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New Year Stories- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


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Okay, seeing how there was a thread giving a happy new year to everyone, i thought that maybe people would like to share some of the weird, frightening, funny or crazy experiences that brought everyone into the new year. i'll go first, and for me, new year kinda sucked :) had to sacrifice my own happpiness for someone elses well being (again..... :) )

[b] NOTE: Sorry for the long story, still, interesting experience if u ask me ;) [/b]

Basically, we spent new year at a friends house, cept he had lied to his parents that we were going to some other party, a whole other kettle of fish... (hmm... never used that saying before)Neway, people turned up, and there was a LOT of alcohol. And I mean a LOT. Only 20 or so people there, but all the alcohol covered a prettly big dining table. (Btw, I don't drink, like at all. not a medical thing, but i don't see the need or anything. Sometime i taste it, but thats about it. Anyway thats why im always like the 'designated driver' whenever my friends feel like going to that 'happy place', figuratively speaking of course as im only 16...)

So ppl got drunk. There was this drinking game, with straight vodka, and that can never go well. By the end of it, this one girl, who i had never seen before in my life, was completely out of it. We were taking her outside to attempt to sober her up, and she made it as far as the kitchen when she :sick: That wasn't nice.... thank whatever gods where looking down on us cos she had only a liquid in there (couple of beans too.... but thats about it), so as i was the responsible one for the evening, along with another girl, we set about clearing it all up. Man, that boy was lucky his seats had plastic on them...

Her two best friends were with her now, and she was sitting up in the chair, with puke all over her, slowy getting more and more sleepy.... we really tried to keep her awake, but alas, we were but kids in the face of the devils drink.... :) So she passed out, and we kept her up in the chair. We held onto her so she sat up, holding her head forward (which weighed a ton for some reason :) ) and trying to get all that puke out. Man it really was bubbling towards the end.... I remeber at one point of was sitting next to her and we decided that to keep her up easily were should slide her next to me.... first time i had a girl passed out caked in her own vomit around my arms i can tell u that....

So there we are, four of us, one guy and 3 girls around this drunk as hell 14 year old. Two have never seen her before, and the other two are like her closest friends. While i seriously was concered for her safety i couldn't help but bring a little humour into these kinda situations (she was once picking her nose when she was out, and i couldn't help it, i had to say: "aww yeah pick that booger")

Things took a turn for the worst when her friends told me why they were so concerned. She had some condition that meant she fainted sometimes, a neurological thing. She got real cold and her fingertips turned blue. Her eyes weren't dilating and her breathing was shallow. So we called the best friends dad to come take her home, and check that she was okay. The boy who threw the party was STRESSING 'cos she was on the floor in the kitchen and his parents were coming back in an hour. I called my mum also, as she is a nurse, and made sure we were doing everything right. We had already checked her airways and turned her onto her side, and put her jacket onto her.

Everythings turned out okay in the end. She started warming up and her eyes started moving. Pretty soon she woke up (ie after 2 and half hours passed out), and then what happened? Oh, once she's awake and not puking anymore, THEN everyone comes to her attention. Oh now they come and and 'help' out. :p Jeez! Before, they were all still partying away! Anyway, i thought that she didn't need anymore faces asking about her, so the last i said to her that nice was: "hey girl, unless u wanna have ur hands fall of, shake those things baby!"

So all's well that ends well eh? That was my new year. I actually counted down the new year next cleaning up vomit from some girls mouth! And the funny thing is that, although I spent the whole night staring at this girls face, shaking her gentley (alright there was some slapping i'll admit ;) ), she was drunk from the start and probably doesn't remember who i am or what i look like? And I'll never see her again probably!!! I should get an award or something :D ahh... guess i'll have to wait another year to have some fun (knowing my luck, i'll be pushing a friends out of the way of a car next new year.... what fun.....)

Well thats the [b]long[/b] story of how i spent new year, now what about you guys?
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Guest Youkai Megami
Hmm... My NY was a bit better.....

I spent time with my famiily and we watched [I]Pirates of the Carribean[/I] and at about 11:30 my friends called and we talked about Anime. At Midnight, we all shouted "STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP!"

:demon: My Parents were NOT happy. :demon: :demon:
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[SIZE=1][B]WOW! Someone watch PoTC too? I did too! We watched it 'til new years, and I sat there saying nothing. After that everyone went to bed and I stayed watching it again, I love it!

Anyway, I was called down to watch a movie until NY, so we watch PoTC, and then we just sat there. I did anyway. I did nothing at new year, I mean it... TV and movies, that's it for me. I'd rather stay in my room, I'm like Raven off Teen Titans.[/SIZE][/B]
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:( [COLOR=GREEN]Man, I probily had the lamest New Years ever. I sat around watching TV, mostly South Park, til about 11. Then I went outside and started shooting firworks off with my brother. Then my brother went to go see what was going on at a party around the corner. When his friends came by the house to see where he was, we all ventured around the corner to find him, of course it was so crazy over there that we couldn't find him. Then my mom demanded I find him since it was five minutes til. I was in the park looking for him when the new year came.

I also was acting very strangely for some reason dispite the fact that I had NOT been drinking.[/COLOR]
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[size=1] Well, I went over to my preppy cousin's house and we watched some wierd thing on the history channel and LOTR 2. We played a lot of games (board games mainly) and then at 11:45, we watched the Georgia Peach Drop and uh...that's it. Yeah, I don't get the big crack about New Years...mine always end up being finding ways to stay up, at 12:00 dance around a little, then go to bed...Not. Fun. Lol. [/size]
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Guest rttocs77
I went with a friend to a New Years party in Virginia that some GW (George Washington) guys were having. The guy I went with's mom was very very strict and insisted on picking us up at 12:30. She also asked me before she let me off about what my expectations for the party were and what I was expecting to get out of it.

Anyways, as soon as she left I had 6 screwdrivers, then at around midnight I had four flutes of champagne. Then, right before she came to get us, I had a bottle of Barcardi O.

It was fun, I remember a girl telling me that I was cute and very funny. It was a good, drunken night.

Then his mom dropped us off at my house and we stumbled in. My mother realized we were drunk and thought it was funny. We went down to the basement and watched (without being able to comprehend much) Sex and the City and South Park.
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I had the lamest new year's. I was on the computer till about 11:50. I went to make some hot chocolate(it is cold up here) the hall light burnt out when i flicked the switch and almost broke my toe on the freakin' cats condo trying to find a new light bulb. Made myself a nice cup of c.h. and then went to bed. [color=blue]lame and boring told ya.[/color]
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Hmm. Mine was so-so. My dad's friends and their kids came over aroung seven. I drew a giant demon on a piece of cardboard, then shot arrows at it along with a few of the kids ( I got three shots between the eyes, thank you). Then I blew up crickets with fire crackers for about an hour...poor buggies.
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mine was the best one had as in fun rating. I went to a party with one of my friends and at midnight i took a big group picture then My friend started to play Shoot Chess (a drinking game of chess, Pm if you want to know more about it.) well his friend was drunk and started to puke in the kitchen sink. so my friend told me to down the shoots that were left about 8 of them and i did in less the two minute and he gave me couple more shoots(already before the shoots i had 8 beers, 2 glasses of wine, and 4 shoots). so i got messed up really good and then we wnet to sharies restuant and i drank about a pot of coffee, and drunk as hell. the we left when i was mostly sober and we went home and slept for 3 hours woke upp with a hang over and went to work all day. Never drink then go to work its bad.
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Guest rttocs77
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by InuyashaDeamon [/i]
[B] so my friend told me to down the shoots that were left about 8 of them and i did in less the two minute and he gave me couple more shoots(already before the shoots i had 8 beers, 2 glasses of wine, and 4 shoots). [/B][/QUOTE]

How are you still alive? :shifty: @_@
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[size=1][color=chocolate]My New Year's was different from expected.

On New Year's Eve, I went to an old friend's house. We had random foods to eat. (Pizza bagels, Mini hotdogs wrapped and heated with bread, etc.) It was great.
I played video games on the PS2 (played DragonBallZ Budokai and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 for fun).

At 12:00, I ran outside and as I promised, I yelled, "Whheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" Then I quickly ran inside, grabbed a glass of apple cider, ran outside, and sang with my old buddy:

"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer! Take on down and pass it around..."
We stopped at 90 because people told us to shut up.
Then we watched neighbors set off illegal fireworks. Heh, a spark almost got in my eye. Nice.

At night, a perverted 9 year-old spent the night. He always wanted a hug. >.<
Yeah, then this 9 year old wanted to sleep with me. I ran upstairs and locked the door after that. I was very scared.

Then on New Year's Day, I only played video games and acted like a bum. Oh yeah.[/size][/color]
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[color=violet]My New Years Eve was a bit out of the ordinary. I enjoyed it a lot tho because Lincoln was up here for it. Read and you'll see why it was odd, but long.
We drove around for a bit then went to pick up our friend Tommee (this is how he's spelling his name this month, so deal) We hung out at his place until we were all tempted to turn his roommate's son into a sacrifice then drove out to LeRoy to pick up our other friend, Barb, then drove back to our town.
We stopped at Wal-Mart for a few things, Tommee checked out one of the guys by the bakery then we went and stood in this insanely long line. The 4 of us got bored, I kissed Barb and we did the Electric slide and the Macarena until we got up to the check out lady.
Went home, made spegghetti and Meat balls and talked about how our coven was going to go and about the ritual for the night. We couldn't get drunk because we had our first ritual, but we got goofy anyway.
11:45 we went upstairs, Lincoln cast the circle and we had ritual until about 12:45. So we missed the ball drop, but then we did tarot.
2:30 we drove everyone home then went to bed.
Well, I hope you enjoyed trhat extra special glimps into my life.[/color]
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My New Year's really stunk. Instead of going to my friend's party like I was going to, I ended up staying home because it got canceled. I just went on the computer at 10 pm, after tucking in my mom and dad into bed. I stayed on the computer till 1 am. Then I went to bed. It was the most boring ever. Though of course I do this same thing every dang year.
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Mine was ok we watched TV till 11:45 at 12:00 we watched the ball drop. At 2:30 a.m I met my friends at a creek behind a bunch of houses in the front of our neighborhood. Then we played Gameboy Advance until about 2:45 or 3 am just after the neighborhood party was over. Then we launched loads of fireworks. Just after we walked back to my friends before his parents were supposed to wake up.

I wish we had some of those nice really loud fire crackers though.
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Okay, we've got the Good and the Bad of New Year's Eve 2003, but I've got a tale of the Ugly. I was sitting on the couch, watching Dick Clark do his usual thing, and then I actually started paying attention. That special is absolutely pointless. They could at least get some sane reporters. The blonde guy scared the crap out of me, but it was nothing compared to when Dick said that he loved 50 Cent, calling him the best musician of the year. oO; Now [b]that's[/b] a sammich-er, I mean, UGLY.
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Well, On my new years, everything went wrong for my dad. Its like, the luck was going against him all of the time. SO, of course, he got pissed at everything that bothered him. So basically, he got pissed at me. So at dinner, we had a good feast, but my dad is beet red. I was thinking, Get over it dad!

But i guess he didn't like doing that. Oh well, so even if i cut my turkey wrong, or if i spilled a little water on my shirt, he would go around rampaging. Great. Just what i needed. And then i got the bad mood, so basically, the infectious bad mood.

Well, of course the end of the day we got over it, and enjoyed a good party at 12:00 after the countdown...^_^b
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[color=violet]I've got an absolutely fabulous new year's day story is ya'll want to hear that.
We went (we being my family which consists of my mom, my dad, my brother and my husband) to the movies and saw School of Rock. Which wasn't too bad and my husband really liked the music (because he's the biggest freak in the world)
Then we drove out to Pittsford to go to PF Chang's for dinner. They're a really great restuarant.
My brother was in one of his moods because his girlfriend had broke up with him (again) He kept going into teh bathroom and being real obnoxious and melancoly. It was very depressing. He also got mad and broke a chop stick.
After that we went home and just did whatever. My brother continued to be a pill.[/color]
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