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British men hot or hot


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This is probably one of those weird threads that no one is gonna respond to. I don't meen for it to sound like a racist thread either, so all of you that do live in the UK if i offend you please let me know. Any way I was listening to Franz Ferdinand and watching Queer eye for the streight guy UK edition when i realized British men are gorgeous. Of course maybe what i've seen is'nt true seing as i live in the US. But there are tons of hot british guys, plus The UK has more gays and night life than the US. For all of you that live there you're sooo lucky. I'm part welsh but anyway i live in boring old America. So yeah Does any one know what i'm talking about or am i just crazy?
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[COLOR=Navy]That is pretty biased. I've lived in the UK for three years. Yeah, they have their cute ones, but so does every other country in the world. I know that for a fact. All countries, including the UK, also have their not so cute ones. If that makes sense to you.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Japan_86][color=navy']That is pretty biased. I've lived in the UK for three years. Yeah, they have their cute ones, but so does every other country in the world. I know that for a fact. All countries, including the UK, also have their not so cute ones. If that makes sense to you.[/color][/quote]
yeah i guess. I'm just a sucker for the accent. Maybe thats it
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[quote]The UK has more gays and night life than the US. [/quote][color=#4b4b79]I'd imagine that depends very much on what portion of the country you're looking at.

In any case, I think this threa comes down to Miryoku's having a thing for accents. :p

ketchup--for the good times,
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[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I'd imagine that depends very much on what portion of the country you're looking at.

In any case, I think this threa comes down to Miryoku's having a thing for accents. :p

ketchup--for the good times,
yes and yes, i guess you hit the nail on the head. I see what you mean downtown London is going to have more gays than a smaller town, and yes i love accents what can i say.
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[COLOR=Navy]Ahh, so that's it. I know lots of girls, and sometimes me included falling for accents.

(like when I met this one German guy...lol...but that's another story)

Like this one time at my youth group's retreat. There was this new kid that came along. All the girls fell for him because he said he was Austrailian.

At the end of the retreat, they all found out that he wasn't Austrailian at all but an American like the rest of us.

He had a lot of girls fooled though. His accent was pretty good. lol[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Japan_86][color=navy]Ahh, so that's it. I know lots of girls, and sometimes me included falling for accents.

(like when I met this one German guy...lol...but that's another story)

Like this one time at my youth group's retreat. There was this new kid that came along. All the girls fell for him because he said he was Austrailian.

At the end of the retreat, they all found out that he wasn't Austrailian at all but an American like the rest of us.

He had a lot of girls fooled though. His accent was pretty good. lol[/color][/QUOTE]
I'm not the only one who falls for accents. out of every one i know i'm the only guy that does that. Australian huh, hot. I'm kinda a cockney guy. Irish is good too.
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[quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']Ahh, so that's it. I know lots of girls, and sometimes me included falling for accents.[/COLOR][/quote][color=#4b4b79]I do think it's interesting, though. You don't really hear people mention it (in, say, "What do you find attractive in the [strike]opposite[/strike] [strike]same[/strike] desired sex" threads), but voices can be incredibly sexy, heh.

I don't know how many people listen to radio often, but you can develop quite an idea of what a person is like (not that it is necessarily right, heh) just by listening to their voice for a while. In the old [b][url=http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-297/Beauty_and_the_Beast/]Beauty and the Beast[/url][/b] show, for example, there were a [i]lot[/i] of women viewers who were absolutely enraptured by Vincent's voice.

bowling for soup,
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[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I do think it's interesting, though. You don't really hear people mention it (in, say, "What do you find attractive in the [strike]opposite[/strike] [strike]same[/strike] desired sex" threads), but voices can be incredibly sexy, heh.

I don't know how many people listen to radio often, but you can develop quite an idea of what a person is like (not that it is necessarily right, heh) just by listening to their voice for a while. In the old [b][url="http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-297/Beauty_and_the_Beast/"]Beauty and the Beast[/url][/b] show, for example, there were a [i]lot[/i] of women viewers who were absolutely enraptured by Vincent's voice.

bowling for soup,
OMG i know, I go nuts listening to Franz Ferdinand just cuz of the accent. I don't know what it is but all british accents are so hot. It's weird to think about but i guess it makes sense cuz if your into deep voices its still a voice so liking accents is kinda the same i think.sorry that was random i'm just thinking out loud.
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[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I do think it's interesting, though. You don't really hear people mention it (in, say, "What do you find attractive in the [strike]opposite[/strike] [strike]same[/strike] desired sex" threads), but voices can be incredibly sexy, heh.

I don't know how many people listen to radio often, but you can develop quite an idea of what a person is like (not that it is necessarily right, heh) just by listening to their voice for a while. In the old [b][url=http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-297/Beauty_and_the_Beast/]Beauty and the Beast[/url][/b] show, for example, there were a [i]lot[/i] of women viewers who were absolutely enraptured by Vincent's voice.

bowling for soup,

This reminds me of a similar phenomenon in the anime fandom--certain Japanese seiyuu are incredibly popular among English-speaking fans, even though it's hard to judge the acting ability of someone when you can't understand what he's saying (without the aid of subtitles, at least).

It gets pretty interesting when you have women portraying male characters; does that mean the actress's voice is attractive because the viewer thinks of it as a male voice, or what? My personal favorite seiyuu is a low-voiced woman who has a lot of male roles under her belt, but also plays the occasional female. I think she sounds dead sexy regardless of her character's gender.

Anyway, British accents are nice. ^_^

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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]This reminds me of a similar phenomenon in the anime fandom--certain Japanese seiyuu are incredibly popular among English-speaking fans, even though it's hard to judge the acting ability of someone when you can't understand what he's saying (without the aid of subtitles, at least).

It gets pretty interesting when you have women portraying male characters; does that mean the actress's voice is attractive because the viewer thinks of it as a male voice, or what? My personal favorite seiyuu is a low-voiced woman who has a lot of male roles under her belt, but also plays the occasional female. I think she sounds dead sexy regardless of her character's gender.

Anyway, British accents are nice. ^_^

thanks for the agreement, i kinda get what you're talking about. most of the features people find attractive in men are their femininne(oo bad spelling) features such as hair of feminine facial features of a soft voice so it does make sense.
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[quote name='Miryoku']OMG i know, I go nuts listening to Franz Ferdinand just cuz of the accent[/quote]
That would be a Scottish accent. Well actually a Glaswegian accent. Part of Britain all the same, but I think Scots and English have two different accents. So you like Scots better then, heh. Sorry. Franz are ok, not much a fan but that's off-topic.

I'm a British Guy, well Scottish, but I'll shut up about that. And don't find us any better than any other country. Personally. But hey, it's all personal opinion.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Miryoku']most of the features people find attractive in men are their femininne(oo bad spelling) features such as hair of feminine facial features of a soft voice so it does make sense.[/quote][color=#4b4b79]Holy generalization, Batman!

I have no idea where you're coming from with this one, buddy. What people find attractive varies incredibly, and I can't see how you can possibly say "most of the features people find attractive in men are feminine features" because (regardless of the statement's truth or falsehood) you have no way to back that up.

Please work on your punctuation as well. Your posts are getting more and more difficult to read as time progresses.

shark repellent BAT spray,
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[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]Holy generalization, Batman!

I have no idea where you're coming from with this one, buddy. What people find attractive varies incredibly, and I can't see how you can possibly say "most of the features people find attractive in men are feminine features" because (regardless of the statement's truth or falsehood) you have no way to back that up.

Please work on your punctuation as well. Your posts are getting more and more difficult to read as time progresses.

shark repellent BAT spray,
wups, sorry. when i go off on a subject i lose punctuation and just type as fast as i can. I'll work on it. And okay alot of people look at the masculinity i just know alot of people woh like somewhat feminine features and personality, not drag still masculine but feminine voice and intrests.
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Trust me, for every drop-dead gorgeous, good looking British male, there are about ten ugly, boxer-nosed yobbos. You know, the type who get pissed virtually every night whilst chanting stupidly annoying football anthems. But hey, the aren't all that bad, I mean, hearing about the aftermath in the news the next morning can sometimes be pretty amusing.[/color] :D
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Trust me, for every drop-dead gorgeous, good looking British male, there are about ten ugly, boxer-nosed yobbos. You know, the type who get pissed virtually every night whilst chanting stupidly annoying football anthems. But hey, the aren't all that bad, I mean, hearing about the aftermath in the news the next morning can sometimes be pretty amusing.[/color] :D[/QUOTE]
you used british lingo. you live there? Whats it like. so the hot ones are just one outa ten. damn oh well that means there is still alot of um.:D
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[color=#9933ff]I think a lot of people fall for accents from another country simply because they're different. I mean, if you live in New Jersey, how the hell are you going to fall for a New Jersey accent, 1) because you probably can't even hear it and 2) because you hear it all the time - what's so special about it? Obviously that can be applied to any accent, I just used it because I live in NJ.

I love most British accents (liverpudlian and cockney aren't my favs. - I know that sounds concieted, oh well), but when I analyze it, it really is because they're so different that from what I hear all the time. Not that that's a horrible thing to like them (gosh if it was I'd be damned to hell), but it's my personal opinion that people like different accents because, well, they're different. ^_^;

By the way, I think the same could be true for people from other countries - we like them because they're different (Come on, admit it - you love Orlando Bloom just because he's British. ^_~).

Or, all the people you've seen from a particular country happen to be gorgeous, and then you apply it to everyone which isn't a great thing to do - it's taken me four years to learn that generalizations are a big fat no-no. *_* I mean, I could say all British men are good looking because Marc and Gerard are very hot, but that doesn't make what I said true - it would be a generalization.

Oh gosh, what was the original question? I do apologize if I've gone horribly off-topic. V_v; *Just decides to leave*[/color]
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[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]I think a lot of people fall for accents from another country simply because they're different. I mean, if you live in New Jersey, how the hell are you going to fall for a New Jersey accent, 1) because you probably can't even hear it and 2) because you hear it all the time - what's so special about it? Obviously that can be applied to any accent, I just used it because I live in NJ.

I love most British accents (liverpudlian and cockney aren't my favs. - I know that sounds concieted, oh well), but when I analyze it, it really is because they're so different that from what I hear all the time. Not that that's a horrible thing to like them (gosh if it was I'd be damned to hell), but it's my personal opinion that people like different accents because, well, they're different. ^_^;

By the way, I think the same could be true for people from other countries - we like them because they're different (Come on, admit it - you love Orlando Bloom just because he's British. ^_~).

Or, all the people you've seen from a particular country happen to be gorgeous, and then you apply it to everyone which isn't a great thing to do - it's taken me four years to learn that generalizations are a big fat no-no. *_* I mean, I could say all British men are good looking because Marc and Gerard are very hot, but that doesn't make what I said true - it would be a generalization.

Oh gosh, what was the original question? I do apologize if I've gone horribly off-topic. V_v; *Just decides to leave*[/color][/QUOTE]

no problem i understand what you meen. and i did kinda make a bad generalization, and for that i apologize.
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[quote name='Miryoku']you used british lingo. you live there? Whats it like. so the hot ones are just one outa ten. damn oh well that means there is still alot of um.:D[/quote]

[color=darkred]Britain's cool, I like it here. I don't know if it's me being a guy having to do with any of it, but I've not seen that many good looking males over here, you know. The young like to take a street/ghetto look with their shaved heads, scouse accents, hoop earrings, and track-suit top and bottoms, while the adult population are mostly over-run by the aforementioned generalisation I mentioned in my previous post.[/color]
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[quote name='Miryoku']no problem i understand what you meen. and i did kinda make a bad generalization, and for that i apologize.[/quote]

[color=#9933ff]Oh gosh - I wasn't trying to single you out specifically. Gosh, I'm so sorry. ;____; Yeah, I guess you did make a generalization, but I was really trying to point out that I wasn't making generalizations that way no one would come up to me and say "OMG I HATE U ROXIE!!11 U MAKE GENERALIZATIONS!!1" I'm really sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you. Bah! @_@ *huggle*

Bombu lives in Britain? Cool beans.[/color]
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[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Oh gosh - I wasn't trying to single you out specifically. Gosh, I'm so sorry. ;____; Yeah, I guess you did make a generalization, but I was really trying to point out that I wasn't making generalizations that way no one would come up to me and say "OMG I HATE U ROXIE!!11 U MAKE GENERALIZATIONS!!1" I'm really sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you. Bah! @_@ *huggle*

Bombu lives in Britain? Cool beans.[/color][/QUOTE]It's no big deal. I don't mind i just applied what you said to the reason i started this thread and it became clear to methat the wole subject was a huge generalization based on biased information and the media.
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[color=darkslateblue] British accents don't really have an effect on me...but I fell in love with Sean Biggerstaff (guy who plays Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter movies) when I heard his voice. So, yeah...go Scottish accents! ;)

But then again I have a thing for all-American guys. >_>;[/color]
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[QUOTE]I wouldn't call people in the UK "lucky" because of a higher gay population.[/QUOTE]

I [I]would[/I] call people in the UK "lucky" [I]because[/I] of the higher gay population. Also because of this fact I just learned something new today :D .
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well, I'm sure I said this in a PM to you, Miryoku, I don't think Brittish men are that hot. ^_~

I suppose I just haven't been lucky enough to meet the exceptionally hot ones, those who are seem to be actors or singers. I love the British accent, and I'm lucky that I have one *pose* But I'm a total sucker for the American accent, Louisiana to be specific. Though I am horribly biased in that aspect of it.

Seeing as my *wonderful* boyfriend lives there, I have to be pretty content with phone calls. I just thank the Lord that he has a sexy accent ^_~

I think it's just a matter of 'The Grass is Always Greener'...that and the wonderful accent, as many have pointed out.

(Just don't ever come to Liverpool, homophobe central.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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