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Is It Really Wrong To Have Peoples In Your Head?


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[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nope, nothing wrong with that at all. I do it all the time myself. But a lot of people think I'm crazy because of that--but when you're screaming and trying to punch the guy in your head people tend to think that way of you. It was his fault though for arguing that Coke is better than Pepsi, crazy little idiot he is! *shrugs*[/FONT][/COLOR]
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As long as it doesn't become dangerous or anything, like the...uh...voices in your head don't start telling you to do malicious stuff like hitting people, beating them up, killing, maiming, etc, have fun. ^_^

I used to play make believe when I was younger (Go sci-fi adventure with Nerf guns! Yeah!). Having a healthy imagination is good stuff.
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[size=1][color=DimGray][b]Nothing wrong[/b] with that at all.

I have a make-beleive nation inside my head, complete with it's own superstars and ideal president. It's just the way I'd imagine my country, should I be God for a day and create one, would turn out.

Whoops! Did I just let the little peoples outsuide my head? :whoops:
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[size=1]If it's getting to the stage where these people are taking on distinct personalities, developing histories, and you begin to approach them as real people, then yeah, there is something wrong. If you can't accept that these voices aren't real, then yeah, there is something wrong. If you're pretending that these voices are actual voices, and not you just talking to yourself, then yeah, there is something wrong.

Failing any of those criteria, then you should be OK. A bit weird, but OK.[/size]
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talking to people made up in your head is fine. it becomes problematic however, when it begins to boarder on schitzofrenia.

but there's nothing wrong with having an imagination. according to my psychologist, a healthy imagination is a sighn of good psychological development.
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[b]I think it's just fine, as long as [i]you're [/i]somewhere in there, as well...:D .[/b]

[b]If you get taken over by any of them... [i]especially[/i] if it's one of those sneaky little chibis... you may want to serve them a notice to vacate your grey matter...[/b]
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Apparently for me it is bad, cuz they are malicious, I do talk to myself, and I'm no longer aware of my presence in my head....... :animesmil Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Problems ,problems, problems!!!!! And what's this about borderlining scizaphrenia? Dude! I am a certified scizoid! And I'm proud! And the only thing I use my imagination for is to daydream...................

:( :( :( :( :( :(

Gomen Nasai!!!!!!! I have bothered all of you with my problems!!!!! Waaaaaahhhh!!!!! I am soooooooo sorry!!!! Please, forgive meeeee!
>>scurries off to her pit to cry<< :animecry:
sooooo....Uwo-sama, my master, how was your day.....?
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[color=indigo]Laxarix_sama, you do have a couple problems.

First, you are hungry for attention. While not an "issue" in and of itself, I think you're dealing with it the wrong way. Telling people you're certifiably crazy and posting nonsense on message boards isn't the [i]best[/i] way to make friends. Calm down a little. There's a shortage of exclamation points in the world--don't use more than your fair share. I'm sure you can be yourself without overdoing the hyper-insane factor that you're playing here.

The second problem is hopefully very easily rectified. Your post quality is a little 'out there.' What I mean is this: your posts are hard to read, and some are very pointless. Cut down the exclamation marks and smilies. When you're posting, try to stay on topic, and please avoid super-short posts. "But,but...the docters are [i]scary[/i] ! >>whimpers<<" really isn't enough information to merit a post of its own.

Read our rules and FAQ (you can find them along the left-hand sidebar). If you have questions, please feel free to PM myself, Panda, or another staff member (those people with [b]bolded[/b] titles under their member names, or those appearing on the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showgroups.php?]Staff List[/url].[/color]
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Well I thank u for ur honesty towards me, but i don;t really think i'm crazy. I don't walk around talking to a stuffed animal. I may do it once in a great while.
Could u be specific on what u mean by hyper- insane factor u see i'm trying to play here? I don't really have NE problems, I'm not a people person, so when i really need to talk bout somthing i either write it down or talk out loud bout it but i'm always by myself...... again thanx for ur honesty
[QUOTE=Lore][color=indigo]Laxarix_sama, you do have a couple problems.

First, you are hungry for attention. While not an "issue" in and of itself, I think you're dealing with it the wrong way. Telling people you're certifiably crazy and posting nonsense on message boards isn't the [i]best[/i] way to make friends. Calm down a little. There's a shortage of exclamation points in the world--don't use more than your fair share. I'm sure you can be yourself without overdoing the hyper-insane factor that you're playing here.

The second problem is hopefully very easily rectified. Your post quality is a little 'out there.' What I mean is this: your posts are hard to read, and some are very pointless. Cut down the exclamation marks and smilies. When you're posting, try to stay on topic, and please avoid super-short posts. "But,but...the docters are [i]scary[/i] ! >>whimpers<<" really isn't enough information to merit a post of its own.

Read our rules and FAQ (you can find them along the left-hand sidebar). If you have questions, please feel free to PM myself, Panda, or another staff member (those people with [b]bolded[/b] titles under their member names, or those appearing on the [url=http://otakuboards.com/showgroups.php?]Staff List[/url].[/color][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]~_^

If you really do have a problem, and haven't been visiting a Doctor, [b]get one[/b]. And if you don't have a problem, well... grow up.

What can I say?[/size][/QUOTE]
[b][color=darkred]After reading a bit more, I'd have to say I concur with the Baron on this...[/color][/b]
[b][color=#8b0000]either you really have some issues and need medical attention, or you are fishing for the "oh, she's so weird that she's cute" sympathy- attention- thing. It isn't cute- it's kind of irritating... go whimper to a psychologist.[/color][/b]
[b][color=black]edit: [/color][/b]
[center] [b][color=black]*heh*- I didn't mean to make that sound quite as b****y as it did...:animeshy: [/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=black][/color][/b] [/center]
[center][b][color=black]I tend to be a little harsher than I need to be at times, and I apologize.[/color][/b][/center]
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]No way, think about the people who are the only child in the family (like me :D ), and I have third person conversations with myself (if thats even possible:animestun)...but what does she know anyway...... :D[/COLOR][/FONT]
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I have a friend who wants to be a writer, and she claims to be able to so develop characters in her mind that she can ask them questions about what they would do in situations, and have pseudo-conversations with them. As far as I know, she is perfectly sane, and one of the more intelligent people I know. I guess people with really strong imaginations can construct 'voices' for creative or entertainment purposes without losing touch with reality.

But if the voices seem to be acting independant of your influence, and telling you to do stuff, yeah, go see a psychiatrist or trained counselor asap.
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I may not have that big of an original world in my head, but I have a world for each of the animes that I really like in my head. I don't usually think of anything else.*needs a life* Whats really weird is when you think things like "maybe if I do this... this will happen and I will be sucked into the (insert anime/manga/game here) world", and yes, I do this. :animeswea
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i]First off, I have to say that how many times are people going to say one thing and then the other? I see many people switching sides, and then going "Oh but I agree with this person, oh no wait, its perfectly okay" just make up your mind already. I'm also a writer, and yes I create people in my head for writing purposes only. Do I talk to them? no but I dont think people who do are considered crazy. Theres nothing wrong with talking to yourself, or making up people thats called using your imagination. Imagination is something that is not childish but that even adults use as they get older. Its when it gets to a violent point where these "people" inflict harm on others, or cause stress in your daily life. If this is happening every day and you do not do any activities, this can become a serious problem and THEN you should seek help from your local doctor. I've known someone that was schizophrenic and It's definately not something to be taken lightly. Just Keep that in mind. [/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I talk to myself alot. Mostly at home..Hey noone else is there to talk to! and I do it at school sometimes too. I guess I developed the habit in grade school when I realized noone really cared about what I had to say. So I'd be talking, ya know, about something maybe I thought was cool or intresting but then they'd start talkin about something else while I was still talking so , 'hey what the heck!, why not just continue the conversation with yourself?atleast you know what your saying is intresting.' God I cant wait till next year when I will meet people who will actually care about me and what I think actually does matter.. :animeangr .[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Pumpkin][font=Georgia][size=2][i]First off, I have to say that how many times are people going to say one thing and then the other? I see many people switching sides, and then going "Oh but I agree with this person, oh no wait, its perfectly okay" just make up your mind already. [/i][/size'][/font][/quote]
[b][color=darkred]I had to change my mind after reading her responses that came after my post... my perspective changed in light of new information... voila!- my mind is made.[/color][/b]
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[quote name='gaarasgirl90][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I talk to myself alot. Mostly at home..Hey noone else is there to talk to! and I do it at school sometimes too. I guess I developed the habit in grade school when I realized noone really cared about what I had to say. So I'd be talking, ya know, about something maybe I thought was cool or intresting but then they'd start talkin about something else while I was still talking so , 'hey what the heck!, why not just continue the conversation with yourself?atleast you know what your saying is intresting.' God I cant wait till next year when I will meet people who will actually care about me and what I think actually does matter.. :animeangr .[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]

yeah, i talk to myself, i'm ussually in my room most of the time and there is really nothing to do so i talk ot myself!!!!
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