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What do you think about Metallica?


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I don't hate Metallica. At one point, they were a very important band in many respects. Image, attitude and sound. To me, however, Metallica fell into the same problem that many other bands do... they really didn't evolve at all. By the time they realized they needed a change, it was too late and they were already behind again. That's how St. Anger is for me, personally.

Metallica really is just tired at this point. They're living off past successes as of right now. Of course, the supposed eight million people who bought St. Anger probably disagree with me, so who cares what I think about it.

They do have some great stuff in the past though. I think it's unfair to deny them that much at least.
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[QUOTE]I think you should (in risk of sounding cliche) put a little more effort into your posts. I know you have to have more to talk about than that. Let us know what you really think.[/QUOTE]

I know you're the moderator of this forum but I think I can write as long or short of a post as I want. Now, if I'm wrong then I owe you an apology...(I guess)...I said all I had to say about the subject and that [I]should[/I] be good enough.
Since it obviously wasn't and you want to know what I [B]really[/B] think then here it goes:

Hi everyone, I believe that anyone who can say that "Metallica sucks" or "they're over rated" has their head stuck up their butts. These guys work like hell just to please the fans and to have some fun on stage. Of course they're in it for the money. No band stays in buisness just so we can hear them play. They work hard and they sure as hell deserve more then what they've gotten.
Now, I definetly agree that St. Anger was a let down (I was one of those millions of people who bought it) but I'll stay loyal to this band no matter what. What other band do you know that can play some serious hardcore rock for 8 minutes and make it sound like the chords were written by God himself?
I know quite a few kids who perfer rap/crap to rock and that's fine but I know for a fact that even though rapers definetly work hard on their songs (they work even harder on selling drugs) no rapper has EVER put as much time or emotion or skill for that matter into their music then any of the guys of Metallica.

There, I've spoken my mind, was that a better post?
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I personally enjoy them very much. They're not my favorite band of all time, but they're very close.

I have just recently started listening to them. In fact, I'm listening to "Until It Sleeps" right now.

I personally think I have one of the more objective views when it come to this band since I haven't really paid attention to them in the past. So, their so-called "tired" routine is completely new to me.

I only have a few songs downloaded of theirs now including, but not limited to:

"Enter Sandman", "Fade To Black", "I Disappear", "No Leaf Clover","Master Of Puppets", and "Unforgiven".

I love all of the songs I have so far and appreciate the composition and execution of all of their music.

I don't claim to know what songs belong to which album or when they came out, but I can only say that the songs are great.
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Enter Sandman is on their self titled album which most of Metallica fans call "The Black Album" and Master of Puppets is (of course) on the Master of Puppets album.
I think maybe 2 more of the ones you like are on the "Garage INC." album, (that's the best CD ever made in my opinion).

Sublime, you should definetly down load the song called "For whom the bell Tolls" I bet you'll like it. It's really good, the kind of song that can give people goose bumps.
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[size=1][color=red] I'm not too much into heavy metal, but what I know is that [i]St. Anger[/i] sounded like more of the same from a band that's been doing a lot of the same their whole career. I think, while [i]St. Anger[/i]'s decent, to say the least, that it's still nothing new. There's nothing new there--it's the same voice, same guitar-sound, only the drums sound a bit different.

That said, [i]Master of Puppets[/i] is far greater than [i]St. Anger[/i], even if the two albums sound virtually the same in some aspects. [i]Puppets[/i] is just high-voltage riff-raff the whole way--it doesn't let up at all. Once you've heard [i]Puppets[/i] you've pretty much heard all there is to hear of the metal heads of Metallica, other than their other emerged style--the more slow, not-even-metal melancholy tunes they have, like "Fade to Black" or "Unforgiven." Other than that, [i]Puppets[/i] has got all you'll ever need to hear of Metallica, other than maybe one more album to dig deeper in a coffin that's already housing a dead style that doesn't change. I don't think you want to do that, though. A gallant horse, once rode too much, becomes a dead horse that you need to beat down.

I think Metallica's okay. Their older stuff's wonderful, but they're has-beens in the sense that heavy metal's evolved, while they haven't. I think that there's better artists out there than them if you want to look at them in this modern era of music. Listen to Opeth for one--they have long songs, vocals like that of Metallica, and are just better all around. I think so, anyway, from what I've heard in comparison.

And if you want some really good heavy metal, listen to Queens of the Stone Age. Everyone should get [i]Songs for the Deaf[/i], it's an excellent album that continues to grow on me. Just those of you who've heard "No One Knows" should be able to attest this fact. It's amazing--the video for "No One Knows" was actually getting some airplay on MTV. So I'm sure some of you MTV kids know about it. As for MTV, I haven't watched that channel in ages--and thank god. TV's a waste of time mostly anyway, other than the educational shows. And the old stand-by of Seinfield.[/size][/color]
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MTV. Where did that go wrong?

The same question I ask about Metallica. [I]Master of Puppets[/I] was great. The black album was amazing. It's hard for me to believe that the same people who wrote [I]Enter Sandman[/I] and [I]Nothing else Matters[/I] could write [I]St. Anger[/I]. I mean, every single I have heard is terrible. First of all, the lyrics are repetitive and dull (St. Anger round my neck/he never gets respect-they were up all night thinking of that) Where's the good stuff? (ok, the third single was halfway decent, but still...)

I'm still a fan of the classics, and I think (in their time) Metallica was an extremely influential band. People say they "sold out." I don't know. I don't judge the people, I let the music tell me what their like. And at the moment [I]St. Anger[/I] says washed up rockers. But that's just my opinion.
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@ Mitch:

That was very nicely said, even though I disagree with what you said at least you backed it up and I can respect that.

[SIZE=2]It's people who can just say "Metallica is garbage because their last album wasn't up to standards" who piss me the hell off. I didn't like the Queens of the Stone Age at all (I'm just using them for an example, not to "get revenge" on Mitch). Then once I listened to their CD about 3 times over they began to grow on me and today I think they'er a very talented band.

People who say "I hate heavy metal" and don't even give Metallica a chance have absolutely no say in this at all so from now on, unless you've heard at least one Metallica song you can't say a single insult about them. Metallica started out as a group of kids who just wanted to have some fun (like almost all bands do) and they've been that way for a very long time. Now...even though I'm a HUGE Metallica fan I think they've grown out of that phase a little. Right now they're teetering on the brink of fame rather then being (no question) one of the biggest, most popular rock bands of their time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]To everyone out there who has listened to Metallica and actually likes rock rather then rap/crap it's good to hear you recognizing that Metallica was at least great in the past and they were so not that it matters to anyone else but they will always be the best band in the world in my mind. They've secured their place in history and that's for damned sure. Some one said not to long ago that (I think it was 8 million) people bought the last Metallica album. I don't care who you are but you can't deny that any band that has 8 million fans in the US alone hasn't been at one time or another amazing.[/SIZE]
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Oh man metalica are one of my fav bands. They rule and the music in my opion which they wrote back in the old days and the newer stuff is all good. Ok so st anger wasnt fanastic but it was still a great album (in my opion) i really the unnamed feeling. I think that song is great and prop the best on album. But what made me laugh is that some people said it was crap cause of the new bassist Robert Trujillo. How can that be? I think he is a good a bassist as Cliff ever was. But the metalica albums which are my favs are Master of the Puppets and ride the lightining. My fav metalica song is For whom the bell tolls. What a fanastic song. I got a small bit of footage of them doing that song live and its awesome ! I just love that song and like some one said it is creepy but i also like one which i think is a master piece. But i like sad but true i like to get alot of agresion out on that song if i had a crapy day :flaming: . Also Kirk is also one of my heros i loved to be able to play like him and play leads like he does !
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Personally... I'm not a huge music expert.

All I know is that Metallica has changed their style so much that I look at their pics and hear their music and I want to scream "POSER!"

I really did like them... their early stuff really changed the face of rock as we know it! But I personally think that popularity, and maybe even money, got the best of them... I totally understand! If I was rich and popular, I would want to pose to get fans, too.

But I also think they would still be good if they stuck to the old style... I know I would buy their albums! But from hearing my friends' CDs and stuff... I have really lost respect for them!

I hope no one tries to crucify me for this, but that's my opinion!(and yes I like OLD metal)
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I'm going to change this up a little just for the heck of it:

All of you who like Metallica list you top 3 favorite Metallica songs and what makes them great.
All of you who don't like Metallica list your top 3 MOST HATED Metallica songs and why you don't like the band.

For me my top favorite Metallica songs are:

1) One
2) For whom the bell Tolls
3) Whisky in the Jar

For "One" I just think it's amazing and that song flows like electricity through me. It's empowering. For "For whom the bell Tolls" I think that song makes a very good point with the quote [QUOTE]For a hill men would kill but why they fight they do not know[/QUOTE] it illistrates the fact that well...war can be over something as stupid as property. The reason I like "Whisky in the Jar" is that it's a very catchy song and it can be stuck in your head all day long.
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I like Metallica. They have been out for a long time but they play really awesome music that I love listening to and trying to play on drums. The drummer of that band can play some amazing beats. He is unique! The singer is awesome(it looks like my friends dad).
Metallicas newest album is one of the best. Frantic is the song I listen to most because its fast and amazing.
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]I honestly paid NO interest in [B]Metallica[/B] until I was introduced to [B]Apocalyptica[/B]. If you enjoy Metallica or are curious about that music, then I suggest that you try out Apocalyptica ^^

[B]Apocalyptica[/B] They are a Finnish cello-trio [used to be quartet] who pretty much plays Metallica songs with nothing but Cellos. Now THAT is interesting. With just Cellos, they were able to imitate the human voice, drums, guitar, and bass. Honestly, they are AWESOME. When you listen the their version of Metallica--it's just...wow. Very fantasmal *^^* [I love 'Nothing Else Matters']

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Metallica is, and has been ever since I can remember, one my all-time favourite bands. There's not one song they have produced that I haven't liked. Because they make heavy use of the electric guitar in all of their songs, that brings me even closer to their music. I love them, honestly.

Their "other side" music, like "Fade To Black", "The Unforgiven" parts I and II, "Sanitarium (Welcome Home)", "Low Man's Lyric", "Nothing Else Matters", are on every blank CD I burn. That's how much I live by them. "The Memory Remains", "I Disappear", "King Nothing", "Enter Sandman", and the like, I love just as much. "The Memory Remains" is by far my favourite Metallica song ever.

I couldn't compare any other heavy rock band to Metallica, in terms of... the best music. Metallica is crystal peace to my ears.
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I really respect metallica, actually. The other Day i would have bought one of their CD's (Ride the Lightning) but i didnt have enough money. sure theyre an old band but that doesnt mean they arent good. They are one of the more diverse bands out there, which makes them high-up on my list. but hey, what do i know? i listen to music in almost every genre: punk, goth, electronica (techno,trance, house, rave, hardcore, happy harddcore, Drum n bass, more trance), metal, rock, psychobilly (which is a genre im sure almost NO ONE here has heard of), ska...goes on. i mainly dont like rap, hip hop, and country. so theres my 2 cents ^_^
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[QUOTE]i mainly dont like rap, hip hop, and country. so theres my 2 cents [/QUOTE]

You sound just like my friend Erika. I hate every single one of the types of music quoted above. Sounds like we've got the same taste in music...sort of.
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