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the end of the world


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At some time in one's life we think about how the world might end, how all life on Earth may suddenly come to an end through our own destuctive force or otherwise. When will humanity breathe its last breath on earth - might we migrate to another planet? May we stupidly fire nukes at other countries and in turn exterminate our existance by our own hands or a corupupted leader?

One opinion is voiced at [url]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/endofworld.html[/url]

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It is all possible, seeing how humanity coming towards it's own destruction in this few years. Problems pilling up one after another, war, distrust etc... How life on earth will end is possible unknown. I remember during the coming of this millenium (year 2000) it is said that's the end of all life on earth, but we've been able to live through so many years already... but sometimes I've been keeping asking myself, are we humans really should exist on earth? Self centred, ambitious, and almost, nothing but trouble. Hmm... that's my view...
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[B]Every[/B] generation thinks [I]their[/I] generation is "the" generation.

Throughout history, people have come up with fantastic ideals of their own interpretation of doomsday; everyone thinks the world is coming to an end.

I dont think humans can destroy life on earth, but I do think we are capable of seriously decreasing our own numbers.

Its a bit arrogant to assume we are strong enough to kill our planet, and ALL life. There is no question we will die out long before the planet reaches its death of natural causes.

On another note, we just might migrate to another place eventually. I mean, its happened before, some theorists believe anyway.
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[QUOTE=Winter][B]Every[/B] generation thinks [I]their[/I] generation is "the" generation.

I agree with your statements, but we have trigger happy Bush to worry about, an induvidual with control over so much wealth (coruption is evident)..... Winter please view the link that I posted earlier
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Done and done.

Bush will be gone soon, dont worry so much about him. You gotta remember, while he is a bit of a maverick, he's still under the thumb of other orgs.

In other words, he wont be allowed to get [I]too[/I] out of control with his 'shoot ath the hip' attitude.
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[color=darkviolet]My earth science teacher back in 9th grade said that the sun has like a billion years left of life in it before it burns out. So scientifically speaking the world won't end for quite some time.

Religously speaking. I've heard the whole end of the world speech so many times from my grandma I could scream. Infact I think I will..."AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! there :wigout:

Nostradomous predicted that the world would be dictated by a warlike ruler and would meet a firey end in July 1999. According to Eastern calanders we've been past the year 1999 for quite some time and Western calanders say we are five years past that so, I guess ol' Nostradomus was wrong eh?[/color]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Ahem, I read somewhere that there was this clan of crazy ninjas living under the sands of the Mongolian deserts. And that in the year 2068 they will all suddenly go on a rampage across the globe and kill maybe 200 people. But it is only theoretical at this point.

I don't think humanity will die out for a long, long time. Although I think that we'll do [i]something[/i] to speed up the process at one point or another. Will we be able to create a method to leave Earth and settle on other planets in our solar system? I think so, but not in the next few generations. I believe we're a long way away from being able to mine resources on other planets as well as create hospitable habitats for ourselves. Then there's the fact that either really rich or really poor people will end up living there, and the middle class will remain where they are. That's my prediction anyway. Eh, I'm rambling. Yeah don't worry about humanity dying. Although you can worry about particular cities. I think it's only a matter of time before terrorists decide to up the stakes and detonate a nuclear weapon somewhere.

Ok back to the ninjas. I figure maybe we should send ONE bada** ninja over to Mongolia, and have him take out the crazy ninjas that live there. Everyone knows that one sweet, awesome ninja can kill like an army of other ninjas without breaking a sweat. It's been done before. So that's my solution for the global crisis of 2068.
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]My earth science teacher back in 9th grade said that the sun has like a billion years left of life in it before it burns out. So scientifically speaking the world won't end for quite some time.

Religously speaking. I've heard the whole end of the world speech so many times from my grandma I could scream. Infact I think I will..."AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! there :wigout:

Nostradomous predicted that the world would be dictated by a warlike ruler and would meet a firey end in July 1999. According to Eastern calanders we've been past the year 1999 for quite some time and Western calanders say we are five years past that so, I guess ol' Nostradomus was wrong eh?[/color][/QUOTE]

Speaking in terms of our yellow dwarf of a sun, the sun will [B]not[/B] burn out. She will mature eventually into a white dwarf, which is very very very very much the exact opposite of burning out. In fact, it is quite a bit hotter than the yellow dwarf we have now.

If anything, it will coax Mars, after a few million years, into becoming possibly life sustaining; albeit incredible durable life that can withstand hot days.

Maybe I can even theorize so far that a particular moon on Jupiter, its name escapes me...but anyway, the moon is a reasonable size for a very very small planet, it has water, it has an atmosphere, which means it has air, and it has oxygen.

In a few trillion years, its possible that this moon will be the next earth in our solar system. By then humans will have either died out, mutated into another race, or just plum left this galaxy.
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[QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]Ahem, I read somewhere that there was this clan of crazy ninjas living under the sands of the Mongolian deserts. And that in the year 2068 they will all suddenly go on a rampage across the globe and kill maybe 200 people. But it is only theoretical at this point.

I think its funny that the theory describes a rampage as 200 slain. 200, out of the the estimated...what...36 billion people on the planet by that time? Oh yeah, thats a slaughter. lol
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Perhaps I am paranoid..... Perhaps the apocalipse will happen after my time but still with today's technology we could reduce Iraq to rubble or nuke some country, we could doom our existance but mabye some other organisim would adapt and claim earth..... It must be the cockroaches which will adapt and the only to defat them is with good, kindly doctor foot.....

I shall end my train of thought now....... :o
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Yes, doctor foot is the best way out of tough situations. >_>

As far as destroying the Earth (or at least humanity) goes, I'm with PrincessGoneral in that "If they put weapons in space, we're done for."

The Earth is going to "die" in a couple billion years, as it is, unless a miracle happens and the sun stays just like this forever, and everything else stays just like this forever (to an extent).
It is possible, however, that we will end up with a Nausicaa situation, which would be extremely unpleasant.u_u[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Speaking of the future of the Sun, it will in 5 billion years or so run out of hydrogen fuel. It will then expand into a red giant, and engulf Mercury and Venus. It will boil away the oceans and atmosphere, and Earth will be pretty much fried (all life will have disappeared well before even this). But the red giant won't last long (a few hundred million years maybe) and then it will collapse. But rather than just immediately becoming a white dwarf, it will undergo extreme fluctuations in luminosity and size. These fluctuations will be so extreme (and happen every 100000 years, which is really frequent!!) that after a certain point they will engulf both Earth and even Mars, totally frying both planets. The Sun will also lose about half of its mass as it does so, and the orbits of the outer planets will increase. After losing about half its mass (it will be 12.3 billion years old) it will collapse into a white dwarf the size of Earth.
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It takes one shot to kill the world because it's all in your head. Basically, when I die, the world as I know it will end. Therefore, I don't really concern myself with whether or not some random crazy man will launch a million bombs or if zombies will rise from the ground and kill us all or if a virus will wipe out all life or a meteor will hit the earth. Most of it is unavoidable from where I stand. When it's gone, it's gone. It's not as if I'd still be alive to see it.
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[QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]These fluctuations will be so extreme (and happen every 100000 years, which is really frequent!!) that after a certain point they will engulf both Earth and even Mars, totally frying both planets. QUOTE]
Uhhh...I don't mean to question you, but, if Earth is billions of years old, then why wouldn't we have been destroyed lots of times. I mean, if the sun turns into a red giant every 100000 years, wouldn't we be dead?[/COLOR]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
[quote name='Farto the Magic][QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade']These fluctuations will be so extreme (and happen every 100000 years, which is really frequent!!) that after a certain point they will engulf both Earth and even Mars, totally frying both planets. [/quote]
Uhhh...I don't mean to question you, but, if Earth is billions of years old, then why wouldn't we have been destroyed lots of times. I mean, if the sun turns into a red giant every 100000 years, wouldn't we be dead?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

You misread my post. I meant the fluctuations [i]will[/i] happen once every 100,000 years. This will be when the sun is 12.2xx billion years old though. There's a video of it somewhere online. It's pretty freaky considering what kind of pulsation it ends up being (small, then engulfing orbits of all inner planets, then small, then engulfing all inner planets and then some, then small, etc.).
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[QUOTE=Farto the Magic][QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]These fluctuations will be so extreme (and happen every 100000 years, which is really frequent!!) that after a certain point they will engulf both Earth and even Mars, totally frying both planets. QUOTE]
Uhhh...I don't mean to question you, but, if Earth is billions of years old, then why wouldn't we have been destroyed lots of times. I mean, if the sun turns into a red giant every 100000 years, wouldn't we be dead?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]He means that when the sun reaches that stage in it's life then it will begin it's flucuation. Right now, the sun as we know it is classified as a "G" Class star, I think it's a G2 type star if I remember from my college astronomy class.

Basically, stars are classified by their size/color/magnitude. Out star, the sun, is in the G class which is pretty much middle of the road in star terms being not overly large but not the smallest star by any means. I think the classes of stars go by class O, B, A, F, G, K,and M with the O class stars being the bluest and largest of the bunch while the M starts are more towards the red side of the spectrum. The heat and intensity of the star also determines it's color and class, blue things are more approaching the higher wavelengths in the spectrum so they are hotter while the reds are approaching the lower wavelengths so they are cooler (relatively speaking of course.)

The hotter and larger he star, the faster it burns it's hydrogen supply that it aquires when it is born. These large O class stars which are thousands of times the size of our own sun are known to use their amount of hydrogen in as little as 10 million years. What happens is the stars use the intense heat in the core to fuse the hydrogen ions together with each other to release energy and to keep the star going, in the process making the star hotter and making helium in the process. As the star uses up all it's hydrogen, the energy of the star increases and the size of the star increases as well . When the core runs out of hydrogen, the intense gravitational force released when the core cannot support itself any longer in fact increases the amount of heat and energy. As the heat increases, the size of the star increases due to the expansion of the outer shell but on the overall, the heat is very widely dispersed so the average surface temperature is much less than that of our present day sun.

Anyways, yes, our sun will undergo this type of transformation when is reaches the end of it's about 10 billion year lifespan. The same goes for the larger stars that only take about 10 million years to go through life but much more frequently. The sun will expand and will most certainly engulf Mercury and Venus, perhaps even the Earth and Mars on its way to it's ultimate end. Like Sciros stated, the state of the star at this point in it's life is very erratic and will go through many changes in a relatively quick sort of way until it reaches one of a few ends. For our sun, the most likely lifespan would be something like this: Sun is born and goes through it's main sequence as a yellow dwaf star (dwarf is used to describe main sequence stars), expands into a red giant and eventually shrinks into a white dwarf when it's nuclear fires finally stop burning and stays that way for a good amount of time afterward. A white dwarf is about the size of our Earth, maybe a bit smaller, but much more dense because all of the matter from the original sun is contained in that small mass.

Or, if the star is huge and very volatile (like giant bluish stars), they instead will grown to even more massive proportions over time and will eventually become red supergiants. From that huge form (which is so tremendous and large that it's hard to actually imagine) the star will go supernova and release a massive amount of energy with it's violent and excellent death. From that, you will get either a neutron star from the remnants of the star or in really large cases, a black hole will form. Unfortuately, nothing like a black hole wll ever form with the death of our own sun.

Anyways, that's kind of a real basic take on the death of stars and such. As for our world ending, if all of this actually goes down, life on earth would be long gone by the time the sun were to end it's regular life span. The sun has, according to modern science, gone through about 5 billion years of it's life and has another 5 billion years or so left to go until it succumbs to lack of hydrogen and such. Personally, I have another view on how the world will end and what will happen to all of us, but it's religious and I'm sure you all don't really need to hear it. I'm sure you've already heard it before and I don't want to bore/offend anyone so I'll just leave it at that.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']It takes one shot to kill the world because it's all in your head. Basically, when I die, the world as I know it will end. Therefore, I don't really concern myself with whether or not some random crazy man will launch a million bombs or if zombies will rise from the ground and kill us all or if a virus will wipe out all life or a meteor will hit the earth. Most of it is unavoidable from where I stand. When it's gone, it's gone. It's not as if I'd still be alive to see it.[/quote]
You pretty much covered it for me. If the world blows up after I'm dead... what do I care? I'll be dead![/b][/color][/size]
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I think I was watching the discovery channel when they had a prediction that life on earth would end before all this happens. Their theory, is by the way the universe is moving, is that some galaxies (including ours) will collide with each other. They expect that a solar system will come into our area and screw up our gravity, causing the two systems to collide.

Also, I read something where they said the universe, after a few billion years, either collapses or expands. They believe that this is where the current universe could have been created. All of the matter of the universe mixing and colliding could have made such a large explosion to create an entirely new universe.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
[QUOTE=Radaghast]I think I was watching the discovery channel when they had a prediction that life on earth would end before all this happens. Their theory, is by the way the universe is moving, is that some galaxies (including ours) will collide with each other. They expect that a solar system will come into our area and screw up our gravity, causing the two systems to collide.

Also, I read something where they said the universe, after a few billion years, either collapses or expands. They believe that this is where the current universe could have been created. All of the matter of the universe mixing and colliding could have made such a large explosion to create an entirely new universe.[/QUOTE]

The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are indeed on a collision course. But that will happen after the Sun has done its thing, or about the same time. No sooner than 5 billion years in the future, and possibly even 10 billion years during the second or third pass. Also the chances of a solar system colliding with ours is slim because stars are SO FAR APART! We'll get a large elliptical galaxy out of it, but nobody can say with the slightest degree of certainty what will happen to our solar system in particular. Computers won't be able to accurately model galactic collisions (with particles representing stars) for about another 10 years, from what I know.

The universe has been expanding for over 14 billion years now, and will continue to do so based on current theories. The pulsating universe theory is very much in question because the galaxies are in fact [i]accelerating[/i] away from each other (or, rather, from the theoretical center of the universe).
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Guest kyung_jin_lee
[COLOR=Navy]my theory is rather not going to happen, but it is nonetheless interesting....to me.

Well, you know about all the news about homosexuals and all? I'm not making fun of them, so don't think of it as that.

Well, sometime later in time homosexuals will be become numerous. Well, in fact so numerous that no one that is straight will be left. Thus, who in the world will be left to reprduce? Humans will then die out slowly. Then it is the end of the dominant species of man. The world I suppose wouldn't reach it's end, but man would. The end.[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]I don't really care how the world ends, because, why should I? I definatly won't be living when it happens. But yes, I have always wondered how the world will end, me and some of my friends have some interesting reasonings. I've always thought of the world ending with having to do with either mother nature going burserk on us, being taken over by robots, the sun desrtoying us in some odd way, a large plague that infects every single person on Earth... wait.. that would only cause all humans to die... then some strange evolved animal race will be supirior. O.o
Anyway, no matter what happens, it just happens. And I of course would have to add Kyung's little speach to the list of odd things that could happen. She has told me that one quite a few times. But, hey, as long as I'm not there to see the world end, fine by me. **** happens ladies and germs.
Just my little opinion on such things. << >>

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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It's kinda scary yet funny when some movies take control of our minds in picturing how the world will end. Just look at the Terminator movies. A single machinery project gone wrong and then all of a sudden the whole world is ingulfed in a war where man versus machines, and how it seems that machines will rule. Most of my friends think that the world will end that way, but with some of the technology going on like the robot that was shown in the Honda commercial, one of my friends freaks out and shouts "That's the one!! That's what's gonna kill us all!!". It just kinda goes away sooner or later, but I don't think science will be our end. No one actually knows for sure, but well when the time comes that's when we'll know then. [/COLOR]
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I believe that when the world ends, we will all be dead, so it won't really matter, but just in case, prepare for the worst. To get my real opinon, I'd have to say what really destroys us is ourselves. The arrogance of the human race never ceases to amaze me. To say that any one person can really change anything that the future destruction of the earth is absolutly ludicrous. Although, looking at the glass half full, someone real responsible could change something *cough PRESIDENT cough* I mean, if the president ever did anything to help anyone that needed it, wouldn't we be in a better world? Not to turn this conversation political or anything, but I belive its the governments fault. THAT and that alone is the reason why I think we will destroy ourselves.
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