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When I grow up I want to be.....


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It's funny. . .it costs money to live. Living's a "god-given" right, as well as something that should be allowed.

Another thing--health care isn't free in this country? I think that's sad. Canada's better than us in that way.


[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Actually, it doesn't cost money to live, if you really want to get down to it. Enough social programs exist in America to feed you, clothe you, protect you from the elements, give you check ups and even entertain you.

And health care [i]is[/i] free in America; if you go to an emergency room, you will get treatment no matter what. What you must be asking is, "Why don't we have socialist health care like Canadia"?

The reason we don't have it is that it doesn't work. Free market health care is superior in every way, because when doctors work for you and are held accountable for you, they hold the motivation totreat you in the best, most timely matter they can.

Socalized doctors answer to a government bueracracy, so you'll be getting as must efficient service there as you would at you local DMV. The average medical patient in Canadia is seen two weeks to a month after asking for an appointment. Sure hope you don't get a heart attack, huh?

The fact that about half of Canadia doesn't like their health care system, and are upset at paying more for an inefficient system, should tell us something. So should the fact that roalty from Middle Eastern countries have historically come to America for health care. Wonder why?

What does this have to do with anything? Lately, I've been pondering entering politics. I see many problems with the current political scheme.

First, the most powerful members of a party are always extremists. I'm not an extremist when it comes to my views; I'm moderatly conservative. The vast majority of the nation isn't Right Wing or Left Wing, itr' moderatly conservative or moderatly liberal. We need more politicians with our mindset.

Second, politics has become increasingly nasty in the past ten years. Bush is a moron. Kerry's a tool. Dean's an idiot. Nadar's an egomaniac. What ever happened to working out our differences in a civilized manner? We like to think we've outgrown the kindergarden sandbox arguing, but we haven't. We just use bigger words. ("9/11 is your fault!" Na-uh!" "Uh-huh!" "Na-uh!" "Uh-huh!")

Third, I'm tired of politiians who pandser to certain groups. Why are the needs of the AARP more important than mine? The NRA? The ACLU?

Fourth, I like to argue. In public. A lot.

So, yeah, I might enter politics. Anyone wanna' vote for me? I'll give you a cookie.[/color][/size][/font]
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[quote name='MaxSonic']I'v always wanted to be a porn star. I think that would be fun. Or a stripper. Or a male prostitute. Wait, I don't like people looking at me when I'm naked. Damnit. I guess I'll just stick to making Video Games.[/quote]
Well thank you for that little bit of information! I really really wanted to hear that...(total sarcasim) Anyway, I thought it was kind of funny... But really...A porn star? Why? There are to many diseases for people to be really safe in that business.
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If my plan to become a used car saleswoman doesn't work out, I suppose I'll actually have to acquire some skills and go into linguistics, psychology or theology. No matter what I do, I also plan to attempt to have something of a writing carreer on the side, which apparently doesn't require any actual ability or talent to be lucrative.
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[quote name='Cahoots34']If my plan to become a used car saleswoman doesn't work out, I suppose I'll actually have to acquire some skills and go into linguistics, psychology or theology. No matter what I do, I also plan to attempt to have something of a writing carreer on the side, which apparently doesn't require any actual ability or talent to be lucrative.[/quote]
Well I guess being a car saleswoman isn't bad...As long as you're not too pushy... I refuse to buy anything from _any_ salesperson if they're pushy... I don't like to feel like I'm being pressured into buying something I don't want to buy...And sadly, you're all too right about the writing industry... You can get away with some really trashy, tacky, horrible pieces of ***** and still make a good amount of money. I can't believe some of the stuff in circulation at the moment and how horrible it really is... It's quite disgusting... I do have to say, _please_ don't write something that you _know_ is bad... If you think it's good and the pubishers will print it... Then I guess it's ok, but if your publishers don't even care if it's 50 pages of nothing more than mindless babling... Please have the curtesy to revise it and/or throw it away/burn/destroy it... Garbage writing (if you _know_ it's garbage) shouldn't be printed.
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I'm still school-aged, in seventh grade, and I'll be thirteen in ten days. But I still have wanted to be many different things. In kindergarten through fourth grade, I wanted to be a singer. My grandparents kept nagging me and telling me that I wouldn't make enough money, so I got bored of it and moved on. In fifth and sixth grade, I wanted to be a writer, lawyer, illisrator, photographer, or actor, but I can't write a story, I don't argue well, I can only draw people and nothing else, the pictures I take stink, and I couldn't even get into the school play, so those Ideas got thrown out the window. Then earlier this year I found out I really liked to bake and cook, but I can't make up my own recipies, so I decided that I could just cook dinner for myself every night instead of going out to eat, and that could save a lot of money on food. Last october, we finally got cable television, and I started to watch HGTV(home and garden television). I loved the interior designing and landscaping they did, and now those are two things I want to do. I also started to play the sims more and ended up making more houses than people, so I also want to do architecture, considering the houses I make are really good. I recently decided I want to do teaching of some kind because I like little kids, and I found that out through babysitting. so now I want to do some combo of those four things, And I don't want to have to choose, so if I have to chose It could get tough. Okay, I'm rambling now, so I'll stop.
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[font=Verdana][size=1]When I was younger like 7 or 8, I wanted to be something in the Medical profession, you know a doctor or a scientist or something, a guy that helps people and makes them feel better about themselves... (You've got 3 days to live, have a nice week). It's been the only real constant profession choice through the hundreds of others that have passed through my head in recent months and years. However in saying that the points for Medicine in Ireland are extremely high, out of the maximum 600 points awarded in the Leaving Certificate (State Exam), you need at least 500 to qualify for practically any Medical Course in University. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]Then after you actually get into Medical Course there's a fairly high rate of drop out due to stress, and after your 4 year course ends you get placed into a hospital where you work about 80 hours a week (that over double the average) for your first 5 years until you get some form of specialised qualifications and/or a promotion. In saying that though afterwards you work and average amount of hours and get a very handsome salary every month which is the often driving force for people to try and get into and surivive the first few years. The fact remains however that after you've been a Doctor for about 20 - 25 years with enough qualifications you should be able to fund practically anything you'd like to do.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]Other than a Medicine though there have been loads of other professions I've considered: Law, Archaeology, Teaching (University only), Computer Programming, these are but a few of the douzens that I'm trying to eliminate and actually settle on one career.[/size][/font]
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[quote name='foreverinfinity']In fifth and sixth grade, I wanted to be a writer, lawyer, illisrator, photographer, or actor, but I can't write a story, I don't argue well, I can only draw people and nothing else, the pictures I take stink, and I couldn't even get into the school play, so those Ideas got thrown out the window[/quote]
Well you could be one of those people in court who draw what's going on... I mean that's drawing mostly people... every once in a while you have to draw a straight line to indicate the bench or a table or something like that... But you also have to have a strong constitution.. I mean sometimes court cases get really grusome... Or you could work at the fair and draw people with really big heads and things like that... I always thought those people were funny ^^% hehe... Well Yeah...That's what I wanted to say.
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[SIZE=2]When ui was really young i used to be REALLY sporty and so i wanted to be a famous woman footballer, cos i always thought they were under looked because woman football isnt as popular as mens football. But when my love of sports started to fade i begun to dream of bein a vet cos i have and will always loved animals (i hope spiders dont count as normal pets they creep me out :eek: ) and well i ave stuck with dat dream for quite a while now :D [/SIZE]

[FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]
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