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What do you think the appeal of Gundam is?


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[color=crimson]I guess Gundam appeals to me more on the character side. I find that in most of the Gundam series, the pilots or soldiers, in general, are not even 18. In Gundam Wing, for example, the pilots of the gundams are only 17 I believe. And while the battles are awesome and they win a war, you see the struggles of the 5 as being outcasts from their peers. You also see how they cope, and just how having friends can help in a tight situation. In terms of the show, at one point, the pilots' allies in space turn their backs on them. Five teenagers are fighting a war all on their own. It's kind of sad. But, overall, the show has a little bit of everything: humor, angst, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, action, romance. Anyone interested in any of those genres can enjoy Gundam Wing.

The last statement also applies to most other Gundam series as well. A little bit of something for everyone. Lengths of series also vary. So, if someone wants on-going action they can enjoy, Gundam Wing's 49 episodes could help. In contrast, 08th MS Team only has 12 episodes (I beilieve).

There are probably better reasons, but for me, I find the characters interesting. And I like many different genres.

~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]I say Gundam's appeal lies in its model kits.

Not a fan of the series but I like them model kits better than ZOIDS'.

The plastic smells nice (even when burnt) and is pliable to some extent so it doesn't break easily. The joints hold well as a result of excellent molds used during manufacture (which saves me from the trouble of shaving off jagged edges and wasting precious time). Gundam kits are also easy to construct making it THE perfect kit for people who need instant gratification. :animesmil

Plus it's available in a variety of sizes so one can buy Tallgeese 1-3 at 1/144 for the price of, say, a Tallgeese 3 at 1/100.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I never thought Gundam Wing was really as popular as people thought it to be... But as it is, I'd have to agree with kabapu about the BIG_MECHS. Other than that, the animation itself is pretty smooth (at least on Gundam Wing). Actually, in my opinion, there are way to many different Gundam Wing series...
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Something I heard a long time ago....
"The mechas are what get us in Gundam but the characters make us stay"

This is so true. Most of us watching Gundam because we want to see the mechas. Then, many of us find the characters interesting and willing to stay with the shows for them. The character is the heart of Gundam. Gundam features believeable characters with emotion we can related to. These characters are ordinary people, like us, who are forced into uncontrollable situation. Like us, they have to face choices as well as consequences; even a strong newtype like Amuro has to pay with his life.
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i can't say that it was the mechas that drew me in because it wasn't. i was drawn in by the characters. they're all so extreme in their actions and beliefs. yet, they vacillate between what is right and what is wrong and it's here that they come to some sort of ephiphany - why do people fight? is it necessary? etc. characters represent ideals and beliefs - something intanghible - all wrapped up in one or several characters. and then there's the progression of the characters themselves. episode after episode you see them grow up and mature a little more (i mean that mentally) evolving enough to understand and make a positive contribution to whatever they find themselves fighting for.

i continued (and continue) watching because i want to see what happens. the gundam series are all really short (about 50 or so episodes) so the story never gets old or drawn out (as it does with other animes that i won't mention - though you all know which ones they are) - it knows when to end. every episode is important and is some turning point that if you miss it, you won't understand the imporance/ significance of something that would occur later on.

the mechas, for me, were just that... mechas. they're cool though, don't get me wrong! i love them but i don't watch gundam wing or any gundam series because of it - more like what it represents. ^^
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The initial appeal of Gundam is in unique I think. I'll be refering the Mobile Suit Gundam (the original) It is a serious, somewhat realistic anime, it has a complicated plot.

But unlike most, this isn't just the surface of the matter, what happens has meaning, The characters and events make up a powerful message. It's dramatic yes, but the drama is meaningful. it's rare for adult anime for it to not be nihilistic. Gundam in general occupies a unique space in style, it puts accross ideas, and while being depressing; it isn't overboard; Gundam has a feeling of hope.

Of course beyond this, I say the LASTING appeal of Gundam is in the mecha, or Model Kits.. Gunpla is the means for the fan to continue on and on in their obsession. I think most fans are at first drawn in by the story and then becomes a fan of the Mecha.
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The reason for appeal varies from series to series. In general, the mechs are universally cool in each series, but there are deeper reasons for each show's appeal (or lakc of in some cases).

The original MSG's appeal is that it was groundbreaking for its time and showed serious and realistic political conflict in the context of a kids' show.

Zeta's appeal revolves mostly around its darker and more complicated story, accompanied by some awesome mechs.

G's appeal is mostly in the "Gundam for Dummies and/or DBZ Fanatics" setting of it alongside the model kits.

Wing's appeal has a lot to do with it being the first exposure to the classic Gundam elements (aided by bishies) to America.

Turn A's apppeal is in its avant-garde approach.

SD's limited appeal is the fact that it's watered-down crappy kiddy fodder shoved down the viewer's throats before its audience can make any intelligent quality judgement.

SEED's appeal is mostly in that it's a less-preachy more character-driven retelling of the MSG story with more non-Gundam fan appeal.

The multiple OAVs and movies appeal due to their additions to the story.

I don't know enough about ZZ, Victory, X, or Destiny to make any statements about them.

That's basically Gundam in a nutshell for you.
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Teenage empowerment. Assuming you identify as deeply with the characters as I did, it's as though you've just been given a giant robot and sent to bomb the unmentionable out of adults, show them the error of their tyrannical ways and lead them to peace. Doesn't that feel good?
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  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR=Blue]For me, it's the action, the sci-fi, the mecha, storylines, and the characters that I think attracts us to Gundam.
Gundam shows us that war isn't all black and white. There are many grey areas, and people on both sides with good and bad intentions. In the original, we see the Zeon dropping a colony on the earth, destroying most of Australia. We get the feeling that the Zeon are evil, but not really. They just want to govern for themselves away from Earth's control.
Another exsample would be Traize Kushranada from GW. He's polite, well spoken, a gentlemen, good to women and children, and noble. But he thinks that mankind prospers and grows through wars and conflicts. He sees it as a noble pursuit. That's an interesting way of putting it.
The stories and characters are complex. Each seires has very human veiws on wars, fighting, and why we fight.
I also think that the mecha itself is a big part of it. The Gundams are very unique from eachother, in design, use, and pilot.
We keep coming back for all these reasons and more, and I guess we always will.


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[COLOR=Navy]I mainly got into various Gundam series because I always want to expand my horizons and watch new anime.

Gundam wing about four or five years ago was the very first Gundam series. I liked it, so I watched other gundam series as well.

With all of the Gundam series I love all of it...the music, plot, characterization, mechas, and explosions...yes, explosions.

I could also feel like myself walking in their shoes in a sense because I felt like I could relate with them.

Like the Gundam Wing pilots, for example. Many people weren't very nice to me and they often ignored me. I felt alone.

Also....at the same time, I had a few close friends, but we'd get in fights every so often.


Gundam X's appeals mostly to the crowd of 08th MS Team and Wing. From the 15 episodes I've seen, there is romance, and a boy who finds this special Gundam mecha....really good

08th MS Team appeals to fans who don't particularly like tons of episodes. It tells the whole story thoroughlu in just 12. I loved it.[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
[QUOTE=gundampali23]i think gundam is popular because it reaches out to the teens and makes them believe they can be part of something important,something worth fighting for. As for the mechs i think that symbolizes companionship in ur goal.

-The Palestian Knight[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Blue]Well said. [/COLOR]


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[QUOTE=gundampali23]i think gundam is popular because it reaches out to the teens and makes them believe they can be part of something important,something worth fighting for. As for the mechs i think that symbolizes companionship in ur goal.

-The Palestian Knight[/QUOTE]

That is probably true towards some Gundams. The only one I can think of are G Gundam, Gundam Wing and Turn A Gundam. In these, the Gundams are relic like super mechas. However, when comparing to the others, most noticeable being the UC Gundams, the pilots of these 3 shows since to be attached to their mechas more than usually. In the other Gundams, such as UC Gundams, Gundams are nothing more than just machines being used by war. There is no attachment and no real purpose to fight. At the end, the pilots lost more than they can gain through war. There is really nothing worth to fight for other than realizing how worthless is fighting. That is part of the reason why Gundam is appealing to adults as well. I think different age groups are looking for different things and Gundam can provide something for everyone. At least I don't think Amuro or Usso are too attached to their giant robots.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue]Has anyone seen or heard of "Gundam SEED Destiny"? What's it about? Is coming to the US soon? Does anyone know?

First I'll answer that ^.^ ;;

SEED Destiny I've heard of and read about and I know that its still airing in Japan. So I'd give it a year or so before it airs here. For more information on that series you should check out mahq.net.

Now for the appeal. I believe what appealed to me with Gundam was the character development and the mecha designs. With the original MSG I was drawn in because of the plot twists and how it seemed like neither side was in the right with what they were doing. Also, I think the appeal was also with the model kits.
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