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Bi-Ryu avi. if possible


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I think I found a picture of him...

I'll post your avatar in a few minutes..



Well, the image that I found was quite small. I searched for a larger one, and found it. Both images when enlarged look a little blochy..so I picked the best one.

...I hope this is Bi-Ryu...

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  • 4 years later...
[size=1]Hello's Eclipsed Dreamer/Lunar.

I doubt that after the 4½ years that Muad'dib posted this thread up to request the avatar, he is still looking for that avatar. According to OtakuBoards' rules, it is not allowed to post in threads that are beyond two pages in the board history. Please don't do that again, because it's sort of useless. :whoops:

Besides, you have been around for a few months now, and I thought you would have known by now.

Thank you.[/size]
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