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G and SD: The Gundams Everyone Hates


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And WHY? That's my big money question.
I am awfully curious to know why everyone on the face of the Gundam forum hates G Gundam and SD Gundam so freakin' much.
It appears that I am the opposite of everyone else...I can't stand Gundam Wing, or any of those Gundam series with mobile suits...they just bother me. ~_~
Anyways, back to subject. G Gundam appeals to me because, I think, it has more of a storyline and plot. And it's easy to understand. The fight scenes are pretty cool but don't take up half or 3/4 of the episode. The characters develop over time and there is a wide range of theme (characters), from eight year old kids to sixty year old men (or so).
[spoiler]And it has a pretty nifty opening theme.[/spoiler]
SD Gundam. Why does everyone hate this show so much? The only reasons I've seen is "It's too childish". Well DUH! It was intended for children, geniuses. I really like this series. I think it's a good change of pace for the dudes who created Gundam. The colors are nice a bright, the episodes are (for the most part) hilarious, and the evil dudes aren't exactly evil. Or smart for that matter. Sure, I can't stand Captain Gundam (I hate main characters), but I do like the other characters. Zero and Bakunetsumaru have good and bad traits to themselves, like every charcter does, and they actually have compassion for the stuff they do. The episodes don't have too much fight time, and the fact that the characters aren't war-driven, psycho maniac nuts ("calm youself Katana...") is good.
Okay. *takes deep breath* Curious to know what you guys think, and how you G and SD haters are gonna respond.
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I'd hate starting an arguement like this, but maybe it's the fact that people have different opinions? Me personally, I hated Gundam SD because, as you mentioned before, It was too childish for me. That doesn't neccesarily mean I want it off air, I just don't watch it. I actually liked G Gundam for the most part. The storyline and plot were good, and characters developed like real people, but I hate having the idea that only one Gundam can represent their country. I like army v army kinds of Gundam shows, like Wing and 0080. It just appeals to me more I guess.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Katana [/i]
And WHY? That's my big money question.
I am awfully curious to know why everyone on the face of the Gundam forum hates G Gundam and SD Gundam so freakin' much.
It appears that I am the opposite of everyone else...I can't stand Gundam Wing, or any of those Gundam series with mobile suits...they just bother me. ~_~
Anyways, back to subject. G Gundam appeals to me because, I think, it has more of a storyline and plot. And it's easy to understand. The fight scenes are pretty cool but don't take up half or 3/4 of the episode. The characters develop over time and there is a wide range of theme (characters), from eight year old kids to sixty year old men (or so).
[spoiler]And it has a pretty nifty opening theme.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
For many people who was introduced into the Gundam franchise through GW or Seed think G Gundam is an insult of their "deep political war stories". G Gundam has some very interesting characters and a deeper theme than most people expected. If they can actually spend the time watching the show, they may understand who G Gundam is a true Gundam series with true Gundam themes. Anyone who think G Gundam should not be Gundam doesn't understand Gundam at all. In addition, since North America has never seen a true Super robot show, the style used in G is so different from what they know about robot show. It is always labelled as Gundam meets DBZ in North America without knowing the history of Super robot.

SD Gundam. Why does everyone hate this show so much? The only reasons I've seen is "It's too childish". Well DUH! It was intended for children, geniuses. I really like this series. I think it's a good change of pace for the dudes who created Gundam. The colors are nice a bright, the episodes are (for the most part) hilarious, and the evil dudes aren't exactly evil. Or smart for that matter. Sure, I can't stand Captain Gundam (I hate main characters), but I do like the other characters. Zero and Bakunetsumaru have good and bad traits to themselves, like every charcter does, and they actually have compassion for the stuff they do. The episodes don't have too much fight time, and the fact that the characters aren't war-driven, psycho maniac nuts ("calm youself Katana...") is good.
SD Gundam is nothing new but most Gundam watchers in North American fail to see that. The first SD Gundam, Super Deformed Gundam, was made in late 80s to make fun of the characters in various Gundam series. The Superior Defender style SD Gundam was created in early 90s, which are not called Superior Defender yet, to attract a different group of audiences into the franchise. It is just part of the business. According to the CGO, Chief Gundam Officer, from Bandai, there are 3 major groups of Gundam fans and SD fan is one of the 3. When people see the name Gundam, they want "deep" stories, "complicate" characters and sad environment, like in Gundam Wing but SD doesn't provide that. So, people bash it for what it is. I don't remember hearing Gundam fans shorting at the first SD Gundam in late 80s being an insult to MSG, Zeta, ZZ and CCA and I surely don't understand why some fans can accept the fact that it is a kid show for kids. If it is too childish, it means you are not the target audiences. Maybe I should start some bashing on GW and Seed sometime because they are too childish for me!
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Personally, I have no problem with G Gundam. As far as the AU (Alternate Universe) gundam series go it is okay, if not a bit too unrealistic. My biggest problem is the fact that it is too much of a DBZ meets Gundam storyline. On the other end of the coin, it is a change from the norm, which is always good. I really prefer the UC (Universal Centruy) titles which link to each other, and GW: Endless Waltz.

As for SD Gundam, you are right. It is too childish. Besides, that character Shute is just plain irritating to listen too. And what did they do to the Wing Gundam design? I like the original Wing Gundam, until they ruined it. The one thing that bug me the most is the fact that they tried to rename it "Superior Defender" desite the fact the every otaku knows that SD stands for "Super Deformed" (just like the artstyle used).
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Well sometimes people make series such as Gundam Wing, Gundam SEED, and G-Gundam out to be worse than they are by categorizing them as "kiddy animes" (which is really going to far because any half knowledgeable anime fan could see that there is still a fine line between "kiddy" and "non-kiddy" animes which in these cases has not been crossed) in the case of this "new" fangled "SD Gundam" this is perfectly exceptable. SD Gundam Force was intended for a younger audience there for many of the other gundam fans who are older and outside of the target audience of the SD Gundam Force t.v. show find the series as more of a sub-par disgrace to the Gundam franchise, mainly because of it's cheesy plot and all around horrific simplification of the tragic war & love story present in most other Gundam series. As for the original SD Gundam series they were not really banged on as much mainly because of what they were. They were parodies of a great thing. And everyone loves a good parody every now and then =O.

As for G-Gundam it's not something I really liked, while for a time it provided a interesting change from the normal Gundam series it also fell victim to the over simplification of things and and times was just to reminiscent of DBZ.

On a side note I always believed (and still do) that "SD" originally standed for "Super Deformed" not "Superior Defender" anyone care to correct me? or atleast possibly offer a good argument as to why the name change occured -_____o?...

[quote]and they actually have compassion for the stuff they do. The episodes don't have too much fight time, and the fact that the characters aren't war-driven, psycho maniac nuts ("calm youself Katana...") is good.[/quote]

*on a side note* If you look at the original Gundam series or even a newer Gundam series like Gundam SEED you'd easily be able to see that both of the main characters Amuro Ray and Kira Yamato do have a compassionate side (sometiems Kira is to f00kin compassionate, pull the trigger already -_-!) and are not "war-driven pyscho maniac nuts".
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>.< I was just kidding, okay! ^^;
Well, I see what you guys mean. It's not so much G Gundam as it is SD Gundam. I was confused at how they changed the meaning of SD (super deformed is much better, and funnier), but the people who don't like the show thinks it dishonors Gundam or whatever, when the truth is it doesn't. My lines of thinking for SD Gundam is that the guys who created Gundam probably wanted a Gundam series for little kids, to gradually introduce them into the whole Gundam universe. I know, it's a big jump from bright and happy to dark and scary, but still, it's okay.

(Oh, and PS: I know about the earlier versions of SD Gunda, truth me. ^^)
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Well the other thing is "SD Gundam Force" is episodic in nature which is also a major minus. (Animated) Episodic shows unless they are comedies say like The Simpsons, or South Park usually tend to fail to impress a large majority of viewers. And in terms of anime fans they often alienate many fans from a certain series. Also because the show was first released in the U.S. instead of Japan sometimes it makes me wonder exactly how much american influence had on it -_o. In this case if [i]any[/i] I honestly think there was just too much.
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well i also like g gundam cuz it has its good fights and moments, but as of sd gundam, i at first thought that it (before it actually was put on the air) would be a kick@ss gundam show with chibby animation. it's as cute as he11, i'll give it that, and i saw the whole series through, enjoying the ocasional cameo from a different gundam show, but in the end i myself realized that what i was watching was at the level of the powerpuff girls. but i still give it credit for being original.

oh and while i'm at it, do you know how to get the little picture in front of your name? i'm new here so i haven't figured it out yet.
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Guest special
i haven't seen G gundam. SD wsa never meant for kids it was meant to be funny. seed and wing r just stupid money maker waich hav little pointless plot and pretend to be as good as first gundam.
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[quote]SD wsa never meant for kids it was meant to be funny[/quote]

The original SD series were meant to be parodies and poke fun at the gundam series. We're talking about "SD Gundam Force" this series is a standalone series aimed at a younger audience as it is not a parody and has it's own cheesy highly predictable plot. (read the whole thread just don't post without knowing what's going on =P).

[quote] seed and wing r just stupid money maker waich hav little pointless plot and pretend to be as good as first gundam.[/quote]

Deep down while they share many similarities to the original MSG they do have their own tidbits of originality here and there, now and then =O. And contrary to popular belief they were not made to be remakes as the original series. While they turned out that way in certain aspects the creators never had that intention in mind. Money making ploys... bleh in a way yes but then again that can be said to many animes in general.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by special [/i]
[B]i haven't seen G gundam. SD wsa never meant for kids it was meant to be funny. seed and wing r just stupid money maker waich hav little pointless plot and pretend to be as good as first gundam. [/B][/QUOTE]

That may be your opinion, however, it sounds as if you haven't seen enough of either series to make an appropriate judgement. Also, as far as I know, Wing was never meant to be based on the first Gundam series, so it really cant pretend to be something that it doesn't want to be.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by StrikeGundam [/i]
Also, as far as I know, Wing was never meant to be based on the first Gundam sseries, so it really cant pretend to be something that it doesn't want to be. [/B][/QUOTE]

Then, it is really hard to explain the situation of Zechs and Char. Zechs is obviously the Char of GW. They both wear red and silver masks, they have younger sisters and they are planning their revenge of their fathers. Also, the ending of GW tv is almost identical to the ending of CCA except that Heero is not killed in a magical way. Someone tries to drop something big on Earth and a single Gundam stops it. Tell me that is original from GW. GW wants to be MSG, actually, Bandai wants all AU to be MSG for its success. Bandai wants to duplicate the success of MSG in every other series.

If G Gundam is Gundam meets DBZ, then GW is Gundam meets Saint Seiya.
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Originally posted by Qukey:
[QUOTE]Tell me that is original from GW. GW wants to be MSG, actually, Bandai wants all AU to be MSG for its success. Bandai wants to duplicate the success of MSG in every other series.[/QUOTE]

Well duh! that is the entire point or a continuation of any type of series, whether it is Anime, reality t.v., or movies. Since MSG was their most succesful show, they know what works. So you take those ideas that work and you revamp them. Standard law of showbiz.

Does it really matter? I mean, they are both great shows so why fuss? If you liked the original as much as it seems, shouldn't you like Wing as well since they have various plot similarities? But in Bandai's defense they did change a few things to make it to where Zechs would not be Char in a different series with a different name. I don't think that Char [spoiler] ever stopped wearing the mask and became a pacifist at times; then started his own rival faction to destroy earth. If he did, then I completely missed something. Maybe I did. . . [/spoiler]

Honestly I don't think anything is wrong with either of the series. I was brought up on Gundam Wing. To this day it is my favorite anime of all time. I enjoyed figuring out all of the plot twists and character emotions. It is a "thinking" kind of anime. But my next favorite is G Gundam. I loved it as well. The characters were completely loveable, and they were the kind of characters that made you watch the show so you could see what happened next. The show has its own complexities and plot twists.

I have only watched one episode of SD Gundam. And to be perfectly honest, I thought it was hilarious! Those guys are really kind of cute. But I guess it is all a matter of opinion.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i]
Does it really matter? I mean, they are both great shows so why fuss? If you liked the original as much as it seems, shouldn't you like Wing as well since they have various plot similarities? But in Bandai's defense they did change a few things to make it to where Zechs would not be Char in a different series with a different name. I don't think that Char [spoiler] ever stopped wearing the mask and became a pacifist at times; then started his own rival faction to destroy earth. If he did, then I completely missed something. Maybe I did. . . [/spoiler][/QUOTE]

[spoiler]Char has not wear his mask since the fall of the Zabis at the end of MSG. He has revenged his father's death, more importantly, he has realized the goal of his life: Newtype. Is he a pacifist? No, but he doesn't enjoy killing for sure. Watch Episode 37 of Zeta and listen to his Dahka speech. Char was given the leadership of AEUG after the death of the leader and he later becomes the leader of Neo Zeon fighting against the Earth Federation Governement. He purchased Axis from Earth Federation and dropped it on Earth to cause nuclear winter. So, tell me, does this look like Zechs' life? [/spoiler]
Almost all Gundam series has a clone/copy of Char in it. Lancelaw of GX and Harry of Turn A are just some of the examples. They don't copy the look from Char or his background, but his emotion and his depth. That is what I look at in an anime. MSG has done all the emotion right and in great detail. They are believeable without going outside their mental bounds.

Honestly I don't think anything is wrong with either of the series. I was brought up on Gundam Wing. To this day it is my favorite anime of all time. I enjoyed figuring out all of the plot twists and character emotions. It is a "thinking" kind of anime. But my next favorite is G Gundam. I loved it as well. The characters were completely loveable, and they were the kind of characters that made you watch the show so you could see what happened next. The show has its own complexities and plot twists.[/QUOTE]
That is nothing wrong of liking GW but doesn't the plot twist really logical? Does the emotion of the characters valid? This is what we have to look when watching a show. If you can compare MSG with GW in detail, you can see GW is not well planned at all. In additon, can someone tell me why Zechs want to freeze the Earth? The most logical explaination I have is because Char has done it in CCA.
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Well, in my opinion, The reason that audiences dislike G Gundam and SD Gundam, is because they were too big of a change on the origional theme. Gundam audiences who enjoyed Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam and the others, liked the show for their qualities of complicated charicters, tactical war themes, and serious tones. When those audiences were introduced to G and SD, they did not recognise them under the same tone as the other ones, and immediately disliked them. It's like seeing DBZ charicters discuss philosiphy on life, it just doesn't fit.

My final opinion is that G and SD should have been shown under a different theme, instead of Gundam.
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Qukey, [spoiler]Zechs wanted to destroy earth for a very logical reason. If you look at when he decides to destroy earth, you will see that he is then fighting for the colonies. He believes that earth will be the destruction of the colonies. So why not destroy it? Why not destroy the thing and all of the people on it that are trying to destroy them? Why not destroy the two factions that are trying to take over the entire world, but will probably bring about the end of the earth in their quest for power? Why not just end all of the colonies problems? If he causes complete winter year round on earth, no one will be able to live there. In fact all of teh people that are on it will probably die, which pretty much serves Zechs' end because all of the OZ and Romefeller people will be on earth. The end of earth is the end of the colonies' problems.[/spoiler] Or at least it is in Zechs' opinion.

Like I said before it is no wonder that almost all of the shows after the original in the Gundam Saga would have characters that are somewhat like Char. Char helped make gundam extremely popular. The only reason so many gundam shows exist is because they want to make money. They saw how well teh original did, and so they still want more of that.

To answer your question about the plot twists being logical, I don't suppose it matters. I mean, are the plot twists in anything logical? If you are watching a movie and the main character goes down into the dark, scary basement where screams are coming from and some big scary monster is inevitably down there waiting to kill them, is it logical for the character to go down there? I don't think so! It is just how the writers wrote it. Those twists are there for a reason. Maybe they don't want to give something away just yet, so they add in some type of twist to draw it out. I think all of them serve some type of end that makes the series better.

The emotions of the character are what define a character. So yes, they are valid. They act in the manner that was given to them. Treize will always be chivalaristic. Heero will always be the silent, perfect killer. It's just how it works.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i]
[B]Qukey, [spoiler]Zechs wanted to destroy earth for a very logical reason. If you look at when he decides to destroy earth, you will see that he is then fighting for the colonies.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
When did Zechs fighting for colonies? The problem is, he has no reason for doing that! He did not come from colony and Earth is his home, even when he is in OZ.

[QUOTE][spoiler]He believes that earth will be the destruction of the colonies. So why not destroy it? Why not destroy the thing and all of the people on it that are trying to destroy them? Why not destroy the two factions that are trying to take over the entire world, but will probably bring about the end of the earth in their quest for power? Why not just end all of the colonies problems?[/spoiler] [/QUOTE]
Zechs does not have a very good understanding of colonies as he is not one of them. He has never experience the corrupting of the sky or have to calculate the air the breath. That is what the people in colonies have to experience. However, do they want to destroy Earth? No, Earth is a hope of freedom that they don't need to worry about enemies put gases or holes on your ground and they can breath freely.

[QUOTE][spoiler]If he causes complete winter year round on earth, no one will be able to live there. In fact all of teh people that are on it will probably die, which pretty much serves Zechs' end because all of the OZ and Romefeller people will be on earth. The end of earth is the end of the colonies' problems.[/spoiler] Or at least it is in Zechs' opinion.[/QUOTE]
Can that bring peace by killing off a potion of human population? Is Earth the source of all evil, not human? There are a lot more people on Earth than in space. The population in space is much smaller than the UC timeline. People build colonies because they can. There is not a very serious problem of overcrowding on Earth. So, the population in colony is considerably small. If human can not reproduce in space, what will happen? It leads to the end of mankind. Someday, war will start again and people will fight for the right of living on Earth again.

[spoiler]Now, look at Char. Char is from Side 3 and his father is Zeon Daikun. However, Char has lived on Earth after the death of his father. So, he love Earth and space equally, maybe more for Earth. He doesn't want to kill everyone on Earth, but the drive them to space so they can become newtypes.[/spoiler] Does destroying Earth can bring peace? It is the people who wants to fight, not Earth!

Like I said before it is no wonder that almost all of the shows after the original in the Gundam Saga would have characters that are somewhat like Char. Char helped make gundam extremely popular. The only reason so many gundam shows exist is because they want to make money. They saw how well teh original did, and so they still want more of that.[/QUOTE]
Maybe you should check out some of the better Char copies in other Gundam series. I love the Char-like characters in Gundam but at least make them good with the depth of Char, not his look. Some are done right but Zechs is not one of them.

To answer your question about the plot twists being logical, I don't suppose it matters. I mean, are the plot twists in anything logical?[/QUOTE]
Everything has to be logical still. When there is plot twist, the watchers must be able to find supporting reasons for the decision later on. That make the story with depth so the watchers can think about the story and the intention of the director.

If you are watching a movie and the main character goes down into the dark, scary basement where screams are coming from and some big scary monster is inevitably down there waiting to kill them, is it logical for the character to go down there?
I don't think so! It is just how the writers wrote it. Those twists are there for a reason. Maybe they don't want to give something away just yet, so they add in some type of twist to draw it out. I think all of them serve some type of end that makes the series better.[/QUOTE]
So, now, look at the story. Does it have enough reasons for the main characters to walk down there? Does it have enough reasons for not walking down there? If this is a horror movie, you don't need a reason because being a horror movie is enough reason. But, it is a romatic drama, is it logical to have a hairy monster in the basement?

The emotions of the character are what define a character. So yes, they are valid. They act in the manner that was given to them. Treize will always be chivalaristic. Heero will always be the silent, perfect killer. It's just how it works. [/QUOTE]
Is Treize really that chivalaristic? He has never shown any weakness in normal human. He can easily gain power and lose power whenever he wants. He still has to right to choose when he wants to die. Not alot of people in the world can be that lucky. He doesn't really has any emotion at all. Do we feel his pain, happiness or sadness? No, we don't because, like any other GW characters, he is created as perfect without any flaws.

Is Heero's life sad? It is what we should feel but we don't. We still enjoy seeing him blowing up countless nameless and voiceless pilots. Is there any emotion there? He doesn't have any, so we don't need any as well. Right, he was trained since very young! He was not suppose to have any emotion! Then, why do we have to feel for him if he doesn't feel anything himself.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i]
[B]Is Treize really that chivalaristic? He has never shown any weakness in normal human. He can easily gain power and lose power whenever he wants. He still has to right to choose when he wants to die. Not alot of people in the world can be that lucky. [/B][/QUOTE]
First of all, that isn't even the definition of chivalry. If anything at all, Treize is chivalry personified. He was always the great conquerer, who felt that it was so dishonorable to have long range weapons, that he omitted them completely from his own personal gundam. If that isn't a shining example of chivalry, you show me one better.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i]
[B]Do we feel his pain, happiness or sadness? No, we don't because, like any other GW characters, he is created as perfect without any flaws.

Is Heero's life sad? It is what we should feel but we don't. We still enjoy seeing him blowing up countless nameless and voiceless pilots. Is there any emotion there? He doesn't have any, so we don't need any as well. Right, he was trained since very young! He was not suppose to have any emotion! Then, why do we have to feel for him if he doesn't feel anything himself.
There is no way that everyone (save Treize) was presented as completely perfect. Take Heero for example. In the begining of the series, he is presented as the perfect soldier, but that was only on the surface. [spoiler]After he meets Relena, (and even before that, as shown in endless waltz) his feelings begin to break the surface and interfere with him untill he accepts them[/spoiler] Wufei is another example. [spoiler]He feels that he and Nataku are the greatest warriors ever; that is, until he is defeated in a sword duel by Treize. How can you be perfect if someone else beats you?[/spoiler]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by StrikeGundam [/i]
[B]First of all, that isn't even the definition of chivalry. If anything at all, Treize is chivalry personified. He was always the great conquerer, who felt that it was so dishonorable to have long range weapons, that he omitted them completely from his own personal gundam. If that isn't a shining example of chivalry, you show me one better.[/QUOTE]
The definition of chivalry does not lie in close range or long range weapons or about being a conquerer. It is about bravery, courtesy and honor. If you want a good example, check out Mashymre Cello of Gundam ZZ. He is a true knight. A true knight has to show great qualities not only in his speech, but great skills in defending his belief without throwing away the human inside him.

There is no way that everyone (save Treize) was presented as completely perfect. Take Heero for example. In the begining of the series, he is presented as the perfect soldier, but that was only on the surface. [spoiler]After he meets Relena, (and even before that, as shown in endless waltz) his feelings begin to break the surface and interfere with him untill he accepts them[/spoiler] Wufei is another example. [spoiler]He feels that he and Nataku are the greatest warriors ever; that is, until he is defeated in a sword duel by Treize. How can you be perfect if someone else beats you?[/spoiler] [/QUOTE]
Don't you think the characters are create as "perfect"? They are the "perfect" soldiers without any feeling or hestiation on the subjects to kill. So, if a person is defeatable, they are not perfect? When talking about a character, it is not if he/she can be defeated, but can make mistakes and suffers from it. Do the characters in GW feel sorry for the countless soldiers they killed? No, because they think they are doing the right things. If the characters are always doing the right thing, they must be perfect, like the characters in Gundam Wing. Only the people in OZ and everyone over 25 who make mistakes because the main characters can not be wrong!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i]
[B]When talking about a character, it is not if he/she can be defeated, but can make mistakes and suffers from it. [/B][/QUOTE]

Wufei obviously did suffer from his defeat, because of his reaction at the end of the episode.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i]
[B]Do the characters in GW feel sorry for the countless soldiers they killed? No, because they think they are doing the right things. If the characters are always doing the right thing, they must be perfect, like the characters in Gundam Wing. [/B][/QUOTE]

The obvious response would be Quatre, but that?s an easy answer. Instead I'll use Heero as an example. [spoiler]When Heero accidentally destroyed the pacifists of the Alliance, he did feel remorse over his mistake. Also in Endless Waltz, in a flashback, Heero again displayed his capacity to show remorse when he destroyed an Alliance base and accidentally killed a young girl and her puppy. [/spoiler]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Qukey [/i]
[B]Only the people in OZ and everyone over 25 who make mistakes because the main characters can not be wrong! [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if you meant the Alliance when you said OZ or not. If so, than I agree with you, at least for that part, only because you have to remember that the target demographic for Gundam Wing was teenagers. It makes little sense to make them look like idiots on a regular basis. Also, Gundam was always a vessel used to convey a message. It is debatable what that message was, but the characters were made larger than life in every series, whether you noticed it or not, so that the viewer could easily focus in on whatever they wanted to, and then make there own assumptions. Just because it is more obvious to you doesn't mean that the entire series isn't worth viewing.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by StrikeGundam [/i]
Wufei obviously did suffer from his defeat, because of his reaction at the end of the episode.[/QUOTE]
What is his price for defeat? Does he has to loose an arm or a leg?

The obvious response would be Quatre, but that?s an easy answer. Instead I'll use Heero as an example. [spoiler]When Heero accidentally destroyed the pacifists of the Alliance, he did feel remorse over his mistake. Also in Endless Waltz, in a flashback, Heero again displayed his capacity to show remorse when he destroyed an Alliance base and accidentally killed a young girl and her puppy. [/spoiler]
Fifteen episodes later, he is killing the nameless soldiers again without any problem. [spoiler]Do the killing of the little girl and her puppy demaged him at all?[/spoiler] Does that leave a mental scar on him? I am sure it does but when can we see the effect in the show? It is never stated in GW, instead, been imagined by fans.

I'm not sure if you meant the Alliance when you said OZ or not. If so, than I agree with you, at least for that part, only because you have to remember that the target demographic for Gundam Wing was teenagers. It makes little sense to make them look like idiots on a regular basis. [/QUOTE]
Almost all Gundams are targetting teenagers but many other Gundams have very reasonable and intelligent adults, too. Take MSG as an example. The main character is a 15 years old boy and that is the same age as the target audiences. Doesn't MSG has more than a few intelligent and gentle adult characters, such as Maltida, Woody, Ramba Ral, Slegger and Cameron Bloom.

Also, Gundam was always a vessel used to convey a message. It is debatable what that message was, but the characters were made larger than life in every series, whether you noticed it or not, so that the viewer could easily focus in on whatever they wanted to, and then make there own assumptions. Just because it is more obvious to you doesn't mean that the entire series isn't worth viewing. [/QUOTE]
Larger than life??? I could not disagree more. Take Bernie from 0080 War in the pocket as an example: [spoiler]Bernie is killed at the end but his death does not change the outcome of the war. All it can do is educated one single child about the true meaning of war. Larger than life? I don't think so.[/spoiler] Or MSG as an example: [spoiler]Does Amuro single-handly win the OYW for EF? No, he only plays a very small part in the battle. After that, he is house arrest for 7 years until he escapes. Can him single-handly change the future of mankind? Maybe, but not until he has to push Axis away with his and Char's lives. However, human do not immediately change and Amuro's death only play a tiny role in human evolution.[/spoiler] How about Camille from Zeta as an example for not larger than life: [spoiler]Can Camille change human forever? No. Can Camille guide human into the next evolution? No. He is only a human who wants to see the change but he alone cannot archieve it. He can only do so much and he can be burned up in atmosphere.[/spoiler]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sakura13 [/i]
[B]Both of those ROCK!Why would anyone hate them??? [/B][/QUOTE]

For one thing, SD gundam has poor animation. I feel that it is an eyesore compared to other Gundam series. Second, the plot isn't very well done. I believe that the anime was made to make fun of the other series too.

G gundam wasn't entirely bad....when they first aired the show that is. After the second and third time, it got really annoying and boring. Anime is only good when it isn't overly played to death.
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I kind of like G Gundam. It's cool on my opinion. I've seen almost every episode except for the last and final episodes. Why did CN took it off?:bawl: About this Gundam SD; I really don't like it at all. I mean, chibi-Gundams with eyes and voices; that freaks me out. I've only saw a few episodes and stopped. The show is...well....confusing for me to understand, the graphics are like in 3-D style or whatever, and I really don't like how the Gundams act and talk. It's just wrong. I like Gundam series well animated like Gundam Wing; not like Gundam SD.

So, there's my answer. Gundams are cool; not cool in 3-D.
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