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Invader Zim and Ren and Stimpy


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Did anyone ever like the old Nickelodeon shows, like Invader Zim or Ren and Stimpy? I loved those shows, they were really funny. I don't like the new Ren and Stimpy though, it's filled with violence and other things that just make it stupid. I know these shows are a bit childish, but I'm not that old...
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I remember those days, and I've noticed that over the years, Nickelodeon cans a lot of the shows that don't get as many ratings as other shows that are on the network, that's why shows like The Wild Thornberrys, Ah!! Real Monsters,CatDog, and As Told By Ginger aren't around anymore.[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Actually, M.Ali, some of those shows are still shown on Nick. Just... really early in the morning. o_O;;

As for me, I frickin' WORSHIP Invader Zim. And I'm 14, damnit! (Not that old, but eh.) Ren and Stimpy was [i]always[/i] stupid in my opinion. I hated the way it was drawn and the way the characters acted. I watched four episodes max. But weren't there only five? They showed repeats [i]constantly[/i].

I've got all three discs of Zim. Hell, I was watching one at five in the morning. I've got shirts, wallets, wristbands, and plushies of Zim and GIR. To me, Hot Topic is good ONLY for it's Zim stuff. ^_^

[U]Note:[/U] The above is [b]MY[/b] opinion, and [b]MINE[/b] only. Don't yell at me. >_>;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]I don't know if I'd call Invader Zim that old of a show really. Ren and Stimpy, yes, but Zim? Hardly. Of course to you youngins out there, Zim being first aired in 2001 could seem like a long time ago, but some of you I suppose were just being born or don't remember when Ren and Stimpy first aired on Nickelodeon back in 1991.

Nick was cool back in those days with shows like Wild and Crazy Kids, Salute Your Shorts, Pete and Pete, All That, Guts, R&S, Hey Dude, Doug, Rugrats, etc. As time went on, though, Nick started selling out to a supposed image of kids today and if you try and watch Nick you'll see that you can't watch it for more than an hour before you wonder who you are and what year it is.

Ren and Stimpy was always a cool show. It may seem disgusting but it's just cartoony humor, kind of like those shows were meant to be rather than stupid things (in my opinion) like Chalk Zone and other dumb shows to that point. Ren and Stimpy was cooler when their original creators had the rights to the shows but when Nick stepped in in the 2nd season and fired him and his crew, the show went downhill in a hurry.

I wouldn't say a similar thing happened with Zim because Nick never fired anyone, it's just that ratings were abysmal and they decided to cut their losses and toss the show before they lost anymore money. It's a shame when a decent (I'm not ever gonna say great of even good) show like Zim get's shipped out and cancelled but it happens. Nick these days anyways. If only we had old school Nick back (around the R&S era up to even 6-7 years ago), then we'd be in business again.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Sir Kyle][SIZE=1]I don't know if I'd call Invader Zim that old of a show really. Ren and Stimpy, yes, but Zim? Hardly. Of course to you youngins out there, Zim being first aired in 2001 could seem like a long time ago, but some of you I suppose were just being born or don't remember when Ren and Stimpy first aired on Nickelodeon back in 1991.

Nick was cool back in those days with shows like Wild and Crazy Kids, Salute Your Shorts, Pete and Pete, All That, Guts, R&S, Hey Dude, Doug, Rugrats, etc. As time went on, though, Nick started selling out to a supposed image of kids today and if you try and watch Nick you'll see that you can't watch it for more than an hour before you wonder who you are and what year it is.

Ren and Stimpy was always a cool show. It may seem disgusting but it's just cartoony humor, kind of like those shows were meant to be rather than stupid things (in my opinion) like Chalk Zone and other dumb shows to that point. Ren and Stimpy was cooler when their original creators had the rights to the shows but when Nick stepped in in the 2nd season and fired him and his crew, the show went downhill in a hurry.

I wouldn't say a similar thing happened with Zim because Nick never fired anyone, it's just that ratings were abysmal and they decided to cut their losses and toss the show before they lost anymore money. It's a shame when a decent (I'm not ever gonna say great of even good) show like Zim get's shipped out and cancelled but it happens. Nick these days anyways. If only we had old school Nick back (around the R&S era up to even 6-7 years ago), then we'd be in business again.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Seagreen] Yay! I love looking back at all the Nick shows I use to watch in the 90's since they messed them up so badly later on. I admit I use to watch Ren & Stimpy although its the most stupidest show when I look at it now. Doug actually was somewhat an intelligent show for kids, atleast he taught you something at the end of the episodes, plus i was in love with porkchop and skeeter XD Rugrats were also very popular. I also remember watching the old All and That, now they have Britney Spears little sister on the show? What has this world come too? Nickelodean will never be the same again *sniffles* Although I loved Inzader Zim, its become a fashion icon for Hot Topic though. Too trendy now that its kinda lost its flavor you know. Ah the good old days....how sometimes I wish I could be a little kid again. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Invader Zim was awesome. :D I still go to IZ fansites and take interest the petitions to bring him back to TV. The animation was a refreshing, unique break from all the other cartoons out there. And Invader Zim led me to look at Jhonen's other works, like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. :rolleyes: Yes, very good show.
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