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Ong Bak


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This was quite possibly the best martial arts movie I've ever seen. Screw Jackiie Chan, and forget Bruce Lee, Tony Jaa rocks the house! For once, a movie with non-stop combat and the crappiest acting in the history of time. This guy does splits under cars, jumps through reefs, and fights with his knees and elboes. He doesn'y just knock a guy through a window, he jumps after him and kicks him down. Your opinions please?
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Ong Back, I think?

No place around here is showing it T_T but the preview looked mad cool. I'd go see it if I could actually find a place that was showing it. Will prolly buy it on DVD, if I can find it ~_~; Korean DVDs usually have english subtitles anyway XD;
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[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oh man, this movie seriously kicked ***. The action was unbelievable. I got to give props to the choreographer, because the fights, the chase scenes, everything was so awesomely done. There was quite a bit of comedy in there too. It was pretty funny watching the movie with a bunch of people constantly groaning as they watched the violent fights. Seriously, everyone who is a fan of martial arts movies or just action in general should see this movie as soon as possible. The only thing that really annoyed me about the movie was that it was subtitled, and not dubbed in English. I would have rather spent more time watching than reading, but it was all good even still. Another thing I liked about this movie was that it didn't have to use DragonBall Z like battles (flying, etc.) to make it seem like a good movie like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero did, it was good all on it own and unlike those movies I wasn't bored one second. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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