make this a success but all good thing must come to an end, yes that means that this RPG has run it's course and must now come to an end. But let's not grieve for as I said when I began it this is the beginning of an entire series of RPGs so as you can imagine the sequel itself to this RPG which I have dubbed [b]Rise of the Dark Lords[/b] will be coming along soon enough (roughly 2 weeks).

Now as I can already tell some of you are wondering why this is coming to an end now, well there's a simple reason, [b]a lack of people[/b]. Now when I made my last update I was highly optimistic that there would be enough however as time has gone by too many people have dropped out of the RPG. The major player's have received PM informing them of the situation at hand so without further adieu I'm going to end this RPG on this post. I'd like to commit my gratitude to the following individuals and hope to see their characters in the next RPG:

[list][*]Boba Fett - For your constant and excellent posts and your knowledge of the Star Wars Universe that is unparalleled against anyone else on OB.

[*]Drix D'Zanth - For you magnificent portrayal of the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett and your detailed knowledgeable posts.

[*]Yoda - For you superb role-playing which I've been lucky to be able to have long experience with.

[*]For everyone else who signed up - For at least giving this a try which helped it get off the Sign Up section.[/list]
[I]Van felt his head slam down upon the cold floor of Boba Fett's holding cell on Slave I, attempting to shake off the effects of the concussion grenade's effect he was able to open his eyes if only partially. Everything seemed blurry and disproportionate and Van felt sick just looking around, Fett stood not 4 feet away behind the blue holding field. He appeared at least from his posture to be injured and although his image was blurred beyond recognition Van knew it was him.[/i]

[b]Fett:[/b] Well, one of them is better than neither of them, I should be able to collect a decent bounty on this young Jedi.

[I]Van knew that Thrukh must have been able to free Jedgar and get him off Slave I before Fett go back with him, he only hoped that Jedgar was able to get away far enough so as to avoid capture. His mind drifted to Obi-Wan and his friends, he hoped that they'd be all right or would Fett relay their position to the orbiting Star Destroyer, he felt like vomiting from the inability to see and from the effects that grenade had on him. Fett didn't stay much longer although from Van's point of view it seemed like an eternity, after several minutes Fett turned on his hell and with an audible groan he walked out of the Holding Area and made his way towards the cockpit.[/I]

[center][b]36 Hours Later[/b][/center]
[b]Fett:[/b] Come one get up !, you've got a meeting with the Emperor.

[b]Van:[/b] Yeah, and I'm sure you've got a few thousand credits coming out of the deal.

[b]Fett:[/b] [I]Sarcastically[/I] Perceptive aren't you, now get up !

[I]Van staggered to his feet but found himself much more awake and in control than he had been when Fett had managed to capture him, it seemed at least that the Emperor wanted him alive. For now at least that was a good thing but it could quickly change into a very bad situation, Van felt around for his lightsaber but knew that Fett wasn't stupid enough to leave it in his possession. Van stood up as best he could and looked directly into the visor of Fett as if attempting to see into his mind. Fett frowned under his helmet and caught Van by the cuffs still held around his wrists and led him off the ship.

Van looked around at Coruscant, his home, and for the first time ever he shuddered to be far away from his beloved homeland. Van was bedraggled looking, a torn uniform cut and stained with blood in several places looked very out of place in the grace and splendour of the Imperial Palace. After several metres a platoon of guards arrived to meet with Fett and Van, Van looked into the black visor that covered the Storm Troopers faces and felt another shiver run down his spine. Van felt anger flow from Fett towards the Troopers as if he was being cheated.[/I]

[b]Squad Commander:[/b] We'll take the prisoner off your hands and you can meet with the Emperor later to discuss your bounty.

[b]Fett:[/b] I don't think so, I'll take the kid to the Emperor myself and then collect my bounty, if you've got a problem then I suggest you go talk to your superiors.

[b]Squad Commander:[/b] That's fine, you can take him to the Emperor and we'll just escort you there to make sure you don't try anything.

[I]Van was led down the halls and finally into the chamber of the Emperor, it's poor lighting was obviously an attempt by the Emperor to induce fear into those he dealt with but Van was going to make sure that he wasn't able to do it to him. The ageing being sat decrepit in his chair as if he had withered into it, his black garments relayed his allegiance to the Dark Side as did his cold dead eyes that lacked any manner of pity or grace. His two servants Vader and Revenant flanked the Emperor, both clad in black they gave off the same aura as their master.

Fett's wrist-cuffs came free and Van rubbed them to see if they'd been injured, they hadn't which was something positive in this whole mess. The Emperor gave Van a wry smile, and Van shuddered again at this being of malevolence, still smiling the Emperor asked Van to come closer so that he could talk to him as one of the Empire's proud servants. Van felt disgusted at that name even though he had once believed it to be worth everything he'd ever fought for, he took several steps forward and made a weak bow as if in some form of rebellion.[/I]

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] [I]Still smiling[/I] Van Ambrose, it's so nice to see you, I believe you were reassigned to my personal staff a week ago but it appears as if you've had a bit of a side-tracking. Never mind we can still recover that with pace. [I]Turns to Vader[/I] Vader will you get our young guest a change of clothing so that he can feel comfortable, and Revenant [I]Now facing Skywalker[/I] please give our guest back his weapon that Mr. Fett relieved him of.

[b]Fett:[/b] Excuse me, but I think there's the little matter of my bounty for the boy.

[b]Emperor:[/b] Yes, but there appears to be one missing, the Bothan Nieta what happened, I assume he perished otherwise he'd be here.

[b]Fett:[/b] [I]Lying[/I] Yes a unknown Noghri terminated him before I had the chance to capture him.

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] [I]Aware of the lie[/I] Yes I can see how that would be unfortunate, now the credits I promised you are already in your account 46 million for the mission and the bounty. You may leave now.

[b]Fett:[/b] Thank you and I look forward to more business from you later.

[I]Fett turned on his heels and marched out leaving only Van and his captures, Vader soon returned along with Revenant with the new clothing and Van's lightsaber. Van knew all too well that both Vader and Revenant would be armed with lightsabers and with their better training than Van he wouldn't have stood a chance. Van took the new clothing and asked if there was somewhere he could change, the Emperor smiled and pointed towards a side room, entering it seemed all too normal, changing quickly Van found it to be a long dark grey robes which fit Van perfectly. Walking out Revenant placed Van's lightsaber into his hand and turned marching back towards him lord, Van thought there was something in the eyes of Skywalker, something different as hint of betrayal if so that could work out to Van's advantage.

Walking slowly back towards the Emperor Van heard the unmistakable hiss of a lightsaber from behind him, drawing his own out of instinct he ignited the saber and faced his opponent. It was a Chiss Van knew that their specie's cunning and intelligence gave them an advantage over humans, the Chiss's lightsaber was a deep crimson and he was garbed in dark green robes. Van took a moment to study him before raising his saber in a defensive position, the Emperor stood up from his seat and called out in a loud voice.[/I]

[b]Emperor Palpatine:[/b] Now that your both ready I will tell you why I have brought you here, you are to be the next in a line of Sith Lords there can be only one student and you've both shown exceptional skill now you will pit those skills against one another and the winner shall become me newest apprentice, as for the loser well he will die. BEGIN !!

[I]Lunging at Van the Chiss had taken a very aggressive stance, his lightsaber skills seemed to be on par with Van's which for his sake was a good thing, Van kept to a defensive stance holding his saber so that he could block the on-coming strikes but also so that he wouldn't kill his opponent unless necessary. The Chiss was smaller than him but faster so they both had advantages, Van began to circle around him so that if possible he could flick the saber out of the Chiss hands, moving quickly the Chiss began to circle him also. Even though Van couldn't see the Emperor or his servants he knew that the two students impressed him, the Chiss attempted a bold vertical slash down onto Van's saber trying to dislodge it from his hand but Van responded by kicking into the Chiss's midsection.

Falling back both of the held their lightsabers ready for an attack, the Chiss saw that Van wouldn't attack him directly so this would give him an advantage, the human was weak he didn't press his advantage. Leaping several metres into the air Van's opponent swing down as to catch Van's back while he turned, Van rolled forwards turned and swung his lightsaber round, a shrill scream of pain was heard from the Chiss who fell down onto the floor with a wide gash through his spine. Van shut off his saber and ran across to the Chiss, turning him over Van found him to be dead, Van felt sick at what he'd done and threw his lightsaber to the ground in an attempt at rebellion against the Emperor.

The Emperor laughed and called Van to bow before him, Van walked forward cautiously and merely stood at attention, the Emperor smiled and produced a datapad that he wanted Van to look at. Still smiling the Emperor looked on as Van's face grew grim and angry, the datapad contained the vicious murder of his family, his father, his mother and his brother. Van angered beyond control seized out for his saber and swung down upon the tyrant's neck. Vader intercepted it with his own lightsaber and then laughed loudly, the Emperor laughed and Revenant smiled, drawing his own saber Revenant cut the Emperor down where he sat, his head rolled down the steps towards Van who merely kicked it away. Vader turned to his son and his posture suggested surprise, Vader spoke in a calm cool voice as if his wasn't capable of passion.[/I]

[b]Vader:[/b] Do you intend to kill me as well or am I to continue as your servant.

[b]Revenant:[/b] You will go to Ossus and finish off the Jedi while I finish the training of our young friend here...

[i]On that day Van left all that was good behind him, he had taken his steps down the dark path and it would forever dominate his destiny and the destiny of the galaxy for 10 years to come.[/i]

[b]To be continued in [i]Rise of the Dark Lords[/i] don't miss it[/b][/size]
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