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Does Online Manga Ever Get You Depressed!?


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]No really, have you ever read your manga online because its more up to date then store boughten graphic novels and then your sitten there readin the latest chapter and something bad happens to your favorite character and now you're DEPRESSED until they UPDATE TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!?...Uh yea cause it just happened to me.*slink away into corner*[/FONT][/COLOR] :animeswea
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I wouldn't say it makes me Depressed, though usually one chapter is never enough to tide me over so it just makes me extremely anxious untill they release the next chapter, especially if something really big happens in that chapter and leaves it on a cliffhanger. in other words, what they do every single chapter in Bleach :animeangr
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I know how waiting for the FMA manga to come out on the internet is. I was reading it, getting REALLY into the manga, and then.... The next chapter was gone. I almost started to hyperventilate. Its still not updated, and its bugging the heck out of me. *dies*. Waiting for any really good manga on the internet always bugs me >.< and I'm one of the most patient people that I know.
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I can't say that the manga I read actually made me depressed when I read it online. What depressed me about it is that most of the series hasn't been translated into English yet and I can't get it here in the USA yet. It was fun to read it online because fans translated it into English so I got to see it. But at the current rate of translation it will proably be at least 5 years before they get to the spot where the online manga's I read are in the series. *sigh* Since Detective Conan is my favirote series I definalty find it depressing that so little of it is available here in the USA.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Online manga makes me depressed when i use my own pocket money to buy the manga books where all my friends read the manga for free online

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and improve your post quality, Sir Auron- although we're not trying to impose perfection on anyone, it would be greatly appreciated if you could use full stops, and add a little more detail in future. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[COLOR=Indigo]I took the Naruto test, it's pretty accurate.

And yes, I bet it pisses us all off, That's why I wait till alot of it (anime or manga) comes out at once, and while I wait, I see something, in it's entirety, all at once.[/COLOR]
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Well, I guess I've gotten a little [I]sad[/I] but not really [I]depressed[/I]. The online manga I visited that was pretty interesting was called [I]SENZURI[/I]. I won't link it here because it has some yaoi/yuri content that some people might not like so...we'll just leave it at that.

I guess it must really suck to wait for someone to update their online manga. Cliffhangers are the only things they use to keep you coming to their site...^_^()
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]i think its interesting because isnt that how it happens in japan, it comes out every week? If thats the case there are clifhangers every week in japan so i think all u people should stop complaining. its just like a show on TV.

It realy annoys me how far mangas are in stores, though. At that rate people who dont read the manga online will never get it in a long time.

And as for getting a series all at once...yes that can be a good idea with some series but with others its soooo long that its takes too long and i become impatient. some anime and manga i get hooked on too and really cant stop reading[/COLOR][/FONT]
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